990 resultados para acid chloride
Inexpensive and commercially available nano-powder magnetite is an excellent catalyst for the addition of acid chlorides to internal and terminal alkynes, yielding the corresponding chlorovinyl ketones in good yields. The process has been applied to the synthesis of 5-chloro-4-arylcyclopent-2-enones, 3-aryl-1H-cyclopenta[a]naphthalen-1-ones, and (E)-3-alkylidene-2,3-dihydro-1H-cyclopenta[a]naphthalen-1-ones, just by changing the nature of the starting acid chloride or the alkyne. All tested processes elapse with an acceptable or excellent regio- and stereo-selectivity. Moreover, the use of the iridium impregnated on magnetite catalyst permits the integration of the chloroacylation process with a second dehydrochlorination–annulation process to yield, in one-pot, 1-aryl-2,4-dialkylfurans in good yields, independently of the nature of the starting reagents, and including the heteroaromatic ones.
Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena oli tutkia pitkäketjuisten rasvahappokloridien ja alkyyliketeenidimeerien (AKD) valmistusreaktioiden kinetiikkaa. Työn tavoitteena oli saada mittaustuloksia, joiden perusteella voitaisiin kehittää reaktioille kineettinen kineettinen malli ja suorittaa valmistusprosessien alustava optimointi. Teoreettisessa osassa on selvitetty rasvahappokloridien ja alkyyliketeenidimeerien (AKD) eri valmistustapoja. Lisäksi on perehdytty tarkemmin rasvahappokloridien dehydrohalogenointireaktioiden reaktiomekanismeihin ja valmistusprosessin problematiikkaan. Kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin rasvahappokloridien valmistusta klooraamalla öljyhappoa 30 mol-% fosforitrikloridiylimäärällä lämpötiloissa 45, 50 ja 55OC. Alkyyliketeenidimeerien valmistusta tutkittiin dehydrohalogenoimalla palmitiini- ja öljyhappokloridia 0-30 mol-% trietyyliamiiniylimäärällä inertissä liuottimessa, lämpötiloissa 45 ja 50OC. Reaktiot toteutettiin puolipanosreaktiona, joissa reaktioastiassa olevaan reagenssin ja liuottimen seokseen lisättiin lähtöaine tasaisena massavirtana. Reaktioiden etenemistä seurattiin FT-IR- ja GC-analyysien avulla. Kalorimetrisilla kokeilla tutkittiin öljyhappokloridin dimeroitumisreaktion reaktiolämmön muodostumista ja UV-VIS-analyyseillä seurattiin öljyhappokloridin vanhenemista. Öljyhappokloridin valmistusreaktiolle saatiin hyvä kineettinen malli. Kineettisen mallin puutteena voidaan pitää sitä, ettei kokeissa saatu tietoa mahdollisten sivutuotteiden muodostumisesta. Sovitusohjelmalla saatiin sovitettua estimaatit reaktionopeusvakioille lämpötiloissa 45, 50 ja 55OC. Happokloridien dimeroitumisreaktioiden kineettisen mallin sopivuudelle saatiin suhteellisen hyvä kuva Kuten öljyhappokloridin tapauksessa, myöskään AKD:n valmistusreaktioissa syntynyt sivutuotteita, joten niiden osuutta oletettuun kineettiseen malliin ei tunneta. Sovitusohjelmalla saatiin sovitettua estimaatit reaktionopeusvakioille lämpötiloissa 45 ja 50OC.
Tässä työssä tutkittiin erilaisten sisäisten donorien vaikutusta polypropeenin ominaisuuksiin käytettäessä Ziegler-Natta-katalyyttiä, joka valmistettiin Borealiksen aiemmin kehittämällä kaksifaasimenetelmällä. Tällä uudella menetelmällä katalyytti voidaan valmistaa ilman lisättyä sisäistä donoria ja kantajaa. Katalyyttihiukkaset saadaan kaksifaasisysteemin ansiosta muodoltaan pyöreiksi. Työn kokeellisessa osassa valmistettiin erilaisia Mg-komplekseja, jossa sisäinen donori muodostuu in-situ alkoholin ja karboksyylihappokloridin reagoidessa keskenään. Katalyyttisynteesissä Mg-kompleksi reagoi TiCl4:n kanssa. Saatujen katalyyttien ominaisuuksia testattiin polymeroimalla niillä propeenia 70 °C:ssa tunnin ajan. Polymeerien ominaisuuksia tutkittiin useiden eri karakterisointimenetelmien avulla. Lisäksi tutkittiin mahdollisuutta valmistaa katalyytti, joka ei sisältäisi ftalaattia. Työssä havaittiin, että katalyytin valmistusmenetelmä on käyttökelpoinen myös muilla sisäisillä donoreilla kuin referenssinä käytetyllä DOP:lla. Kaksiliuosfaasi-systeemi saatiin aikaan myös kahdella muulla työssä tutkitulla sisäisellä donorilla. Lisäksi faasitasapainokokeissa kahden liuosfaasin systeemi saatiin aikaan sisäisellä donorilla, joka ei sisältänyt ftalaattia. Kyseisellä katalyytillä havaittiin olevan muista katalyyteistä poikkeavia ominaisuuksia. Esimerkiksi se antoi matalamman isotaktisuuden kuin referenssikatalyytti ja se saattaisikin soveltua matalan isotaktisuuden pehmeille tuotteille. Työssä kokeiltiin yhdellä uudella katalyytillä myös eteenin polymerointia, sillä katalyytin donoripitoisuus oli hyvin matala. Katalyytin aktiivisuus eteenipolymeroinnissa oli varsin hyvä.
Työssä tutkittiin kirjallisuuden ja laboratoriomittausten avulla vaihtoehtoja kullan pelkistämiseen ja talteenottoon kultauuton takaisinuuttoliuoksista. Tavoitteena oli löytää menetelmä, jolla saadaan puhdasta kiinteää lopputuotetta ilman kullan häviöitä. Käytettyjä pelkistimiä olivat D-(+)-glukoosi, natriumboorihydridi, L-askorbiinihappo, D-(-)-isoaskorbiinihappo ja aktiivihiili. Laboratoriokokeiden perusteella D-(-)-isoaskorbiinihappo sekä aktiivihiili olivat sopivimmat pelkistimet kokeissa käytetylle kultaliuokselle. Isoaskorbiinihapolla suoritettiin panoskokeita lasireaktorissa eri alku-pH:ssa sekä erilaisilla pelkistimen ja kullan moolisuhteilla. Tulosten perusteella havaittiin pH:n ja pelkistimen ylimäärän vaikuttavan merkittävästi lopputuotteen puhtauteen. Myös redox-potentiaalia säätämällä ja happopesulla pelkistyksen jälkeen voidaan vaikuttaa lopputuotteen puhtauteen. Aktiivihiilellä suoritettiin panoskokeita adsorptiotasapainojen (latausisotermi) ja kinetiikan tutkimiseksi. Hiileen on mahdollista saada kultaa 383 mg/g kuivaa hiiltä. Suurempi lataus voitaisiin saavuttaa käyttämällä hiiltä, jolla on pienempi partikkelikoko. Kolonnikokeita tehtiin eri virtausnopeuksilla. Kolonnikokeissa kullan dynaaminen adsorptiokapasiteetti hiileen odotetusti kasvoi virtausnopeuden laskiessa. Pienin käytetty virtausnopeus oli 2,40 BV/h, jolloin kapasiteetti oli 75,4 mg/g kuivaa hiiltä (c (Au feed) = 129 mg/L). Kullasta voidaan poistaa myös kolonnipelkistyksen jälkeen epäpuhtauksia happopesulla. Isoaskorbiinihapolla pelkistyksen kinetiikka on nopea ja sillä saatiin pelkistettyä puhdasta lopputuotetta. Sekä isoaskorbiinihappo, että aktiivihiili ovat potentiaalisia menetelmiä kullan talteenottoon.
This research was directed towards the investigation and development of an aryne route to the syntheses of aporphi ne and dibenzopyrrocolinium (dibenzoindolizinium) alkaloids and to the stability of the latter under the conditions used for aryne formation. The work c an be divided into three main sections . i) - Synthesis of Glaucine 6-Bromo-3,4-dimethoxyphenylacetic acid, prepared by the action of bromine i n acetic acid on3,4-dimethoxyphenylacetic a cid, was converted into its acid chloride by t he action of thionyl chloride. This on treatment with 3,4- dimethoxyphenylethylamine pr ovided N-(3, 4-dimethoxyphenylethyl)- 2-(2-bromo-4,S-dimethoxyphenyl)-acetamide which on dehydration with phosphoryl chloride (Bischler Napieralski reaction) in dry benzene afforded l -(2-bromo-4,S-dimethoxybenzyl)- 3,4-dihydro-6,7-dimethoxyisoquinoline, isolated as hydrochl oride. A new method o f destroying the excess of phosphoryl chloride was developed which proved to be quite useful. Methylation of the dihydroisoquinoline'with methyl iodide in methanol , and subsequent reduction with sodium borohydride provided (±)-6-bromolaudanosine. Act ion of potassamide or sodamide in anhydrous liquid ammonia on (±)-6-bromolaudanosine yielded the corresponding amino derivative along with other products. Diazotization and ring closure of (±)-6-aminolaudanosine then a f forded (±)-glaucine which was isolated as methiodide. ii) - Intramolecular Capture of Aryne During Glaucine Synthesis, and Subsequent Reactions . This section deals with the by-products formed under the conditions of the aryne stage of t he glaucine synthesis. The crude product, obtained in the reaction of potassamide or sodamide in liquid ammonia on (±)-6-bromolaudanosine, was s eparated by chromatography, Three products were separated and identified. a ) - 5,6-Dimethoxy-2-( 3,4-dimethoxy-6-ethylphenyl)-lmethylindole. Two mechanisms are proposed for the formation of this interesting product. This compound also was prepared by the action of potassamide in l,iquid ammonia on 5,6 ,l2,l2atetrahydro- 2,3,9,lO-tetramethoxy-7-methyldibenz[b,g]indolizinium i odide . b) - 5,6-Dimethoxy-2-(3,4-dimethoxy-6-vinylphenyl)-lmethylindoline. Its formation represented a new method of Hofmann degradation . Further confirmation of structure was done by performing the normal Hofmann reaction on 5, 6,12,12a-tetrahydro -2/3,9,lO-tetramethoxy ~7-methyldibe nz[ b,g]indolizinium iodide. The indoline prepared i n this way was identical in all respects with that prepared above . c) - 1- (2-amino-4,5-dimethoxybenzyl ) -l,2,3,4-tetrahydro-2- methyl-6,7-dimethoxyisoquinoline, was converted t o glaucine as stated in section 1 . iii) - Attempt:,ed Sxnthesis of Liriodenine Piperonal was converted into 3,4-methylenedioxyinitrostyrene which on reduction with lithium aluminium hydride provided 3,4-methylenedioxyphenylethylamine. The method of extraction after the reduction was improved t o some extent. The amine on condensation with m-chlorophenylacetyl chloride, prepared by the action of oxalyl chloride on 3,4-methylenedioxyphenylacetic acid, provided N-[ ~ -(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)- e thyl)-3-chlorophenylacetamide. This on dehydration with phosphoryl chloride in dry benzene followed by air oxidation afforded l-(3-chlorobenzoyl)-6,7-methylenedioxyi soquinoline. This compound on r eaction with potassamide in liquid ammonia afforded a crude product from which. one product was separated by chromatography i n a pure condition . This yellow compound analysed as,c17Hl ON2021 and was t he main product i n the reaction ; a t entative structure is proposed. A second compound, not obtained in pure condition, was submitted to Pschorr reaction in the hope of obtaining liriodenine, but without success.
This research was directed mainly towards the investigation of the reacti.ons of· substituted chlorobenziophenones under strongly basi,c conditions. The work 'can be divided into two main sections. The Introduction deals mainly with historical studies on aryne chemistry and the Haller-Bauer reaction. Secti.on I i.s concerned with syntheses of 2-benzamido-2'chlorobenzophenone and 2-benzamido~3'-chlorobenzophenone,and with thei,r respective reactions wi.th potassium amide in ammonia. o-Chlorophenylacetic acid was converted to the acid chloride and then by Friedel-Craftsreaction with benzene to w-(o-chlorophenyl)acetophenone. Reaction wi.th phenylhydrazine and Fischer cyclization gave 3- (0chlorophenyl)- 2-phenylindole, which was ozonized to 2-benzamido-2'chlorobenzophenone. The isomeric 3' -chlor,..o ke: tone was similarly synthesised from m-chlorophenylacetic acid. Both the 2'- and 3' -ch.loroketones gave N-benzoylacridone on treatment with potassium amide in ammonia; an aryne mechanism is involved for the 3'-chloroketone but aryne and nucleophilic substitution mechanisms are possible for the 2'-chloroketone. Hydrolysis of the 2'- and 3'-chloroketones gave 2-amino-2'chlorobenzophenone and 2-amino-3'-chlorobenzophenone respectively. A second new acridone synthesis is given in the Appendix involving reactions of these two ketones with potassium t-butoxide in t-butylbenzene. i Section 2 deals with the investigation of the reaction of some tricyclic ch1orobenzophenones with potassium amide in liquid ammonia. These were 1-ch1orof1uorenone; which was pr~pared in several steps from f1uoranthene, and 1- and 2-ch1oroanthraquinones. 1-Ch1orof1uorenone gave 1-aminof1uorenone ; 1-ch1oroanthraquinone gave 1- and 2-aminoanthraquinones; 2-ch1oroanthraquinone was largely recovered from the attempted reaction.
Aromatic poly(ether-ketone)s having pendant carboxyl groups have been obtained by direct, one-pot, Friedel-Crafts copolycondensation of 4,4'-diphenoxybenzophenone with a mixture of terephthaloyl chloride (TC) and trimellitic anhydride acid chloride (TAAC), over a wide range of TAAC/TC molar ratios, in the presence of anhydrous aluminum chloride. The syntheses were performed as precipitation-polycondensations, and the polymers were obtained in particulate form. Besides globular particles of polymer, small quantities of elongated, needlelike particles were observed when the mole ratio TAAC/TC was less than 1. Use of X-ray microdiffraction with synchrotron radiation has revealed that the needlelike material consists of a cyclic compound containing 10 phenylene units, i.e., the crystals are of a [2 + 2] macrocyclic dimer. The polymers obtained are soluble in strong acids and in mixtures of methanesulfonic acid or trifluoroacetic acid with chlorinated hydrocarbons. The molecular structures of the polymers were confirmed by H-1 and C-13 NMR spectroscopy. Reaction of TAAC with 4,4'-diphenoxybenzophenone produced mainly meta-orientation of the resulting ketone linkages. The size of the polymer particles, their molecular weights, and the melting behavior of the products obtained depend on the TAAC/TC ratio used. Ortho-keto acid residues, formed during reaction of anhydride groups of TAAC with 4,4'-diphenoxybenzophenone, exhibit ring-chain tautomerism. A carboxyl-containing aromatic polyketone derived from p-terphenyl, and thus having with no ether linkages in the main chain, was prepared by analogous chemistry, and functional derivatives of carboxy-substituted polyketones were also obtained and characterized.
The preparation and use of an azide-containing monolithic reactor is described for use in a flow chemistry device and in particular for conducting Curtius rearrangement reactions via acid chloride inputs.
From a hexane extract of stems and roots of Aristolochia pubescens, the new neolignans (2S,3S,1'R,2'R)- and (2S,3S, 1'S,2'R)-2,3-dihydro-5-(1',2'-dihydroxypropyl)-2-(4-hydroxy-3-methylbenzofuran) and (2S,3S,1'R,2'R)- and (2S,3S,1'S,2'R)-2,3-dihydro-5-(1',2'-dihydroxypropyl)-2-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-7-methoxy-3-methyl-benzofuran were isolated, together with the known neolignan licarin A, and its bisnor-neolignan aldehyde and acid derivatives. In addition, sitosterol, 8R,9R-oxide-beta-caryophyllene, kobusone, ent-kauran-16 alpha, 17-diol, vanillin, vanillic acid, (+)-sesamin, (+)eudesmin, and (-)-cubebin were isolated. The structures of the new compounds have been elucidated by spectroscopic methods and by chemical transformation using Mosher's acid chloride. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit erfolgten Oberflächenmodifizierungen durch Polymere nach zwei Ansätzen. Dies war zum einen ein Ansatz, bei dem die Oberflächen mit Diblockcopolymeren versehen wurden. Diese bestanden aus einem Ankerblock, der starke Wechselwirkungen mit der Oberfläche zeigt, und einem Bojenblock, der gezielte Eigenschaften trägt. Zum anderen erfolgten Modifizierungen durch auf Plasmaschichten verankerte Homopolymere. Beide Ansätze erfolgten auf zwei Substraten von unterschiedlichen Eigenschaften. Diese waren das Siliciumoxid, für das Modifizierungen durch radikalische in-situ Oberflächenpolymerisation, und das Poly(ethylen-stat-norbornen), für das Modifizierungen durch ex-situ dargestellte Polymere gewählt wurden. Beim ersten Ansatz zur Modifizierung der Siliciumoxidoberfläche ermöglichte ein adsorbierter Poly(e-caprolacton)-Makroinitiator die Oberflächenpolymerisation hin zu oberflächenverankertem Poly(e-caprolacton)-block-poly(alkyl(meth)acrylat). Beim zweiten Ansatz erfolgte die Abscheidung von plasmapolymerisiertem Allylamin, die Immobilisierung des Azoinitiators 4,4-Azobis(4-cyanopentansäurechlorid) und die nachfolgende Oberflächenpolymerisation von Methylmethacrylat oder Styrol. Beim ersten Modifizierungsansatz der Poly(ethylen-stat-norbornen)-Oberfläche sollte diese mit thermisch interdiffundierten Poly(ethylen-alt-propylen)-block-poly(dimethylsiloxan) versehen werden. Trotz erfolgreicher Synthese wurde gezeigt, daß keine Interdiffusion stattfand. Im zweiten Modifizierungsansatz wurde die Oberfläche mit aus einem Hexamethyldisiloxan/Sauerstoff-Plasma abgeschiedenem reinem Siliciumoxid beschichtet, woran sich die Adsorption von Poly(dimethylsiloxan) anschloß. Damit konnten die hohen Haftreibungskräfte gegenüber Halogenbutylgummi erfolgreich beseitigt werden.
Ziel war Herstellung und Charakterisierung festkörperunterstützter Membransysteme aus Glykolipopolymeren auf Goldoberflächen, mit elektrischen Eigenschaften, die denen der Schwarzfilmmembranen entsprechen. Um diese Eigenschaften mit impedanzspektroskopischen Techniken messen zu können, ist die Präparation der Membranen auf Goldfilmen notwendig. Eine direkte Verankerung der Glykolipopolymermoleküle (GLP) auf der Goldoberfläche ist nicht möglich, daher werden die untersuchten GLP mit Hilfe von photoreaktiven Molekülen kovalent auf der Goldoberfläche immobilisiert. Untersuchten Abstandhalter waren Thio-Polyethylenglykol und eine Mischung zweier Alkanthiole, bestehend aus 1-Thiohexanol und Bis-(Aminododecyl)-disulfid. Thio-PEG-Monoschichten zeigten sehr unterschiedliche Schichtdicken, weil die Moleküle auf der Oberfläche sehr unterschiedliche Konformationen annehmen können, die eine regelmässige Anordnung erschweren. Langmuir-Blodgett Übertrag sowie die durchgeführte photochemische Fixierung der GLP-Moleküle auf Thio-PEG Schichten führte zu Eigenschaften, die auf den Aufbau einer Lipidmonolage hinweisen. Diese stellte jedoch im Bereich der Lipidmoleküle keine geschlossene Schicht dar. Es kommen als Abstandhaltermoleküle für die Photofunktionalisierung nur Moleküle in Frage, die aufgrund ihrer Eigenschaften eine regelmässige Anordnung auf der Goldoberfläche anstreben. Diese Voraussetzung erfüllt am besten die Gruppe der Alkanthiole. Terminal funktionalisierte Alkanthiole müssen jedoch mit nicht oder anderweitig funktionalisierten Alkanthiolen verdünnt assembliert werden, um weitergehende Funktionalisierungen einzugehen. Die untersuchten GLP lassen sich aufgrund ihrer amphiphilen Struktur an der Wasser-Luft Grenzfläche vororientieren. In allen Fällen gelingt auch der Langmuir-Blodgett Übertrag der komprimierten Schicht, sowie, nach der für die Anbindung notwendigen Trocknung, die photochemisch kovalente Fixierung der Monoschicht durch Bestrahlung mit UV-Licht. Damit konnte erstmals die photochemisch kovalente Fixierung von GLPs auf der Goldoberfläche gezeigt werden. Untersuchungen erfolgten an einem Copolymer sowie zwei unterschiedlichen Homopolymermolekülen. Der unterschiedliche molekulare Aufbau der GLP spiegelt sich in ihrem Verhalten an der Wasser-Luft Grenzfläche sowie in den Eigenschaften der gebildeten Monoschichten wieder. Die Copolymer-Schichten zeigten sehr unterschiedliche Schichtdicken. Auch die EIS-Daten sind schlecht reproduzierbar. Dies ist auf die molekulare Struktur des Copolymers zurückzuführen. Gänzlich unterschiedlich verhalten sich die Homopolymere. Aufgrund ihrer Struktur lassen sie sich zu dichten Schichten komprimieren. Messungen der Fluoreszenzerholung nach Photobleichung (FRAP) zeigen homogene aber nicht fluide Schichten. Die photochemisch kovalente Fixierung des Moleküls auf der Goldoberfläche konnte durch SPR- sowie EIS-Messungen nachgewiesen werden. Die EIS-Messungen zeigen Werte, die sich in Bereichen der idealen Modellmembran bewegen. Der erfolgreiche Einbau von Valinomycin konnte bestätigt werden. FRAP Untersuchungen zeigten die Bildung homogener Schichten. Diese sind jedoch im Bereich der proximalen Lipidschicht nicht fluide. Um die Fluidität in Anlehnung an die Eigenschaften der natürlichen Membranen zu erhöhen, wurden die photochemisch kovalent fixierten Anker-Glykolipopolymer-Moleküle durch Mischung mit freien Lipiden lateral verdünnt. Auch die kovalente Fixierung der GLP-Bausteine innerhalb gemischten Schichten konnte erfolgreich demonstriert werden. Die Schichten zeigten sich jedoch, mit Ausnahme der Schichten aus 50mol% Homopolymer und 50mol% Lipid, inhomogen. Nach Photobleichung durch den Laserblitz kam es nur bei den 50mol%:50mol% -Schichten (Ho: Lipid) zur Erholung der Fluoreszenz, was auf das Vorliegen von beweglichen Lipidmolekülen innerhalb der Membran schliessen lässt. Der Versuch der Inkorporation von Valinomycin gelang ebenfalls. Alle genannten Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die molekulare Architektur der hergestellten Schichten durch die unterschiedlichen Längendimensionen des Homopolymer-Moleküls einerseits, sowie des Lipids andererseits nicht für alle Mischungsverhältnisse ausreichend stabil ist. Die für die kovalente Fixierung erforderliche Trocknung der Schicht führt zu einer deutlichen Verminderung des Wassergehaltes des Systems und einer daraus resultierenden starken Destabilisierung der aufgebauten Schichten. Insgesamt gesehen stellt somit die photochemische Fixierung der glykosidischen Homopolymer-Membranen ein vielversprechendes Modellsystem dar.
Polymer nanoparticles functionalized on the surface with photo-responsive labels were synthesized. In a first synthetic step, polystyrene was copolymerized with the cross-linker divinylbenzene and poly(ethylene glycol) acrylate in a miniemulsion, to produce nano-sized spheres (~ 60 nm radius) with terminal hydroxyl groups, which were functionalized in a subsequent synthetic step with photo-responsive labels. For this purpose, two photo-active molecular structures were separately used: anthracene, which is well known to form covalently bonded dimers upon photo-excitation; and pyrene, which only forms short lived excited state dimers (excimers). Acid derivatives of these labels (9-anthracene carboxylic acid and 1-pyrene butyric acid) were bonded to the hydroxyl terminal groups of the nanoparticles through an esterification reaction, via the intermediate formation of the corresponding acid chloride.rnThe obtained labeled nanoparticles appeared to be highly hydrophobic structures. They formed lyophobic suspensions in water, which after analysis by dynamic light scattering (DLS) and ultramicroscopic particle tracking, appeared to equilibrate as a collection of singly dispersed nanoparticles, together with a few nanoparticle aggregates. The relative amount of aggregates decreased with increasing amounts of the surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), thus confirming that aggregation is an equilibrated state resulting from lyophobicity. The formation of such aggregates was corroborated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The photo-irradiation of the lyophobic aqueous suspensions of anthracene labeled nanoparticles (An-NP) resulted in the formation of higher aggregates, as evidenced by DLS and ultramicroscopy. The obtained state of aggregation could be reverted by sonication. The possibility to re-aggregate the system in subsequent photo-excitation and sonication cycles was established. Likewise, the photo-irradiation of lyophobic aqueous suspensions of pyrene-labeled nanoparticles (Py-NP) resulted in the formation of higher aggregates, as evidenced by DLS and ultramicroscopy. These appeared to remain aggregated due to hydrophobic interactions. This system could also be re-dispersed by sonication and re-aggregated in subsequent cycles of photo-excitation and sonication.
Because of the poor solubility of the commercially available bisacylphosphine oxides in dental acidic aqueous primer formulations, bis(3-{[2-(allyloxy)ethoxy]methyl}-2,4,6-trimethylbenzoyl)(phenyl)phosphine oxide (WBAPO) was synthesized starting from 3-(chloromethyl)-2,4,6-trimethylbenzoic acid by the dichlorophosphine route. The substituent was introduced by etherification with 2-(allyloxy)ethanol. In the second step, 3-{[2-(allyloxy)ethoxy]methyl}-2,4,6-trimethylbenzoic acid was chlorinated. The formed acid chloride showed an unexpected low thermal stability. Its thermal rearrangement at 180 ° C resulted in a fast formation of 3-(chloromethyl)-2,4,6-trimethylbenzoic acid 2-(allyloxy)ethyl ester. In the third step, the acid chloride was reacted with phenylphosphine dilithium with the formation of bis(3-{[2-(allyloxy)ethoxy]methyl}-2,4,6-trimethylbenzoyl)(phenyl)phosphine, which was oxidized to WBAPO. The structure of WBAPO was confirmed by ¹H NMR, ¹³C NMR, ³¹P NMR, and IR spectroscopy, as well as elemental analysis. WBAPO, a yellow liquid, possesses improved solubility in polar solvents and shows UV-vis absorption, and a high photoreactivity comparable with the commercially available bisacylphosphine oxides. A sufficient storage stability was found in dental acidic aqueous primer formulations.
Mucohalogen acids have been used for the preparation of a variety of 3,4-clihalogenated 2(5H)-furanones. In one synthetic step the carbarnates 2a-c and the pseudoanhydrides 4a-e were prepared using isocyanates and acid anhydrides. A series of 5-alkoxylated 3,4-dichloro-2(5H)-furanones 5a-o have been synthesized with a wide range of lipophilicity, using the hydroxy-form of mucohalogen acids 1a and 1b. The 5-allyl-3,4-dichloro-2(5H)-furanone 5f was derived into the dihydro-isoxazol 6 and the oxirane 7. The methyl ester 5a was converted with ammonia into the tetramic acid chloride 11. The pseudo acid chloride 3 was reacted further into the bis aziricline 8. Reduction of the mucochloric acid 1a furnished the trichlorofuranone 3. The cytotoxicity of these simple and bis-cyclic butenolides have been evaluated in tissue culture on MAC13 and MAC16 cancer cell lines using the MTT cytotoxicity assay. The ester 5g, the acetate 4b and the carbamate 2b displayed a cytotoxicity in the low micromolar range. Further, an IC50 (50% inhibitory concentration) of 50 nM and 30 nm was determined forthe epoxide 7 and the aziridine 18. © 2004 The Authors Recieved.
The antitumour imidazotetrazinones are believed to act as prodrugs for the triazene series of alkylating agents, showing a marked pteference for the alkylation of the middle guanine residue in a run of three or more contiguous guanines. However, the. exact nature of the interactions of imidazotetrazinones within the micro~environment of DNA are; as yet unknown. In order to examine such interactions a three pronged approach involving molecular modelling, synthetic chemistry and biological analysis has been undertaken during the course of this project. . Molecular modelling studies have shown that for the 8-carboxamido substituted imidazotetrazinones antitumour activity is dependent upon the. presence of a free NH group which can be involved in the formation of both intramolecular and intermolecular hydrogen bonds, and the presence of a non-bulky substituent with a small negative potential . volume. Modelling studies involving the docking of .mitozolomide into the major groove of DNA in the region of a triguanine sequence has shown that a number of hydrogen bonding interactions are feasible. A series of 8-substituted carboxamide derivatives of mitozolomide have been synthesised via the 8-acid chloride and 8-carboxylic acid derivatives including a number of peptide analogues. The peptide derivatives were based upon the key structural features of the helix-turn-helix motif of DNA-binding proteins with a view to developing agents that are capable of binding to DNA with greater selectivity. An examination of the importance of intramolecular hydrogen bonding in influencing the antitumour activity:of :the imidazotetrazinones has led to the synthesis of the novel pyrimido[4',5' :4,3]pyrazolo[5,1-d]-1,2,3,5-tetrazine ring system. In general, in vitro cytotoxicity assays showed that the new derivatives were less active against the TLX5 lymphoma cell line. than the parent compound mitozolomide despite an increased potential for hydrogen bonding interactions. Due to the high reactivity of the: tetrazinone ring system it is difficult to study the interactions between the imidazotetrazinones and DNA. Consequently a number of structural analogues that are stable under physiological conditions have been. prepared based upon the 1,2,3 triazin-4(3H)-one ring system fused with both benzene and pyrazole rings. Although the 3-methylbenzotriazinones failed to antagonise the cytotoxic activity of temozolomide encouraging results with a 3-methylpyrazolotriazinone may suggest the existence of an imidazotetrazinone receptor site within DNA. The potential of guanine rich sequences to promote the alkylating selectivity of imidazotetrazinones by acting as a catalyst for ring cleavage and thereby generation of the alkylating agent was examined. Experiments involving the monitoring: of the rate of breakdown of mitozolomide incubated in the presence of synthetic oIigonucleotides did not reveal any catalytic effect resulting from the DNA. However, it was noted that the breakdown of mitozolomide was dependent upon the type of buffer used in the incubations and this may indeed mask any catalysis by the oligonucleotides.