992 resultados para access, aged, process, triage, wait time


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This study investigates travel behaviour and wait-time activities as a component of passenger satisfaction with public transport in Brisbane, Australia. Australian transport planners recognise a variety of benefits to encouraging a mode shift away from automobile travel in favour of active and public transport use. Efforts to increase public transport ridership have included introducing state of the art passenger information systems, improving physical station access, and integrating system pricing, routes and scheduling for train, bus and ferry. Previous research regarding satisfaction with public transport emphasizes technical dimensions of service quality, including the timing and reliability of service. Those factors might be especially significant for frequent (commuting) travellers who look to balance the cost and efficiency of their travel options. In contrast, infrequent (leisure) passengers may be more concerned with way finding and the sensory experience of the journey. Perhaps due to the small relative proportion of trips made by river ferry compared to bus and rail, this mode of public transport has not received as much attention in travel-behaviour research. This case study of Brisbane’s river ferry system examines ferry passengers at selected terminals during peak and off-peak travel times to find out how travel behaviours and activities correlate to satisfaction with ferry travel. Data include 416 questionnaires completed by passengers intercepted during wait times at seven CityCat terminals in Brisbane. Descriptive statistical analysis revealed associations between specific wait time activities and satisfaction levels that could inform planners seeking to increase ridership and quality of life through ferry-oriented development.


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Objective: To examine if streamlining a medical research funding application process saved time for applicants. Design: Cross-sectional surveys before and after the streamlining. Setting: The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) of Australia. Participants: Researchers who submitted one or more NHMRC Project Grant applications in 2012 or 2014. Main outcome measures: Average researcher time spent preparing an application and the total time for all applications in working days. Results: The average time per application increased from 34 working days before streamlining (95% CI 33 to 35) to 38 working days after streamlining (95% CI 37 to 39; mean difference 4 days, bootstrap p value <0.001). The estimated total time spent by all researchers on applications after streamlining was 614 working years, a 67-year increase from before streamlining. Conclusions: Streamlined applications were shorter but took longer to prepare on average. Researchers may be allocating a fixed amount of time to preparing funding applications based on their expected return, or may be increasing their time in response to increased competition. Many potentially productive years of researcher time are still being lost to preparing failed applications.


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This study explored the lived experience of security and contentment, and their absence, for latency-aged children (aged 8-12) living in shared-time parenting arrangements following their parents' separation. A descriptive phenomenological methodology was utilized (Giorgi, 1985, 2009; Giorgi & Giorgi, 2003, 2008). Sixteen children living in shared-time were interviewed about their experiences of two phenomena: "feeling secure and content living in shared-time" and "not feeling secure and content living in shared-time." The eight richest protocols were selected for analysis. The two resultant general structures and their core constituents are presented, and individual variations discussed. Central to each phenomenon is the parent/s' capacity, or incapacity, to create and sustain a physical and emotional space in which the child feels secure and held in the mind, feels the arrangements are responsive to their needs, feels free to access the "absent" parent, and experiences integration between the two parental homes. Implications for phenomenological human science research are considered, including the use of descriptive phenomenology with children.


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Criminal behavior has been explained by the idea that offenders have a lack of self-control. Yet, Wilson and Daly reported that juvenile offenders exhibit time-discounting tendencies similar to those of nonoffending juveniles. As no previous study has compared time-discounting behavior of adult offenders with nonoffenders, we raise the question, do adult offenders exhibit shorter time horizons or the tendency to discount future rewards? To answer this question, 89 offenders (ex-prisoners and prisoners) and 106 nonoffenders completed a time-discounting measure containing 27 different monetary choices. Our results show that, counter to findings with juvenile offenders, adult offenders (ex-prisoners) exhibit significantly shorter time horizons and discount more than nonoffenders as delayed payoffs increase to medium and large rewards. Furthermore, both offenders and nonoffenders are less likely to discount as the reward of future gains increases to medium and large.


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Graduate students’ development as researchers is a key objective in higher education. Research assistantships provide distinctive spaces where graduate students can be nurtured and shaped as novice researchers as they develop theoretical and methodological knowledge. However, few scholars have investigated graduate student research assistants’ experiences and the ways these experiences are influenced by institutional regulations, informal practices, and social relations. The purpose of this case-within-a-case study was to explore the research assistantship experiences of full-time and part-time doctoral students in Education at an Ontario university. I present separate subcases for full-time and part-time students, and an overarching case of research assistantships in one program at a specific period of time. The main question was how do institutional regulations, informal practices, and social relations influence full-time and part-time doctoral students’ access to and experiences within research assistantships. My objective was to draw from interviews and documents to acquire a thorough understanding of the organizational characteristics of research assistantships (i.e., structures of access, distribution, and coordination of participation) to explore the ways institutional regulations, informal practices, and social relations promote, prevent, or limit full-time and part-time students’ legitimate peripheral participation in research assistantships. Although I devoted particular attention to the ways students’ full-time and part-time status shaped their decisions, relationships, and experiences, I was conscious that other factors such as gender, age, and cultural background may have also influenced doctoral research assistant experiences.


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Pour répondre aux exigences du gouvernement fédéral quant aux temps d’attente pour les chirurgies de remplacement du genou et de la hanche, les établissements canadiens ont adopté des stratégies de gestion des listes d’attentes avec des niveaux de succès variables. Notre question de recherche visait à comprendre Quels facteurs ont permis de maintenir dans le temps un temps d’attente répondant aux exigences du gouvernement fédéral pendant au moins 6-12 mois? Nous avons développé un modèle possédant quatre facteurs, inspiré du modèle de Parsons (1977), afin d’analyser les facteurs comprenant la gouvernance, la culture, les ressources, et les outils. Trois études de cas ont été menées. En somme, le 1er cas a été capable d’obtenir les exigences pendant six mois mais incapable de les maintenir, le 2e cas a été capable de maintenir les exigences > 18 mois et le 3e cas a été incapable d’atteindre les objectifs. Des documents furent recueillis et des entrevues furent réalisées auprès des personnes impliquées dans la stratégie. Les résultats indiquent que l’hôpital qui a été en mesure de maintenir le temps d’attente possède certaines caractéristiques: réalisation exclusive de chirurgie de remplacement de la hanche et du genou, présence d’un personnel motivé, non distrait par d’autres préoccupations et un esprit d’équipe fort. Les deux autres cas ont eu à faire face à une culture médicale moins homogène et moins axés sur l’atteinte des cibles; des ressources dispersées et une politique intra-établissement imprécise. Le modèle d’hôpital factory est intéressant dans le cadre d’une chirurgie surspécialisée. Toutefois, les patients sont sélectionnés pour des chirurgies simples et dont le risque de complication est faible. Il ne peut donc pas être retenu comme le modèle durable par excellence.


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The paper describes two new transport layer (TCP) options and an expanded transport layer queuing strategy that facilitate three functions that are fundamental to the dispatching-based clustered service. A transport layer option has been developed to facilitate. the use of client wait time data within the service request processing of the cluster. A second transport layer option has been developed to facilitate the redirection of service requests by the cluster dispatcher to the cluster processing member. An expanded transport layer service request queuing strategy facilitates the trust based filtering of incoming service requests so that a graceful degradation of service delivery may be achieved during periods of overload - most dramatically evidenced by distributed denial of service attacks against the clustered service. We describe how these new options and queues have been implemented and successfully tested within the transport layer of the Linux kernel.


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We study a class of models used with success in the modelling of climatological sequences. These models are based on the notion of renewal. At first, we examine the probabilistic aspects of these models to afterwards study the estimation of their parameters and their asymptotical properties, in particular the consistence and the normality. We will discuss for applications, two particular classes of alternating renewal processes at discrete time. The first class is defined by laws of sojourn time that are translated negative binomial laws and the second class, suggested by Green is deduced from alternating renewal process in continuous time with sojourn time laws which are exponential laws with parameters α^0 and α^1 respectively.


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Contexte : Pour les patients atteints d’une polyarthrite rhumatoïde débutante (PARD), l’utilisation de médicaments antirhumatismaux à longue durée d’action améliore les résultats pour les patients de manière significative. Les patients traités par un rhumatologue ont une plus grande probabilité de recevoir des traitements et donc d’avoir de meilleurs résultats de santé. Toutefois, les délais observés entre le début des symptômes et une première visite avec un rhumatologue sont souvent supérieurs à la recommandation de trois mois énoncée par les guides de pratiques. Au Québec, le temps d’attente pour voir un rhumatologue à la suite d’une demande de consultation est généralement long et contribue aux délais totaux. Objectifs : Nous avons évalué la capacité d’un programme d’accès rapide avec un triage effectué par une infirmière à correctement identifier les patients avec PARD et à réduire leur temps d’attente, dans le but d’améliorer le processus de soin. Méthodes : Une infirmière a évalué tous les nouveaux patients référés en 2009 et 2010 dans une clinique de rhumatologie située en banlieue de Montréal. Un niveau de priorité leur a été attribué sur la base du contenu de la demande de consultation, de l’information obtenue à la suite d’une entrevue téléphonique avec le patient et, si requis, d’un examen partiel des articulations. Les patients avec PARD, avec une arthrite inflammatoire non différentiée, ou atteints d’une autre pathologie rhumatologique aiguë étaient priorisés et obtenaient un rendez-vous le plus rapidement possible. Les principales mesures de résultat étudiées étaient la validité (sensibilité et spécificité) du triage pour les patients atteints de PARD ainsi que les délais entre la demande de consultation et la première visite avec un rhumatologue. Résultats : Parmi les 701 patients nouvellement référés, 65 ont eu un diagnostic final de PARD. Le triage a correctement identifié 85,9% de ces patients et a correctement identifié 87,2% des patients avec l’une des pathologies prioritaires. Le délai médian entre la demande de consultation et la première visite était de 22 jours pour les patients atteints de PARD et de 115 pour tous les autres. Discussion et conclusion : Ce programme d’accès rapide avec triage effectué par une infirmière a correctement identifié la plupart des patients atteints de PARD, lesquels ont pu être vus rapidement en consultation par le rhumatologue. Considérant qu’il s’agit d’un programme qui requiert beaucoup d’investissement de temps et de personnel, des enjeux de faisabilités doivent être résolus avant de pouvoir implanter un tel type de programme dans un système de soins de santé ayant des ressources très limitées.


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Background: Associations between sitting-time and physical activity (PA) with depression are unclear. Purpose: To examine concurrent and prospective associations between both sitting-time and PA with prevalent depressive symptoms in mid-aged Australian women. Methods: Data were from 8,950 women, aged 50-55 years in 2001, who completed mail surveys in 2001, 2004, 2007 and 2010. Depressive symptoms were assessed using the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression questionnaire. Associations between sitting-time (≤4, >4-7, >7 hrs/day) and PA (none, some, meeting guidelines) with depressive symptoms (symptoms/no symptoms) were examined in 2011 in concurrent and lagged mixed effect logistic modeling. Both main effects and interaction models were developed. Results: In main effects modeling, women who sat >7 hrs/day (OR 1.47, 95%CI 1.29-1.67) and women who did no PA (OR 1.99, 95%CI 1.75-2.27) were more likely to have depressive symptoms than women who sat ≤4 hrs/day and who met PA guidelines, respectively. In interaction modeling, the likelihood of depressive symptoms in women who sat >7 hrs/day and did no PA was triple that of women who sat ≤4 hrs/day and met PA guidelines (OR 2.96, 95%CI 2.37-3.69). In prospective main effects and interaction modeling, sitting-time was not associated with depressive symptoms, but women who did no PA were more likely than those who met PA guidelines to have future depressive symptoms (OR 1.26, 95%CI 1.08-1.47). Conclusions: Increasing PA to a level commensurate with PA guidelines can alleviate current depression symptoms and prevent future symptoms in mid-aged women. Reducing sitting-time may ameliorate current symptoms.


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Process models specify behavioral aspects by describing ordering constraints between tasks which must be accomplished to achieve envisioned goals. Tasks usually exchange information by means of data objects, i.e., by writing information to and reading information from data objects. A data object can be characterized by its states and allowed state transitions. In this paper, we propose a notion which checks conformance of a process model with respect to data objects that its tasks access. This new notion can be used to tell whether in every execution of a process model each time a task needs to access a data object in a particular state, it is ensured that the data object is in the expected state or can reach the expected state and, hence, the process model can achieve its goals.


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There is compelling evidence for the effectiveness of home-based occupational therapy and physiotherapy rehabilitation for community dwelling elderly who may struggle with basic activities and the functions of daily living and mobility. Nonetheless, an estimated 2% of home care’s elderly clients receive these therapies. Ontario’s home care data indicates that 78% of clients that could benefit from these specific therapies are not receiving them. The study examined a subset of elderly clients receiving home care following a hospital discharge during 2009-2010. The aim of this study was to: understand the difference between those home care clients who received occupational therapy or physiotherapy and those who did not; and determine if receiving these therapies impacted the utilization of hospital emergency departments and inpatient admissions. A retrospective cohort design and multivariate and survival analysis of hospital and home care administrative data structured the study. Results suggest that home-based rehabilitation is offered to a minority of the home care population. Distinct client characteristics and process variables significantly associated with the increased likelihood of receiving home-based occupational and physical therapies included: clients who were older, females, admitted to home care from hospital inpatient units, assessed as non-acute for clinical and service needs and required more home making support and assistance with activities of daily living. Almost one quarter of the total sample returned to hospital. Visits to emergency departments accounted for the greater part of hospital utilization and primarily for sub-acute general symptoms and signs, post-procedural complications, infections or acute episodes from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and renal failure. Slightly over half of the clients returning to hospital did not receive home-based rehabilitation. Clients who received occupational therapy returned to the hospital sooner following their home care admission whereas clients receiving physiotherapy spent the longest time before rehospitalizing. The majority of the clients receiving occupational therapy were admitted to home care having just resolved sub-acute conditions or symptoms, many of which are known to influence functional and physical decline. Moreover, analysis of process variables indicated that the wait time for a referral to occupational therapy was two times longer compared to physiotherapy. These same clients also waited, on average, over one month before an occupational therapist’s first visit. The need to discriminate who receives home-based rehabilitation is essential to understanding how specific therapies contribute to improving systems outcomes. This study is the first examination that focuses specifically on home-based occupational therapy and physiotherapy rehabilitation and the client characteristics and process variables associated with receiving/not receiving these therapies and the impact these factors have on the time-to-rehospitalization.


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Introducción: La escala de severidad en emergencias es una herramienta que ofrece seguridad a pacientes en servicios de urgencias. Este trabajo evalúa la aplicación de la escala ESI 4.0 en términos de oportunidad de atención y consumo de recursos en la Fundación Santa Fé de Bogotá, para comparar los resultados con parámetros estándar. Metodología Estudio observacional analítico de corte transversal. Se incluyeron 385 pacientes aleatorizados por nivel de atención. Se tomaron datos demográficos y variables como consumo de recursos y destino del paciente para su descripción y análisis. Resultados: El promedio de edad fue 44.9 años IC95%42.9–46.9, el 54.5% fueron mujeres. Se encontró un tiempo promedio de espera para nivel 1 de 1.39 min, para el nivel 2 de 22.9 min 2, para el nivel 3 de 41.9 min, para el nivel 4 de 56.9 min y para el nivel 5 de 52.1 min. El tiempo promedio de estancia en urgencias fue 5.9 horas y el 78.9% consumió recursos. Al comparar los tiempos con estándares mundiales en el nivel 1, 2 y 3 son significativamente mayores (P<0,05), en el nivel 4 es similar (p0,51) y en el nivel 5 es significativamente menor (p=0,00) Discusión: La escala ESI 4.0 es una herramienta segura, con un comportamiento similar en oportunidad de atención y consumo de recursos con respecto a los estándares de cuidado en los servicios de urgencias.


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Emergency department access block is an urgent problem faced by many public hospitals today. When access block occurs, patients in need of acute care cannot access inpatient wards within an optimal time frame. A widely held belief is that access block is the end product of a long causal chain, which involves poor discharge planning, insufficient bed capacity, and inadequate admission intensity to the wards. This paper studies the last link of the causal chain-the effect of admission intensity on access block, using data from a metropolitan hospital in Australia. We applied several modern statistical methods to analyze the data. First, we modeled the admission events as a nonhomogeneous Poisson process and estimated time-varying admission intensity with penalized regression splines. Next, we established a functional linear model to investigate the effect of the time-varying admission intensity on emergency department access block. Finally, we used functional principal component analysis to explore the variation in the daily time-varying admission intensities. The analyses suggest that improving admission practice during off-peak hours may have most impact on reducing the number of ED access blocks.