998 resultados para Zinc concentrate


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Työssä on tehty kineettinen simulointimalli sinkkirikasteen liuotusprosessista. Prosessi on pieni osa Kokkolan sinkinvalmistusprosessia, jonka muita osia ovat: pasutus, neutraaliliuotus, konversio, liuospuhdistus ja elektrolyysi. Rikasteen liuotukseen tulee konversioprosessin liuos ja liuotuksesta lähtevä neste menee takaisin neutraaliliuotukseen. Saostunut jarosiitti läjitetään. Kokkolan liuotusprosessi koostuu liettoreaktorista ja kahdesta neljän liuotusreaktorin sarjasta. Liuotukseen syötetään paluuhappoa liettoreaktoriin ja liuotuspiirien ensimmäisiin liuotusreaktoreihin. Happea syötetään kaikkiin liuotusreaktoreihin. Prosessin mallintamiseen käytettiin Aspen Plus-simulointiohjelmaa, johon pystyttiin syöttämään kineettisiä yhtälöitä. Reaktionopeusyhtälöitä käytettiin raudan hapetuksen, sulfidien liuotuksen ja jarosiitiin saostumisen mallintamiseen, eli kaikkiin liuotusreaktoreissa tapahtuviin reaktioihin. Kineettiset yhtälöt etsittiin kirjallisuudesta. Liettoreaktori puolestaan mallinnettiin syöttämällä ohjelmaan reaktioyhtälöt ja antamalla niille etenemisasteet. Jarosiitin liukenemisesta työssä on tehty laboratoriokokeita, koska aiheesta ei kirjallisuudesta löytynyt kineettistä tietoa. Liuotuskokeissa käytetyn kiintoaineen kuitenkin todettiin sisältävän liikaa götiittiä, että tuloksista olisi voitu laskea kinetiikkaa jarosiitin liukenemiselle. Simulointimallilla laskettiin yksi tapaus vertailukohdaksi, johon malliin tehtyjä muutoksia verrattiin. Mallilla tutkittiin konversiosta tulevan jarosiitin määrän vaikutusta, reaktorikoon merkitystä ja rikasteen liuotuksen sekä jarosiitin saostuksen reaktionopeuksien muutoksen vaikutuksia. Käytetyillä kineettisillä yhtälöillä reaktioiden todettiin tarvitsevan vain ¾ käytetystä reaktiotilavuudesta, rikasteen liuotusnopeuden kohtalaisen pienellä hidastamisen todettiin vähentävän sinkin saantoa ja jarosiitin saostuksen reaktionopeuden kasvulla todettiin myös olevan negatiivinen vaikutus sinkin saantoon. Simulointimallissa käytettyjen reaktionopeusyhtälöiden varmentaminen kokeilla todettiin tarpeelliseksi, sillä jo kohtalaisen pienillä muutoksilla havaittiin olevan merkitystä prosessin toimivuuteen. Lisäksi todettiin jarosiitin liukenemisen huomioimisen olevan tarpeen.


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Hydrometallurgical process modeling is the main objective of this Master’s thesis work. Three different leaching processes namely, high pressure pyrite oxidation, direct oxidation zinc concentrate (sphalerite) leaching and gold chloride leaching using rotating disc electrode (RDE) are modeled and simulated using gPROMS process simulation program in order to evaluate its model building capabilities. The leaching mechanism in each case is described in terms of a shrinking core model. The mathematical modeling carried out included process model development based on available literature, estimation of reaction kinetic parameters and assessment of the model reliability by checking the goodness fit and checking the cross correlation between the estimated parameters through the use of correlation matrices. The estimated parameter values in each case were compared with those obtained using the Modest simulation program. Further, based on the estimated reaction kinetic parameters, reactor simulation and modeling for direct oxidation zinc concentrate (sphalerite) leaching is carried out in Aspen Plus V8.6. The zinc leaching autoclave is based on Cominco reactor configuration and is modeled as a series of continuous stirred reactors (CSTRs). The sphalerite conversion is calculated and a sensitivity analysis is carried out so to determine the optimum reactor operation temperature and optimum oxygen mass flow rate. In this way, the implementation of reaction kinetic models into the process flowsheet simulation environment has been demonstrated.


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The KRAB-zinc finger proteins (KRAB-ZFPs) represent a very large, but poorly understood, family of transcriptional regulators in mammals. They are thought to repress transcription via their interaction with KRAB-associated protein 1 (KAP1), which then assembles a complex of chromatin modifiers to lay down histone marks that are associated with inactive chromatin. Studies of KRAB-ZFP/KAP1-mediated gene silencing, using reporter constructs and ectopically expressed proteins, have shown colocalisation of both KAP1 and repressed reporter target genes to domains of constitutive heterochromatin in the nucleus. However, we show here that although KAP1 does indeed become recruited to pericentric heterochromatin during differentiation of mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells, endogenous KRAB-ZFPs do not. Rather, KRAB-ZFPs and KAP1 relocalise to novel nucleoplasmic foci that we have termed KRAB- and KAP1-associated (KAKA) foci. HP1s can also concentrate in these foci and there is a close spatial relationship between KAKA nuclear foci and PML nuclear bodies. Finally, we reveal differential requirements for the recruitment of KAP1 to pericentric heterochromatin and KAKA foci, and suggest that KAKA foci may contain sumoylated KAP1 - the form of the protein that is active in transcriptional repression.


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Omega-3 (ω-3) fatty acids are one of the two main families of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). The main omega-3 fatty acids in the mammalian body are α-linolenic acid (ALA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Central nervous tissues of vertebrates are characterized by a high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids. Moreover, in the human brain, DHA is considered as the main structural omega-3 fatty acid, which comprises about 40% of the PUFAs in total. DHA deficiency may be the cause of many disorders such as depression, inability to concentrate, excessive mood swings, anxiety, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, dry skin and so on. On the other hand, zinc is the most abundant trace metal in the human brain. There are many scientific studies linking zinc, especially excess amounts of free zinc, to cellular death. Neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, are characterized by altered zinc metabolism. Both animal model studies and human cell culture studies have shown a possible link between omega-3 fatty acids, zinc transporter levels and free zinc availability at cellular levels. Many other studies have also suggested a possible omega-3 and zinc effect on neurodegeneration and cellular death. Therefore, in this review, we will examine the effect of omega-3 fatty acids on zinc transporters and the importance of free zinc for human neuronal cells. Moreover, we will evaluate the collective understanding of mechanism(s) for the interaction of these elements in neuronal research and their significance for the diagnosis and treatment of neurodegeneration.


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The aim of this research was to investigate the possibilities of roasting and leaching a bulk copper-zinc sulfide concentrate, and the subsequent separation of the metals from the leach solution by electro­lytic deposition.


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The purpose of this research program is to investigate the photoelectronic properties of zinc phosphide (Zn₃P₂ in single crystal form, in thin-film form, and in heterojunctions in which Zn₃P₂ forms one of the elements. This research will be directed toward understanding the role of crystalline defects and impurities in Zn₃P₂, the nature of the electronic charge transport in single crystal and thin-film material, and the properties of photovoltaic heterojunctions involving Zn₃P₂. The scope of the program extends from basic investigations of materials properties on single crystals to the preparation and characterization of all-thin-film heterojunction divices. One of the principal motivations behind this research program is the realization that Zn₃P₂ is a relatively uninvestigated yet ideal component for photovoltaic heterojunction use in solar energy conversion. The proposed program will concentrate on the basic materials problems involved with Zn₃P₂, providing the kind of information needed for other more developmental programs directed toward actual practical cells.


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Objective: To determine the effect of zinc supplementation on taste perception in a group of hemodialysis patients. Design and Setting: Double-blind randomized placebo-controlled study in a teaching hospital dialysis unit. Patients: Fifteen stable hemodialysis patients randomized to placebo (6 male, 2 female; median age, 67; range, 30 to 72 years) or treatment (5 male, 2 female; median age, 60; range, 31 to 76 years). Intervention: Treatment group received zinc sulfate 220 mg per day for 6 weeks, and the placebo group received an apparently identical dummy pill. Main Outcome Measures: Taste scores by visual analogue scales, normalized protein catabolic rate and plasma, whole blood and red cell zinc levels. Results: At baseline, sweet and salt tastes were identified correctly by both groups. Sour was often confused with salt. Sour solutions of different concentrations were not distinguishable. Taste scores were not different after 6 weeks for either group. There was no significant increment in zinc levels or normalized protein catabolic rate for either group. Conclusion: We found a disturbance of taste perception in hemodialysis patients, particularly for the sour modality, which was not corrected by this regimen of zinc supplementation. These results cast doubts on the conclusions of earlier studies that indicated an improvement in taste after zinc supplementation.


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The NIR spectra of reichenbachite, scholzite and parascholzite have been studied at 298 K. The spectra of the minerals are different, in line with composition and crystal structural variations. Cation substitution effects are significant in their electronic spectra and three distinctly different electronic transition bands are observed in the near-infrared spectra at high wavenumbers in the 12000-7600 cm-1 spectral region. Reichenbachite electronic spectrum is characterised by Cu(II) transition bands at 9755 and 7520 cm-1. A broad spectral feature observed for ferrous ion in the 12000-9000 cm-1 region both in scholzite and parascholzite. Some what similarities in the vibrational spectra of the three phosphate minerals are observed particularly in the OH stretching region. The observation of strong band at 5090 cm-1 indicates strong hydrogen bonding in the structure of the dimorphs, scholzite and parascholzite. The three phosphates exhibit overlapping bands in the 4800-4000 cm-1 region resulting from the combinations of vibrational modes of (PO4)3- units.


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In the structure of title compound [ZnI2(C12H10N2O2)2] from the reaction of 4-(4-nitrobenzyl)pyridine with zinc(II) iodide, the asymmetric unit contains two independent discrete distorted tetrahedral complex units [Zn-I range, 2.5472(8)-2.5666(7)A; Zn-N range, 2.044(4)-2.052(4)A], which are essentially identical conformationally and exist in the crystal structure as a racemic twin.


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Raman spectra of two well-defined types of koritnigite crystals from the Jáchymov ore district, Czech Republic, were recorded and interpreted. No substantial differences were observed between both crystal types. Observed Raman bands were attributed to the (AsO3OH)2- stretching and bending vibrations, stretching and bending vibrations of water molecules and hydroxyl ions. Non-interpreted Raman spectra of koritnigite from the RRUFF database, and published infrared spectra of cobaltkoritnigite were used for comparison. The O-H...O hydrogen bond lengths in the crystal structure of koritnigite were inferred from the Raman spectra and compared with those derived from the X-ray single crystal refinement. The presence of (AsO3OH)2- units in the crystal structure of koritnigite was proved from the Raman spectra which supports the conclusions of the X-ray structure analysis.


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Insight into the unique structure of hydrotalcites (HTs) has been obtained using Raman spectroscopy. Gallium-contg. HTs of formula Zn4 Ga2(CO3)(OH)12 · xH2O (2:1 ZnGa-HT), Zn6 Ga2(CO3)(OH)16 · xH2O (3:1 ZnGa-HT) and Zn8 Ga2(CO3)(OH)18 · xH2O (4:1 ZnGa-HT) have been successfully synthesized and characterised by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy. The d(003) spacing varies from 7.62 Å for the 2:1 ZnGa-HT to 7.64 Å for the 3:1 ZnGa-HT. The 4:1 ZnGa-HT showed a decrease in the d(003) spacing, compared to the 2:1 and 3:1 compds. Raman spectroscopy complemented with selected IR data has been used to characterize the synthesized gallium-contg. HTs. Raman bands obsd. at around 1050, 1060 and 1067 cm-1 are attributed to the sym. stretching modes of the (CO32-) units. Multiple ν3 (CO32-) antisym. stretching modes are found between 1350 and 1520 cm-1, confirming multiple carbonate species in the HT structure. The splitting of this mode indicates that the carbonate anion is in a perturbed state. Raman bands obsd. at 710 and 717 cm-1 and assigned to the ν4 (CO32-) modes support the concept of multiple carbonate species in the interlayer.