59 resultados para Xenia


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In Maize (Zea maize L.), cost of hybrid seed production is directly related to the yield and quality of seed obtained per hectare of female parent. It is also important to consider the effects that a male parent can exert on the development of hybrid seed in the female parent. This effect is known as xenia. The objectives of this study were to evaluate xenia effects on 1) yield as 80K units, 2) germination of the hybrid seed and 3) susceptibility of the hybrid seed to mechanical damage. One female inbred and four male inbred lines were selected from a parent list of hybrids. The experiment was designed to allow individual cross pollination between each male inbred and the female inbred line. For use as a control, the female inbred was allowed to self pollinate. Experiments were conducted in Illinois and Iowa during 2008 and 2009 and in Nebraska during 2009. A significant inbred effect was detected on yield as 80k (α=0.001). The selfed female and pollination with male inbred B resulted in lower yields of hybrid seed. For germination, a significant inbred effect was detected (α=0.001), but was due to lower germination percentage of seed produced on the selfed female. All hybrid combinations resulted in higher germination percentages with no significant differences among hybrids. The inbred x mechanical damage interaction was significant (P=0.04) for effects on cold saturated soil germination tests. Use of inbred B resulted in a two-percentage-point reduction in cold germination when treated with the impact simulator. In a maize seed company, the production research group provides yield estimates for production of new hybrid combinations. Results from this study indicate that using only the female inbred yield may provide inaccurate estimates. Therefore to improve yield estimation, experiments should be designed to include male inbreds. Male inbreds can also impart a negative effect to the hybrid seed on tolerance to mechanical damage, thus lowering quality and increasing seed discard. When testing for hybrid seed germination, there is no need to consider distinct hybrid combinations. Female inbreds can be grown in open-pollinated fields to avoid loss of vigor observed with selfing. Advisor: George Graef


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Prefatory remark signed: Spyr. P. Lamb[r]os, recteur de l'Université.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Audit report on the Xenia Rural Water District for the year ended December 31, 2015


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"Fifty-six teachers, from four European countries, were interviewed to ascertain their attitudes to and beliefs about the Collaborative Learning Environments (CLEs) which were designed under the Innovative Technologies for Collaborative Learning Project. Their responses were analysed using categories based on a model from cultural-historical activity theory [Engestrom, Y. (1987). Learning by expanding.- An activity-theoretical approach to developmental research. Helsinki: Orienta-Konsultit; Engestrom, Y., Engestrom, R., & Suntio, A. (2002). Can a school community learn to master its own future? An activity-theoretical study of expansive learning among middle school teachers. In G. Wells & G. Claxton (Eds.), Learning for life in the 21st century. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers]. The teachers were positive about CLEs and their possible role in initiating pedagogical innovation and enhancing personal professional development. This positive perception held across cultures and national boundaries. Teachers were aware of the fact that demanding planning was needed for successful implementations of CLEs. However, the specific strategies through which the teachers can guide students' inquiries in CLEs and the assessment of new competencies that may characterize student performance in the CLEs were poorly represented in the teachers' reflections on CLEs. The attitudes and beliefs of the teachers from separate countries had many similarities, but there were also some clear differences, which are discussed in the article. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved."


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Income inequality undermines societies: The more inequality, the more health problems, social tensions, and the lower social mobility, trust, life expectancy. Given people's tendency to legitimate existing social arrangements, the stereotype content model (SCM) argues that ambivalence-perceiving many groups as either warm or competent, but not both-may help maintain socio-economic disparities. The association between stereotype ambivalence and income inequality in 37 cross-national samples from Europe, the Americas, Oceania, Asia, and Africa investigates how groups' overall warmth-competence, status-competence, and competition-warmth correlations vary across societies, and whether these variations associate with income inequality (Gini index). More unequal societies report more ambivalent stereotypes, whereas more equal ones dislike competitive groups and do not necessarily respect them as competent. Unequal societies may need ambivalence for system stability: Income inequality compensates groups with partially positive social images. © 2012 The British Psychological Society.


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In recent years several countries have set up policies that allow exchange of kidneys between two or more incompatible patient–donor pairs. These policies lead to what is commonly known as kidney exchange programs. The underlying optimization problems can be formulated as integer programming models. Previously proposed models for kidney exchange programs have exponential numbers of constraints or variables, which makes them fairly difficult to solve when the problem size is large. In this work we propose two compact formulations for the problem, explain how these formulations can be adapted to address some problem variants, and provide results on the dominance of some models over others. Finally we present a systematic comparison between our models and two previously proposed ones via thorough computational analysis. Results show that compact formulations have advantages over non-compact ones when the problem size is large.


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The understanding of poverty dynamics is crucial for the design of appropriate poverty reduction strategies. Taking the case of Central Sulawesi, we investigate the determinants of both chronic and transitory poverty using data from 264 randomly selected households interviewed in 2005 and 2007. Regarding the US 1$/day poverty line, the headcount index declined from 19.3% in 2005 to 18.2% in 2007. However, we observed an increasing number of people living on less than US 2$/day expressed in purchasing power parity (PPP). The results of the estimated multinomial logit model applied in this study indicate that a lack of non-agricultural employment opportunities and low endowment of social capital are major determinants of chronic as well as transitory poverty in this province of Indonesia. These results are used to draw policy conclusions with respect to the alleviation of transitory and chronic poverty in Central Sulawesi.


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This volume of the final report documents the technical work performed from December 1998 through December 2002 under Cooperative Agreement F33615-97-2-5153 executed between the U.S. Air Force, Air Force Research Laboratory, Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, Manufacturing Technology Division (AFRL/MLM) and the McDonnell Douglas Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Boeing Company. The work was accomplished by The Boeing Company, Phantom Works, Huntington Beach, St. Louis, and Seattle; Ford Motor Company; Integral Inc.; Sloan School of Management in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Pratt & Whitney; and Central State University in Xenia, Ohio and in association with Raytheon Corporation. The LeanTEC program manager for AFRL is John Crabill of AFRL / MLMP and The Boeing Company program manager is Ed Shroyer of Boeing Phantom Works in Huntington Beach, CA. Financial performance under this contract is documented in the Financial Volume of the final report.


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Esta investigación realizada en las Comisarías de la Mujer y la Familia del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito entre 2007 y 2010, busca, mediante una metodología cualitativa y clínica, acercarnos a las implicaciones que se hallan en juego para la subjetividad de quienes deciden denunciar una situación de violencia intrafamiliar. Primeramente, este estudio plantea el contexto de producción de la Ley 103 o Ley contra la Violencia a la Mujer y la Familia, enuncia su contenido y proporciona una reflexión en torno a las dificultades halladas tanto para su aprobación como en su aplicación. Además, considera a las comisarías como un aparato ideológico del Estado en el cual tiene lugar una batalla que revela, a la vez, una disputa por las representaciones de género y unas prácticas revictimizantes que pondrían en peligro la posibilidad de un cambio de posición subjetiva de las usuarias. Se plantea la denuncia como un acto de habla performativo, productor de subjetividad, que, de ser afortunado, altera la posición de quien denuncia permitiendo el pasaje de víctima a denunciante; y que, en su posibilidad de infortunio, fija o sedimenta la posición de víctima de quien denuncia. El pedido masivo de boletas de auxilio ha sido pensado desde la perspectiva de la acción performativa y su eficacia simbólica. La investigación presenta de modo detallado el relato de una denunciante y muestra cómo a partir de él es posible establecer relaciones con datos estadísticos y con algunos de los motivos que propulsan el acto de denuncia de las demás usuarias entrevistadas. El relato muestra una necesidad de redefinir o ampliar los criterios acerca de la violencia y su tratamiento; además, evidencia una relación de continuidad entre los motivos explícitos de las denuncias y sus trasfondos menos explícitos, relación que recrea la del sujeto con el lenguaje y cuestiona la dicotomía individuo-sociedad. Esta investigación fue posible gracias a la colaboración de la Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar (UASB) que, al conferirme una beca de estudios, abrió el espacio y tiempo para mi participación en la Maestría. Así como al apoyo de un sinnúmero de personas y algunas instituciones entre las que no puedo dejar de nombrar: Los compañeros del equipo de atención de Violencia Intrafamiliar (VIF) del Centro de Apoyo Integral Tres Manuelas (2002-2005): Anita, Germán, Luz María, Milagros, Mónica, Nelly, Norma, Janeth, Juan Pablo, Janeth, Judith, Paty, Sandra, Silvia, Sonia, Yolanda y Wilman. Los profesores de la Maestría en Estudios de la Cultura de la UASB (2006-2007): Xavier Andrade, Guillermo Bustos, Roque Espinosa, Roberto Follari, Alejandro Moreano, Patricio Noboa, Alicia Ortega, Raúl Serrano, Rosmarie Terán, Edgar Vega, Catherine Walsh; y Fernando Balseca y Hernán Reyes quienes gentilmente leyeron parte de los borradores de este documento e hicieron valiosas sugerencias. La tutoría paciente y precisa de Judith Salgado. Los compañeros: Alejandra, Carla, Christian, Cielo, Elsy, Juan José, María, María Fernanda, María Dolores, Mary, Nadia, Natalia, Omar, Rafael, Raúl, Xenia. Y los compañeros del Centro de Protección de Derechos Norte. Mis familiares, amigos y compañeros, siempre incondicionales. Especialmente Lucho Vaca y Juan Fernando, por sus ayudas puntuales. Las personas que generosamente colaboraron con sus relatos para las entrevistas. Las autoridades de la Dirección Nacional de Género (DINAGE), y del Observatorio de Seguridad Ciudadana especialmente el ingeniero Juan Martínez. Las denunciantes, quienes a través de su acto dicen más de lo que solemos alcanzar a escuchar.


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The introduction of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (Australia) was an attempt to decrease the complexity of the tax system, but the issue of complexity is still evident. Accounting practitioners are becoming overwhelmed with the amount of tax legislation and researchers have suggested that they are less satisfied in their jobs as a result. This study examines whether tax complexity affects accounting practitioners' job satisfaction. Demographic and personality factors are considered. The issues that were investigated further include practitioner perceptions of the most complex area(s) of tax law and the primary causes of a complex tax system. It was found that although tax complexity is causing job dissatisfaction, demographic factors and personality characteristics do not appear to be significant factors. Instead, the large volume of tax law was identified as having the most significant impact on complexity (resulting in widespread dissatisfaction) and income tax was regarded as the most complex area.