1000 resultados para X-ray rocking curve


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A method for accurate determination of the curvature radius of semiconductor thin films is proposed. The curvature-induced broadening of the x-ray rocking curve (XRC) of a heteroepitaxially grown layer can be determined if the dependence of the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of XRC is measured as a function of the width of incident x-ray beam. It is found that the curvature radii of two GaN films grown on a sapphire wafer are different when they are grown under similar MOCVD conditions but have different values of layer thickness. At the same time, the dislocation-induced broadening of XRC and thus the dislocation density of the epitaxial film can be well calculated after the curvature correction.


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The full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of an x-ray rocking curve (XRC) has been used as a parameter to determine the tilt and twist angles of GaN layers. Nevertheless, when the thickness of GaN epilayer reaches several microns, the peak broadening due to curvature becomes non-negligible. In this paper, using the (0 0 l), l = 2, 4, 6, XRC to minimize the effects of wafer curvature was studied systematically. Also the method to determine the tilt angle of a curved GaN layer was proposed while the Williamson-Hall plot was unsuitable. It was found that the (0 0 6) XRC-FWHM had a significant advantage for high-quality GaN layers with the radius curvature of r less than 3.5 m. Furthermore, an extrapolating method of gaining a reliable tilt angle has also been proposed, with which the calculated error can be improved by 10% for r < 2 m crystals compared with the (0 0 6) XRC-FWHM. In skew geometry, we have demonstrated that the twist angles deriving from the (2 0 4) XRC-FWHM are in accord with those from the grazing incidence in-plane diffraction (IP-GID) method for significantly curved samples.


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It is believed that eta Carinae is actually a massive binary system, with the wind-wind interaction responsible for the strong X-ray emission. Although the overall shape of the X-ray light curve can be explained by the high eccentricity of the binary orbit, other features like the asymmetry near periastron passage and the short quasi-periodic oscillations seen at those epochs have not yet been accounted for. In this paper we explain these features assuming that the rotation axis of eta Carinae is not perpendicular to the orbital plane of the binary system. As a consequence, the companion star will face eta Carinae on the orbital plane at different latitudes for different orbital phases and, since both the mass-loss rate and the wind velocity are latitude dependent, they would produce the observed asymmetries in the X-ray flux. We were able to reproduce the main features of the X-ray light curve assuming that the rotation axis of eta Carinae forms an angle of 29 degrees +/- 4 degrees with the axis of the binary orbit. We also explained the short quasi-periodic oscillations by assuming nutation of the rotation axis, with an amplitude of about 5 degrees and a period of about 22 days. The nutation parameters, as well as the precession of the apsis, with a period of about 274 years, are consistent with what is expected from the torques induced by the companion star.


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Thermal-induced interdiffusion in InAs/GaAs quantum dot superlattices is studied by high-resolution x-ray diffraction rocking curve and photoluminescence techniques. With increasing annealing temperatures, up to 300 meV a blueshift of the emission peak position and down to 16.6 meV a narrowing of the line width are found in the photoluminescence spectra, and respective intensity of the higher-order satellite peaks to lower-order ones in the x-ray rocking curves decreases. Dynamical theory is employed to simulate the measured x-ray diffraction data. Excellent agreement between the experimental curves and the simulations is achieved when the composition, thickness and stress variations caused by interdiffusion are taken into account. It is found that the significant In-Ga intermixing occurs even in the as-grown InAs/GaAs quantum dots. The estimated diffusion coefficient is 1.8 x 10(-17) cm(2) (.) s(-1) at 650 degreesC, 3.2 x 10(-17) cm(2 .) s(-1) at 750 degreesC, and 1.2 x 10(-14) cm(2 .) s(-1) at 850 degreesC.


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We present simultaneous and continuous observations of the Halpha, Hbeta, He I D-3, Na I D-1,D-2 doublet and the Ca II H&K lines for the RS CVn system HR 1099. The spectroscopic observations were obtained during the MUSICOS 1998 campaign involving several observatories and instruments, both echelle and long-slit spectrographs. During this campaign, HR 1099 was observed almost continuously for more than 8 orbits of 2.(d)8. Two large optical flares were observed, both showing an increase in the emission of Halpha, Ca II H K, Hbeta and He I D-3 and a strong filling-in of the Na I D-1, D-2 doublet. Contemporary photometric observations were carried out with the robotic telescopes APT-80 of Catania and Phoenix-25 of Fairborn Observatories. Maps of the distribution of the spotted regions on the photosphere of the binary components were derived using the Maximum Entropy and Tikhonov photometric regularization criteria. Rotational modulation was observed in Halpha and He I D-3 in anti-correlation with the photometric light curves. Both flares occurred at the same binary phase (0.85), suggesting that these events took place in the same active region. Simultaneous X-ray observations, performed by ASM on board RXTE, show several flare-like events, some of which correlate well with the observed optical flares. Rotational modulation in the X-ray light curve has been detected with minimum flux when the less active G5 V star was in front. A possible periodicity in the X-ray flare-like events was also found.


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Every x-ray attenuation curve inherently contains all the information necessary to extract the complete energy spectrum of a beam. To date, attempts to obtain accurate spectral information from attenuation data have been inadequate.^ This investigation presents a mathematical pair model, grounded in physical reality by the Laplace Transformation, to describe the attenuation of a photon beam and the corresponding bremsstrahlung spectral distribution. In addition the Laplace model has been mathematically extended to include characteristic radiation in a physically meaningful way. A method to determine the fraction of characteristic radiation in any diagnostic x-ray beam was introduced for use with the extended model.^ This work has examined the reconstructive capability of the Laplace pair model for a photon beam range of from 50 kVp to 25 MV, using both theoretical and experimental methods.^ In the diagnostic region, excellent agreement between a wide variety of experimental spectra and those reconstructed with the Laplace model was obtained when the atomic composition of the attenuators was accurately known. The model successfully reproduced a 2 MV spectrum but demonstrated difficulty in accurately reconstructing orthovoltage and 6 MV spectra. The 25 MV spectrum was successfully reconstructed although poor agreement with the spectrum obtained by Levy was found.^ The analysis of errors, performed with diagnostic energy data, demonstrated the relative insensitivity of the model to typical experimental errors and confirmed that the model can be successfully used to theoretically derive accurate spectral information from experimental attenuation data. ^


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We present simultaneous and continuous observations of the Hα, Hβ, He I D_3, Na I D_1,D_2 doublet and the Ca II H&K lines for the RS CVn system HR 1099. The spectroscopic observations were obtained during the MUSICOS 1998 campaign involving several observatories and instruments, both echelle and long-slit spectrographs. During this campaign, HR 1099 was observed almost continuously for more than 8 orbits of 2^d.8. Two large optical flares were observed, both showing an increase in the emission of Hα, Ca II H K, Hβ and He I D_3 and a strong filling-in of the Na I D_1, D_2 doublet. Contemporary photometric observations were carried out with the robotic telescopes APT-80 of Catania and Phoenix-25 of Fairborn Observatories. Maps of the distribution of the spotted regions on the photosphere of the binary components were derived using the Maximum Entropy and Tikhonov photometric regularization criteria. Rotational modulation was observed in Hα and He I D_3 in anti-correlation with the photometric light curves. Both flares occurred at the same binary phase (0.85), suggesting that these events took place in the same active region. Simultaneous X-ray observations, performed by ASM on board RXTE, show several flare-like events, some of which correlate well with the observed optical flares. Rotational modulation in the X-ray light curve has been detected with minimum flux when the less active G5 V star was in front. A possible periodicity in the X-ray flare-like events was also found.


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Context. BD + 60° 73 is the optical counterpart of the X-ray source IGR J00370+6122, a probable accretion-powered X-ray pulsar. The X-ray light curve of this binary system shows clear periodicity at 15.7 d, which has been interpreted as repeated outbursts around the periastron of an eccentric orbit. Aims. We aim to characterise the binary system IGR J00370+6122 by deriving its orbital and physical parameters. Methods. We obtained high-resolution spectra of BD + 60° 73 at different epochs. We used the fastwind code to generate a stellar atmosphere model to fit the observed spectrum and obtain physical magnitudes. The synthetic spectrum was used as a template for cross-correlation with the observed spectra to measure radial velocities. The radial velocity curve provided an orbital solution for the system. We also analysed the RXTE/ASM and Swift/BAT light curves to confirm the stability of the periodicity. Results. BD + 60° 73 is a BN0.7 Ib low-luminosity supergiant located at a distance ~3.1 kpc, in the Cas OB4 association. We derive Teff = 24 000 K and log gc = 3.0, and chemical abundances consistent with a moderately high level of evolution. The spectroscopic and evolutionary masses are consistent at the 1-σ level with a mass M∗ ≈ 15 M⊙. The recurrence time of the X-ray flares is the orbital period of the system. The neutron star is in a high-eccentricity (e = 0.56 ± 0.07) orbit, and the X-ray emission is strongly peaked around orbital phase φ = 0.2, though the observations are consistent with some level of X-ray activity happening at all orbital phases. Conclusions. The X-ray behaviour of IGR J00370+6122 is reminiscent of “intermediate” supergiant X-ray transients, though its peak luminosity is rather low. The orbit is somewhat wider than those of classical persistent supergiant X-ray binaries, which when combined with the low luminosity of the mass donor, explains the low X-ray luminosity. IGR J00370+6122 will very likely evolve towards a persistent supergiant system, highlighting the evolutionary connection between different classes of wind-accreting X-ray sources.


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Non-polar a-plane GaN films were grown on an r-plane sapphire substrate by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy (PAMBE). The effect of growth temperature on structural, morphological and optical properties has been studied. The growth of non-polar a-plane (1 1 - 2 0) orientation of the GaN epilayers were confirmed by high resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD) study. The X-ray rocking curve (XRC) full width at half maximum of the (1 1 - 2 0) reflection shows in-plane anisotropic behavior and found to decrease with increase in growth temperature. The atomic force micrograph (AFM) shows island-like growth for the film grown at a lower temperature. Surface roughness has been decreased with increase in growth temperature. Room temperature photoluminescence shows near band edge emission at 3.434-3.442 eV. The film grown at 800 degrees C shows emission at 2.2 eV, which is attributed to yellow luminescence along with near band edge emission. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Potassium titanyl phosphate single crystals were irradiated with 48 MeV lithium ions at fluences varying from 5×1012 to 1016 ions/cm2. The defects created in the crystal have been characterized using x-ray rocking curve measurements, optical transmittance, and photoluminescence spectroscopy. From x-ray rocking curve studies, the full width at half maximum for the irradiated samples was observed to increase, indicating lattice strain caused by the energetic ions. Optical transparency of these samples was found to decrease upon irradiation. The irradiated samples exhibited a broadband luminescence in the 700–900 nm region, for fluences above 5×1013 ions/cm2. The results indicate that ion-beam-induced optical effects in KTiOPO4 single crystals are very similar to the ones obtained for crystals with “gray tracks,” which are attributed to the electronic transitions in the Ti3+ levels.


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This paper reports optical and nanomechanical properties of predominantly a-axis oriented AlN thin films. These films were deposited by reactive DC magnetron sputtering technique at an optimal target to substrate distance of 180 mm. X-ray rocking curve (FWHM = 52 arcsec) studies confirmed the preferred orientation. Spectroscopic ellipsometry revealed a refractive index of 1.93 at a wavelength of 546 nm. The hardness and elastic modulus of these films were 17 and 190 GPa, respectively, which are much higher than those reported earlier can be useful for piezoelectric films in bulk acoustic wave resonators. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4772204]


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The growth of InAsxSb1-x films on (100) GaSb substrates by liquid-phase epitaxy (LPE) has been investigated and epitaxial InAs0.3Sb0.7 films with InAs0.9Sb0.09 buffer layers have been successfully obtained. The low X-ray rocking curve FHWM values of InAs0.3Sb0.7 layer shows the high quality of crystal-orientation structure. Hall measurements show that the highest electron mobility in the samples obtained is 2.9 x 10(4) cm(2) V-1 s(-1) and the carrier density is 2.78 x 10(16)cm(-3) at room temperature (RT). The In As0.3Sb0.7 films grown on (10 0) GaSb substrates exhibit excellent optical performance with a cut-off wavelength of 12 mu m. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Presented in the first part of this thesis is work performed on the ionizing energy beam induced adhesion enhancement of thin (~ 500 Angstrom) Au films on GaAs substrates. The ionizing beam, employed in the present thesis, is the MeV ions (i.e., 16O, 19F, and 35Cl), with energies between 1 and 20 MeV. Using the "Scratch" test for adhesion measurement, and ESCA for chemical analysis of the film-substrate interface, the native oxide layer at the interface is shown to play an important role in the adhesion enhancement by the ionizing radiation. A model is discussed which explains the experimental data on the the dependence of adhesion enhancement on the energy which was deposited into electronic processes at the interface. The ESCA data indicate that the chemical bonds (or compounds), which are responsible for the increase in the thin film adherence, are hydroxides rather than oxides.

In the second part of the thesis we present a research performed on the radiation damage in GaAs crystals produced by MeV ions. Lattice parameter dilatation in the surface layers of the GaAs crystals becomes saturated after a high dose bombardment at room temperature. The strain produced by nuclear collisions is shown to relax partially due to electronic excitation (with a functional dependence on the nuclear and electronic stopping power of bombarding ions). Data on the GaAs and GaP crystals suggest that low temperature recovery stage defects produce major crystal distortion. The x-ray rocking curve technique with a dynamical diffraction theory analysis provides the depth distribution of the strain and damage in the MeV ion bombarded crystals.


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Crystalline beta-BBO thin films have been successfully prepared on (001)-oriented Sr2+-doped alpha-BBO substrates using liquid phase epitaxy and pulsed laser deposition techniques. The films were characterized by X-ray diffraction and X-ray rocking curve (XRC). The present results manifest that the beta-BBO thin films grown on Sr2+-doped alpha-BBO substrates have larger degree of orientation f-value and smaller XRC FWHM than the ones grown on other reported substrates. Compared with other substrates, alpha-BBO has the same UV cutoff and the similar structure to beta-BBO. These results reveal that alpha-BBO single crystal may be a promising substrate proper to the growth of beta-BBO films. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Composite sapphire/Ti:sapphire crystals for high-power laser application were grown by the hydrothermal method. The results of the X-ray rocking curve analysis indicate high crystalline quality of the surface Al2O3 material. The strong bonding between the overgrown Al2O3 and seed Ti:Al2O3 crystals is indispensable for withstanding high thermal stresses produced by intense optical pumping. The optical loss at the boundary of the composite crystal is considerably low, indicating the lack of scattering centers. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.