755 resultados para Written communication -- Study and teaching (Secondary)


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The spread of sociocultural focuses and critical literacy studies, which offer an holistic perspective on communicative skills, has reached our country at a time when the commonest environment for writing is the internet, and information technologies have transformed writing with new channels, genres, forms of preparation and languages. Thanks to these changes, educational programmes now include new concepts of literacy related to knowledge and the use of digital environments. This paper explores the impact of introducing these new communicative environments to teaching written expression at secondary level and puts forward some ideas to link learning how to write to present communicative contexts and established practices. Without forgetting the achievements of recent decades, we need to bring about a series of changes to bring new learned writing practices to class and leave behind others we had championed as necessary when the goal was to move beyond exclusively linguistic or grammatical approaches


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Changes in written communications brought about by technology have led to a revolution in the concepts of literacy and, as a result, in students’ educational needs. However, teenagers appear to use technologies that involve new channels and text genres in the digital environment much more than in their everyday life than in an academic environment, because there is still too much distance between what schools offer students and their own reality. This article shows part of the findings of ethnographic and qualitative research in the line of new studies on teenagers’ critical literacy and vernacular writing practices in the asynchronous communication spaces online. The idea is to offer data and ideas to help overcome the current inertia and distance between some educational activities and young people’s communicative needs


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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Els alumnes i les alumnes de primer cicle d'ESO s'enfronten amb les dificultats de la nova etapa i la necessitat de demostrar les seves competències lingüístiques, quant al redactat i la correcció en l'elaboració de textos diversos. Les noves tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació poden ajudar (i han de propiciar-ho) a desenvolupar aquestes capacitats, i han de ser un element motivador perquè els nois i les noies sentin la necessitat de crear produccions escrites pròpies, adequades lingüísticament, coherents i amb les idees ben organitzades.És necessari, a més, que l'avaluació d'aquestes tasques els serveixi per millorar l'expressió en llengua catalana, gramaticalment i ortogràficament, tot ajudant-los a establir sistemes d'autocorrecció i rectificació d'errors.L'exposició pública (en un mitjà com el d'internet) de les seves obres hauria de reblar l'aspecte de la motivació en la creació d'escrits, de manera que els aporti noves expectatives de comunicació i els animi a participar de l'espai virtual que els ofereix aquesta finestra oberta al món. El meu treball té la intenció de ser un projecte educatiu per aconseguir una millora en l'expressió escrita dels alumnes del primer curs d'ESO amb l'ajuda de les eines de les Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació.


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Quan un centre es planteja com ajudar l’alumnat en el desenvolupament i adquisició de l’escriptura d’una manera integral i global ensopega amb tòpics i preconceptes difícils de canviar. És en el marc del treball d’equip, de la reflexió en grup, amb la guia d’un assessorament de centre (intern o extern, com és el cas que presentem) que el professorat pot trobar vies alternatives de treball d’aula i d’escola que afavoreixen el desenvolupament competencial


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Este trabajo tiene por objeto explorar el desempeño de alumnos de 3° de primaria, de una escuela pública de Córdoba, Argentina, en la escritura de textos argumentativos. Los textos fueron producidos en el marco de una secuencia didáctica para el aprendizaje del género “carta de solicitud con justificación”


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The writing of I is a project that starts an itinerary through past, present and future experiences of each of our students based on following research activities. Reading, creation and recreation of text and other items that turn essentially around autobiographical writing and culminate with the elaboration of a free autobiography


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The main purpose of this thesis is to t r ace broadly the educational changes in the past two decades showing a shift of emphasis from a teacher-directed, content-centred philosophy of teaching to a self-directed, student-centred mode of learning. The major justification for an Independent or an Individualized Learning programme with emphasis on "the response to literature approach" is 2 to produce the independent learner. Comprehensive r eading and t he use of t he ERIC system reveal widespread educational thought and practice related t o Individualization and Independent Study as a really democratic way of learning with freedom, independence and responsibility.


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Per una banda, contextualitza el concepte de competència professional dins del marc de l'EEES, i reconeix i classifica a partir de la revisió de la documentació existent les competències específiques i transversals o genèriques, que han de tenir els nous titulats del Grau d'EI. Per altra banda, s'escomet l'anàlisi dels plans d'estudi i dels plans docents del Grau per identificar la seva adaptació al EEES,, concretament en el que fa referència a la competència de comunicació escrita.


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This piece of research compares knowledge of Catalan, Castilian and mathematics, as well as the attitudes to these two languages, of a sample of non-Catalan speaking pupils of low sociocultural level in their fourth year of primary school. Some of the pupils had followed an immersion programme in Catalan, whereas others had approached Catalan through their habitual language (Castilian). The findings show that not only did the immersion pupils obtain significantly better results in L2 (Catalan), but their mother tongue (Castilian) competence was undiminished and their performance on the mathematics test was superior to that of the other group. Moreover, the findings indicate that in pupils starting out from less favourable conditions (a low sociocultural level and a low I.Q.) the effect of the educational approach variable is greater than in other cases


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The far-reaching, fast-moving changes –diffuse urbanisation, building infrastructure, moving away from agricultural space, etc.– suffered by the countryside in most European countries makes it important to have education about the countryside in place to help secondary students interpret their environment and assess the importance of managing the territory to achieve a medium ordered at human scale. The project «City, territory, countryside» is a set of materials for secondary level that aim for reflection on the countryside, work on basic competences and educating about civic-minded attitudes in students


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In the article we resume four experiments of an interdisciplinary nature carried out in four different secondary education centres. The nexus of the union of these didactic proposals is that of looking at values in sport and the critical capacity of the students from distinct perspectives: violence, mass media, politics and gender and the treatment of body in our society


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The methodology outlined in this study for teaching exposit ory writing to advanced (five year phase) grade eleven students is based on the assumption that writing as a problem solving strategy is a high level cognitive skill . In adhering to this assumption, a cognitively based schematic organizer known as a cross-classification chart was tested for its effectiveness a t the planning stage of the writing process . Results were not significant in any of the three components that were evaluated; however , a post- hoc analysis undertaken because of recorded observed data indicated a significant difference in the mean score on the Organization component for the treatment subgroup using the cross- classification organizer . Furthermore, the treatment group's positive response from the attitude survey towards planning writing is encouraging enough that replication and extension of the application of schema theory to wri ting should be pursued in cross-section and longitud i nal studies.


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Forty grade 9 students were selected from a small rural board in southern Ontario. The students were in two classes and were treated as two groups. The treatment group received instruction in the Logical Numerical Problem Solving Strategy every day for 37 minutes over a 6 week period. The control group received instruction in problem solving without this strategy over the same time period. Then the control group received the treat~ent and the treatment group received the instruction without the strategy. Quite a large variance was found in the problem solving ability of students in grade 9. It was also found that the growth of the problem solving ability achievement of students could be measured using growth strands based upon the results of the pilot study. The analysis of the results of the study using t-tests and a MANOVA demonstrated that the teaching of the strategy did not significaritly (at p s 0.05) increase the problem solving achievement of the students. However, there was an encouraging trend seen in the data.


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A sample of 1,345 students enrolled in advanced-level science courses from Grades 9 through OAe was surveyed in order to gain perspective into the existence of motivational differences attributing to science course enrolment by gender. Records of enrolment were examined in order to detect patterns and trends. A questionnaire was devised and piloted. It measured five motivational variables - demographics, science and science-related experiences, science ability and attitudes, impressions about women in science, and importance of science and science-related skills. The students also provided some impressions about the image of scientists. Results of the questionnaire were analyzed for frequency of responses and for significant gender differences using the chi-square. Differences were found to exist in the areas of science anxiety as it relates to testing and oral participation; in motivation generated by the performance of extra-curricular science and science-related activities, and by the classroom environment; in impressions of women in science; in the importance of science skills, and in the area of teacher influence. The study also showed a differential enrolment of females, with an emphasis on biology and chemistry. The males were enrolled in courses of physics and chemistry. The findings lead to numerous suggested strategies and programs for encouraging the participation of females in science education and careers.