1000 resultados para Write once medium


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Fe:BiOx films are fabricated on K9 glass substrates by rf-magnetron sputtering of a BiFeO target under argon atmosphere with increasing sputtering power from 80 to 200 W at room temperature. It is found that the thin films grown at the sputtering power of 160W can be formed at an appropriate deposition rate and have an improved surface morphology. The XPS result reveals that the films investigated are comprised of Bi, Fe and O elements. A typical XRD pattern shows that no phase transition occurs in the films up to 400 degrees C. The results of the blue laser recording test demonstrate that the Fe:BiOx films have good writing sensitivity for blue laser beam (406.7 nm) and good stability after reading 10000 times. The recording marks of 200nm or less are obtained. These results indicate that the introduction of Fe into BiOx films can reduce the mark size and improve the stability of the films.


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SbOx thin films are deposited by reactive dc-magnetron sputtering from all antimony metal target in Ar+O-2 with the relative O-2 content 7%. It is found that the as-deposited films call represent a two-component system comprising amorphous Sb and amorphous Sb2O3. The crystallization of Sb is responsible for the changes of optical properties of the films. The results of the static, test show that the SbOx thin films have good writing sensitivity for blue laser beams and the recording marks are very clear and circular. High reflectivity contrast of about 41% is obtained at a writing power 6 mW and writing pulse width 300 ns. In addition, the films show a good stability after reading 10000 times.


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Si:SbOx films have been deposited by reactive dc-magnetron sputtering from a Sb target with Si chips attached in Ar + O-2 with the relative O-2 content 7%. The as-deposited films contained Sb metal, Sb2O3, SiO, Si2O3 and SiO2. The crystallization of Sb was responsible for the changes of optical properties of the films. The results of the blue laser recording test showed that the films had good writing sensitivity for blue laser beam (406.7 nm), and the recording marks were still clear even if the films were deposited in air 60 days, which demonstrated that doping silicon in SbOx films can improve the stability of SbOx films. High reflectivity contrast of about 36% was obtained at a writing power 6 mW and writing pulse width 300 ns. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In polymeric films of bacteriorhodopsin (BR) a photoconversion product, which was named the F620 state, was observed on excitation of the film with 532 nm nanosecond laser pulses. This photoproduct shows a strong nonlinear absorption. Such BR films can be used for write-once-read-many (WORM) optical data storage. We demonstrate that a photoproduct similar or even identical to that obtained with nanosecond pulses is generated on excitation with 532 mn femtosecond pulses. This photoproduct also shows strong anisotropic absorption, which facilitates polarization storage of data. The product is thermally stable and is irretrievable to the initial B state either by photochemical reaction or through a thermal pathway. The experimental results indicate that the product is formed by a two-photon absorption process. Optical WORM storage is demonstrated by use of two polarization states, but more polarization states may be used. The combination of polarization data multiplexing and extremely short recording time in the femtosecond range enables very high data volumes to be stored within a very short time. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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A nonvolatile write-once-read-many-time (WORM-time) memory device based on poly(N-vinylcarbazole) (PVK) films was realized by thermally annealing. The device can be fabricated using a simple spin coat method. It was found that the control of PVK film surface morphology by thermally annealing plays an important role in achieving the WORM memory properties. The memory device showed an ON/OFF current ratio as high as 10(4) and the retention time was over 2000 s without degradation.


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We realized write-once-read-many-times (WORM) memory devices based on pentacene and demonstrated that the morphology control of the vacuum deposited pentacene thin film is greatly important for achieving the unique nonvolatile memory properties. The resulted memory devices show a high ON/OFF current ratio (10(4)), long retention time (over 12 h), and good storage stability (over 240 h). The reduction of the barrier height caused by a large interface dipole and the damage of the interface dipole under a critical bias voltage have been used to explain the transition processes.


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We realized an organic electrical memory device with a simple structure based on single-layer pentacene film embedded between Al and ITO electrodes. The optimization of the thickness and deposition rate of pentacene resulted in a reliable device with an on/off current ratio as high as nearly 10(6), which was two orders of magnitude higher than previous results, and the storage time was more than 576 h. The current transition process is attributed to the formation and damage of the Interface dipole at different electric fields, in which the current conduction showed a transition from ohmic conductive current to Fowler-Nordheim tunneling current. After the transition from ON- to OFF-state, the device tended to remain in the OFF-State even when the applied voltage was removed, which indicated that the device was very promising for write-once read-many-times memory.


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利用直流磁控反应溅射技术制备了氧气和氩气的分压比为5:100的NiOx薄膜。利用X射线衍射仪(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)、原子力显微镜(AFM)和光谱仪研究了热处理对薄膜的微观结构和光学性质的影响, 并对沉积态薄膜的粉末进行了热分析。沉积态的NiOx薄膜在262 ℃时开始分解, 导致NiOx薄膜的透过率增加和反射率降低。X射线衍射和示差扫描量热曲线(DSC)分析表明, 在热处理过程中并无物相的变化, 光学性质的变化是由于NiOx薄膜热分解引起薄膜表面形貌发生变化而引起的。通过Kissinger公式计算出


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Flash memory is a leading storage media with excellent features such as random access and high storage density. However, it also faces significant reliability and endurance challenges. In flash memory, the charge level in the cells can be easily increased, but removing charge requires an expensive erasure operation. In this thesis we study rewriting schemes that enable the data stored in a set of cells to be rewritten by only increasing the charge level in the cells. We consider two types of modulation scheme; a convectional modulation based on the absolute levels of the cells, and a recently-proposed scheme based on the relative cell levels, called rank modulation. The contributions of this thesis to the study of rewriting schemes for rank modulation include the following: we

•propose a new method of rewriting in rank modulation, beyond the previously proposed method of “push-to-the-top”;

•study the limits of rewriting with the newly proposed method, and derive a tight upper bound of 1 bit per cell;

•extend the rank-modulation scheme to support rankings with repetitions, in order to improve the storage density;

•derive a tight upper bound of 2 bits per cell for rewriting in rank modulation with repetitions;

•construct an efficient rewriting scheme that asymptotically approaches the upper bound of 2 bit per cell.

The next part of this thesis studies rewriting schemes for a conventional absolute-levels modulation. The considered model is called “write-once memory” (WOM). We focus on WOM schemes that achieve the capacity of the model. In recent years several capacity-achieving WOM schemes were proposed, based on polar codes and randomness extractors. The contributions of this thesis to the study of WOM scheme include the following: we

•propose a new capacity-achievingWOM scheme based on sparse-graph codes, and show its attractive properties for practical implementation;

•improve the design of polarWOMschemes to remove the reliance on shared randomness and include an error-correction capability.

The last part of the thesis studies the local rank-modulation (LRM) scheme, in which a sliding window going over a sequence of real-valued variables induces a sequence of permutations. The LRM scheme is used to simulate a single conventional multi-level flash cell. The simulated cell is realized by a Gray code traversing all the relative-value states where, physically, the transition between two adjacent states in the Gray code is achieved by using a single “push-to-the-top” operation. The main results of the last part of the thesis are two constructions of Gray codes with asymptotically-optimal rate.


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We have observed, respectively, a negative differential resistance (NDR) and switching conduction in current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of organic diodes based on copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) film sandwiched between indium-tin-oxide (ITO) and aluminum (Al) by controlling the evaporation rate. The NDR effect is repeatable which can be well, controlled by sweep rate and start voltage, and the switching exhibits write-once-read-many-times (WORM) memory characteristics. The traps in the organic layer and interfacial dipole have been used to explain the NDR effect and switching conduction. This opens up potential applications for CuPc organic semiconductor in low power memory and logic circuits.


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Bandlaufwerke waren bisher die vorherrschende Technologie, um die anfallenden Datenmengen in Archivsystemen zu speichern. Mit Zugriffsmustern, die immer aktiver werden, und Speichermedien wie Festplatten die kostenmäßig aufholen, muss die Architektur vor Speichersystemen zur Archivierung neu überdacht werden. Zuverlässigkeit, Integrität und Haltbarkeit sind die Haupteigenschaften der digitalen Archivierung. Allerdings nimmt auch die Zugriffsgeschwindigkeit einen erhöhten Stellenwert ein, wenn aktive Archive ihre gesamten Inhalte für den direkten Zugriff bereitstellen. Ein band-basiertes System kann die hierfür benötigte Parallelität, Latenz und Durchsatz nicht liefern, was in der Regel durch festplattenbasierte Systeme als Zwischenspeicher kompensiert wird.rnIn dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir die Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten ein festplattenbasiertes Speichersystem zu entwickeln, das auf eine hohe Zuverlässigkeit und Energieeffizienz zielt und das sich sowohl für aktive als auch für kalte Archivumgebungen eignet. Zuerst analysieren wir die Speichersysteme und Zugriffsmuster eines großen digitalen Archivs und präsentieren damit ein mögliches Einsatzgebiet für unsere Architektur. Daraufhin stellen wir Mechanismen vor um die Zuverlässigkeit einer einzelnen Festplatte zu verbessern und präsentieren sowie evaluieren einen neuen, energieeffizienten, zwei- dimensionalen RAID Ansatz der für „Schreibe ein Mal, lese mehrfach“ Zugriffe optimiert ist. Letztlich stellen wir Protokollierungs- und Zwischenspeichermechanismen vor, die die zugrundeliegenden Ziele unterstützen und evaluieren das RAID System in einer Dateisystemumgebung.


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[EN] Based on an extensive theoretical review, the aim of this paper is to carry out a closer examination of the differences between exporters according to their commitment to the international market. Once the main disparities are identified by means of a non-parametric test, a logistic analysis based upon data collected from small and medium sized manufacturing firms is conducted in order to construct a classificatory model.


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This paper examines the role of the Anaesthetic Nuse Specialist(ANS) in the context of innovative cochlear implant surgery which restores hearing to those with long term deafness. The specific focus is patient centered care during the long surgery under local anaestha when the patient is awake.
It is crucial during this surgery that the patient remains still, relaxed and calm, the ANS has been particularly creative using communication cards and tablets to allow patients to write questions and the nurse to answer. The writers capture the unique moment when someone with long term hearing can hear, and the ensuing emotion from the patient and theatre team.


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Cette lecture, tant critique, comparative, et théorique que pédagogique, s’ancre dans le constat, premièrement, qu’il advient aux étudiantEs en littérature de se (re)poser la question des coûts et complicités qu’apprendre à lire et à écrire présuppose aujourd’hui; deuxièmement, que nos pratiques littéraires se trament au sein de lieux empreints de différences, que l’on peut nommer, selon le contexte, métaphore, récit, ville; et, troisièmement, que les efforts et investissements requis sont tout autant couteux et interminable qu’un plaisir et une nécessité politique. Ces conclusions tendent vers l’abstrait et le théorique, mais le langage en lequel elles sont articulées, langage corporel et urbain, de la dépendance et de la violence, cherche d’autant plus une qualité matérielle et concrète. Or, l’introduction propose un survol des lectures et comparaisons de Heroine de Gail Scott qui centre ce projet; identifie les contextes institutionnels, historiques, et personnels qui risquent, ensuite, de décentrer celui-ci. Le premier chapitre permet de cerner le matérialisme littéraire qui me sert de méthode par laquelle la littérature, à la fois, sollicite et offre une réponse à ces interrogations théoriques. Inspirée de l’œuvre de Gail Scott et Réjean Ducharme, premièrement, et de Walter Benjamin, Elisabeth Grosz, et Pierre Macherey ensuite, ‘matérialisme’ fait référence à cette collection de figures de pratiques littéraires et urbaines qui proviennent, par exemple, de Georges Perec, Michel DeCerteau, Barbara Johnson, et Patricia Smart, et qui invitent ensuite une réflexions sur les relations entre corporalité et narrativité, entre la nécessité et la contingence du littéraire. De plus, une collection de figures d’un Montréal littéraire et d’une cité pédagogique, acquis des œuvres de Zygmunt Bauman, Partricia Godbout, et Lewis Mumford, constitue en effet un vocabulaire nous permettant de mieux découvrir (et donc enseigner) ce que lire et apprendre requiert. Le deuxième chapitre propose une lecture comparée de Heroine et des romans des auteures québécoises Anne Dandurand, Marie Gagnon, et Tess Fragoulis, dans le contexte, premièrement, les débats entourant l’institutionnalisation de la littérature (anglo)Québécoise et, deuxièmement, des questions pédagogiques et politiques plus larges et plus urgentes que nous pose, encore aujourd’hui, cette violence récurrente qui s’acharna, par exemple, sur la Polytechnique en 1989. Or, cette intersection de la violence meurtrière, la pratique littéraire, et la pédagogie qui en résulte se pose et s’articule, encore, par le biais d’une collection de figures de styles. En fait, à travers le roman de Scott et de l’œuvre critique qui en fait la lecture, une série de craques invite à reconnaître Heroine comme étant, ce que j’appelle, un récit de dépendance, au sein duquel se concrétise une temporalité récursive et une logique d’introjection nous permettant de mieux comprendre la violence et, par conséquent, le pouvoir d’une pratique littéraire sur laquelle, ensuite, j’appuie ma pédagogie en devenir. Jetant, finalement, un regard rétrospectif sur l’oeuvre dans son entier, la conclusion de ce projet se tourne aussi vers l’avant, c’est-à-dire, vers ce que mes lectures dites matérialistes de la littérature canadienne et québécoise contribuent à mon enseignement de la langue anglaise en Corée du Sud. C’est dans ce contexte que les propos de Jacques Rancière occasionnent un dernier questionnement quant à l’historique des débats et des structures pédagogiques en Corée, d’une part, et, de l’autre, les conclusions que cette lecture de la fiction théorique de Gail Scott nous livre.