961 resultados para Wounds, penetrating
The meeting of the Publication "Evidence Based Telemedicine - Trauma and Emergency Surgery" (TBE-CiTE), through literature review, selected three recent articles on the treatment of victims stab wounds to the abdominal wall. The first study looked at the role of computed tomography (CT) in the treatment of patients with stab wounds to the abdominal wall. The second examined the use of laparoscopy over serial physical examinations to evaluate patients in need of laparotomy. The third did a review of surgical exploration of the abdominal wound, use of diagnostic peritoneal lavage and CT for the early identification of significant lesions and the best time for intervention. There was consensus to laparotomy in the presence of hemodynamic instability or signs of peritonitis, or evisceration. The wound should be explored under local anesthesia and if there is no injury to the aponeurosis the patient can be discharged. In the presence of penetration into the abdominal cavity, serial abdominal examinations are safe without CT. Laparoscopy is well indicated when there is doubt about any intracavitary lesion, in centers experienced in this method.
Damage control surgery is one of the major advances in surgical practice in the last 20 years. The indications for damage control surgery are: the need to terminate a laparotomy rapidly in an exsanguinating, hypothermic patient who had developed a coagulopathy and who is about to die on the operating table; inability to control bleeding by direct hemostasis; and inability to close the abdomen without tension because of massive visceral edema and a tense abdominal wall. Damage control surgery has three phases: 1) laparotomy to control hemorrhage by packing, shunting, or balloon tamponade, or both; control of intestinal spillage by resection or ligation of damaged bowel, or both; 2) physiological resuscitation to correct hypothermia, metabolic acidosis, and coagulopathy. 3) planned reoperation for definitive repair. Damage control surgery is appropriate in a small number of critically ill patients who are likely to require substantial hospital resources. However, there are many questions that need to be answered. Who is the patient elected for this surgery? When is the ideal time to make the decision? Which are the parameters that indicate to the surgeons the moment to re-operate the patient? How to treat the long-term complications? In the present review we described some historical aspects, indications, technical aspects, advantages and disadvantages of this procedure, as well as its physiological consequences and morbidity and mortality rates of damage control surgery. Damage control surgery offers a simple effective alternative to the traditional surgical management of complex or multiple injuries in critically injured patients.
ABSTRACTObjective:to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of non-operative management (NOM) of liver injury, being the only abdominal injury, from gunshot wounds to the abdomen.Methods:patients who had liver damage diagnosed as single abdominal injury caused by PAF in the right thoracoabdominal region, hemodynamically stable were studied. All underwent examination with computed tomography. Were analyzed: age, gender, levels of trauma, hemodynamic condition and the abdominal examination on admission, the results of the CT scan, the extra-abdominal lesions found, the serum levels of hemoglobin, clinical course, complications, length of hospital stay, outpatient treatment and death.Results:during the study period 169 patients, treated non-operatively, presented liver gunshot wounds. Of these, only 28 patients (16.6%) had liver injury as the only abdominal injury and consequently met the inclusion criteria for this study. The average age was 27.7 years and 25 patients (89.2%) were male. The overall average of verified trauma scores were: RTS 7.45, ISS 10.9, and TRISS 98.7%. The most frequent injuries were grade II and grade III (85.7%). Complications occurred in only one patient who presented a progressive decline in hemoglobin. He underwent a CT scan which showed blush in the liver parenchyma. An arteriography was performed, which showed a successfully embolized arteriovenous fistula. There were no deaths in the patient sample. The average hospital stay was 5.3 days.Conclusion:isolated hepatic injury in gunshot abdominal trauma is uncommon. However, the NOM protocol for this type of injury is safe and has low morbidity. This approach should only be followed in institutions with adequate infrastructure, where an experienced and cohesive team is able to follow a specific protocol, with rigorous periodic evaluation of its results.
Objective: To analyze the characteristics of trauma patients with renal lesions treated at a university hospital in Curitiba. Methods: We conducted a retrospective, cross-sectional study guided by review of medical records of trauma victims who underwent surgical treatment. The variables analyzed were age, gender, mechanism of injury, degree of kidney damage, conduct individualized according to the degree of renal injury, associated injuries, complications and deaths. We classified lesions according to the American Association of Trauma Surgery (TSAA). Results: We analyzed 794 records and found renal lesions in 33 patients, with mean age 29.8 years, most (87.8%) being male. Penetrating trauma accounted for 84.8% of cases. The most common renal injuries were grade II (33.3%), followed by grade I (18.1%), III, IV and V. Nephrectomy treated 45.4% of injuries, 73.3% being total nephrectomy, and 45.4% by nephrorraphy. In 9% treatment was non-surgical. Only 12.1% of patients had isolated renal lesions. Complications ensued in 15.1% and mortality was 6.06%. Conclusion: The surgical approach was preferred due to penetrating trauma mechanism. We achieved low rates of complications and deaths, and neither case could be directly related to kidney damage, and there were patients with multiple lesions. In this sample, we could not observe a direct relationship between kidney damage and complications, deaths or the type of conduct employed.
La presente investigación, intenta generar un impacto positivo dentro del ámbito médico-quirúrgico, ya que se espera que la revisión de la literatura genere mayor conocimiento sobre el manejo de las lesiones del plexo braquial con lesión vascular concomitante, ocasionada mediante un trauma abierto por herida causada por arma corto punzante, y con base en esto proponer una guía de manejo que se pueda aplicar en el día a día de todos aquellos especialistas quirúrgicos y no quirúrgicos para el tratamiento de dicha lesión. Es importante resaltar la dificultad metodológica presentada ante la poca validez de los estudios seleccionados, a pesar de que se aplicaron normas estrictas para la selección de los artículos. Las lesiones vasculares y nerviosas concomitantes del miembro superior no solo comprometen la viabilidad de la extremidad sino que además se constituyen en lesiones con secuelas severas desde el punto de vista funcional para el paciente. No se ha establecido un protocolo de manejo de estas lesiones. Los estudios realizados carecen de metodología adecuada de evaluación tanto en el momento de ingreso del paciente a urgencias como en su preoperatorio, postoperario y en las evaluaciones de los resultados funcionales de la extremidad una vez superada la lesión inicial. No hay una evolución consignada en la literatura con respecto al manejo integral de estos pacientes, que nos permita discernir con respecto al momento adecuado de la reparación nervios. El establecimiento de una guía clínica para cirujanos vasculares y cirujanos de mano para el manejo integral de este tipo de lesiones es apremiante. Los costos de tratamiento y rehabilitación de este tipo de pacientes son indiscutiblemente elevados desde todo punto de vista, pero es definitivo que el resultado funcional es mejor cuando se establece un manejo sistemático que incluya el manejo vascular y el manejo de la lesión neurológica de una forma integral.
A 24-year-old male patient was the victim of a firearm wound that penetrated the thorax. He arrived at another hospital hemodynamically unstable and was submitted to exploratory surgery by means of bithoracotomy. A lesion of the left branch of the pulmonary artery was detected and successfully repaired. He was submitted for computer-aided tomography on the fifth postoperative day, and a lesion of the mid-thoracic aorta was detected, which formed a saccular image. Considering that the patient had already been submitted to a bithoracotomy and that a direct approach to repair would involve another thoracotomy within a short period of time, endovascular treatment was chosen in our hospital. The procedure was performed under fluoroscopy. A second computer-aided tomography indicated adequate treatment of the lesion, with no indication of an endoleak. He has undergone ambulatory follow-up for 36 months without any problem related to the procedure. While endovascular treatment of the aorta has developed enormously, multicenter studies are needed to better define the long-term results of this approach. © 2008 Published by European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. All rights reserved.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar as formas de tratamento empregadas e os principais aspectos relacionados à morbidade e à mortalidade dos ferimentos cardíacos.. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de 102 doentes com lesão cardíaca, atendidos nos dois prontos socorros de Manaus (Pronto Socorro Municipal 28 de Agosto e Hospital Pronto Socorro Dr. João Lúcio P. Machado) no período de janeiro de 1998 a junho de 2006. RESULTADOS: Dos 102 doentes, 95,1% eram homens; a média de idade foi 27 anos; ferimentos por arma branca representaram 81,4% dos casos, contra 18,6% por arma de fogo; cardiorrafia foi realizada em 98,1% dos casos. As câmaras cardíacas atingidas foram: VD: 43,9% (36,2% isoladamente e 7,7% associada a outras câmaras); VE: 37,2%; AD: 8,5% e AE: 10,4%, com mortalidades específicas de 21%, 23%, 22% e 45%, respectivamente. Lesões de duas câmaras associadas alcançaram mortalidade de 37,5%, sendo 20% para VD+AD, 100% para VD+VE e zero para VD+AE. O pulmão correspondeu a 33,7% de 89 lesões associadas. Os tempos médios de cirurgia e de internação foram de 121 minutos e 8,2 dias, respectivamente. Cerca de 22,5% complicaram representando 41 complicações. A mortalidade foi 28,4%. Lesões grau IV e V corresponderam a 55% e 41% dos casos, com mortalidade específica de 26% e 15%, respectivamente. Todos os doentes com lesão grau VI morreram. CONCLUSÃO: O ferimentos cardíacos por arma branca estiveram associados a menor mortalidade, as lesões cardíacas grau IV estiveram associadas à maior mortalidade e um menor tempo operatório esteve associado à maior gravidade e mortalidade.
Penetrating hand wounds are common and these are managed by thorough debridement. However, stab wounds without evidence of divided structures are often treated with irrigation using antiseptic substances, antibiotic therapy, and immobilization. Octenisept® (Schülke & Mayr Ltd) is a widely used antiseptic agent for disinfection of acute or chronic wounds. It has a broad spectrum of antiseptic efficacy and has become an antiseptic of first choice in many hospitals. Within a few months, four patients presented to us with chronic inflammation and severe tissue necrosis after irrigation of penetrating hand wounds with Octenisept®. Repeated surgery and debridement was required in all patients. Wound healing was prolonged and patients had persisting oedema. Penetrating hand wounds must not be irrigated with Octenisept®.
Mode of access: Internet.
Background: The high missed occult small bowel injuries (SBI) associated with laparoscopy in trauma (LIT) is a major reason why some surgeons still preclude LIT today. No standardized laparoscopic examination for evaluation of the peritoneal cavity is described for trauma. The objective of this article is to verify if a systematic standardized laparoscopic approach could correctly identify SBI in the peritoneal cavity for penetrating abdominal trauma (PAT). Methods: Victims with PAT were evaluated in a prospective, nonrandomized study. A total of 75 hemodynamically stable patients with suspected abdominal injuries were operated by LIT and converted to laparotomy if criteria were met: SBI and lesions to blind spot zones-retroperitoneal hematoma, injuries to segments VI or VII of the liver, or injuries to the posterior area of the spleen. Inclusion criteria were equivocal evidence of abdominal injuries or peritonea] penetration; systolic blood pressure >90 mm Hg and <3 L of IV fluids in the first hour of admission; Glasgow Coma Scale score >12; and age >12 years. Exclusion criteria were back injuries; pregnancy; previous laparotomy; and chronic cardiorespiratory disease. Results: Sixty patients were males and there were 38 stab wounds and 37 gunshot wounds. No SBI was missed, but a pancreatic lesion was undiagnosed due to a retroperitoneal hematoma. Twenty patients (26.6%) were converted. Unnecessary laparotomies were avoided in 73.33%. Therapeutic LIT was possible in 22.7%. Accuracy was 98.66% with 97.61% sensitivity and 100% specificity. Conclusions: Standard systematic laparoscopic exploration was 100% effective to detect SBI in the peritoneal cavity. Conversion from LIT to laparotomy should be done if injuries to blind spot zones are found which are poorly evaluated by LIT. Therapeutic LIT is feasible in PAT.
INTRODUCTION: Penetrating injury of the skull and brain is relatively uncommon, representing about 0.4% of head injuries. In this paper the Authors describe a case of patient victim of transorbital stab with brain injury with good recovery and review the literature about cranial stab wound. CASE REPORT: A 23-year-old man was involved in an altercation which resulted in the patient sustaining wounds to the head, with penetrating in left transorbital, affecting the eye. At arrival to the first trauma center the patient was conscient and complete responsive with 15 points in Glasgow Coma Scale, and motor deficit grade III. CT scan demonstrated left periventricular brain hematoma and supraorbital fracture. A four-vessel cerebral angiogram demonstrated no anormality. In this evolution patient presented good neurologic outcome. CONCLUSION: In patients conscients with no surgical lesion like our patient, the hospital discharge must occurr after the angiogram have excluded intracranial vascular lesion.
Background: Interpersonal violence is a worldwide social reality which seems to increasingly affect even the safest of countries, such as Switzerland. In this country, road traffic accidents, as well as professional and recreational activities, are the main providers of trauma-related injuries. The incidence of penetrative trauma related to stab wounds seems to be regularly increasing in our ED. The question arises of whether our strategies in trauma management are adapted to deal efficiently with these injuries.Methods: To answer this question, the study analysed patients admitted for intentional penetrative injuries in a tertiary urban emergency department (ED) during a 23 month period. Demographics, conditions of the assault, injury type and treatments applied were analysed.Results: Eighty patients admitted due to an intentional penetrating trauma accounted for 0.2% of the surgical practice of our ED. The assault occurred equally in a public or a private context, mainly affecting young males during the night and the weekend. Sixty six patients (83%) were treated as out-patients. Only 10 patients needed surgery. None of them required damage control surgery. No patient died and the mean hospital stay was 5.5 days.Conclusions: The prevalence of stab wounds in Switzerland is low. These injuries rarely need complex, surgical procedures. Observational strategies should be considered according to the patient status.
ABSTRACTObjective:the study has the intention of evaluate the accuracy of computed tomography for the diagnosis of cervical lesions on penetrating neck trauma and also identify the most frequent mechanisms of trauma. Most injured structures, determine the age range and the most prevalent sex.Methods: observational descriptive retrospective study executed by the systematic retrospective review of medical records of all patients victims of penetrating neck trauma that went through surgery and CT scans, admitted into Hospital do Trabalhador, between January 2009 and December 2013.Results:the final sample was of 30 patients, 96.7% of the male sex, the median age was of 28 years old. Most patients suffered injuries by gun (56.7%) and 33,3% suffered stab wounds. The most stricken area of the neck was Zone II (77.8%) and the left side (55.2%). Regarding the structures injured, the CT showed 6.7% lesions on airways but the surgery showed 40% of damaged, with a value of p=0.002. As to damages of the esophagus and pharynx the CT detected 10% of lesions, while surgery found 30% of lesions, therefore with a significant value of p=0.013. As for the analysis the CT showed reliable. As for the analysis of vascular damage, the CT showed to be, in most cases, reliable to the findings during the surgical act.Conclusion:besides the great use of CT for the diagnosis of penetrating neck injuries we can say that this is an exam with low accuracy for the diagnosis of lesions of aerodigestive tract, therefore it is important a clinical correlation for a good diagnosis.as for the vascular lesions and of other structures, the CT had high sensibility and specificity, thus a good exam to be used in overall.
Homicides with a survival of several days are not uncommon in forensic routine work. Reconstructions of these cases by autopsy alone are very difficult and may occasionally lead to unsatisfying results. For the medico-legal reconstruction of these cases, ante-mortem and post-mortem radiological imaging should always be included in the expertise. We report on a case of fatal penetrating stab wounds to the skull in which a case reconstruction was only possible by combining the radiological ante- and post-mortem data with the autopsy findings.
The association between tridimensional scaffolds to cells of interest has provided excellent perspectives for obtaining viable complex tissues in vitro, such as skin, resulting in impressive advances in the field of tissue engineering applied to regenerative therapies. The use of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells in the treatment of dermo-epidermal wounds is particularly promising due to several relevant properties of these cells, such as high capacity of proliferation in culture, potential of differentiation in multiple skin cell types, important paracrine and immunomodulatory effects, among others. Membranes of chitosan complexed with xanthan may be potentially useful as scaffolds for multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells, given that they present suitable physico-chemical characteristics and have adequate tridimensional structure for the adhesion, growth, and maintenance of cell function. Therefore, the purpose of this work was to assess the applicability of bioactive dressings associating dense and porous chitosan-xanthan membranes to multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells for the treatment of skin wounds. The membranes showed to be non-mutagenic and allowed efficient adhesion and proliferation of the mesenchymal stromal cells in vitro. In vivo assays performed with mesenchymal stromal cells grown on the surface of the dense membranes showed acceleration of wound healing in Wistar rats, thus indicating that the use of this cell-scaffold association for tissue engineering purposes is feasible and attractive.