637 resultados para Workplace violence


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Shipping list no.: 2004-0092-P.


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OBJECTIVES: To assess consequences of physical violence at work and identify their predictors. METHODS: Among the patients in a medicolegal consultation from 2007 to 2010, the subsample of workplace violence victims (n = 185) was identified and contacted again in average 30 months after the assault. Eighty-six victims (47 %) participated. Ordinal logistic regression analyses assessed the effect of 9 potential risk factors on physical, psychological and work consequences summarized in a severity score (0-9). RESULTS: Severity score distribution was as follows: 4+: 14 %; 1-3: 42 %; and 0: 44 %. Initial psychological distress resulting from the violence was a strong predictor (p < 0.001) of the severity score both on work and long-term psychological consequences. Gender and age did not reach significant levels in multivariable analyses even though female victims had overall more severe consequences. Unexpectedly, only among workers whose jobs implied high awareness of the risk of violence, first-time violence was associated with long-term psychological and physical consequences (p = 0.004). Among the factors assessed at follow-up, perceived lack of employers' support or absence of employer was associated with higher values on the severity score. The seven other assessed factors (initial physical injuries; previous experience of violence; preexisting health problems; working alone; internal violence; lack of support from colleagues; and lack of support from family or friends) were not significantly associated with the severity score. CONCLUSIONS: Being a victim of workplace violence can result in long-term consequences on health and employment, their severity increases with the seriousness of initial psychological distress. Support from the employer can help prevent negative outcomes.


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OBJECTIVE Identifying the violence suffered by the health team workers and their association with Burnout and minor psychiatric disorders. METHODS Cross-sectional study with 269 health team professionals of a public hospital in southern Brazil. Data were collected through the use of the Survey Questionnaire: Workplace Violence in the Health Sector, Maslach Inventory Burnout and Self-Report Questionnaire. RESULTS Workplace violence struck 63.2% of workers, prevailing mostly in women (p = 0.001), among nursing auxiliaries/technicians (p=0.014) and was associated with minor psychiatric disorders (p<0.05), as exposure to different forms of violence increased the chances of these disorders by 60% (CI 95%: 1.2-2.1). The three Burnout dimensions were also associated to violence at work (p<0.05). CONCLUSION Health workers experience violence in the workplace and this exposure is associated with Burnout symptoms and minor psychiatric disorders.


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Ce mémoire a pour objectif d’étudier la relation entre la culture organisationnelle et la violence au travail. Plus spécifiquement, les résultats permettent de déterminer comment la perception des cultures organisationnelles de type groupal, développemental, hiérarchique et rationnel de l’approche des valeurs concurrentes de Cameron et Quinn (1999) s’associent aux conflits interpersonnels et au harcèlement physique et sexuel dans les organisations. Les données proviennent de l’Étude SALVEO, menée par l’Équipe de recherche sur le travail et la santé mentale de l’Université de Montréal. À notre connaissance, aucune étude n’a étudié les perceptions des cultures organisationnelles globales des entreprises. Les études antérieures se sont intéressées à certains traits spécifiques des cultures, telles que l’acceptation, la tolérance et la banalisation de la violence, sans considérer intégralement la culture organisationnelle. Il est possible d’utiliser le modèle de Cameron et Quinn (1999) avec l’échelle de Marchand, Haines et Dextras-Gauthier (2013) pour mesurer la perception que les travailleurs se font de leur culture organisationnelle pour pouvoir les associer avec les niveaux de conflits interpersonnels et de harcèlement physique et sexuel par la suite. Les analyses multiniveaux de cette recherche ont révélé que la culture groupale s’associe à des niveaux plus bas de conflits interpersonnels et la culture développementale à des niveaux plus élevés. Bien que les résultats ne soient pas significatifs pour tous les types de culture organisationnelle, les entreprises qui adoptent des caractéristiques de la culture groupale, telles que le soutien social, la participation des travailleurs et la justice organisationnelle, semblent mieux prévenir le phénomène de la violence au travail. D’autre part, l’intégration d’un grand nombre de variables contrôles a permis de déterminer que les facteurs individuels et organisationnels les plus associés à la violence sont : le fait d’être une femme, d’être jeune, d’être syndiqué, l’effort au travail et l’injustice organisationnelle.


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L’exposition à la violence dans le secteur de la santé affecte les employés et a également des implications sur la qualité des soins offerts. Les agressions en milieu de travail peuvent engendrer divers émotions ou comportements chez le personnel soignant, tels que la peur et l’évitement des patients (Gates, Gillespie, & Succop, 2011). La présente étude phénoménologique tente de comprendre et de décrire l’expérience des intervenants d’un hôpital psychiatrique lorsque ceux-ci ont été victimes d’un acte de violence grave de la part d’un patient, ainsi que les impacts engendrés sur les services offerts. L’approche phénoménologique permet de porter un nouveau regard sur cette problématique en plongeant dans l’univers de chaque intervenant, comprendre l’interprétation donnée à l’acte de violence vécu. L’emploi de cette approche donne accès à davantage de contenu et permet de préciser de quelle façon leur quotidien est altéré par ce phénomène. Trente entrevues semi-structurées ont été réalisées, soit deux auprès de chacun des 15 participants (11 femmes) provenant de divers domaines professionnels œuvrant dans un hôpital psychiatrique. Les analyses sont basées sur la technique « Empirical Phenomenological Psychological » de Karlsson (1993). Une attention particulière a été portée quant à la possibilité d’expériences différentes selon le sexe des intervenants. L’analyse a fait ressortir quatre thèmes principaux qui sont présents indépendamment du sexe des intervenants, soit: l’hypervigilance, le caring, la peur spécifique du patient agresseur, puis la peur généralisée à tous les patients. Un état d’hypervigilance est retrouvé chez tous les intervenants qui ont été victimes d’agression de la part d’un patient. Comparativement aux intervenants qui ont assisté à l’escalade d’agressivité d’un patient, ceux ayant été agressés par surprise rapportent des répercussions de cette vigilance qui s’étendent jusqu’à leur vie personnelle. Une approche caring est présente chez la majorité des participants. Ceci implique une bienveillance et une authenticité envers le patient soigné. Mettant le patient au cœur de son intervention, l’intervenant « soignant » développe un lien de confiance et agit comme un agent de changement. Un sentiment de peur est également exprimé chez les participants. Celui-ci est modulé par la présence ou l’absence de caring. Les intervenants démontrant du caring ont développé une peur spécifique à leur agresseur, tandis que ceux ne manifestant peu ou pas de caring ont développé une peur généralisée de la clientèle. Suite à un évènement de violence, les intervenants étant caring le demeurent, alors que ceux n’étant peu ou pas caring seraient plutôt portés à se désinvestir et à se désengager des relations avec les patients. Engendrées par la violence subie en milieu hospitalier psychiatrique, l’hypervigilance et la peur, qu’elle soit spécifique ou généralisée, ont toutes deux des impacts sur la qualité des soins offerts. Un intérêt considérable devrait être porté au caring, qui vient moduler cette peur et les effets qui en découlent. Des recherches pourraient porter un éclairage sur l’origine du caring – est-ce que le caring est appris ou découle-t-il d’une vocation? Finalement, ces études pourraient établir des manières de renforcer ou de développer le caring.


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Psicologia


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Preventing violence at work: A study of descriptions of safety measures in Swedish trade union journals 1978–2004 The purpose of this study is to examine if perceptions of interventions aimed at violence in the workplace have changed since the 1970s. In the beginning of the study period, structural factors are seen as the dominating explanation for workplace violence. The crime perspective rises in the 1990’s and methods of intervention becomes the control- and justice functions of larger society. The result shows search for accountability to be a salient factor for understanding the development towards an increasing use of penal sanctions.


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Increase in work related violence. A reflection of changes in working conditions? An analysis based on the Swedish Work Environment surveys. Victim surveys from Sweden show that the proportion reporting exposure to work related violence has increased. On the basis of the Swedish Work Environment surveys 1991–2005 this article focuses on the following questions: What kind of situations and working conditions are related to workplace violence? And, has the number of employees exposed to these working conditions increased parallel to the rise of reported workplace violence? Logistic regression analysis shows that some situations and working conditions are indeed related tothe risk of violence. To some extent exposure to these working conditions co-varies with exposure to violence. This result is more prominent for women than for men. Further research is needed to understand how changes in working conditions affect the risk of violence and the development thereof, not least from a gender perspective. Even so, changes in working conditions can not alone explain the increase of reported workplace violence in Sweden during this period. It seems that the influence of changed working conditions offers an interesting complement to criminological theories of broadened definitions and decreasing tolerance against violence in problematizing how an increase in reported workplace violence should and could be understood.


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Violence at work as a social problem: a study of the media coverage on workplace violence in Swedish trade union journals 1978–2004 The main purpose of this study was to find out the extent of the unions media coverage on workplace violence and the ways in which the topic was framed. The study shows that the reporting of violence in the workplace described in journals is on a stable level during the period 1978–98. However from the year 2000 and onwards, there is a clear increase in the attention. Four categories of workplace violence were used to identify and recognize different types of violence: intrusive-, consumer-, relationship-and organizational violence. This shows that much of the attention over time has shifted from intrusive violence to organizational violence and consumer violence. What seems to have happened is that workplace violence has become more than just robberies and assaults in the retail business. The stereotypical image of the criminal is challenged by non-traditional criminals like nurses, elderly people and companies. Certain groups, e.g. care workers, come to account for an increasing proportion of attention, both as perpetrators and victims of violence. This study is an important step in understanding the increased reports of workplace violence in Sweden.


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There is a considerable number of researches about workplace violence, but few relate young workers and work harassment. This study aimed to investigate the reported perceptions of young apprentices and trainees about moral harassment at work and related coping strategies. Forty adolescent workers (22 men and 18 women) between 15 and 20 years old who received training by a non-governmental organization in Sao Paulo, Brazil, participated in the study. Data collection included individual and collective interviews. It was used an in-depth semi structured interview protocol. The discourses were analyzed using the hermeneutic-dialectic frame. Results showed that young workers reported little or no knowledge of strategies to cope with moral harassment at work, showing vulnerability to the effects of aggression. Effective coping strategies at work should embrace two important concepts of health promotion: empowerment and autonomy.


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Despite being one of the world’s wealthiest countries and most modern economies, in Switzerland gender equality remains an elusive challenge. Paid maternity leave, legal abortion and an increase in women’s educational attainment are some of the milestones achieved since 1995, when the country was one of 189 states to adopt the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action at the Fourth World Conference on Women. But while legal gender equality may be nearly achieved, much remains to be done to achieve gender equality in practice. Rigid gender stereotypes, wage discrimination, women’s heavy care burden, segregation in the workplace, violence against women, under-representation of women in political and economic decision making, and structural obstacles to reconciling family duties with employment still stand in the way of gender equality. In order to realize gender equality, government, employers, politicians and civil society all need to take concrete and coordinated actions. These range from changes in the educational sector, in the labour market and in the social security system to an active foreign policy that promotes women’s human rights.