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In this article I will present two arguments. First, the argument that the time travel television series historically provided viewers with a spectacular temporal and spatial alternative to the routine of everyday life, the regulation of television scheduling, and the small-world confines of domestic subjectivity. Taking the decades of the 1970s and 1980s, predominantly in a UK viewing environment, I will suggest that the special effect rendering of the time travel sequence expanded the viewer’s material universe, and affectively wrenched the television set free from the strictures of scheduling and realist programming. Further, the time travel series readily and regularly took the domestic space, the ordinary day and the everyman/ person into awesome environments and situations that suggested alternative lifestyles and behaviours, with a different existential tempo and rhythm. At a narrative, thematic, meta- textual, and aesthetically spectacular level, television time travel saw to the wonderful end of the working day. Case studies include Sapphire and Steal, Dr Who, and Quantum Leap. Second, the article will argue that rather than the contemporary time travel television series being an extraordinary alternative to ordinary life, they instead articulate convergence culture, deregulation, multiple channel viewing, and time-shift culture where there is no such thing as an ordinary working day or domestic viewing context.


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Work has a central role in the lives of big share of adult Finns and meals they eat during the workday comprise an important factor in their nutrition, health, and well-being. On workdays, lunch is mainly eaten at worksite canteens or, especially among women, as a packed meal in the workplace s break room. No national-level data is available on the nutritional quality of the meals served by canteens, although the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health laid out the first nutrition recommendations for worksite canteens in 1971. The aim of this study was to examine the contribution of various socio-demographic, socioeconomic, and work-related factors to the lunch eating patterns of Finnish employees during the working day and how lunch eating patterns influence dietary intake. Four different population-based cross-sectional datasets were used in this thesis. Three of the datasets were collected by the National Institute for Health and Welfare (Health Behaviour and Health among the Finnish Adult Population survey from 1979 to 2001, n=24746, and 2005 to 2007, n=5585, the National Findiet 2002 Study, n=261), and one of them by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (Work and Health in Finland survey from 1997, 2000, and 2003, n=6369). The Health Behaviour and Health among the Finnish Adult Population survey and the Work and Health in Finland survey are nationally representative studies that are conducted repeatedly. Survey information was collected by self-administered questionnaires, dietary recalls, and telephone interviews. The frequency of worksite canteen use has been quite stable for over two decades in Finland. A small decreasing trend can be seen in all socioeconomic groups. During the whole period studied, those with more years of education ate at worksite canteens more often than the others. The size of the workplace was the most important work-related determinant associated with the use of a worksite canteen. At small workplaces, other work-related determinants, like occupation, physical strain at work, and job control, were also associated with canteen use, whereas at bigger workplaces the associations were almost nonexistent. The major social determinants of worksite canteen availability were the education and occupational status of employees and the only work-related determinant was the size of the workplace. A worksite canteen was more commonly available to employees at larger workplaces and to those with the higher education and the higher occupational status. Even when the canteen was equally available to all employees, its use was nevertheless determined by occupational class and the place of residence, especially among female employees. Those with higher occupational status and those living in the Helsinki capital area ate in canteens more frequently than the others. Employees who ate at a worksite canteen consumed more vegetables and vegetable and fish dishes at lunch than did those who ate packed lunches. Also, the daily consumption of vegetables and the proportion of the daily users of vegetables were higher among those male employees who ate at a canteen. In conclusion, life possibilities, i.e. the availability of a canteen, education, occupational status, and work-related factors, played an important role in the choice of where to eat lunch among Finnish employees. The most basic prerequisite for eating in a canteen was availability, but there were also a number of underlying social determinants. Occupational status and the place of residence were the major structural factors behind individuals choices in their lunch eating patterns. To ensure the nutrition, health, and well-being of employees, employers should provide them with the option to have good quality meals during working hours. The availability of worksite canteens should be especially supported in lower socioeconomic groups. In addition, employees should be encouraged to have lunch at a worksite canteen when one is available by removing structural barriers to its use.


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Price forecast is a matter of concern for all participants in electricity markets, from suppliers to consumers through policy makers, which are interested in the accurate forecast of day-ahead electricity prices either for better decisions making or for an improved evaluation of the effectiveness of market rules and structure. This paper describes a methodology to forecast market prices in an electricity market using an ARIMA model applied to the conjectural variations of the firms acting in an electricity market. This methodology is applied to the Iberian electricity market to forecast market prices in the 24 hours of a working day. The methodology was then compared with two other methodologies, one called naive and the other a direct forecast of market prices using also an ARIMA model. Results show that the conjectural variations price forecast performs better than the naive and that it performs slightly better than the direct price forecast.


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While recent research has provided valuable information as to the composition of laser printer particles, their formation mechanisms, and explained why some printers are emitters whilst others are low emitters, fundamental questions relating to the potential exposure of office workers remained unanswered. In particular, (i) what impact does the operation of laser printers have on the background particle number concentration (PNC) of an office environment over the duration of a typical working day?; (ii) what is the airborne particle exposure to office workers in the vicinity of laser printers; (iii) what influence does the office ventilation have upon the transport and concentration of particles?; (iv) is there a need to control the generation of, and/or transport of particles arising from the operation of laser printers within an office environment?; (v) what instrumentation and methodology is relevant for characterising such particles within an office location? We present experimental evidence on printer temporal and spatial PNC during the operation of 107 laser printers within open plan offices of five buildings. We show for the first time that the eight-hour time-weighted average printer particle exposure is significantly less than the eight-hour time-weighted local background particle exposure, but that peak printer particle exposure can be greater than two orders of magnitude higher than local background particle exposure. The particle size range is predominantly ultrafine (< 100nm diameter). In addition we have established that office workers are constantly exposed to non-printer derived particle concentrations, with up to an order of magnitude difference in such exposure amongst offices, and propose that such exposure be controlled along with exposure to printer derived particles. We also propose, for the first time, that peak particle reference values be calculated for each office area analogous to the criteria used in Australia and elsewhere for evaluating exposure excursion above occupational hazardous chemical exposure standards. A universal peak particle reference value of 2.0 x 104 particles cm-3 has been proposed.


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O Programa Escola Ativa (PEA) foi implementado no Brasil a partir de 1997 no marco de um convênio com o Banco Mundial, com o objetivo de melhorar o rendimento de alunos de classes multisseriadas rurais. O PEA tem seu foco na formação de professores e na melhoria da infra-estrutura das escolas, e propõe amplas mudanças na organização do trabalho docente, constituindo-se na único programa voltado especificamente para as classes multisseriadas no Brasil. Seu histórico é marcado pela coexistência com movimentos sociais que sintetizam e defendem novos princípios para a educação do meio rural alinhados com os seus próprios interesses e configurando-os em um novo conceito: Educação do Campo. Estes princípios devieram em 2002 em Referências para uma política nacional de educação do campo e passaram a orientar, em tese, a reformulação e redirecionamento do PEA. O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar as mudanças no trabalho docente a partir da introdução do Programa Escola Ativa nas escolas multisseriadas rurais. Três frentes de análise foram abertas: uma análise macro, relativa ao contexto histórico da formulação do Programa e início de sua implantação no Brasil; uma análise meso, relativa aos processos de apropriação e resistência de diferentes grupos de interesse; e uma análise micro, relativa às mudanças no trabalho docente no campo a partir da implementação do Programa, considerando os sentidos que adquire o mesmo para o professor, a partir das novas prescrições e condições engendradas. Ao reconstituir o percurso do PEA, da origem à universalização, buscou-se identificar o papel do professor que atua nas escolas aderentes ao PEA e o papel dos movimentos sociais, ao proporem uma política nacional de educação do campo. Inicialmente, realizou-se uma análise macro dos contextos do desenvolvimento e da implementação do PEA, por meio de revisão da literatura. Observou-se uma retórica modernizadora e uma racionalidade tecnocrática que impunha-se de cima para baixo orientando as políticas, em matéria de autonomia e profissionalização dos docentes. No nível meso, por meio de entrevistas, pesquisa participante e análise documental buscou-se mapear pontos convergentes e divergentes na interlocução da coordenação do PEA com os movimentos sociais que discutem a educação do campo no Brasil. Detectou-se um considerável acúmulo de informações construídas de maneira coletiva e utilizadas pelo movimento crítico de maneira isolada dos articuladores das políticas públicas. No nível micro, foram utilizadas técnicas em que o grupo foi meio e estratégia de abordagem das trabalhadoras e de análise reflexiva dos conteúdos evocados. As técnicas foram utilizadas durante um seminário, com a participação de todas as professoras das Escolas Ativas de um município de Goiás. Observou-se que, da perspectiva das professoras, houve melhora das condições materiais para o exercício da profissão docente a partir do PEA. Contudo, esta foi insuficiente para garantir condições adequadas para todos os professores e alunos e uma ampliação da autonomia do professor, que está condicionada a uma intensificação do trabalho e extensão da jornada. Observou-se ainda o caráter vertical da relação com a coordenadora municipal do Programa. Conclui-se que o Programa Escola Ativa possui um traço de verticalismo forte no modo como é implementado, nas esferas macro, meso e micro, que abarca todo o processo de formulação, implantação, avaliação e universalização e reflete na sua dificuldade de incorporar produções críticas e análises coletivas para além do nível do discurso


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No Brasil, o s casos de AIDS entre homens que fazem sexo com homens (HSH) predominaram durante um longo período. A partir da década de 90, observa-se um declínio nesta categoria com o aumento de casos entre heterossexuais. Na região Nordeste, entretanto, os casos de AIDS entre HSH representam, ainda, cerca de 50% do total dos casos registrados em anos recentes. Nosso objetivo foi estudar o comportamento sexual e o padrão de consumo de drogas e álcool entre HSH no Ceará, enfatizando as tendências recentes e suas relações com práticas sexuais de risco para DTS/AIDS. Foram realizados quatro estudos seccionais em 1995, 1998, 2002 e 2005 no Ceará, nordeste do Brasil. A população do estudo foi composta por homens que fazem sexo com homens (HSH), com 14 anos ou mais , que referiram prática sexual anal ou oral com homens nos últimos 12 meses. A seleção dos participantes utilizou técnicas do tipo Snow Ball (1995, 1998, 2002); Time Space Sampling (2002) e Respondent Driven Sampling (2005). O primeiro artigo enfoca as tendências do comportamento sexual em Fortaleza ao longo destes quatro períodos e o segundo os preditores do consumo de álcool e drogas nos municípios de Fortaleza (n=401), Sobral (n=100) e a região do Cariri (n=100) em 2002. Análise se basearam nas comparações entre proporções, utilizando o teste do de Pearson e intervalos de 95% de confiança (IC95%) e análise de regressão logística multivariada para avaliação dos fatores associados ao consumo de álcool e drogas, utilizando-se como medida de associação a razão de chances (odds ratio OR) e seus respectivos intervalos de 95% de confiança. Resultados Práticas sexuais: Elevado percentual da população estudada referiu práticas sexuais de risco em 1995 (49,9%), decrescendo significativamente em 1998 (32,6%), tornando a crescer em 2002 (54,6%) e apresentando os menores percentuais em 2005 (31,4%). Este padrão não apresentou grandes variações por idade, mas em relação à escolaridade observou-se que os indivíduos com escolaridade mais elevada aumentaram as práticas de risco entre 1998 (28,6%) e 2002 (46,5%) decrescendo no último período (21,0%) enquanto aqueles com baixa ou média escolaridade só mostraram uma queda significativa no comportamento de risco entre 2002 (82,1% - baixa; 67,7% - média) e 2005 (29,1% - baixa; 34,3 média). A prática sexual anal com preservativo cresceu no decorrer dos anos variando de 43,3% a 53,7% entre a primeira e a última onda ( de tendência p<0.001). A relação anal sem preservativo foi uma prática com alto percentual na maioria dos anos. De 2002 a 2005, houve uma diminuição significativa (de alto percentual na maioria dos anos. De 2002 a 2005, houve uma diminuição significativa (de 57,7% para 26,3%) das relações fixas monogâmicas. Consumo de álcool e drogas: No estudo, 63% dos HSH participantes foram classificados como bebedores que se embriagam. Observou-se que o consumo crescente de álcool leva a um aumento do uso concomitante de outras drogas, sejam lícitas ou ilícitas. Foram variáveis preditoras de beber se embriagando: ter de 21 a 30 anos (OR: 1,5; IC 95%: 1,1-2,9); ter mais que 30 anos (OR: 1,6: IC95%: 1,2-2,3); ser solteiro/separado/divorciado (OR:3,0%; IC95%: 1,7-5,3); ser da raça negra (OR: 2,0 IC95%: 1,7-2,01); ser da raça parda (OR: 1,8 IC95%: 1,3-2,6); receber dinheiro por sexo (OR:2,0 IC95%: 1,8-2,9). As práticas sexuais dos SHS em Fortaleza apresentaram variações significativas ao longo doa anos estudados, semelhantemente a outros estudos internacionais. Vários fatores poderiam ser responsáveis por explicar o comportamento da curva observada em Fortaleza, seja no âmbito local, nacional ou internacional. Entre os fatores que podem explicar alterações observadas estariam: 1) redução nos recursos destinados à prevenção da AIDS no país devido a retirada de alguns organismos de cooperação internacional que se voltaram para outros países, como na África Leste Europeu, levando o Brasil a priorizar segmentos populacionais com maior vulnerabilidade; 2) grande impacto na prevenção das DST /AIDS na comunidade de homo/bissexuais masculinos, especialmente nos anos de 1998 a 2002; 3) o avanço no tratamento, surgimento de novas drogas, melhora da qualidade de vida e aumento da sobrevida, contribuindo para a construção da falsa ideia de segurança na população. Neste estudo a escolaridade mostrou-se um fator importante associado ao envolvimento em práticas sexuais não seguras. Os indivíduos com mais baixa escolaridade, no período de 1995 a 2002, se envolveram em maior risco, aparentando não terem sido atingidos pelas campanhas que possam ter ocorrido, principalmente no período de 1995 a 1998. A maior escolaridade apresenta-se como fator de proteção em todo o período estudado, provavelmente pelo maior acesso à informação. Finalmente, pode-se observar no ano de 2002 um elevado percentual de homens que consomem cinco ou mais doses em um dia típico e associam outras drogas ao consumo do álcool. Tal comportamento, dentro da população HSH, embora não seja caracterizado como dependência química, é alterado de maneira significativa pelo efeito etílico, levando à outras práticas de risco. Também se observou em nosso estudo que o consumo crescente de álcool leva a um aumento do uso de outras drogas, atuando para a adoção de comportamentos de risco. Existem evidências que suportam relação entre uso de outras drogas e a prática sexual de risco. Os indivíduos que referiram receber dinheiro em troca de sexo foram mais frequentemente classificados como bebedores que se embriagam. Os achados deste estudo mostram a importância da realização de uma vigilância comportamental contínua em relação ao HIV favorecendo o entendimento da dinâmica da epidemia junto das DST/AIDS nesta população vulnerável, assim como a importância que o álcool assume como problema de saúde pública neta população específica e a necessidade de se direcionar medidas voltadas para a sua prevenção.


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Background: Little is known about how sitting time, alone or in combination with markers of physical activity (PA), influences mental well-being and work productivity. Given the need to develop workplace PA interventions that target employees' health related efficiency outcomes; this study examined the associations between self-reported sitting time, PA, mental well-being and work productivity in office employees. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study. Spanish university office employees (n = 557) completed a survey measuring socio-demographics, total and domain specific (work and travel) self-reported sitting time, PA (International Physical Activity Questionnaire short version), mental well-being (Warwick-Edinburg Mental Well-Being Scale) and work productivity (Work Limitations Questionnaire). Multivariate linear regression analyses determined associations between the main variables adjusted for gender, age, body mass index and occupation. PA levels (low, moderate and high) were introduced into the model to examine interactive associations. Results: Higher volumes of PA were related to higher mental well-being, work productivity and spending less time sitting at work, throughout the working day and travelling during the week, including the weekends (p < 0.05). Greater levels of sitting during weekends was associated with lower mental well-being (p < 0.05). Similarly, more sitting while travelling at weekends was linked to lower work productivity (p < 0.05). In highly active employees, higher sitting times on work days and occupational sitting were associated with decreased mental well-being (p < 0.05). Higher sitting times while travelling on weekend days was also linked to lower work productivity in the highly active (p < 0.05). No significant associations were observed in low active employees. Conclusions: Employees' PA levels exerts different influences on the associations between sitting time, mental well-being and work productivity. The specific associations and the broad sweep of evidence in the current study suggest that workplace PA strategies to improve the mental well-being and productivity of all employees should focus on reducing sitting time alongside efforts to increase PA.


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É urgente a necessidade da maior inclusão social dos estudantes que articulam a rotina de trabalho diurno e a educação formal noturna, objetivando melhorar as condições de vida através de aumentar oportunidades no mercado de trabalho. Por ser tema de extrema relevância social, a presente pesquisa busca compreender os desafios de alunos matriculados em cursos de Ensino Superior noturno no Instituto Multidisciplinar da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, destacando o processo de democratização do acesso e a permanência de jovens de camadas populares em quatro cursos de graduação. Descrevemos políticas públicas de acesso e de permanência dos estudantes nos cursos superiores noturnos de Pedagogia, História, Matemática e Administração, tendo em vista contribuir com a discussão da real efetividade destes cursos para a democratização da educação superior. O procedimento metodológico é a investigação qualitativa em estudo de caso. Nesta pesquisa, foram contatadas pessoas chave da universidade, aplicados 361 questionários e entrevistados 39 alunos de quatro cursos escolhidos. Os resultados relacionados aos fatores sociais que impõem o caráter compulsório do trabalho ao estudante universitário confirmaram que o jovem, dos cursos noturnos estudados deste Instituto Multidisciplinar, em geral, tem dificuldades de gerenciar sua vida para contemplar as diversas demandas, isto é, as sociais, familiares, educacionais e laborais. O jovem estudado costuma ter um perfil de vulnerabilidade socioeconômica. Os resultados também mostram em alguns discursos dos entrevistados alguns desafios de conciliar o curso noturno com a vida de trabalho. Assim, os resultados também revelam a necessidade de que mais recursos sejam destinados a programas com alunos com o perfil de vulnerabilidade socioeconômica. Apesar do perfil heterogêneo dos alunos desta pesquisa, os resultados apontam também que muitos aproveitam a oportunidade de continuidade de escolarização conciliando o trabalho diurno com a educação noturna. A opção destes por cursos de licenciaturas, como os de Matemática, História e Pedagogia, é atrativa pela maior facilidade de acesso devido a serem carreiras menos disputadas no ingresso à universidade pública. Embora a profissão docente em nossa sociedade não ofereça elevado prestígio social, ter a formação e o diploma de Ensino Superior ainda é para muitos jovens, uma possível trajetória que pode levar a mobilidade social. Assim, as políticas públicas precisam melhor atender os jovens deste segmento populacional que deseja estudar e trabalhar com educação.


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Background: Hospital clinicians are increasingly expected to practice evidence-based medicine (EBM) in order to minimize medical errors and ensure quality patient care, but experience obstacles to information-seeking. The introduction of a Clinical Informationist (CI) is explored as a possible solution. Aims:  This paper investigates the self-perceived information needs, behaviour and skill levels of clinicians in two Irish public hospitals. It also explores clinicians perceptions and attitudes to the introduction of a CI into their clinical teams. Methods: A questionnaire survey approach was utilised for this study, with 22 clinicians in two hospitals. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive statistics. Results: Analysis showed that clinicians experience diverse information needs for patient care, and that barriers such as time constraints and insufficient access to resources hinder their information-seeking. Findings also showed that clinicians struggle to fit information-seeking into their working day, regularly seeking to answer patient-related queries outside of working hours. Attitudes towards the concept of a CI were predominantly positive. Conclusion: This paper highlights the factors that characterise and limit hospital clinicians information-seeking, and suggests the CI as a potentially useful addition to the clinical team, to help them to resolve their information needs for patient care.


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This study investigates whether men and women in caring occupations experience more negative job-related feelings at the end of the day compared to the rest of the working population. The data are from Wave Nine of the British Household Panel Survey (1999) where respondents were asked whether, at the end of the working day, they tended to keep worrying or have trouble unwinding, and the extent to which work left them feeling exhausted or “used up.” Their responses to these questions were used to develop ordinal dependent variables. Control variables in the models include: number of children, age, hours worked per week, managerial responsibilities and job satisfaction, all of which have been shown in previous research to be significantly related to “job burnout.” The results are that those in caring occupations are more likely to feel worried, tense, drained and exhausted at the end of the working day. Women in particular appear to pay a high emotional cost for working in caring occupations. Men do not emerge unscathed, but report significantly lower levels of worry and exhaustion at the end of the day than do women.


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The ingress of chlorides into concrete is predominantly by the mechanism of diffusion and the resistance of concrete to the transport of chlorides is generally represented by its coefficient of diffusion. The determination of this coefficient normally requires long test duration (many months). Therefore, rapid test methods based on the electrical migration of ions have widely been used. The current procedure of chloride ion migration tests involves placing a concrete disc between an ion source solution and a neutral solution and accelerating the transport of ions from the source solution to the neutral solution by the application of a potential difference across the concrete disc. This means that, in order to determine the chloride transport resistance of concrete cover, cores should be extracted from the structure and tested in laboratories. In an attempt to facilitate testing of the concrete cover on site, an in situ ion migration test (hereafter referred to as PERMIT ion migration test for the unique identification of the new test) was developed. The PERMIT ion migration test was validated in the lab by carrying out a comparative investigation and correlating the results with the migration coefficient from the one-dimensional chloride migration test, the effective diffusion coefficient from the normal diffusion test and the apparent diffusion coefficient determined from chloride profiles. A range of concrete mixes made with ordinary Portland cement was used for this purpose. In addition, the effects of preferential flow of ions close to the concrete surface and the proximity of reinforcement within the test area on the in situ migration coefficients were investigated. It was observed that the in situ migration index, found in one working day, correlated well with the chloride diffusion coefficients from other tests. The quality of the surface layer of the cover concrete and the location of the reinforcement within the test area were found to affect the flow of ions through the concrete during the test. Based on the data, a procedure to carry out the PERMIT ion migration test was standardised.


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Background. Invasive Candida infection among nonneutropenic, critically ill adults is a clinical problem that has received increasing attention in recent years. Poor performance of extant diagnostic modalities has promoted risk-based, preemptive prescribing in view of the poor outcomes associated with inadequate or delayed antifungal therapy; this risks unnecessary overtreatment. A rapid, reliable diagnostic test could have a substantial impact on therapeutic practice in this patient population.

Methods. Three TaqMan-based real-time polymerase chain reaction assays were developed that are capable of detecting the main medically important Candida species, categorized according to the likelihood of fluconazole susceptibility. Assay 1 detected Candida albicans, Candida parapsilosis, Candida tropicalis, and Candida dubliniensis. Assays 2 and 3 detected Candida glabrata and Candida krusei, respectively. The clinical performance of these assays, applied to serum, was evaluated in a prospective trial of nonneutropenic adults in a single intensive care unit.

Results. In all, 527 specimens were obtained from 157 participants. All 3 assays were run in parallel for each specimen; they could be completed within 1 working day. Of these, 23 specimens were obtained from 23 participants categorized as having proven Candida infection at the time of sampling. If a single episode of Candida famata candidemia was excluded, the estimated clinical sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of the assays in this trial were 90.9%, 100%, 100% and 99.8%, respectively.

Conclusions. These data suggest that the described assays perform well in this population for enhancing the diagnosis of candidemia. The extent to which they may affect clinical outcomes, prescribing practice, and cost-effectiveness of care remains to be ascertained.


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A rapid and sensitive biosensor immunoassay was developed for determination of ivermectin residues in bovine milk. A detection limit of 16.2 ng/mL was achieved. A Biacore optical biosensor based on surface plasmon resonance was used, and a range of extraction techniques was investigated. In the final assay procedure, ivermectin was extracted with acetonitrile followed by C-8 solid-phase extraction cleanup. It was proven experimentally that 2 methods of milk storage, freezing or addition of mercury-containing compounds as preservatives, could be used without considerable change in detected concentrations (samples were fortified with ivermectin after storage). The average values for milk samples spiked at 100 and 50 ng/mL concentrations were 102.6 and 51.5 ng/mL, respectively. Extraction and analysis of 20 milk samples were performed within a single working day.


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The Kyoto Protocol and the European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive put an onus on governments
and organisations to lower carbon footprint in order to contribute towards reducing global warming. A key
parameter to be considered in buildings towards energy and cost savings is its indoor lighting that has a major
impact on overall energy usage and Carbon Dioxide emissions. Lighting control in buildings using Passive
Infrared sensors is a reliable and well established approach; however, the use of only Passive Infrared does not
offer much savings towards reducing carbon, energy, and cost. Accurate occupancy monitoring information can
greatly affect a building’s lighting control strategy towards a greener usage. This paper presents an approach for
data fusion of Passive Infrared sensors and passive Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) based occupancy
monitoring. The idea is to have efficient, need-based, and reliable control of lighting towards a green indoor
environment, all while considering visual comfort of occupants. The proposed approach provides an estimated
13% electrical energy savings in one open-plan office of a University building in one working day. Practical
implementation of RFID gateways provide real-world occupancy profiling data to be fused with Passive
Infrared sensing towards analysis and improvement of building lighting usage and control.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the occupational hazards within the tanning industry caused by contaminated dust. A qualitative assessment of the risk of human exposure to dust was made throughout a commercial Kenyan tannery. Using this information, high-risk points in the processing line were identified and dust sampling regimes developed. An optical set-up using microscopy and digital imaging techniques was used to determine dust particle numbers and size distributions. The results showed that chemical handling was the most hazardous (12 mg m(-3)). A Monte Carlo method was used to estimate the concentration of the dust in the air throughout the tannery during an 8 h working day. This showed that the high-risk area of the tannery was associated with mean concentrations of dust greater than the UK Statutory Instrument 2002 No. 2677. stipulated limits (exceeding 10 mg m(-3) (Inhalable dust limits) and 4 mg m(-3) (Respirable dust limits). This therefore has implications in terms of provision of personal protective equipment (PPE) to the tannery workers for the mitigation of occupational risk.