968 resultados para Work supervision


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Field placements provide social work students with the opportunity to integrate their classroom learning with the knowledge and skills used in various human service programs. The supervision structure that has most commonly been used is the intensive one-to-one, clinical teaching model. However, this model is being challenged by significant changes in educational and industry sectors, which have led to an increased use of alternative fieldwork structures and supervision arrangements, including task supervision, group supervision, external supervision, and shared supervisory arrangements. This study focuses on identifying models of supervision and student satisfaction with their learning experiences and the supervision received on placement. The study analysed responses to a questionnaire administered to 263 undergraduate social work students enrolled in three different campuses in Australia after they had completed their first or final field placement. The study identified that just over half of the placements used the traditional one student to one social work supervisor model. A number of “emerging” models were also identified, where two or more social workers were involved in the professional supervision of the student. High levels of dissatisfaction were reported by those students who received external social work supervision. Results suggest that students are more satisfied across all aspects of the placement where there is a strong on-site social work presence.


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Field placements provide social work students with the opportunity to integrate their classroom learning with the knowledge and skills used in various human service programs. The supervision structure that has most commonly been used is the intensive one-to-one, clinical teaching model. However, this model is being challenged by significant changes in educational and industry sectors, which have led to an increased use of alternative fieldwork structures and supervision arrangements, including task supervision, group supervision, external supervision, and shared supervisory arrangements. This study focuses on identifying models of supervision and student satisfaction with their learning experiences and the supervision received on placement. The study analysed responses to a questionnaire administered to 263 undergraduate social work students enrolled in three different campuses in Australia after they had completed their first or final field placement. The study identified that just over half of the placements used the traditional one student to one social work supervisor model. A number of “emerging” models were also identified, where two or more social workers were involved in the professional supervision of the student. High levels of dissatisfaction were reported by those students who received external social work supervision. Results suggest that students are more satisfied across all aspects of the placement where there is a strong on-site social work presence.


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Department of Forest Resource Management in the University of Helsinki has in years 2004?2007 carried out so-called SIMO -project to develop a new generation planning system for forest management. Project parties are organisations doing most of Finnish forest planning in government, industry and private owned forests. Aim of this study was to find out the needs and requirements for new forest planning system and to clarify how parties see targets and processes in today's forest planning. Representatives responsible for forest planning in each organisation were interviewed one by one. According to study the stand-based system for managing and treating forests continues in the future. Because of variable data acquisition methods with different accuracy and sources, and development of single tree interpretation, more and more forest data is collected without field work. The benefits of using more specific forest data also calls for use of information units smaller than tree stand. In Finland the traditional way to arrange forest planning computation is divided in two elements. After updating the forest data to present situation every stand unit's growth is simulated with different alternative treatment schedule. After simulation, optimisation selects for every stand one treatment schedule so that the management program satisfies the owner's goals in the best possible way. This arrangement will be maintained in the future system. The parties' requirements to add multi-criteria problem solving, group decision support methods as well as heuristic and spatial optimisation into system make the programming work more challenging. Generally the new system is expected to be adjustable and transparent. Strict documentation and free source code helps to bring these expectations into effect. Variable growing models and treatment schedules with different source information, accuracy, methods and the speed of processing are supposed to work easily in system. Also possibilities to calibrate models regionally and to set local parameters changing in time are required. In future the forest planning system will be integrated in comprehensive data management systems together with geographic, economic and work supervision information. This requires a modular method of implementing the system and the use of a simple data transmission interface between modules and together with other systems. No major differences in parties' view of the systems requirements were noticed in this study. Rather the interviews completed the full picture from slightly different angles. In organisation the forest management is considered quite inflexible and it only draws the strategic lines. It does not yet have a role in operative activity, although the need and benefits of team level forest planning are admitted. Demands and opportunities of variable forest data, new planning goals and development of information technology are known. Party organisations want to keep on track with development. One example is the engagement in extensive SIMO-project which connects the whole field of forest planning in Finland.


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Linear optimization model was used to calculate seven wood procurement scenarios for years 1990, 2000 and 2010. Productivity and cost functions for seven cutting, five terrain transport, three long distance transport and various work supervision and scaling methods were calculated from available work study reports. All method's base on Nordic cut to length system. Finland was divided in three parts for description of harvesting conditions. Twenty imaginary wood processing points and their wood procurement areas were created for these areas. The procurement systems, which consist of the harvesting conditions and work productivity functions, were described as a simulation model. In the LP-model the wood procurement system has to fulfil the volume and wood assortment requirements of processing points by minimizing the procurement cost. The model consists of 862 variables and 560 restrictions. Results show that it is economical to increase the mechanical work in harvesting. Cost increment alternatives effect only little on profitability of manual work. The areas of later thinnings and seed tree- and shelter wood cuttings increase on cost of first thinnings. In mechanized work one method, 10-tonne one grip harvester and forwarder, is gaining advantage among other methods. Working hours of forwarder are decreasing opposite to the harvester. There is only little need to increase the number of harvesters and trucks or their drivers from today's level. Quite large fluctuations in level of procurement and cost can be handled by constant number of machines, by alternating the number of season workers and by driving machines in two shifts. It is possible, if some environmental problems of large scale summer time harvesting can be solved.


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A validação dos métodos de análises em situações fora da rotina, em P&D pesquisa e desenvolvimento, pode tornar-se um processo de difícil solução, em oposição àquelas de rotina, onde as concentrações são conhecidas. Nesta última situação, o método analítico é validado e aprovado com simplicidade. Apesar dos elementos de qualidade básicos para análises em P&D serem os mesmos adotados nas análises de rotina, fatores como o comportamento imprevisível da amostra, a composição desconhecida da matriz e interdependência com o analito, mesmo a incerteza a respeito da escolha do método instrumental, requer uma atenção renovada nos elementos de qualidade existentes. A razão pode ser atribuída à imprevisibilidade do procedimento analítico e a extensão do esforço adicional dos elementos de qualidade. As incertezas das análises em P&D requerem uma cuidadosa consideração do problema, assim como a disponibilidade de técnicas analíticas. Ao mesmo tempo, devem-se observar o planejamento e organização do trabalho, a supervisão do desenvolvimento analítico e a adequação dos aspectos técnico e organizacional - no trabalho de P&D, a definição de responsabilidades e a competência do corpo técnico. A garantia da qualidade nas indústrias farmacêuticas é estabelecida pelo desenvolvimento de especificações apropriadas para matérias-primas, produtos intermediários e produtos finais. A importância de especificações adequadas foi estabelecida e exemplos foram dados no desenvolvimento de especificação típica para produtos farmacêuticos, tais como a vacina e matéria prima. Isto incluiu uma discussão dos tipos de parâmetros que precisam ser controlados e uma indicação dos valores numéricos ou faixas esperadas para muitos materiais utilizados. A metrologia analítica que necessita ser aplicada para demonstrar a observância com as especificações foi discutida, com as implicações de desempenho do método para diferenciar variações na qualidade do produto e a simples variabilidade analítica. Esse trabalho foi escrito para laboratórios, com a finalidade de dar um suporte na implementação da validação de métodos analíticos e introduzir o conceito de incerteza da medida nas análises de rotina. O objetivo foi fornecer de uma maneira compreensível e prática a metodologia dos cálculos das medidas de incerteza baseados principalmente em dados de controle de qualidade e de validação já existentes. Exemplos práticos retirados diretamente do Laboratório de Metrologia e Validação, FIOCRUZ / Bio-Manguinhos, foram apresentados. Entretanto, o tratamento usado neste trabalho é genérico e pode ser aplicável a outros laboratórios químicos


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Analisou-se na tese o deslizamento discursivo em direção ao uso do vocábulo gestão e as mudanças recentemente operadas no trabalho gerencial. Com a suposição de que se apreciado enquanto atividade humana este trabalho não é simples e exclusivamente heterodeterminado pelo modelo de gerenciamento segundo os interesses do capital, a proposta foi colocar ênfase nos debates de normas e nas possíveis reservas de alternativas nas atividades de profissionais que gerenciam, assim como nas possibilidades de seu desenvolvimento em direção a um gerenciamento ergológico. Visando a contribuir para a discussão sobre se no interior da própria produção material poderiam coexistir formas de construção de uma sociabilidade efetivamente humana, analisa-se em que medida os profissionais que gerenciam fazem cotidianamente uma gestão (não apenas do outro, também de si próprio) na qual são convocados valores outros que os exclusivamente mercantis e econômicos. Adotando-se um olhar para o objeto de pesquisa informado por uma Psicologia Social do Trabalho que privilegia o ponto de vista da atividade, se pretendeu a uma sucessiva aproximação das atividades de supervisão do trabalho. Trabalho este que, em tendência, tem se ampliado no sentido de incluir o gerenciamento da produção, de aproximação com os serviços de apoio à produção e de incentivo à participação dos operadores. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada em uma unidade industrial de uma empresa multinacional privada que fabrica e comercializa produtos pneumáticos. No delineamento metodológico privilegiou-se um enquadramento clínico por meio de método indireto de investigação, com base no princípio de (auto)confrontação, e de uma abordagem dialógica de análise, fazendo-se uso do dispositivo de Encontros sobre o Trabalho e da técnica de Instrução ao Sósia. Os resultados indicam que o trabalho de supervisão envolve uma integração de múltiplas determinações, exigências e valores. Ressalta-se a existência de dimensões sociais no trabalho gerencial efetuado pelos supervisores. No processo de análise de suas atividades de trabalho, realizada por eles próprios, apontam-se indícios de que, mobilizando-se intelectual, cognitiva, afetiva e corporalmente nos debates de normas em suas atividades, buscam por meio de renormatizações também fazer valer suas próprias normas de vida, onde valores relativos ao viver em conjunto e à saúde estão presentes. Colocando-se em questão as condições para o pôr o trabalho em debate na perspectiva da atividade, discute-se a relação entre o potencial de produção de novas normas nas atividades de supervisão e o suposto de um modo ergológico de gerenciar, reforçando-se a posição de que as propostas de gestão participativa não se apresentam por si só como uma abertura para um modo de gerenciamento que dê visibilidade à gestão cotidiana do trabalho, que é sempre, em algum nível, formulada e operada coletivamente


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Relatório de Estágio para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia na Área de Especialização em Edificações


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El presente estudio tiene como objetivo determinar la relación que existe entre la implementación de un sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo (SGSST), y la frecuencia y la severidad de la accidentalidad en la industria de la construcción en Colombia. Para ello se seleccionaron 35 empresas que realizan actividades relacionadas con la edificación, infraestructura e interventoría, que hubiesen implementado un SGSST para la intervención de los riesgos de accidentes y que contaran con la evaluación del mismo. La evaluación del SGSST está enmarcada en cinco dimensiones o criterios: planeación, política, implementación, manejo integral del accidente y revisión por la gerencia. Cada una evaluada a través de diferentes requisitos y se presentan en una escala de 1 a 10, siendo 10 el nivel más alto del cumplimiento por requisito. Teniendo los resultados de esta calificación, la tasa (proporción entre los accidentes reportados y los trabajadores de cada empresa) y los días de incapacidad (ausentismo por accidente de trabajo), se realizó un análisis de las medidas descriptivas consolidado por las empresas del estudio: tendencia central y dispersión para número de trabajadores, tasa de accidentalidad, días de incapacidad y el resultado de los totales de cada criterio de la evaluación y el gran total. Para estudiar la relación entre los resultados de la evaluación y los indicadores de tasa y días, se llevó a cabo un análisis de correlación y regresión lineal entre los indicadores de accidentalidad y los resultados de las puntuaciones de los criterios. Esta correlación se realizó tanto para la primera evaluación como para la segunda. En las dos mediciones las correlaciones fueron negativas mostrando que existe una disminución en la tasa de accidentalidad y días de incapacidad entre una evaluación y la otra. En el análisis de regresión, en la primera evaluación por cada unidad que aumentó la calificación global, se presentó una reducción de la tasa de frecuencia de 0.140. En la segunda evaluación por cada unidad que aumentó la calificación global, la tasa se redujo en 0.159. Ambos hallazgos soportan la necesidad de implementar un SGSST para ayudar a reducir el número inaceptable de lesiones y enfermedades en la industria de la construcción.


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Practice learning accounts for half of the content of the bachelor of social work degree course requirements in Northern Ireland in their field education programmes and share a professional and ethical responsibility with practice teachers to provide appropriate learning environments to prepare students as competent and professional practitioners. The accreditation standards for practice learning require the placement to provide students with regular supervision and exposure to a range of learning strategies, but there is little research that actually identifies the types of placements offering this learning and the key activities provided. This paper builds on an Australian study and surveys social work students in two programmes in Northern Ireland about their exposure to a range of learning activities, how frequently they were provided and how it compares to what is required by the Northern Ireland practice standards. The results indicated that, although most students were satisfied with the supervision and support they received during their placement, the frequency of supervision and type of learning activities varied according to different settings, year levels and who provided the learning opportunities.


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Practice learning accounts for half of the content of the Bachelor of Social Work degree course requirements in Northern Ireland in their field education programs and share a professional and ethical responsibility with practice teachers to provide appropriate learning environments to prepare students as competent and professional practitioners. The accreditation standards for practice learning require the placement to provide students with regular supervision and exposure to a range of learning strategies, but there is little research that actually identifies the types of placements offering this learning and the key activities provided. This paper builds on an Australian study and surveys social work students in two programs in Northern Ireland about their exposure a range of learning activities, how frequently they were provided and how it compares to what is required by the Northern Ireland practice standards. The results indicated that, although most students were satisfied with the supervision and support they received during their placement, the frequency of supervision and type of learning activities varied according to different settings, year levels and who provided the learning opportunities.


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This study examined the processes linking abusive supervision to employee contextual performance by focusing on the mediating influence of emotional exhaustion and the moderating influence of work unit structure. Data were obtained from 285 subordinate-supervisor dyads from three manufacturing companies in north-eastern China. The results revealed that: (i) emotional exhaustion mediated the relationships between abusive supervision and the contextual performance dimensions of interpersonal facilitation and job dedication; and (ii) work unit structure moderated these relationships such that the relationships were stronger in mechanistic than in organic work unit structures. © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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Examines a range of theoretical issues and the empirical evidence relating to clinical supervision in 4 mental health professions: clinical psychology, occupational therapy, social work, and speech pathology. There is widespread acceptance of the value of supervision among practitioners and a large quantity of literature on the topic, but there is very little empirical evidence in this area. To date, there is insufficient evidence to demonstrate which styles of supervision are most beneficial for particular types of staff, in terms of their level of experience or learning style. The data suggest that directive forms of supervision, rather than unstructured approaches, are preferred by relatively inexperienced practitioners, and that experienced clinicians also value direct supervision methods when learning new skills or dealing with complex or crisis situations. The available evidence suggests that supervisors typically receive little training in supervision methods. However, there is little information to guide us as to the most effective ways of training supervisors. While acknowledging the urgent need for research, this paper concludes that supervision is likely to form a valuable component of professional development for mental health professionals.