13 resultados para Wittgensteinian


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Education is often understood as a process whereby children come to conform to the norms teachers believe should govern our practices. This picture problematically presumes that educators know in advance what it means for children to go on the way that is expected of them. In this essay Viktor Johansson suggests a revision of education, through the philosophy of Stanley Cavell, that can account for both the attunement in our practices and the possible dissonance that follows when the teacher and child do not go on together. There is an anxiety generated by the threat of disharmony in our educational undertakings that may drive teachers toward philosophy in educational contexts. Here Johansson offers a philosophical treatment of this intellectual anxiety that teachers may experience when they, upon meeting dissonant children, search for epistemic justifications of their practices—a treatment whereby dissonant children can support teachers in dissolving their intellectual frustrations.


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This article applies a Wittgensteinian approach to the examination of the intelligibility of religious belief, in the wake of the recent attack on the Judeo-Christian religion by Richard Dawkins's book The God Delusion. The article attempts to show that Dawkins has confused religion with superstition, and that while Dawkins's arguments are decisive in the case of superstition, they do not successfully show religion to be a delusion. Religious belief in God is not like belief in the existence of a planet, and genuine religious faith is not like the belief in something for which there is not yet enough evidence, like belief in dark matter. The Christian doctrines of the resurrection and eternal life are misconstrued if they are understood as factual claims because they are then merely shallow superstitions, and not the great religious riddles they are meant to be.


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Transposed to media like film, drama, opera, music, and the visual arts, “narrative” is no longer characterized by either temporality or an act of telling, both required by earlier narratological theories. Transposed to other disciplines, “narrative” is often a substitute for “assumption”, “hypothesis”, a disguised ideological stance, a cognitive scheme, and even life itself. The potential for broadening the concept lay dormant in narratology, both in the double use of “narrative” for the medium-free fabula and for the medium-bound sjuzet, and in changing interpretations of “event”. Some advantages of the broad use of “narrative” are an evocation of commonalities among media and disciplines, an invitation to re-think the term within the originating discipline, a constructivist challenge to positivistic and foundational views, an emphasis on a plurality of competing “truths”, and an empowerment of minority voices. Conversely, disadvantages of the broad use are an illusion of sameness whenever the term is used and the obliteration of specificity. In a Wittgensteinian spirit, the essay agrees that concepts of narrative are mutually related by “family resemblance”, but wishes to probe the resemblances further. It thus postulates two necessary features: double temporality and a transmitting (or mediating) agency, and an additional cluster of variable optional characteristics. When the necessary features are not dominant, the configuration may have “narrative elements” but is not “a narrative”.


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In the first half of the 20th century, most moral philosophers took the concept of virtue to be secondary to moral principles or emotions, though in various and mutually conflicting ways. In the early 1960s interest in the virtues was restored by the analytic philosophers Elizabeth Anscombe and Georg Henrik von Wright, the younger colleagues and friends of the late Wittgenstein. Later, Alasdair MacIntyre became a leading virtue ethicist. In 1981, MacIntyre introduced in After Virtue the concept of practices, which he based on the Aristotelian distinction between praxis and poiesis. This dissertation examines MacIntyre s characterization of the interconnectedness between practices and virtues, especially in relation to skills, education, and certain emotions. The primary position of the virtues is defended against the tendency in modern moral philosophy to overemphasize the role either of principles and rules or of emotions. The view according to which rational action and acting according to the virtues is best conceptualized as following rules or principles is criticized by arguments that are grounded by some Wittgensteinian observations, and that can be characterized as transcendental. Even if the virtues cannot be defined by, and are not based entirely on, emotions, the role of certain emotions on the learning and education of skills and virtues are studied more carefully than by MacIntyre. In the cases of resentment, indignation, and shame, the analysis of Peter Strawson is utilized, and in the case of regret, the analysis of Bernard Williams. Williams analysis of regret and moral conflict concludes in a kind of antirealism, which this study criticizes. Where education of practices and skills and the related reactive emotions are examined as conditions of learning and practicing the virtues, institutions and ideologies are examined as obstacles and threats to the virtues. This theme is studied through Karl Marx s conception of alienation and Karl Polanyi s historical and sociological research concerning the great transformation . The study includes six Finnish-published articles carrying the titles Our negative attitudes towards other persons , Authority and upbringing , Moral conflicts, regret and ethical realism , Practices and institutions , Doing justice as condition to communal action: a transcendental argument for justice as virtue , and Alienation from practices in capitalist society: Alasdair MacIntyre s Marxist Aristotelianism . The introductory essay sums up the themes of the articles and presents some central issues of virtue ethics by relating the classical Socratic questions to Aristotelian practical philosophy, as well as to current controversies in metaethics and moral psychology.


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Dans Literal Meaning, François Recanati cherche à montrer que ce qui est dit lorsqu’une phrase est prononcée correspond à un contenu fondamentalement pragmatique. À cet effet, il propose deux arguments généraux qui consistent à faire valoir que ce qui est dit est indéterminé si l'on s'en tient aux règles de la sémantique. Le premier de ces deux arguments tente d’établir que dans bien des cas, le contenu sémantique supposément associé à une phrase ne correspond pas à ce qui est dit. Le second est plutôt une élaboration de la thèse wittgensteinienne suivant laquelle la signification des types linguistiques est indéterminée. Pour ma part, je soutiens que si nous adoptons effectivement une conception wittgensteinienne de la signification, certains des exemples supposés illustrer le premier de ces deux arguments peuvent et doivent être critiqués.


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L'objectiu d'aquest treball és explicar i fer la crítica de la Teoria de la Veritat recentment defensada per Apel. En primer lloc, el consens i pragmàtica de la Teoria de la Veritat d'Apel es presenta en relació amb el projecte de la Teoria Crítica de la Societat de Habermas i el problema dels fonaments en el raonament ètic. En segon lloc, la seva versió idealitzada i transcendental de la Veritat que invoca la noció de convergència en una comunitat ideal d'investigadors lliures és analitzada. Finalment, les entranyes de l'esperit wingensteinià i després de l'últim anàlisi de Putnam, s’ha intentat fer una avaluació crítica. El resultat de tot això serà una més modesta concepció de la Veritat com a tan sols una qualitat de la praxi lingüística humana, però no la seva primera pedra


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This article highlights a set of Wittgensteinian remarks on James Frazer's texts found in The Golden Bough, put it inside the context of creation of a conceptual framework for his renewed philosophical approach after his return to Cambridge, a period comprehended between 1929-1932, and delimits the ritualistic value of his grammatical method of philosophy.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Within the Wittgensteinian approach, the ideal of exactness, disconnected from concrete situations of language use, does not make any sense. Such an approach takes into account every and any kind of intersubjective communication, inasmuch as it is based on a previous agreement concerning the use of language and the interpretation of the world linked to it. This paper, throughout its three parts, seeks to understand this agreement, and evaluates whether or not philosophy plays a role in relation to it. To start with, the obstacles to such an agreement will be considered, namely, solipsism and private, subjective language. In the following stage, the intention is to indicate that the rupture from the subjectivist conception of language allows Wittgenstein to visualize another subject, the one incorporated by the community. From then on, the question is to verify whether reflectivity is possible in the ambit of a linguistic community or not, since the objectivity of concepts is not sought within knowledge, but within forms of life. In the third and last part, we will point to the language game metaphor correlative to the meaning emerging from the flow of life, of thought, and of culture and see how philosophy can represent a significant activity in the search for understanding that flow.


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The main goal of this work is to build a sketch on how language is used in mathematics classrooms. We specifically try to understand how teachers use language in order to share meanings with their students. We initially present our main intentions, summarizing some studies that are close to our purposes. The two theoretical frameworks which support our study – the Model of Semantic Fields and the Wittgensteinian “games of language” – are then presented and discussed about their similarities and distinctions. Our empirical data are some classroom activities recorded and turned into “clips”. Such clips were transcribed and our analysis was based on these transcriptions. Data analysis – developed according to our theoretical framework – allowed us to build the so-called “events” and, then, comment on some understandings on how language can be used in mathematics classrooms.


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The object of this essay is to discuss Ludwig Wittgenstein's remarks in Philosophical Investigations and elsewhere in the posthumously published writings concerning the role of therapy in relation to philosophy. Wittgenstein's reflections seem to suggest that there is a kind of philosophy or mode of investigation targeting the philosophical grammar of language uses that gratuitously give rise to philosophical problems, and produce in many thinkers philosophical anxieties for which the proper therapy is intended to offer relief. Two possible objectives of later Wittgensteinian therapy are proposed, for subjective psychological versus objective semantic symptoms of ailments that a therapy might address for the sake of relieving philosophical anxieties. The psychological in its most plausible form is rejected, leaving only the semantic. Semantic therapy in the sense defined and developed is more general and long-lasting, and more in the spirit of Wittgenstein's project on a variety of levels. A semantic approach treats language rather than the thinking, language-using subject as the patient needing therapy, and directs its attention to the treatment of problems in language and the conceptual framework a language game use expresses in its philosophical grammar, rather than to soothing unhappy or socially ill-adjusted individual psychologies.


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En esta investigación indagué sobre la influencia del entorno en las concepciones sociales que se forma el sujeto (en este caso los niños) frente a distintas realidades y situaciones de su cotidianidad, los elementos que están presentes en sus formas de interacción más cotidianas, y hasta dónde herramientas como la educación con enfoque lúdico y social pueden o no modificar prácticas y percepciones en el individuo. Para ello, la investigación se centra en tres conceptos claves: violencia, educación, y paz. Y hacia el final del trabajo se planta una propuesta de currículo para una educación para la paz basada en la formación de la persona social, desde el enfoque de la paz negativa.