55 resultados para WebCT


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Reflecting a view of “teaching as both an intellectual and practical activity” the Queen’s University Bachelor of Education program has multi-week in-school practicum sessions separated by periods of on-campus course work. The expectation is that teacher candidates will bring together theory and practice as they reflect upon their daily classroom experiences. The reality often is that, while isolated from the university environment and caught up in the pressures of teaching, little deep reflection takes place. For reflection and critical examination of experience to occur, teacher candidates need to share and discuss on a daily basis their practice teaching experience. For the past few years, students in my secondary school mathematics curriculum course, through a WebCT based conference, have been provided, while away from campus, with a place for on-going sharing of teaching stories and dilemmas. In the Fall of 2004 eight-five percent of the class took part in the discussions, posting a total of 667 messages over a 9 week period. In an effort to increase the value of this practicum conference we have analysed the topic threads arising in the conversation, surveyed the participants concerning their impressions of the sharing experience, and conducted in-depth interviews with a sampling of the class. This session will present the results of this study and provide an opportunity to discuss ways in which an online discussion can support the building of community and the exchange of experience while students in professional programs are disbursed in practice/clinical settings.


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Département de linguistique et de traduction


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One of the problems faced by Australian academics in the 21 st century is to facilitate learning with a changing profile of students, in bigger and bigger classes. As educators at tertiary institutions, our environment is undergoing major changes as increasingly marketing programs are offering courses either partially (Web enabled) or totally (Web exclusive) online. This study has developed a significant model allowing the prediction of students' overall results and indicates that a student's final grade is dependant, in part, on accessing the study materials and study tools available to them via WebCT and attending face-to-face tutorials.


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This is an online course pack consisting of Chaffey: Business Information Systems ISBN: 027365540X and access to a Pearson Education online course ISBN: 0273673491


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In dem vorliegenden Aufsatz wird eine vergleichende Untersuchung eines Deutschkurses (Tyska V: Interkulturelle Themen) an der Schwedischen Wirtschaftsuniversität Helsinki (Hanken) präsentiert, der im Jahr 2002 vollständig virtuell und im Jahr 2003 mit virtuellen Lernphasen und Kontaktunterricht im Wechsel realisiert wurde, wobei sich das virtuelle Kursmaterial jeweils in der Lernumgebung WebCT befand. In der Untersuchung werden die Leistungen, die Kursevaluationen und die Arbeitsstrategien der Studierenden in den beiden Kurskonzepten analysiert und miteinander verglichen. In Bezug auf die Leistungen der Studierenden hat sich gezeigt, dass die guten Studierenden in beiden Kurskonzepten gleich gute Ergebnisse erzielen. Die Untersuchung zeigt jedoch, dass der Kontaktunterricht des teils-virtuellen Kurskonzeptes gerade für die schwächeren Studierenden eine wichtige Funktion erfüllt – die schwächeren Studierenden erzielen im Kurskonzept mit Kontaktunterricht deutlich bessere Ergebnisse als die schwächeren Studierenden im ganz virtuellen Kurskonzept. Ein Vergleich der Arbeitsstrategien zeigt, dass die schwächeren Studierenden im Unterschied zu den guten Studierenden deutliche Schwierigkeiten mit dem Zeit- und Materialmanagement haben. Für die Weiterentwicklung des Kurskonzeptes sind zum einen die technischen Rahmenbedingungen zu verbessern, und zum anderen muss der Kontaktunterricht neu überdacht werden, da die Einführung des Themas Arbeitsstrategien in der virtuellen Lernumgebung als eigenständiger Themenbereich dringend notwendig erscheint.


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O presente estudo investigou a temática da escrita colaborativa a distância, no Ensino Superior, em Inglês Língua Estrangeira. A escrita foi estudada de uma perspectiva processual, valorizando, portanto, o caminho que os alunos percorrem até ao produto final. O ambiente colaborativo reforçou este processo, na medida em que proporcionou, aos alunos, um espaço de discussão e melhoramento das diversas versões do texto. Por outro lado, a componente de ensino a distância de blended learning contribuiu, também, para um processo mais interactivo, mais colaborativo e, ao mesmo tempo, mais distanciado, o que beneficiaria o desenvolvimento da competência de escrita dos alunos e, simultaneamente, dos próprios alunos enquanto indivíduos. A investigação procurou averiguar diversos aspectos relacionados com o tipo de ensino já referido: aspectos evolutivos do processo de escrita na colaboração a distância – nomeadamente, as alterações efectuadas aos textos e seu impacto –; estratégias postas em prática pelos participantes em trabalho de escrita colaborativa a distância em Inglês Língua Estrangeira (ILE); formas de colaboração presentes no trabalho e a influência do ensino a distância no trabalho de escrita colaborativa. Para atingir as metas enumeradas, foi seleccionada uma turma de Língua e Cultura Inglesa II, 2º ano, da licenciatura em Ensino de Português/Inglês, da Universidade de Aveiro, que levou a cabo as diversas tarefas de escrita processual colaborativa, tarefas essas determinadas e realizadas através do webCT da Universidade de Aveiro (com uma página adaptada especialmente para a turma em questão). Todo o trabalho realizado pelos alunos foi ali registado para posterior análise. Tornou-se claro, ao longo da análise dos dados, que o ambiente a distância criou várias dificuldades aos alunos, implicando a criação de estratégias para as resolver. Por outro lado, a colaboração dentro dos grupos revelou-se um evidente benefício quer em termos de tarefas, quer em termos do desenvolvimento, motivação e envolvimento pessoais dos alunos. Também a abordagem processual à escrita trouxe resultados díspares: um dos grupos escrevia habitualmente segundo este modelo, não notando diferenças significativas, enquanto que o outro grupo valorizou o processo como um benefício para a escrita, sobretudo pelas fases de revisão que incluía. Pretendeu-se, com a análise referida e sumariada, conseguir não só investigar a escrita colaborativa a distância mas, também, identificar estratégias válidas para o ensino desta competência, estratégias essas que possam ajudar ao desenvolvimento de um ensino de escrita com mais sucesso e melhores resultados, sobretudo do ponto de vista dos alunos. É urgente um aprofundamento desta área ainda pouco desenvolvida, uma vez que as práticas de escrita se afastam cada vez mais da realidade actual, uma realidade construída em conjunto, por indivíduos que trabalham em ambientes virtuais e reais, sendo, portanto, relevante integrar os alunos nestes contextos, para melhor os preparar para o mundo de hoje. ABSTRACT: The study presented here has investigated collaborative writing at a distance in English as a Foreign Language (EFL), with University students. Students were encouraged to write according to a process model, which valued the stages of writing rather than the final product resulting from it. The collaborative environment strengthened the process, in the sense that it gave students room for discussion and improvement of the different versions of the text. On the other hand, distance learning contributed to a more collaborative and interactive process and, at the same time, more distanced, which benefited the development of the students’ writing skills and of the students as individuals. The investigation aimed to study several aspects of collaborative writing at a distance: the evolution of the writing process in distance collaboration, strategies used by the participants when writing collaboratively at a distance, initial writing competences of the participants and eventual advantages of distance learning for the collaborative revision phase of the writing process. In order to accomplish the proposed goals, we selected a class from those in the second year taking English Language and Culture II, of the English/ Portuguese Teaching “Licenciatura” degree at the University of Aveiro, and a web page was created for them. This page registered all the work done by the students along the project, establishing the data for future analysis. From this class, two groups were selected as case studies, in order to carry out a deeper and more comprehensive study of the process. We intended not only to investigate collaborative writing at a distance but also to identify valid strategies for the teaching of writing. Such strategies might aid the development of a more successful teaching of this competence, with better and more lasting results in students. Further research in this poorly developed area is urgent, as the practices of writing get further apart from the current reality. Nowadays, it is becoming growingly common to work both in real and virtual environments. It is thus relevant to integrate students in both, in order to prepare them for today’s world – our mission as teachers and educators.


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Conférence présentée lors de : WORLD LIBRARY AND INFORMATION CONGRESS: 74TH IFLA GENERAL CONFERENCE AND COUNCIL - 10-14 August 2008, Québec, Canada. Section : 134. Les sections Maîtrise de l'information et Bibliothèques universitaires et autres bibliothèques de recherche