971 resultados para Web Front End
The future Internet is expected to be composed of a mesh of interoperable web services accessible from all over the web. This approach has not yet caught on since global user?service interaction is still an open issue. This paper states one vision with regard to next-generation front-end Web 2.0 technology that will enable integrated access to services, contents and things in the future Internet. In this paper, we illustrate how front-ends that wrap traditional services and resources can be tailored to the needs of end users, converting end users into prosumers (creators and consumers of service-based applications). To do this, we propose an architecture that end users without programming skills can use to create front-ends, consult catalogues of resources tailored to their needs, easily integrate and coordinate front-ends and create composite applications to orchestrate services in their back-end. The paper includes a case study illustrating that current user-centred web development tools are at a very early stage of evolution. We provide statistical data on how the proposed architecture improves these tools. This paper is based on research conducted by the Service Front End (SFE) Open Alliance initiative.
La web ha evolucionado hacia la participación en la creación de contenido tanto por desarrolladores expertos como por usuarios finales sin un gran conocimiento en esta área. A pesar de que su uso es igual de válido y funcional, las diferencias entre la calidad de los productos desarrollados por ambos puede llegar a ser considerable. Esta característica se observa con mayor claridad cuando se analizan los web components. El trabajo consiste en el desarrollo de un entorno capaz de recoger las métricas de calidad de los componentes, basadas en la interacción con ellos por parte de los usuarios. A partir de las métricas obtenidas, se determinará su calidad para realizar una mejora de la misma, en función de las características valoradas. La selección de las métricas se realiza mediante un estudio de las características que definen a un componente, y permiten ser analizadas. Para poder llevar a cabo la construcción del portal, se ha descrito un prototipo capaz de proporcionar un sistema para permitir que los componentes intercambien información entre ellos. El modelo ha sido integrado en los componentes que se han de evaluar para obtener nuevas métricas sobre esta característica. Se ha desarrollado un dashboard que permite la interacción sin limitaciones de los usuarios con los componentes, facilitándoles un sistema para conectar componentes, utilizando para ello el sistema previamente descrito. Como conclusión del trabajo, se puede observar la necesidad de integrar los componentes web en un entorno real para poder determinar su calidad. Debido a que la calidad está determinada por los usuarios que consumen los componentes, se ha de contar con su opinión en la cuantificación de la misma.---ABSTRACT---Recently, the web has evolved to the collaboration between professional developers and end users with limited knowledge to create web content. Although both solutions are correct and functional, the differences in the quality between them can be appreciable. This feature is shown clearly when the web components are analyzed. The work is composed of the development of a virtual environment which is able to pick the quality measures of the components, based on the interaction between these components and the user. The measures are the starting point to decide the quality, and improve them with the rated measures. The measures selection is done through a study of the main features of a component. This selection can be analyzed. In order to create the website, a prototype has been specified to provide a system in which the components can be trade information between them. The interconnection model has been integrated in the components to evaluate. A dashboard has been developed to allow users interacting with the components without rules, making them possible connecting components through the model. The main conclusion of the work is the necessity of integrating web components in a real environment to decide their quality. Due to the fact that the quality is measured in terms of the rate of the users, it is a must to give them the main roles in the establishment of that quality.
Este documento presenta las mejoras y las extensiones introducidas en la herramienta de visualización del modelo predictivo del comportamiento del estudiante o Student Behavior Predictor Viewer (SBPV), implementada en un trabajo anterior. El modelo predictivo del comportamiento del estudiante es parte de un sistema inteligente de tutoría, y se construye a partir de los registros de actividad de los estudiantes en un laboratorio virtual 3D, como el Laboratorio Virtual de Biotecnología Agroforestal, implementado en un trabajo anterior, y cuyos registros de actividad de los estudiantes se han utilizado para validar este trabajo fin de grado. El SBPV es una herramienta para visualizar una representación gráfica 2D del grafo extendido asociado con cualquiera de los clusters del modelo predictivo del estudiante. Además de la visualización del grafo extendido, el SBPV controla la navegación a través del grafo por medio del navegador web. Más concretamente, el SBPV permite al usuario moverse a través del grafo, ampliar o reducir el zoom del gráfico o buscar un determinado estado. Además, el SBPV también permite al usuario modificar el diseño predeterminado del grafo en la pantalla al cambiar la posición de los estados con el ratón. Como parte de este trabajo fin de grado, se han corregido errores existentes en la versión anterior y se han introducido una serie de mejoras en el rendimiento y la usabilidad. En este sentido, se han implementado nuevas funcionalidades, tales como la visualización del modelo de comportamiento de cada estudiante individualmente o la posibilidad de elegir el método de clustering para crear el modelo predictivo del estudiante; así como ha sido necesario rediseñar la interfaz de usuario cambiando el tipo de estructuras gráficas con que se muestran los elementos del modelo y mejorando la visualización del grafo al interaccionar el usuario con él. Todas estas mejoras se explican detenidamente en el presente documento.---ABSTRACT---This document presents the improvements and extensions made to the visualization tool Student Behavior Predictor Viewer (SBPV), implemented in a previous job. The student behavior predictive model is part of an intelligent tutoring system, and is built from the records of students activity in a 3D virtual laboratory, like the “Virtual Laboratory of Agroforestry Biotechnology” implemented in a previous work, and whose records of students activity have been used to validate this final degree work. The SBPV is a tool for visualizing a 2D graphical representation of the extended graph associated with any of the clusters of the student predictive model. Apart from visualizing the extended graph, the SBPV supports the navigation across the graph by means of desktop devices. More precisely, the SBPV allows user to move through the graph, to zoom in/out the graphic or to locate a given state. In addition, the SBPV also allows user to modify the default layout of the graph on the screen by changing the position of the states by means of the mouse. As part of this work, some bugs of the previous version have been fixed and some enhancements have been implemented to improve the performance and the usability. In this sense, we have implemented new features, such as the display of the model behavior of only one student or the possibility of selecting the clustering method to create the student predictive model; as well as it was necessary to redesign the user interface changing the type of graphic structures that show model elements and improving the rendering of the graph when the user interacts with it. All these improvements are explained in detail in the next sections.
Automation technologies are widely acclaimed to have the potential to significantly reduce energy consumption and energy-related costs in buildings. However, despite the abundance of commercially available technologies, automation in domestic environments keep on meeting commercial failures. The main reason for this is the development process that is used to build the automation applications, which tend to focus more on technical aspects rather than on the needs and limitations of the users. An instance of this problem is the complex and poorly designed home automation front-ends that deter customers from investing in a home automation product. On the other hand, developing a usable and interactive interface is a complicated task for developers due to the multidisciplinary challenges that need to be identified and solved. In this context, the current research work investigates the different design problems associated with developing a home automation interface as well as the existing design solutions that are applied to these problems. The Qualitative Data Analysis approach was used for collecting data from research papers and the open coding process was used to cluster the findings. From the analysis of the data collected, requirements for designing the interface were derived. A home energy management functionality for a Web-based home automation front-end was developed as a proof-of-concept and a user evaluation was used to assess the usability of the interface. The results of the evaluation showed that this holistic approach to designing interfaces improved its usability which increases the chances of its commercial success.
Al giorno d'oggi, l'industry 4.0 è un movimento sempre più prominente che induce ad equipaggiare gli impianti industriali con avanzate infrastrutture tecnologiche digitali, le quali operano sinergicamente con l'impianto, al fine di controllare ed aumentare la produttività, monitorare e prevenire i futuri guasti, ed altro ancora. In questo ambito, gli utenti sono parte integrante della struttura produttiva, in cui ricoprono ruoli strategici e flessibili, collaborano fra loro e con le macchine, con l’obiettivo di affrontare e risolvere proattivamente una vasta gamma di problemi complessi. In particolare, la customer assistance nel settore industriale può certamente variare in relazione a molteplici elementi: il tipo di produzione e le caratteristiche del prodotto; l'organizzazione ed infrastruttura aziendale interna; la quantità di risorse disponibili che possono essere impiegate; il grado di importanza ricoperto dalla customer assistance nel settore industriale di riferimento; altri eventuali fattori appartenenti ad un dominio specifico. Per queste ragioni, si è cercato di individuare e categorizzare nel modo più accurato possibile, il lavoro svolto in questo elaborato ed il contesto nel quale è stato sviluppato. In questa tesi, viene descritta un'applicazione web per erogare assistenza al cliente in ambito di industria 4.0, attraverso il paradigma di ticketing o ticket di supporto/assistenza. Questa applicazione è integrata nel sistema Mentor, il quale è attivo già da anni nel settore industriale 4.0. Il progetto Mentor è una suite di applicazioni cloud-based creata dal gruppo Bucci Industries, una multinazionale attiva nell'industria e nell'automazione con sede a Faenza. In questo caso di studio, si presenta la progettazione ed implementazione della parte front-end del suddetto sistema di assistenza, il quale è integrato ed interconnesso con un paio di applicazioni tipiche di industria 4.0, presenti nella stessa suite di applicazioni.
Many authors point out that the front-end of new product development (NPD) is a critical success factor in the NPD process and that numerous companies face difficulties in carrying it out appropriately. Therefore, it is important to develop new theories and proposals that support the effective implementation of this earliest phase of NPD. This paper presents a new method to support the development of front-end activities based on integrating technology roadmapping (TRM) and project portfolio management (PPM). This new method, called the ITP Method, was implemented at a small Brazilian high-tech company in the nanotechnology industry to explore the integration proposal. The case study demonstrated that the ITP Method provides a systematic procedure for the fuzzy front-end and integrates innovation perspectives into a single roadmap, which allows for a better alignment of business efforts and communication of product innovation goals. Furthermore, the results indicated that the method may also improve quality, functional integration and strategy alignment. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The University of Queensland, Australia has developed Fez, a world-leading user-interface and management system for Fedora-based institutional repositories, which bridges the gap between a repository and users. Christiaan Kortekaas, Andrew Bennett and Keith Webster will review this open source software that gives institutions the power to create a comprehensive repository solution without the hassle..
This article presents the design and test of a receiver front end aimed at LMDS applications at 28.5 GHz. It presents a system-level design after which the receiver was designed. The receiver comprises an LNA, quadrature mixer and quadrature local oscillator. Experimental results at 24 GHz center frequency show a conversion voltage gain of 15 dB and conversion noise figure of 14 5 dB. The receiver operates from a 2 5 V power supply with a total current consumption of 31 mA.
In this paper, a module for homograph disambiguation in Portuguese Text-to-Speech (TTS) is proposed. This module works with a part-of-speech (POS) parser, used to disambiguate homographs that belong to different parts-of-speech, and a semantic analyzer, used to disambiguate homographs which belong to the same part-of-speech. The proposed algorithms are meant to solve a significant part of homograph ambiguity in European Portuguese (EP) (106 homograph pairs so far). This system is ready to be integrated in a Letter-to-Sound (LTS) converter. The algorithms were trained and tested with different corpora. The obtained experimental results gave rise to 97.8% of accuracy rate. This methodology is also valid for Brazilian Portuguese (BP), since 95 homographs pairs are exactly the same as in EP. A comparison with a probabilistic approach was also done and results were discussed.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores, pela Universidade Nova de Ciências e Tecnologia
In this work we present a first feasibility study of the ClearPEM technology for simultaneous PET-MR imaging. The mutual electromagnetic interference (EMI) effects between both systems were evaluated on a 7 T magnet by characterizing the response behavior of the ClearPEM detectors and front-end electronics to pulsed RF power and switched magnetic field gradients; and by analyzing the MR system performance degradation from noise pickup into the RF receiver chain, and from magnetic susceptibility artifacts caused by PET front-end materials.
A modem software development requires quick results and excellent quality, which leads to high demand for reusability in design and implementation of software components. The purpose of this thesis was to design and implement a reusable framework for portal front ends, including common portal features, such as authentication and authorization. The aim was also to evaluate frameworks as components of reuse and compare them to other reuse techniques. As the result of this thesis, a goo'd picture of framework's life cycle, problem domain and the actual implementation process of the framework, was obtained. It was also found out that frameworks fit well to solve recurrent and similar problems in a restricted problem domain. The outcome of this thesis was a prototype of a generic framework and an example application built on it. The implemented framework offered an abstract base for the portal front ends, using object-oriented methods and wellknown design patterns. The example application demonstrated the speed and ease of the application development based on the application frameworks.
The aim of this work was to make an active front end from IGBTs for a multilevel inverter. The work was done for Mosart II, a long term still ongoing Vacon Oyj project. The purpose of the AFE is to balance the DC-voltage and to put the returning power back to the grid instead of the breaking chopper and the capacitor. With a diode rectifier the bridge only allows power to pass in one direction and the switching times are not controllable. That means the rectifier always takes the highest phase and the phases are always conducting the same 120◦. With an AFE it is possible to actively change the rectifiers switching pattern. A diode bridge also generates much greater losses than an IGBT bridge. With these arguments it is rational to start researching the possibility of an AFE in a multilevel inverter.