990 resultados para War memory


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In the aftermath of World War II, about 20,000 people who had experienced displacement entered Belgium.1 Among those there were about 350 soldiers serving in the Polish armed forces in the West, and about 4,000 ostarbeiterinnen - young female Soviet citizens who were deported to Nazi Germany to do forced labour. All the soldiers and Soviet women married Belgian citizens, and most settled in the home town or city of their spouses. This paper focuses on the war memories of these migrants in post-war life, memories that were arguably shaped not only by the characteristics of their war experiences themselves, but also by the changing positions which they held within their home and host societies. Following the migrants from their moment of settlement until today, the article highlights the changing dynamics of their war memories over time, starting during the Cold War era and ending up in present day Europe. As such, the study finds itself on the crossroads of memory and migration studies, two academic disciplines that only recently started to dialogue with each other.2 Before analysing the arrival, settlement and war memories of the Displaced Persons at study, I give an interpretation of academic literature on memory of World War II from the perspective of migration studies.


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The firebombing of Dresden marks the terrible apex of the European bombing war. In just over two days in February 1945, over 1,300 heavy bombers from the RAF and the USAAF dropped nearly 4,000 tonnes of explosives on Dresden's civilian centre.Since the end of World War II, both the death toll and the motivation for the attack have become fierce historical battlegrounds, as German feelings of victimhood complete with those of guilt and loss. The Dresden bombing was used by East Germany as a propaganda tool, and has been re-appropriated by the neo-Nazi far right. Meanwhile the rebuilding of the Frauenkirche- the city's sumptuous eighteenth-century church destroyed in the raid-became central to German identity, while in London, a statue of the Commander-in-Chief of RAF Bomber Command, Sir Arthur Harris, has attracted protests. In this book, Tony Joel focuses on the historical battle to re-appropriate Dresden, and on how World War II continues to shape British and German identity today.


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‘Remembering the First World War’ is an ambitious topic, and one that has already produced an extraordinary and diverse array of scholarly inquiry. The centenary of the First World War has naturally been a matter of considerable debate for a long time before its realization in 2014 and beyond. That debate has been premised on the obligations, opportunities and not infrequently the anxieties that are entailed in the determination to mark the centenary of the first of the twentieth century’s two catastrophic global conflicts.


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The boom in family history that is a hallmark of so much historical activity around the globe over the last three decades is one contributor to the resurgence of interest in the Great War itself. In Australia, as elsewhere in the western world, family history and the resources dedicated to it have been expanding rapidly. This chapter investigates recent practices of family history of the Great War in Australia. Our aim is to examine the role of family history in producing and reproducing knowledge of the Great War within Australian families, and the relationship between the conduct and transmission of family history on the one hand, and the contours of cultural memory on the other.


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O objetivo da presente dissertação é entender como ocorre a ficcionalização da memória da guerra colonial portuguesa nos romances Os Cus de Judas e A Costa dos Murmúrios e as estratégias usadas pelos autores para expressar essa memória em termos literários. Essas narrativas ao constatarem o colapso da antiga utopia colonialista do discurso nacional português, propõem uma revisão dos antigos valores nacionais e da retórica do regime salazarista, que afetou de forma profunda a vida dos autores. Em ambas as narrativas, a experiência da guerra é reconstruída através do testemunho e da reavaliação das reminiscências do passado das personagens, o que confere às obras um perfil confessional. Ao desmontar o tradicional relato histórico, relativizando verdades universalmente aceitas, a ficção visa preencher as lacunas do discurso histórico oficial, entendido como uma escritura dos vencedores. O confronto entre a memória individual resgatada pelas personagens e a memória legitimada da nação tem uma função redentora sobre o passado na medida em que interrompe a lógica dominante no momento presente. O estudo das referidas obras individualmente é concluído com uma análise sob o viés comparativo que visa estabelecer semelhanças e possíveis discrepâncias na forma de representação das memórias da guerra colonial


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Entre 1961 e 1974 Portugal combateu uma guerra em África. Quarenta anos após a revolução que depôs o regime, já não existe a nação pluricontinental em nome da qual foram enviados para África mais de 800 mil homens. Esta guerra, que nunca foi oficialmente declarada, sobrevive ainda na memória daqueles que nela participaram. O objetivo desta dissertação é contribuir para a compreensão do processo através do qual a memória conta a guerra colonial no presente. Impossível que é reproduzir fielmente o momento vivido, o conhecimento do passado resulta da produção de aproximações imperfeitas daquilo que já não existe. A memória não é estanque e imutável, nem tampouco irredutivelmente individual. Ela é recriada e atualizada pelo olhar retrospectivo de agentes – individuais ou coletivos - que a cada momento conferem inteligibilidade ao passado através da negociação do modo pelo qual ele pode ser formulado. Ao combinar de uma forma singular o mundo privado da recordação pessoal e o mundo público da memória social, a memória de guerra constitui um locus privilegiado para a análise do processo pelo qual as experiências pessoais são interrogadas e inscritas em narrativas públicas mais vastas. Partindo da comissão de serviço de uma unidade do Exército português em Angola entre 1971 e 1973, construiu-se uma etnografia da memória de guerra que articula diversos lugares e momentos do tempo e que cruza as várias escalas em que memória vive. As memórias pessoais dos antigos militares desta companhia de artilharia foram confrontadas com outras narrativas sobre o mesmo fragmento da guerra colonial (o relato institucional militar, a narrativa literária de António Lobo Antunes, antigo alferes médico da unidade) e com as retóricas públicas que, durante o Estado Novo e no Portugal contemporâneo, forneceram as ideias e as palavras com as quais o país e o mundo eram pensados. Foi nesta viagem entre tempos e escalas diversas que se procurou compreender a memória de guerra, construção compósita que articula a dimensão pessoal da subjetividade individual com a dimensão social das narrativas públicas que desenham os limites no interior dos quais a guerra, o colonialismo, a nação, o passado e o presente podem ser imaginados.


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This article presents a study of how contemporary Swedish lower secondary school textbooks present the emergence of the Cold War and how 10 active lower secondary school history teachers interpreted a quotation that was ambiguous in relation to the general narrative in the studied Swedish textbooks, seeking to analyse textbooks both from the perspectives of content and reception. Applying a theoretical framework of uses of history, the study finds that the narratives presented in the studied textbooks are what could be called traditional in the sense that they do not acknowledge perspective and representation in history. While the interviewed teachers generally acknowledged that textbook narratives are representations of history and contingent on perspective, few teachers extended this to include how their own views affect their interpretations, suggesting an intermediary appreciation of the contextual contingency of historical narratives.


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Using public remembrance of the controversial WWII firebombing of Dresden as its case study, the thesis probes the politics of war memory and commemoration. It argues that before, during, and after Germany's reunification, Dresden was portrayed as a, if not the, leading paradigm of German wartime loss and suffering.


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The debate over the reconstruction of Dresden’s Frauenkirche, the city’s landmark Protestant cathedral destroyed by aerial bombing in 1945, exemplifies the conflicts inherent in the treatment of war-related cultural heritage. Although initially preserved only by virtue of some local citizens’ determination to rebuild the church, in time the Frauenkirche ruins emerged in their own right as an arresting antiwar symbol and one of the foremost sites of war memory and commemoration in the divided Germany. This development created a certain conundrum, for if the church ever were to be rebuilt such a project could only materialise by disturbing the ruins, which supporters claimed were deserving of preservation in their unaltered state. With the advent of reunification, the kind of heritage to be preserved at the site—and the way in which it was to be conserved—came under renewed and reintensified scrutiny and debate. By tracing the shifting dynamics during a half-century of debate over how the Frauenkirche site should be conserved, this chapter examines the impact that struggles over war memory and commemoration can have on cultural heritage. It surveys the arguments for and against rebuilding the Frauenkirche before, during, and after reunification, and considers what aspirations conflicting sides had for expressing personal, national, and international memories of war, loss, and the German national past. Finally, it explores how anastylosis rebuilding principles were used to find a compromise by incorporating, somewhat controversially, parts of the existing ruins into the new church after a local citizens’ initiative successfully appealed for worldwide support to reconstruct the Frauenkirche in the wake of Germany’s reunification.


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El presente artículo pretende analizar los significados y representaciones condensados en los emprendimientos para establecer lugares de la memoria de Malvinas en Bahía Blanca desde 1982 hasta el 2012, contextualizándolos en las luchas por la memoria de la guerra a nivel local y nacional. Hace foco en tres iniciativas para construir memoriales de Malvinas en esta ciudad del sudoeste bonaerense -que se imaginó históricamente como la "Capital del sur argentino" y "Puerta de la Patagonia"-, haciendo hincapié en los actores que se involucraron en las "batallas por la marca", sus objetivos y proyectos, así como en las coyunturas de activación memorial.


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El presente artículo pretende analizar los significados y representaciones condensados en los emprendimientos para establecer lugares de la memoria de Malvinas en Bahía Blanca desde 1982 hasta el 2012, contextualizándolos en las luchas por la memoria de la guerra a nivel local y nacional. Hace foco en tres iniciativas para construir memoriales de Malvinas en esta ciudad del sudoeste bonaerense -que se imaginó históricamente como la "Capital del sur argentino" y "Puerta de la Patagonia"-, haciendo hincapié en los actores que se involucraron en las "batallas por la marca", sus objetivos y proyectos, así como en las coyunturas de activación memorial.