999 resultados para Waldorf school
O presente estudo se destina a pensar como o cuidado é performado nas práticas realizadas numa escola que segue a proposta da Pedadogia Waldorf, partindo da orientação teórico-metodológica da Teoria Ator-rede (TAR). A proposta é repensar esse espaço através das relações de cuidado que são estabelecidas nas práticas, especialmente através do vínculo que se dá na ação professor / aluno. Percebe-se que os alunos são aqueles os quais se deve conduzir e os professores, aqueles que devem conduzi-los, muitas vezes sem saber ao certo a utilidade do estão ensinando. Mol (2006) propõe que o cuidado tem uma Lógica própria, intitulada por ela como Lógica do Cuidado. Esta se contrapõe à Lógica da Escolha, a qual retrata o cuidado sendo estabelecido por um especialista que indica o que deve ou não ser feito, cabendo a quem é cuidado, seguir as orientações do cuidador. No entanto, uma prática que segue a Lógica do Cuidado, parte da ideia de que, aquele que é cuidado, é tão ator quanto aquele que cuida, uma vez que aquele não é passivo em relação ao próprio cuidado ou as condições em que este se dá. Amplia-se assim a rede do cuidar, sendo considerados todos os atores que a performam, compreendendo o processo de ensino-aprendizagem enquanto um conjunto de afetações, integrando a afetividade e a cognição. O trabalho foi desenvolvido acompanhando uma escola Waldorf, para observação da rotina e de atividades onde são performadas práticas de cuidado, especialmente aquelas que seguem a Lógica do Cuidado, o que nos viabiliza pensar outro devir escola. O campo estudado contribuiu para desconstruir a forma tradicionalmente performada de cuidado, viabilizando pensar a escola enquanto um espaço que amplie as possibilidades de cuidar.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The ideal of Waldorf Education, since the opening of the first school in 1919, was based on innovative principles for a humanized society. Among those principles, there was the attendance of all children without distinction, which is exactly the main idea of the inclusive school. Waldorf pedagogy defends that under the right pedagogical action and care with the individual development, anyone can develop, regardless of their disability. This statem ent highlights the main objective of this methodology, that is the human development, aligned to another fundamental guideline of inclusive education. Accordingly, the hypothesis of this work is that Waldorf education promotes inclusive schooling contexts, attending diversity and valuing differences. The general objective of this study is: analyze Waldorf Education to verify if it promotes inclusive contexts. And the specific objetives were: identify elements in this practice that favors diversity attend; analyze the practice of a Waldorf school, considering documentation, structure, and conception of managers, teachers and parents. The study was based on quantitative and qualitative research approach, and the data was collected trough observation of teaching practices in a classroom where a disabled student was present, as well as through documentation and observation of the school environment. Furthermore, in order to verify the understanding of parents (71 individuals) and teachers (18 individuals) on inclusion, a specific questionnaire was developed for each of these two groups. For the records, a diary and an observation script were used. It was concluded that Waldorf methodology provides all the necessary conditions to inclusion, mainly due to it's enhancement of individuality, didactic organization and it's roots in social relations
The ideal of Waldorf Education, since the opening of the first school in 1919, was based on innovative principles for a humanized society. Among those principles, there was the attendance of all children without distinction, which is exactly the main idea of the inclusive school. Waldorf pedagogy defends that under the right pedagogical action and care with the individual development, anyone can develop, regardless of their disability. This statem ent highlights the main objective of this methodology, that is the human development, aligned to another fundamental guideline of inclusive education. Accordingly, the hypothesis of this work is that Waldorf education promotes inclusive schooling contexts, attending diversity and valuing differences. The general objective of this study is: analyze Waldorf Education to verify if it promotes inclusive contexts. And the specific objetives were: identify elements in this practice that favors diversity attend; analyze the practice of a Waldorf school, considering documentation, structure, and conception of managers, teachers and parents. The study was based on quantitative and qualitative research approach, and the data was collected trough observation of teaching practices in a classroom where a disabled student was present, as well as through documentation and observation of the school environment. Furthermore, in order to verify the understanding of parents (71 individuals) and teachers (18 individuals) on inclusion, a specific questionnaire was developed for each of these two groups. For the records, a diary and an observation script were used. It was concluded that Waldorf methodology provides all the necessary conditions to inclusion, mainly due to it's enhancement of individuality, didactic organization and it's roots in social relations
La légitimité des écoles privées fondées sur un projet religieux ou spirituel fait l’objet de débats épineux tant au Québec qu’ailleurs, depuis plusieurs années (chapitre 1). À la différence des nombreux travaux normatifs déjà produits sur ces questions, cette thèse propose une contribution empirique sur la réalité de certaines de ces écoles à Montréal. Notre objectif général consiste donc à comprendre comment la dimension religieuse ou spirituelle d'écoles privées de groupes ou courants minoritaires (juives, musulmanes, Steiner) se traduit dans les discours et pratiques de l'école. La mise en lien d’écoles abritant des projets éducatifs minoritaires de différentes natures vise par ailleurs à poser un regard plus large sur l’identité, ethnique ou religieuse. Après avoir analysé les trois écoles, nous examinons les différences ou convergences significatives entre elles. Puis, nous tentons de mieux comprendre comment leurs discours et leurs pratiques nous renseignent sur les attentes parallèles relatives à l’éducation en contexte libéral. Nous portons alors attention (chapitre 2) aux interactions entre le curriculum « séculier » et une perspective religieuse ou spirituelle, à la conception de l'autonomie dans la scolarisation, à la formation du citoyen et à la hiérarchisation des valeurs éducatives. En nous inspirant entre autres de Juteau (1999), nous considérons ces écoles comme des « communautés » éducatives. Notre démarche méthodologique (chapitre 3), d’inspiration ethnographique, s’articule autour d'observations participantes en 5e et en 6e année du primaire et en 1re et 2e année du secondaire (environ 3 jours par classe) et à plus de 45 entrevues, menées auprès des enseignants, des directions d’école et des parents d’élèves. Même si notre dispositif ne consiste pas à faire « émerger » une théorie, nous nous inspirons de la méthode de la « théorisation ancrée » pour analyser nos données. Le premier chapitre d’analyse (chapitre 4) illustre d’abord un cas relativement « pur » de communalisation, puisque l’école Steiner produit du spirituel sans forcément se situer dans un rapport de force avec d’autres groupes sociaux. Cela reflète donc comment une lignée identitaire peut être construite grâce à l’enracinement dans une tradition et une mémoire « créées» par l’école. L’école musulmane (chapitre 5) adapte plutôt les références associées à la religion de manière à constituer un « pont » entre la socialisation primaire et celle de la société d’accueil. On constate en effet que la direction et les enseignants de l’école ne réinventent pas la lignée croyante, mais ne la reproduisent pas non plus à l’identique. En ce qui concerne l’école juive (chapitre 6), elle permet surtout d’attester une communauté ethnoreligieuse extérieure. La tradition juive enseignée à l’école, souvent qualifiée de « traditionalisme non religieux » par les acteurs scolaires, présente donc peu de réinterprétations ou de transformations dans ce contexte scolaire. Un dernier chapitre d’analyse (chapitre 7), abordant les trois écoles dans une perspective comparative, met notamment en perspective comment ces trois institutions transmettent une culture identitaire et un style de vie débordant le cadre scolaire, qui englobent les croyances religieuses et/ou spirituelles, mais ne s’y réduisent pas.
Sammelrezension von: 1. Heiner Ullrich / Susanne Strunck (Hrsg.): Private Schulen in Deutschland. Entwicklungen – Profile – Kontroversen. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag 2012 (280 S.; ISBN 978-3-531-18230-8) 2. Sylva Liebenwein / Heiner Barz / Dirk Randoll: Bildungserfahrungen an Waldorfschulen. Empirische Studie zu Schulqualität und Lernerfahrungen. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag 2012 (256 S.; ISBN 978-3-531-18508-8) 3. Sylva Liebenwein / Heiner Barz / Dirk Randoll: Bildungserfahrungen an Montessorischulen. Empirische Studie zu Schulqualität und Lernerfahrungen. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag 2013 (280 S.; ISBN 978-3-531-18507-1)
A presente pesquisa foi produzida num Jardim de Infância Waldorf no Rio de Janeiro e se propôs a um exercício de tradução, com o uso do dispositivo TeAR, que aliava o trabalho etnográfico no cotidiano escolar, aos elementos da tecelagem como artesania e ao modo de pesquisar da Teoria Ator-Rede (TAR). Entre as questões que emergiram ao longo do processo, podemos destacar: a com-vivência como prática educativa no encontro com a diferença, que vinculou-se ao método de PesquisarCOM da TAR, proposto pela psicóloga Marcia Moraes; uma maneira de aprender com os mal-entendidos, refazendo nossa maneira de interpelar o outro quando este recalcitra; incluindo humanos e não-humanos, sem domínios ou separações hierarquizantes; conhecendo com e não sobre o outro. Por outro lado, ao entendermos o conhecimento como processo de criação de si e do mundo, a produção de conhecimento na com-vivência fez emergir, como efeito das práticas de limite e recalcitrância, a diferenciação e singularização dos agentes, possibilitando a criação de novos limites e invenções. Assim, na afetação da experiência, chegamos à negociação dos interesses singulares e coletivos, na qual planos comuns e heterogêneos foram-se tecendo, de modo que as múltiplas possibilidades de vínculos aumentavam a potência de agir. Pensar com Latour que quando estamos mais vinculados, somos mais livres nos convida a experimentar novas formas de viver coletivamente, inventando a si de maneira vinculada e ao mesmo tempo proliferando modos de existir. Durante essa pesquisa, fiamos com as práticas do campo e tecemos versões de Educação Infantil na Pedagogia Waldorf cujos vínculos estão em movimento, constituindo uma ética na com-vivência
Education is an essential part of the overall development of a human being. There are opportunities of knowledge production and teaching and learning in many environments, so education is not limited to the school environment. A possible field of teacher's performance takes place in the context of educational social projects, therefore, the importance of knowing and evaluating this environment. Rise to concern about how important and what the reflection of the social projects in the lives of children who often find themselves in a social risk to the margins of society and the research is justified by considering the community education as an opportunity to change lives and society itself. Thus, a qualitative study of descriptive type in a social project based on the Waldorf was developed, aiming to know how the project was carried out and verify the importance of it in a poor neighborhood of the city of Botucatu-SP
The Waldorf pedagogy, based on anthroposophy, was designed by Rudolf Steiner in Germany. The first school was founded in 1919. The main objective of this proposal is human development. From the literature survey, this paper presents concepts and principles of Waldorf education, as well as its history, motivations and characteristics, aiming to increase the understanding of this Pedagogy and describing its foundations. The literature search was performed using books and data. While result of bases, from the study of the theo retical concepts, it was possible to describe the fundamentals, present concepts and principles, in addition to expanding the understanding of the Waldorf pedagogy. Starting from the Waldorf context, were also exposed the principle sofearly childhood education
Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE