905 resultados para Vitreoretinal Surgery


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PURPOSE: To assess the role of vitreoretinal surgery in maximizing treatment outcome following complications after proton therapy for uveal melanoma and to evaluate its safety. METHODS: Retrospective chart study on 21 patients (2% of a total of 1,005 treated by proton therapy between January 2003 and August 2007) who had developed a complication requiring vitreoretinal surgery. Mean/median total follow-up after irradiation was 43/43 months (range, 12-70 months). RESULTS: Indications for surgery included vitreous hemorrhage (n = 13), epimacular membrane (n = 5), rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (n = 1), combined vitreous hemorrhage with total serous retinal detachment (n = 1), and vitritis (n = 1). Mean/median interval for vitreoretinal surgery after irradiation was 21/20 months (range, 4-45 months), and mean/median follow-up after pars plana vitrectomy was 22/23 months (range, 2-56 months). Pars plana vitrectomy was combined with retinal photocoagulation (n = 5), air/gas (n = 5), or silicone oil tamponade (n = 1). Mean Snellen visual acuity was 20/200 (0-20/40) before and 20/100 (0-20/25) after pars plana vitrectomy. A transient postoperative rise in intraocular pressure was measured in seven patients. Four patients developed phthisis bulbi. CONCLUSION: Vitreoretinal surgery was efficient in maximizing treatment outcome after proton therapy, as it allowed a better oncologic follow-up. Pars plana vitrectomy permitted panretinal photocoagulation to avoid neovascular glaucoma or retinal detachment repair. Macular surgery improved visual acuity, especially in anterior melanoma, whereas repeated surgery may increase the risk of enucleation.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the outcomes of vitreoretinal surgery after choroidal tumor biopsy. DESIGN: Retrospective, single-center, consecutive case series. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 739 consecutive patients undergoing choroidal tumor biopsy. METHODS: All subjects who underwent transretinal or transscleral choroidal tumor biopsy for diagnostic or prognostic purposes between May 1993 and May 2013 were identified in our database. We then reviewed patients who subsequently required secondary vitreoretinal surgery for complications arising from such biopsies. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Reason for vitreoretinal surgery, association with biopsy procedure, best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA; logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution [logMAR]), intraocular or extrascleral tumor dissemination, resolution of vitreous hemorrhage, reattachment of the retina with a single vitreoretinal procedure, number of additional vitrectomies undertaken, and number of enucleations. RESULTS: A total of 20 of 739 eyes (2.7%) underwent vitreoretinal surgery for complications arising from choroidal tumor biopsy. The tumors consisted of choroidal melanoma in all 20 eyes. The reasons for the secondary surgery included persistent vitreous hemorrhage in 1.9% (14/739), rhegmatogenous retinal detachment in 0.7% (5/739), and endophthalmitis in 0.14% (1/739). Median BCVA improved from 2.0 logMAR (mean, 1.92 logMAR; range, 0.8-2.7 logMAR) before vitrectomy to 0.72 logMAR (mean, 0.88 logMAR; range, -0.14 to 2.7 logMAR) after vitrectomy and 0.76 logMAR (mean, 1.14 logMAR; range, 0.1-3.0 logMAR) at the final visit (P < 0.0001, t test). Permanent resolution of vitreous hemorrhage was achieved in 6 of 14 patients, and reattachment of the retina was achieved in 2 of 5 patients after the first vitrectomy. A median of 1 (mean, 1.5; range, 1-3) additional vitrectomy was performed. Enucleation was necessary in 3 of 20 eyes (15%). There were no cases of intraocular invasion or extrascleral extension after vitrectomy. CONCLUSIONS: Vitrectomy for complications of choroidal tumor biopsy is rare. Such corrective surgery is complex and is best undertaken by specialized ocular oncologists or vitreoretinal surgeons with experience in managing this problem.


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L'utilisation de faisceaux de protons accélérés dans le traitement des mélanomes de l'uvée a été utilisée pour la première fois en Suisse (et par ailleurs en Europe) en 1984. Depuis, la protonthérapie a constamment évolué avec des logiciels toujours plus performants et précis pour devenir à l'heure actuelle le traitement de référence pour ce type de tumeurs. Ainsi, jusqu'à ce jour, l'Institut Paul Scherrer à Villigen a traité plus de 7000 cas de tumeurs oculaires. Mais la protonthérapie, aussi efficace soit-elle avec un taux de guérison de plus de 98%, comporte malheureusement un certain nom bre d'effets secondaires et indésirables pouvant parfois mener le patient jusqu'à l'énucléation secondai re. De la simple dermatite actinique à l'hémorragie intravitréenne massive, les complications induites sont pour la plupart bien connues et documentées mais leurs prises en charge, notamment sur un organe préalablement irradié diffèrent. Alors que nous avons beaucoup de recul sur la protonthérapie, la gestion de ses complications reste propre à chaque centre de soin et n'est que très peu documentée. Les complications majeures de la protonthérapie qui ont nécessité une prise en charge par le chirurgien vitrorétinien représentent souvent un défi majeur. Bien que rares, puisqu'elles ne représentent que 2% de notre collectif, celles-ci peuvent avoir de lourdes conséquences. Pa r exemple, une hémorragie intravitréenne massive, complication la plus fréquente dans notre série, compromet l'observation de la tumeur au fond d'oeil et empêche le bon suivi oncologique. La chirurgie vitrorétinienne a alors pour mission, de restaurer la transparence des milieux, élément indispensable à l'ophtalmologue pour le suivi clinique, iconographique et radiologique des mélanomes de l'uvée. Secondairement, cette chirurgie permet parfois d'augmenter l'acuité visuelle de l'oeil malade. La chirurgie vitrorétinienne est un précieux atout pour l'oncologue et permet d'éviter une énucléation secondaire. Elle participe ainsi à la prise en charge globale du patient atteint de mélanome de l'uvée.


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PURPOSE: To assess the outcomes in patients who required 1 or more vitreoretinal interventions for posterior segment complications arising from elective uneventful cataract surgery. SETTING: Tertiary referral center, single-center study. METHODS: A retrospective interventional case series included 56 consecutive patients who were referred for surgical correction of posterior segment complications within 6 months of cataract surgery. The study period was between 1996 and 2003, and the minimum follow-up was 5 months. RESULTS: Posterior segment complications were resolved with a single surgical intervention in 40 cases (71.4%). Within 5 months of primary surgical correction, persisting or newly arising posterior segment complications were noted in 16 cases (28.6%). After a mean of 2.1 +/- 1.4 (SD) additional surgeries, the number of eyes with posterior segment problems decreased to 7 (12.5%) (P = .035). Posterior segment complications requiring more than 1 vitreoretinal intervention included retinal detachment, endophthalmitis, and choroidal hemorrhages. After primary correction surgery, the mean best corrected visual acuity increased from 0.15 +/- 0.24 to 0.37 +/- 0.33 (P = .001) after a single intervention and to 0.39 +/- 0.32 (P>.05) after additional interventions. Although the intraocular pressure (IOP) decreased from 21.8 +/- 16.6 mm Hg to 14.9 +/- 3.4 mm Hg (P = .008), 4 (7.1%) consecutive vascular optic atrophies occurred. A reduction in corneal transparency was observed in 46.4% of patients before primary surgical correction and 12.5% after primary surgical correction (P<.001). CONCLUSIONS: In many cases, posterior segment complications arising from cataract surgery could be repaired with favorable functional and anatomical outcomes by a single vitreoretinal intervention. Additional surgery, if requested, provided stabilization of the anatomical and functional outcomes.


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Purpose: To investigate the retinal biocompatibility of six novel vital dyes for chromovitrectomy. Methods: An amount of 0.05 mL of 0.5% and 0.05% light green (LG), fast green (FG), Evans blue (EB), brilliant blue (BriB), bromophenol blue (BroB), or indigo carmine (IC) was injected intravitreally in the right eye, whereas in the left eye balanced salt solution was applied for control in rabbits` eyes. Clinical examination, fluorescein angiography, histology with light microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy were performed after 1 and 7 days. Retinal cell layers were evaluated for morphologic alterations and number of cells. The electroretinographic changes were assessed at baseline, 24 hours and 7 days. Results: Fluorescein angiography disclosed hypofluorescent spots only in the 0.5% EB group. Light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy disclosed slight focal morphologic changes in eyes exposed to 0.05% IC, FG, BriB, similar to the control at 1 and 7 days. In the lower dose groups, EB, LG, and BroB caused substantial retinal alterations by light microscopy. At the higher dose, BroB and EB produced diffuse cellular edema and vacuolization within the ganglion cells, bipolar cells, and photoreceptors. FG and IC at 0.5% caused slight retinal alterations similar to balanced salt solution injection. LG at 0.5% caused diffuse vacuolization of bipolar cells after 1 and 7 days. Injection of 0.5% EB caused a significant decrease in neuroretinal cell counts in comparison to control eyes in the 7-day examination (P < 0.05). Electroretinography revealed intermittent prolonged latency and decreased amplitude in eyes injected with 0.5% EB, LG, BriB, and BroB, while at the lower dose, only LG and EB induced few functional changes. Conclusion: The progressive order of retinal biocompatibility, from safest to most toxic, was IC, FG, BriB, BroB, LG, EB.


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We present an illustrative case of endogenous ocular Nocardia (EON) infection in a man with Hodgkin disease treated by chemotherapy who underwent aggressive vitreoretinal surgery for diagnosis and treatment of a subretinal abscess. Visual acuity recovered from hand movements to 20/25. We review the 38 reported cases of EON published between 1967 and 2007, describe the clinical presentation from a systemic and ocular point of view, examine which ocular procedures were successful in identifying the bacterium, and analyze ocular morbidity and the factors affecting successful treatment.


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Objetivo: comparar los resultados anatómicos y funcionales de los pacientes con Agujero Macular idiopático estadíos II, III y IV de Gass, quienes fueron sometidos a cirugía vitreoretiniana, con y sin uso de Azul Tripan, para la remoción de la Membrana Limitante Interna, en la Fundación Oftalmológica Nacional, Bogotá, Colombia, a partir de la revisión de historias clínicas de pacientes operados entre Enero de 2006 y Noviembre de 2009 Métodos: se realizó un estudio de cohorte retrospectivo, Los registros de historias clínicas de 32 pacientes operados de agujero macular idiopático fueron recolectados retrospectivamente a partir de 3 cirujanos. A todos los pacientes se les había realizado vitrectomía vía pars plana, se dividieron en 2 grupos aquellos con remoción de la MLI asistida con azul tripan y sin ésta. Se evaluaron variables, preoperatorias, intraoperatorias y postoperatorias. Resultados: la edad media de presentación del agujero macular fue de 61,33 años, la agudeza visual postoperatoria presentó diferencia entre los 2 grupos (p=0,008), la obtención del cierre del agujero macular utilizando azul tripan para la remoción de la membrana limitante interna no fue estadísticamente significativa (p=0,383) Conclusiones: la agudeza visual postoperatoria mejora, en los pacientes en quienes se utiliza el azul tripan para asistir la remoción de la MLI, en pacientes con agujeros maculares, en nuestro estudio la mejoría de la agudeza visual fue en promedio de 0,143. 2. No hubo diferencias entre los grupos estudiados con respecto al cierre anatómico primario del agujero macular. Se recomienda realizar estudios prospectivos, longitudinales para evaluar la asociación entre agujeros maculares, cierre anatómico primario y agudeza visual con el uso de azul tripan.


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OBJETIVOS: Determinar los factores pronóstico, cambios maculares morfológicos y de capa de fibras nerviosas ganglionares posterior a vitrectomía pars plana, en la Fundación Oftalmológica Nacional. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio longitudinal de antes y después (3y6 meses) de la vitrectomía pars plana (VPP) en pacientes con membrana epirretiniana, agujero macular, síndrome de tracción vítreo macular y opacidades vítreas no-inflamatorias. Se realizó seguimiento clínico y con tomografía de coherencia óptica. RESULTADOS: Grupo de 60 pacientes (mujeres 65.0%), edad promedio 65.45+9.49años y tiempo de enfermedad promedio 23+29.79meses. Las indicaciones de VPP (n=60ojos) fueron agujero macular (38.3%) y membrana epirretiniana (36.7%). Se encontró diferencia significativa entre grosor del complejo capa de células ganglionares (CCG)+capa plexiforme interna (CPI) inicial y 3 meses (p=0.039), correlación entre grosor del complejo CCG+CPI al tercer y sexto mes (r=0.704,p<0.001) y grosor del complejo CCG+CPI al tercer mes con grosor foveal central (CFT) al tercer y sexto mes (r=–0.594,p<0.001 y r=–0.595,p=0.001). Mayores de 65años tenían menor grosor de CFNG a 6meses (r=-0.528,p=0.007). El grosor de CFNG promedio y la presencia de la zona elipsoide inicial fueron factores pronósticos de buena agudeza visual al tercer mes de VPP (r2=0.414,p=0.018, y r2=0.414,p=0.010). CONCLUSIÓN: El grosor de CFNG y la presencia de la zona elipsoide inicial tienen alta capacidad predictiva de buena agudeza visual al tercer mes de VPP, y, correlación inversa entre grosor del complejo CCG+CPI con CFT al tercer y sexto mes de VPP.


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BACKGROUND: Severe postoperative loss of vision has been occasionally reported as a rare complication of retrobulbar anesthesia, and several possible causes have been proposed in the literature. In this work, our own and other investigators' experiences with these complications are surveyed with a view to identifying its pathophysiology. PATIENTS: This observational case series refers to six patients who presented during a 3-month period with occlusion of either the central artery itself (n = 3) or a branch thereof (n = 3) 2-14 days after uneventful vitreoretinal surgery following retrobulbar anesthesia with a commercial preparation of mepivacaine (1% Scandicain®, Astra Chemicals, Sweden) containing methyl- and propyl parahydroxybenzoate as preservatives. RESULTS: Three of the patients carried risk factors, which were medically controlled. In three individuals, vasoocclusion was observed after a second vitreoretinal intervention, which was performed 3-12 months after uneventful primary surgery. Good visual recovery was observed in only one instance. CONCLUSIONS: In patients who were anesthetized with preservative-free mepivacaine, no vasoocclusion occurred. In individuals who were anesthetized with mepivacaine containing the preservatives methyl- and propyl parahydroxybenzoate, a tenfold increase in the incidence of eyes requiring re-operation was documented, with a 2- to 14-day lapse in the onset of vasoocclusion. These findings reveal a possible implication of preservatives contained in the local anesthetic solution for the vasoocclusive events. Due to this potential hazard, the use of preservative-free preparations of local anesthesia in ocular surgery is emphasized in order to prevent this sight-threatening complication.


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BACKGROUND: We wished to investigate the toxicity of four immunosuppressant and antimetabolic drugs, which are known to influence postoperative wound healing, on three different human ocular cell lines. METHODS: Acute toxicity to cyclosporin A, azathioprine, mitomicyn C and daunorubicin was assessed in Chang cells by monitoring their uptake of propidium iodide during a 3-h period. Chronic toxicity was assessed by monitoring the proliferation and viability of subconfluent cultures of Chang cells, human corneal endothelial cells (HCECs) and retinal pigmented epithelial (RPE) cells after continuous exposure to the drugs for 7 days. RESULTS: Acute toxicity testing revealed no obvious effects. However, the chronic toxicity tests disclosed a narrow concentration range over which cell proliferation decreased dramatically but calcein metabolism was sustained. Although the three lines reacted similarly to each agent, HCECs were the most vulnerable to daunorubicin and mitomycin. At a daunorubicin concentration of 0.05 microg/ml, a 75% decrease in calcein metabolism (P < 0.001) and a > or = 95% cell loss (P < 0.001) were observed. At a mitomycin concentration of 0.01 mug/ml, cell density decreased by 61% (P < 0.001) without a change in calcein metabolism, but at 0.1 microg/ml, the latter parameter decreased to 12% (P = 0.00014). At this concentration the proliferation of Chang and RPE cells decreased by more than 50%, whilst calcein metabolism was largely sustained. Cyclosporin inhibited cell proliferation moderately at lower concentrations (< 5 microg/ml; P=0.05) and substantially at higher ones, with a corresponding decline in calcein metabolism. Azathioprine induced a profound decrease in both parameters at concentrations above 5 microg/ml. CONCLUSION: Daunorubicin, cyclosporin and azathioprine could be used to inhibit excessive intraocular scarring after glaucoma and vitreoretinal surgery without overly reducing cell viability. The attributes of immunosuppressants lie in their combined antiproliferative and immunomodulatory effects.


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BACKGROUND: Heavier than water tamponades offer the possibility to support the inferior part of the fundus after retinal detachment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the anatomic and functional outcome of complicated retinal detachment treated with vitreous surgery and heavy silicone oil (HSO) tamponade. Surgery was performed in eyes with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RD) predominantly in the lower hemisphere or with penetrating injury (either as primary intervention or after development of proliferative vitreoretinopathy [PVR]). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixty-one eyes of 61 patients with RD - mostly complicated by PVR - and a minimum follow-up of 12 months were included in this study. Vitreoretinal surgery with HSO (Oxane HD) tamponade was performed in all patients. In 52 patients, heavy silicone oil was used in the management of complicated RD. 9 patients had surgery for complicated RD after penetrating eye injury.The mean follow-up period was 30.3 +/- 10.2 months. RESULTS: The overall final anatomic success rate was 79 %. In 39 % of the cases the retina remained attached during the entire follow-up period. CONCLUSIONS: The anatomic success rate after surgery with HSO (Oxane HD) was relatively low; however, only complex cases bearing a higher risk of retinal re-detachment received HSO in this study. Oxane HD does not appear to have major advantages compared to conventional silicone oil or other new-generation heavy silicone oils in these cases.


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PURPOSE: To investigate whether peroperative perfluorocarbon liquids (PFCL) improve the long term anatomical success of retinal detachment associated with severe proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR). PATIENTS AND METHODS: The charts of 62 successive patients operated on for retinal detachment associated with severe PVR were retrospectively analyzed. For one group of 39 patients PFCL were used intraoperatively to improve membrane dissection. The anatomical status of the two groups were compared one month after surgery and at least 6 months after silicone oil ablation. RESULTS: Anatomical success was observed in 84.6% in the group of patients operated with PFCL compared to 52% in the other group (P = 0.005). At the end of the follow up, anatomical success was observed in 64% of patients operated with PFCL compared to 61% in the control group (P = 0.8). However, recurrences were observed later in the group operated on with PFCL. CONCLUSION: Perfluorocarbons liquids significantly improve the initial reattachment of retinal detachment complicated with severe PVR, but they do not seem to improve their final anatomical status.


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Asthma, laryngitis and chronic cough are atypical symptoms of the gastroesophageal reflux disease. To analyze the efficacy of laparoscopic surgery in the remission of extra-esophageal symptoms in patients with gastroesophageal reflux, related to asthma. Were reviewed the medical records of 400 patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease submitted to laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication from 1994 to 2006, and identified 30 patients with extra-esophageal symptoms related to asthma. The variables considered were: gender, age, gastroesophageal symptoms (heartburn, acid reflux and dysphagia), time of reflux disease, treatment with proton pump inhibitor, use of specific medications, treatment and evolution, number of attacks and degree of esophagitis. Data were subjected to statistical analysis, comparing the pre- and post-surgical findings. The comparative analysis before surgery (T1) and six months after surgery (T2) showed a significant reduction on heartburn and reflux symptoms. Apart from that, there was a significant difference between the patients with daily crises of asthma (T1 versus T2, 45.83% to 16.67%, p=0.0002) and continuous crises (T1, 41.67% versus T2, 8.33%, p=0.0002). Laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication was effective in improving symptoms that are typical of reflux disease and clinical manifestations of asthma.


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We have shown how the analysis of the angiotomography reconstruction through OsiriX program has assisted in endovascular perioperative programming. We presented its application in situations when an unexpected existence of metallic overlapping artifact (orthopedic osteosynthesis) compromised the adequate visualization of the arterial lesion during the procedure. Through manipulation upon OsiriX software, with assistance of preview under virtual fluoroscopy, it was possible to obtain the angles that would avoid this juxtaposition. These angles were reproduced in the C-arm, allowing visualization of the occluded segment, reducing the need for repeated image acquisitions and contrast overload, allowing the continuation of the procedure.