23 resultados para Verilog


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This paper proposes a novel and innovative scheme for 10Gb/s parallel Very Short Reach (VSR) optical communication system. The optimized scheme properly manages the SDH/SONET redundant bytes and adjusts the position of error detecting bytes and error correction bytes. Compared with the OIF-VSR4-01.0 proposal, the scheme has a coding process module. The SDH/SONET frames in transmission direction are disposed as follows: (1) The Framer-Serdes Interface (FSI) gets 16x622.08Mb/s STM-64 frame. (2) The STM-64 frame is byte-wise stripped across 12 channels, all channels are data channels. During this process, the parity bytes and CRC bytes are generated in the similar way as OIF-VSR4-01.0 and stored in the code process module. (3) The code process module will regularly convey the additional parity bytes and CRC bytes to all 12 data channels. (4) After the 8B/10B coding, the 12 channels is transmitted to the parallel VCSEL array. The receive process approximately in reverse order of transmission process. By applying this scheme to 10Gb/s VSR system, the frame size in VSR system is reduced from 15552x12 bytes to 14040x12 bytes, the system redundancy is reduced obviously.


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Although the recently proposed single-implicit-equation-based input voltage equations (IVEs) for the independent double-gate (IDG) MOSFET promise faster computation time than the earlier proposed coupled-equations-based IVEs, it is not clear how those equations could be solved inside a circuit simulator as the conventional Newton-Raphson (NR)-based root finding method will not always converge due to the presence of discontinuity at the G-zero point (GZP) and nonremovable singularities in the trigonometric IVE. In this paper, we propose a unique algorithm to solve those IVEs, which combines the Ridders algorithm with the NR-based technique in order to provide assured convergence for any bias conditions. Studying the IDG MOSFET operation carefully, we apply an optimized initial guess to the NR component and a minimized solution space to the Ridders component in order to achieve rapid convergence, which is very important for circuit simulation. To reduce the computation budget further, we propose a new closed-form solution of the IVEs in the near vicinity of the GZP. The proposed algorithm is tested with different device parameters in the extended range of bias conditions and successfully implemented in a commercial circuit simulator through its Verilog-A interface.


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This paper presents the design of the area optimized integer two dimensional discrete cosine transform (2-D DCT) used in H.264/AVC codecs. The 2-D DCT calculation is performed by utilizing the separability property, in such a way that 2-D DCT is divided into two 1-D DCT calculation that are joined through a common memory. Due to its area optimized approach, the design will find application in mobile devices. Verilog hardware description language (HDL) in cadence environment has been used for design, compilation, simulation and synthesis of transform block in 0.18 mu TSMC technology.


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Surface-potential-based compact charge models for symmetric double-gate metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (SDG-MOSFETs) are based on the fundamental assumption of having equal oxide thicknesses for both gates. However, for practical devices, there will always be some amount of asymmetry between the gate oxide thicknesses due to process variations and uncertainties, which can affect device performance significantly. In this paper, we propose a simple surface-potential-based charge model, which is applicable for tied double-gate MOSFETs having same gate work function but could have any difference in gate oxide thickness. The proposed model utilizes the unique so-far-unexplored quasi-linear relationship between the surface potentials along the channel. In this model, the terminal charges could be computed by basic arithmetic operations from the surface potentials and applied biases, and thus, it could be implemented in any circuit simulator very easily and extendable to short-channel devices. We also propose a simple physics-based perturbation technique by which the surface potentials of an asymmetric device could be obtained just by solving the input voltage equation of SDG devices for small asymmetry cases. The proposed model, which shows excellent agreement with numerical and TCAD simulations, is implemented in a professional circuit simulator through the Verilog-A interface and demonstrated for a 101-stage ring oscillator simulation. It is also shown that the proposed model preserves the source/drain symmetry, which is essential for RF circuit design.


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A robust numerical solution of the input voltage equations (IVEs) for the independent-double-gate metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor requires root bracketing methods (RBMs) instead of the commonly used Newton-Raphson (NR) technique due to the presence of nonremovable discontinuity and singularity. In this brief, we do an exhaustive study of the different RBMs available in the literature and propose a single derivative-free RBM that could be applied to both trigonometric and hyperbolic IVEs and offers faster convergence than the earlier proposed hybrid NR-Ridders algorithm. We also propose some adjustments to the solution space for the trigonometric IVE that leads to a further reduction of the computation time. The improvement of computational efficiency is demonstrated to be about 60% for trigonometric IVE and about 15% for hyperbolic IVE, by implementing the proposed algorithm in a commercial circuit simulator through the Verilog-A interface and simulating a variety of circuit blocks such as ring oscillator, ripple adder, and twisted ring counter.


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Charge linearization techniques have been used over the years in advanced compact models for bulk and double-gate MOSFETs in order to approximate the position along the channel as a quadratic function of the surface potential (or inversion charge densities) so that the terminal charges can be expressed as a compact closed-form function of source and drain end surface potentials (or inversion charge densities). In this paper, in case of the independent double-gate MOSFETs, we show that the same technique could be used to model the terminal charges quite accurately only when the 1-D Poisson solution along the channel is fully hyperbolic in nature or the effective gate voltages are same. However, for other bias conditions, it leads to significant error in terminal charge computation. We further demonstrate that the amount of nonlinearity that prevails between the surface potentials along the channel actually dictates if the conventional charge linearization technique could be applied for a particular bias condition or not. Taking into account this nonlinearity, we propose a compact charge model, which is based on a novel piecewise linearization technique and shows excellent agreement with numerical and Technology Computer-Aided Design (TCAD) simulations for all bias conditions and also preserves the source/drain symmetry which is essential for Radio Frequency (RF) circuit design. The model is implemented in a professional circuit simulator through Verilog-A, and simulation examples for different circuits verify good model convergence.


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基于OIF-VSR5-01.0规范,分析了12路并行40Gb/s甚短距离(VSR)光传输转换器模块的实现原理.采用top-down分析方法,使用硬件描述语言verilog,在可编程逻辑器件上完成了时钟数据恢复、基于字节对齐方案的帧同步、信道去斜移、比特间差奇偶校验(BIP)等功能模块的程序设计,实现了SFI-5与OIF-VSR5-01.0电信号格式的相互转换,并在Altera的Stratix II GX 系列的高速现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)上对功能模块进行了功能验证和联合仿真.结果表明所设计的各个功能模块满足系统应用要求,为下一步将系统设计转换为专用集成电路(ASIC)奠定了基础.


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PROFIBUS是一种国际化、开放式、不依赖于设备生产厂商的现场总线标准,PROFIBUS-DP作为PROFIBUS的一个分支,以其成熟性、实时性、可靠性和稳定性,在全球范围内的工业自动化领域获得了最为广泛的应用。PROFIBUS-DP协议比较复杂, 目前只有少数国外厂商提供专用的PROFIBUS-DP协议芯片,而国内对于PROFIBUS-DP总线的应用基本以购买国外自动化设备厂商的PROFIBUS-DP通信芯片为主,导致我国的自动化行业难以掌握核心技术。因此研究和开发具有自主知识产权的PROFIBUS-DP通信芯片具有广阔的前景和重要的意义。本文通过深入研究PROFIBUS-DP协议,提出了一套完整的设计方案,并设计出符合PROFIBUS-DP协议的IP核,为最终PROFIBUS-DP通信芯片的实现打下了坚实的基础。 本文详细的介绍了PROFIBUS-DP从站通信控制器的设计实现过程。首先通过分析PROFIBUS-DP协议以及参考国外现有的芯片资料,结合自身研究,提出了PROFIBUS-DP从站通信控制器的整体设计方案,给出了设计的整体框图;其次在整体设计方案的基础上详细介绍了各个功能模块的实现方法,以此为基础,采用自顶向下的设计方法,对各个模块进行详细的设计,并给出了Verilog语言实现RTL编码以及核心功能模块的仿真波形图;最后采用ALTERA公司的Cyclone EP1C6 的FPGA芯片和Philips公司的P89LV51RD2 MCU搭建了一个标准化的智能型从站,并采用ProfiCore和ProfiScrit搭建了PROFIBUS-DP从站控制器的系统级验证环境,进行了系统级验证,充分证实了设计方案的可行性。


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This paper presents a multi-language framework to FPGA hardware development which aims to satisfy the dual requirement of high-level hardware design and efficient hardware implementation. The central idea of this framework is the integration of different hardware languages in a way that harnesses the best features of each language. This is illustrated in this paper by the integration of two hardware languages in the form of HIDE: a structured hardware language which provides more abstract and elegant hardware descriptions and compositions than are possible in traditional hardware description languages such as VHDL or Verilog, and Handel-C: an ANSI C-like hardware language which allows software and hardware engineers alike to target FPGAs from high-level algorithmic descriptions. On the one hand, HIDE has proven to be very successful in the description and generation of highly optimised parameterisable FPGA circuits from geometric descriptions. On the other hand, Handel-C has also proven to be very successful in the rapid design and prototyping of FPGA circuits from algorithmic application descriptions. The proposed integrated framework hence harnesses HIDE for the generation of highly optimised circuits for regular parts of algorithms, while Handel-C is used as a top-level design language from which HIDE functionality is dynamically invoked. The overall message of this paper posits that there need not be an exclusive choice between different hardware design flows. Rather, an integrated framework where different design flows can seamlessly interoperate should be adopted. Although the idea might seem simple prima facie, it could have serious implications on the design of future generations of hardware languages.


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In this paper a novel scalable public-key processor architecture is presented that supports modular exponentiation and Elliptic Curve Cryptography over both prime GF(p) and binary GF(2) extension fields. This is achieved by a high performance instruction set that provides a comprehensive range of integer and polynomial basis field arithmetic. The instruction set and associated hardware are generic in nature and do not specifically support any cryptographic algorithms or protocols. Firmware within the device is used to efficiently implement complex and data intensive arithmetic. A firmware library has been developed in order to demonstrate support for numerous exponentiation and ECC approaches, such as different coordinate systems and integer recoding methods. The processor has been developed as a high-performance asymmetric cryptography platform in the form of a scalable Verilog RTL core. Various features of the processor may be scaled, such as the pipeline width and local memory subsystem, in order to suit area, speed and power requirements. The processor is evaluated and compares favourably with previous work in terms of performance while offering an unparalleled degree of flexibility. © 2006 IEEE.


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Este trabalho apresenta o módulo Collaborative Service, uma extensão do ambiente Cave, desenvolvido para suportar conceitos de trabalho cooperativo no projeto de circuitos integrados. Esta extensão por sua vez, é baseada na metodologia Pair- Programming e nas tecnologias Jini e Javaspaces. O módulo Collaborative Service foi desenvolvido para auxiliar a continuidade do processo de desenvolvimento de circuitos integrados complexos, inserindo uma dinâmica de grupo através da extensão de Pair-Programming para máquinas remotas. Esse modelo permite que dois ou mais projetistas interajam em um mesmo projeto ou blocos de projeto, independente de suas localizações geográficas e tipos de plataformas de hardware/software. Ele foi projetado para ser genérico e essa característica o torna capaz de suportar as ferramentas de CAD, atuais e futuras, do ambiente Cave (um framework de apoio ao projeto de circuitos integrados). Como estudo de caso, foram utilizadas duas ferramentas do Ambiente Cave. O primeiro caso mostra uma cooperação em nível de descrições gráficas, representada pela ferramenta Blade, um editor de esquemáticos hierárquico. O segundo caso foi representado pelo editor de descrições textuais (VHDL, Verilog e Linguagem C), chamado Homero. No estudo de caso com a ferramenta Blade foi demonstrado que a cooperação proposta por esse modelo pode atuar sob diferentes níveis de hierarquia de projeto, além de suportar a interação de inúmeros projetistas em um mesmo bloco. Na ferramenta Homero, demonstrou-se a cooperação em nível de descrições textuais, representados por (códigos) projetos VHDL acrescidos da participação de vários projetistas. Com esses exemplos, foi possível demonstrar as estratégias de percepção e comunicação com os projetistas, além de descrever a criação de blocos de projeto de uma forma cooperativa. Como contribuição desse trabalho, acrescenta-se ao Ambiente Cave mais um recurso para o projeto de circuitos integrados. Nesse sentido, grupos de projetistas podem projetar um sistema ou circuito integrado de forma cooperativa utilizando-se das funcionalidades desse modelo.