923 resultados para Verdi computazionale digital humanities libretto CQP corpus


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L’obiettivo del presente lavoro è illustrare la creazione di due corpora bilingui italiano-inglese di libretti d’opera di Giuseppe Verdi, annotati e indicizzati, e descrivere le potenzialità di queste risorse. Il progetto è nato dalla volontà di indagare l’effettiva possibilità di gestione e consultazione di testi poetici tramite corpora in studi translation-driven, optando in particolare per il genere libretto d’opera in considerazione della sua complessità, derivante anche dal fatto che il contenuto testuale è fortemente condizionato dalla musica. Il primo corpus, chiamato LiVeGi, si compone di cinque opere di Giuseppe Verdi e relativa traduzione inglese: Ernani, Il Trovatore, La Traviata, Aida e Falstaff; il secondo corpus, nominato FaLiVe, contiene l’originale italiano dell’opera Falstaff e due traduzioni inglesi, realizzate a circa un secolo di distanza l’una dall’altra. All’analisi del genere libretto e delle caratteristiche principali delle cinque opere selezionate (Capitolo 1), segue una panoramica della prassi traduttiva dei lavori verdiani nel Regno Unito e negli Stati Uniti (Capitolo 2) e la presentazione delle nozioni di Digital Humanities e di linguistica computazionale, all’interno delle quali si colloca il presente studio (Capitolo 3). La sezione centrale (Capitolo 4) presenta nel dettaglio tutte le fasi pratiche di creazione dei due corpora, in particolare selezione e reperimento del materiale, OCR, ripulitura, annotazione e uniformazione dei metacaratteri, part-of-speech tagging, indicizzazione e allineamento, terminando con la descrizione delle risorse ottenute. Il lavoro si conclude (Capitolo 5) con l’illustrazione delle potenzialità dei due corpora creati e le possibilità di ricerca offerte, presentando, a titolo d’esempio, due case study: il linguaggio delle protagoniste tragiche nei libretti di Verdi in traduzione (studio realizzato sul corpus LiVeGi) e la traduzione delle ingiurie nel Falstaff (attraverso il corpus FaLiVe).


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The digital humanities are growing rapidly in response to a rise in Internet use. What humanists mostly work on, and which forms much of the contents of our growing repositories, are digital surrogates of originally analog artefacts. But is the data model upon which many of those surrogates are based – embedded markup – adequate for the task? Or does it in fact inhibit reusability and flexibility? To enhance interoperability of resources and tools, some changes to the standard markup model are needed. Markup could be removed from the text and stored in standoff form. The versions of which many cultural heritage texts are composed could also be represented externally, and computed automatically. These changes would not disrupt existing data representations, which could be imported without significant data loss. They would also enhance automation and ease the increasing burden on the modern digital humanist.


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Using scientific methods in the humanities is at the forefront of objective literary analysis. However, processing big data is particularly complex when the subject matter is qualitative rather than numerical. Large volumes of text require specialized tools to produce quantifiable data from ideas and sentiments. Our team researched the extent to which tools such as Weka and MALLET can test hypotheses about qualitative information. We examined the claim that literary commentary exists within political environments and used US periodical articles concerning Russian literature in the early twentieth century as a case study. These tools generated useful quantitative data that allowed us to run stepwise binary logistic regressions. These statistical tests allowed for time series experiments using sea change and emergency models of history, as well as classification experiments with regard to author characteristics, social issues, and sentiment expressed. Both types of experiments supported our claim with varying degrees, but more importantly served as a definitive demonstration that digitally enhanced quantitative forms of analysis can apply to qualitative data. Our findings set the foundation for further experiments in the emerging field of digital humanities.


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Laying the Foundation: Digital Humanities in Academic Libraries examines the library’s role in the development, implementation, and instruction of successful digital humanities projects. This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched.


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This paper aims to sketch some bases for the problematization of digital tools as objects of knowledge for Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH). Our purpose is to raise some relevant questions about the Digital Humanities (DH) and how SSH and Computer Sciences (CS) can work together to face new challenges. We discuss some tension points and propose a model for SSH and CS collaboration for joint projects in cultural digitization.


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Humanities Computing gave rise to the Digital Humanities, which brought considerations of a wider scope of the digital turn to humanities research. Increasingly, the area is understood to include the field of design, exemplified by definitions that describe the Digital Humanities as a “generative enterprise”. We suggest that design contributes not only to the making of digital artefacts. Design practiced with the aim to generate new knowledge constitues a research method. Design research contributes to the Digital Humanities expertise in addressing complex problems and methods for making the knowledge that is generated during a design process explicit.


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Harnessing the potential of semantic web technologies to support and diversify scholarship is gaining popularity in the digital humanities. This talk describes a number of projects utilising Linked Data ranging from musicology and library metadata, to the representation of the narrative structure, philological, bibliographical, and museological data of ancient Mesopotamian literary compositions.


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Although a substantial corpus of digital materials is now available to scholarship across the disciplines, objective evidence of their use, impact, and value, based on a robust assessment, is sparse. Traditional methods of assessment of impact in the humanities, notably citation in scholarly publications, are not an effective way of assessing impact of digital content. These issues are problematic in the field of Digital Humanities where there is a need to effectively assess impact to justify its continued funding and existence. A number of qualitative and quantitative methods exist that can be used to monitor the use of digital resources in various contexts although they have yet to be applied widely. These have been made available to the creators, managers, and funders of digital content in an accessible form through the TIDSR (Toolkit for the Impact of Digital Scholarly Resources) developed by the Oxford Internet Institute. In 2011, the authors of this article developed the SPHERE project (Stormont Parliamentary Hansards: Embedded in Research and Education) specifically to use TIDSR to evaluate the use and impact of The Stormont Papers, a digital collection of the Hansards of the Stormont Northern Irish Parliament from 1921 to 1972. This article presents the methodology, findings, and analysis of the project. The authors argue that TIDSR is a useful and, critically, transferrable method to understand and increase the impact of digital resources. The findings of the project are modified into a series of wider recommendations on protecting the investment in digital resources by increasing their use, value, and impact. It is reasonable to suggest that effectively showing the impact of Digital Humanities is critical to its survival.


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The poster demonstrates the preparatory steps of a digital multi-text edition that are abstracted from the experiences made in the Parzival Project, based at the University of Bern, the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and the University of Erlangen. This edition of Wolfram von Eschenbach’s German Grail novel, written shortly after 1200 and transmitted during several centuries in ca. hundred witnesses, has now been completed by more than a half of the textual corpus. As the text is transmitted in medieval manuscripts the witnesses have to be transcribed according to specific encoding rules. The transcriptions then are collated following certain ideas and concepts of how the transmission process could have developed. The transcriptions and collations finally have to be transferred to a digital edition that allows the users to explore the characteristics of single witnesses as well as the history of a text, which is delivered in variants and in different versions. A dynamically organized database offering various components and adapted to the needs of diverse user-profiles is nowadays the right tool for this purpose.


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The poster demonstrates the preparatory steps of a digital multi-text edition that are abstracted from the experiences made in the Parzival Project, based at the University of Bern, the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and the University of Erlangen. This edition of Wolfram von Eschenbach’s German Grail novel, written shortly after 1200 and transmitted during several centuries in ca. hundred witnesses, has now been completed by more than a half of the textual corpus.