927 resultados para Vegetation Division
本研究应用数字地球技术,基于1950年~1980年的全国958个气象站的基本气象数据(包括气象站的经纬度,海拔,月均温,月降水,年均温, 年降水,日照时数,日照百分率,风速等),比较了四个不同的根据水、热平衡原理设计的气候一植被关系模型(Penman模型、Holdridge生命地带系统、和Kira方法Thomthwaite模型)在中国应用的一致性和适用性。结果表明:(1) Penman模型在温带草原区和青藏高原地区的一致性指数超过50%,在青藏高原最出色,最有发展潜力。(2) Thornthwaite模型在热带雨林、季雨林区达到39. 72%,可以弥补Holdridg模型在热带地区分类精度的不足。(3) Holdridg生命地带系统在不同地带间适用性最广;只在热带地区,例如西部季雨林、雨林区域(52)、西部草原亚区域(63)和青藏高原温性荒漠地带(86)以及青藏高原温性草原地带(84)不理想。(4)吉良(Kira)方法在亚热带常绿阔叶林区可与Holdridg模型相媲美;在低海拔和湿润、半湿润地区效果尚可,但在温带荒漠区与青藏高原区的模拟效果与实际相差较远。 这四个传统的分类方法在中国植被区划一级分类上是适用的,Holdridge生命地带系统KAPPA -致性指数达到0.57模拟效果优于其它三者,但在特定地区,如青藏高原,所有模型均需改进优化或启用新的模型因子才能很好地区分植被亚地带。本研究还指出,数字地球技术的应用有助于推动气候一植被关系的研究,尤其在气候一植被指标(气候参数和模型参数)的大范围实时动态监测、气候一植被关系数据的海量信息高效、有序基础管理和功能型模型库支撑框架体系方面。
在陕北黄土高原 ,根据植被的地理分布、植物区系背景、环境条件的地理变化及造林种草实践 ,从南至北可划分为落叶阔叶林区、森林草原区和干草原、沙化草原区。以延安一线为界 ,南部为森林地区 ,北部为草原地区 ;再以长城沿线为界 ,南部为森林草原区 ,北部为干草原、沙化草原区。延安一线和长城沿线为两条重要的生态分界线 ,就是这两条生态线把陕北黄土高原划分为森林、森林草原及干草原、沙化草原三个植被区。植被区划是造林种草的理论依据之一 ,陕北黄土高原的种树种草应遵循这两条生态线 ,使其与植被分区相符合
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Safety concerns in the operation of autonomous aerial systems require safe-landing protocols be followed during situations where the a mission should be aborted due to mechanical or other failure. On-board cameras provide information that can be used in the determination of potential landing sites, which are continually updated and ranked to prevent injury and minimize damage. Pulse Coupled Neural Networks have been used for the detection of features in images that assist in the classification of vegetation and can be used to minimize damage to the aerial vehicle. However, a significant drawback in the use of PCNNs is that they are computationally expensive and have been more suited to off-line applications on conventional computing architectures. As heterogeneous computing architectures are becoming more common, an OpenCL implementation of a PCNN feature generator is presented and its performance is compared across OpenCL kernels designed for CPU, GPU and FPGA platforms. This comparison examines the compute times required for network convergence under a variety of images obtained during unmanned aerial vehicle trials to determine the plausibility for real-time feature detection.
Safety concerns in the operation of autonomous aerial systems require safe-landing protocols be followed during situations where the mission should be aborted due to mechanical or other failure. This article presents a pulse-coupled neural network (PCNN) to assist in the vegetation classification in a vision-based landing site detection system for an unmanned aircraft. We propose a heterogeneous computing architecture and an OpenCL implementation of a PCNN feature generator. Its performance is compared across OpenCL kernels designed for CPU, GPU, and FPGA platforms. This comparison examines the compute times required for network convergence under a variety of images to determine the plausibility for real-time feature detection.
The Cape York Peninsula Land Use Strategy (CYPLUS) is a joint Queensland/Commonwealth initiative to provide a framework for making decisions about how to use and manage the natural resources of Cape York Peninsula in ways that will be ecologically sustainable. As part of the Natural Resources Analysis Program (NRAP) of CYPLUS, the Fisheries Division of the Queensland Department of Primary Industries has mapped the marine vegetation (mangroves and seagrasses) for Cape York Peninsula. The project ran from July 1992 to June 1994. Field work was undertaken in November 1992, May 1993, and April 1994. Final report on project: NRO6 – Marine Plan (Seagrass/Mangrove) Distribution. Dataset URL Link: Queensland Coastal Wetlands Resources Mapping data. [Dataset]
Ozone (O3) is a reactive gas present in the troposphere in the range of parts per billion (ppb), i.e. molecules of O3 in 109 molecules of air. Its strong oxidative capacity makes it a key element in tropospheric chemistry and a threat to the integrity of materials, including living organisms. Knowledge and control of O3 levels are an issue in relation to indoor air quality, building material endurance, respiratory human disorders, and plant performance. Ozone is also a greenhouse gas and its abundance is relevant to global warming. The interaction of the lower troposphere with vegetated landscapes results in O3 being removed from the atmosphere by reactions that lead to the oxidation of plant-related components. Details on the rate and pattern of removal on different landscapes as well as the ultimate mechanisms by which this occurs are not fully resolved. This thesis analysed the controlling processes of the transfer of ozone at the air-plant interface. Improvement in the knowledge of these processes benefits the prediction of both atmospheric removal of O3 and its impact on vegetation. This study was based on the measurement and analysis of multi-year field measurements of O3 flux to Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) foliage with a shoot-scale gas-exchange enclosure system. In addition, the analyses made use of simultaneous CO2 and H2O exchange, canopy-scale O3, CO2 and H2O exchange, foliage surface wetness, and environmental variables. All data was gathered at the SMEAR measuring station (southern Finland). Enclosure gas-exchange techniques such as those commonly used for the measure of CO2 and water vapour can be applied to the measure of ozone gas-exchange in the field. Through analysis of the system dynamics the occurring disturbances and noise can be identified. In the system used in this study, the possible artefacts arising from the ozone reactivity towards the system materials in combination with low background concentrations need to be taken into account. The main artefact was the loss of ozone towards the chamber walls, which was found to be very variable. The level of wall-loss was obtained from simultaneous and continuous measurements, and was included in the formulation of the mass balance of O3 concentration inside the chamber. The analysis of the field measurements in this study show that the flux of ozone to the Scots pine foliage is generated in about equal proportions by stomatal and non-stomatal controlled processes. Deposition towards foliage and forest is sustained also during night and winter when stomatal gas-exchange is low or absent. The non-stomatal portion of the flux was analysed further. The pattern of flux in time was found to be an overlap of the patterns of biological activity and presence of wetness in the environment. This was seen to occur both at the shoot and canopy scale. The presence of wetness enhanced the flux not only in the presence of liquid droplets but also during existence of a moisture film on the plant surfaces. The existence of these films and their relation to the ozone sinks was determined by simultaneous measurements of leaf surface wetness and ozone flux. The results seem to suggest ozone would be reacting at the foliage surface and the reaction rate would be mediated by the presence of surface wetness. Alternative mechanisms were discussed, including nocturnal stomatal aperture and emission of reactive volatile compounds. The prediction of the total flux could thus be based on a combination of a model of stomatal behaviour and a model of water absorption on the foliage surfaces. The concepts behind the division of stomatal and non-stomatal sinks were reconsidered. This study showed that it is theoretically possible that a sink located before or near the stomatal aperture prevents or diminishes the diffusion of ozone towards the intercellular air space of the mesophyll. This obstacle to stomatal diffusion happens only under certain conditions, which include a very low presence of reaction sites in the mesophyll, an extremely strong sink located on the outer surfaces or stomatal pore. The relevance, or existence, of this process in natural conditions would need to be assessed further. Potentially strong reactions were considered, including dissolved sulphate, volatile organic compounds, and apoplastic ascorbic acid. Information on the location and the relative abundance of these compounds would be valuable. The highest total flux towards the foliage and forest happens when both the plant activity and ambient moisture are high. The highest uptake into the interior of the foliage happens at large stomatal apertures, provided that scavenging reactions located near the stomatal pore are weak or non-existent. The discussion covers the methodological developments of this study, the relevance of the different controlling factors of ozone flux, the partition amongst its component, and the possible mechanisms of non-stomatal uptake.
The Bronze Age in Britain was a time of major social and cultural changes, reflected in the division of the landscape into field systems and the establishment of new belief systems and ritual practices. Several hypotheses have been advanced to explain these changes, and assessment of many of them is dependent on the availability of detailed palaeoenvironmental data from the sites concerned. This paper explores the development of a later prehistoric landscape in Orkney, where a Bronze Age field system and an apparently ritually-deposited late Bronze Age axe head are located in an area of deep blanket peat from which high-resolution palaeoenvironmental sequences have been recovered. There is no indication that the field system was constructed to facilitate agricultural intensification, and it more likely reflects a cultural response to social fragmentation associated with a more dispersed settlement pattern. There is evidence for wetter conditions during the later Bronze Age, and the apparent votive deposit may reflect the efforts of the local population to maintain community integrity during a time of perceptible environmental change leading to loss of farmland. The study emphasises the advantages of close integration of palaeoenvironmental and archaeological data for interpretation of prehistoric human activity. The palaeoenvironmental data also provide further evidence for the complexity of prehistoric woodland communities in Orkney, hinting at greater diversity than is often assumed. Additionally, differing dates for woodland decline in the two sequences highlight the dangers of over-extrapolation from trends observed in a single pollen profile, even at a very local scale.
"Report to Commonwealth Edison Company, Chicago."--Cover.
"Aquatic Biology technical series 1983(1)"--Cover.
"With the assistance of the Public Works and Community Development Departments, City of Highland Park, Illinois."
The following paper presents an evaluation of airborne sensors for use in vegetation management in powerline corridors. Three integral stages in the management process are addressed including, the detection of trees, relative positioning with respect to the nearest powerline and vegetation height estimation. Image data, including multi-spectral and high resolution, are analyzed along with LiDAR data captured from fixed wing aircraft. Ground truth data is then used to establish the accuracy and reliability of each sensor thus providing a quantitative comparison of sensor options. Tree detection was achieved through crown delineation using a Pulse-Coupled Neural Network (PCNN) and morphologic reconstruction applied to multi-spectral imagery. Through testing it was shown to achieve a detection rate of 96%, while the accuracy in segmenting groups of trees and single trees correctly was shown to be 75%. Relative positioning using LiDAR achieved a RMSE of 1.4m and 2.1m for cross track distance and along track position respectively, while Direct Georeferencing achieved RMSE of 3.1m in both instances. The estimation of pole and tree heights measured with LiDAR had a RMSE of 0.4m and 0.9m respectively, while Stereo Matching achieved 1.5m and 2.9m. Overall a small number of poles were missed with detection rates of 98% and 95% for LiDAR and Stereo Matching.