1000 resultados para Vanuatu -- Histoire
Fisheries and aquaculture are important for food security, income generation and are critical to long term sustainability of many countries. Freshwater prawns have been harvested in the streams and creeks in Vanuatu, however due to over-exploitation catches have declined in recent years. To satisfy high demand for this product, Vanuatu government intends to establish economically viable small-scale aquaculture industries. The current project showed that wild Macrobrachium lar in Vanuatu constitute a single population for management purposes and that M. rosenbergii grows much faster than M. lar in simple pond grow-out systems, hence is a better species for culture in Vanuatu.
This paper examines the extent social media is enabling e-democracy in Fiji, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. The study conducts an interpretative case study approach interviewing active social media users, political actors, civil servants, civilians, civil society actors and tertiary students. The study also conducts a content analysis of popular “political social media” Facebook pages in these three countries. The findings of the study suggest that social media is playing a role in facilitating citizen engagement with governments, making governments accountable and providing a means for citizens to be informed, to discuss and share views on political matters. However, social media usage is evolving quite differently in these three countries and factors such as high levels of militarism (Fiji), high levels of corruption (Solomon Islands) and also rapid ICT development (Vanuatu) have contributed towards shaping the potential of social media as a democratic enabler and political tool in these countries.
This publication emanates from the four-country research project entitled “Strengthening capacity for disability-inclusive education development policy formulation, implementation and monitoring in the South Pacific region” funded by the Australian Development Research Award Scheme (ADRAS) and conducted jointly by the academic staff from the Queensland University of Technology and the University of the South Pacific.
This publication emanates from the four-country research project entitled “Strengthening capacity for disability-inclusive education development policy formulation, implementation and monitoring in the South Pacific region” funded by the Australian Development Research Award Scheme (ADRAS) and conducted jointly by the academic staff from the Queensland University of Technology and the University of the South Pacific.
In Vanuatu, there have been concerns that Bislama (the national language of Vanuatu and a creole with an adapted English vocabulary) hinders English language learning. Consequently, previous language policy restricted the use of Bislama in schools. The findings from this study offer significant insights and implications that may assist teachers with using Bislama in their classrooms in a way that furthers English language and literacy development. This research is timely because the Vanuatu Government have recently implemented a new language policy that allows the vernacular island languages and Bislama to be used as a linguistic resource in schools.
One specimen of powdery mildew on Euphorbia cyathophora from Vanuatu and 11 specimens on E. cyathophora, E. dentata, E. heterophylla and E. leucocephala from Australia were studied. All were shown to represent the Oidiopsis anamorph of Leveillula taurica, which is described. This is the first record of Oidiopsis in Vanuatu. E. leucocephala is a new host record for this powdery mildew.
Phenotypic variation in heartwood and essential-oil characters of Santalum austrocaledonicum was assessed across eleven populations on seven islands of Vanuatu Trees differed significantly in their percentage heartwood cross-sectional area and this varied independently of stem diameter The concentrations of the four major essential-oil constituents (alpha-santalol, beta-santalol. (Z)-beta-curcumen-12-ol, and cis-nuciferol) of alcohol-extracted heartwood exhibited at least tenfold and continuous tree-to-tree variation Commercially important components alpha- and beta-santalol found in individual trees ranged from 0 8-47% and 0-24 1%, respectively, across all populations, and significant (P < 0 05) differences for each were found between Individual populations. The Erromango population was unique in that the mean concentrations of its monocyclic ((Z)-beta-curcumen-12-ol and cis-nuciferol) sesquiterpenes exceeded those of Its bi- and tricyclic (alpha- and beta-santalol) sesquiterpenes Heartwood colour varied between trees and spanned 65 colour categories, but no identifiable relationships were found between heartwood colour and alpha- and beta-santalol, although a weak relationship was evident between colour saturation and total oil concentration These results indicate that the heartwood colour is not a reliable predictive trait for oil quality The results of this study highlight the knowledge gaps in fundamental understanding of heartwood biology in Santalum genus The intraspecific variation in heartwood cross-sectional area. oil concentration. and oil quality traits is of considerable importance to the domestication of sandalwood and present opportunities for the development of highly superior S austrocaledonicum cultivars that conform to the industry's International Standards used for S album.
Production of a silvicultural manual for Vanuatu Whitewood.
ACIAR Scoping Study on disease and agronomic issues - Vanuatu.
‘Relations veritables et curieuses de l'Isle de Madagascar, et du Bresil’, de responsabilidade do livreiro Augustin Courbé, foi redigida em parte por Morisot, de DiJon, com base em documentos fornecidos pelos irmãos Dupuy. A obra, composta por dois volumes reunidos em um tomo, contém diversos relatos. Muita confusão existe acerca dessa edição de Courbé, seja relativamente ao número de volumes da obra, seja quanto à autoria dos relatos. Borba de Moraes a firma que "esses erros decorrem da raridade do trabalho completo". O primeiro volume, apresentado sob o titulo geral ‘Relations veritables et curieuses de l’Isle de Madagascar, et du Bresil’, contém os trabalhos ‘Relation du voyage de François Couché...: De la religion, moeurs, et façons de faire de ceux de I'Lsle de Madagascar: colloque entre le madagascarois et le françois...’, e ‘Re1ation du voyage de Roulox Baro’. O segundo volume é intitulado ‘Histoire des derniers troubles du Bresil entre les hollandois et les portugais’ e foi escrito por Pierre Moreau, cujo texto ocupa as 212 páginas iniciais. Além deste, constam do volume ‘Trois relations d'Egypte et autres memoires...’ e a ‘Relation d'um voyage de Perse’. Prod uzida a partir da observação dos fatos ocorridos durante o período de sua permanência em Pernambuco durante a ocupação pelos holandeses, a obra de Moreau é de capital importância para o estudo da situação socioeconômica de Pernambuco sob o domínio holandês. A edição de A. Courbé, conhecido livreiro que se estabeleceu em Paris de 1629 a 1660, teve o projeto das ilustrações a cargo de Jean Picard, oriundo de uma famosa família de gravadores, cujo nome aparece no primeiro volume apenas, segundo Borba de Moraes
Guillaume Raynal, historiador e filósofo francês, nasceu em Saint-Geniez-en Rouergue em 11 de abril de 1713 e morreu em Choillot, em 6 de março de 1796. Estudou no Colégio dos Jesuítas de Pézenas, distinguindo-se como pregador e professor. Abandonou o hábito jesuita para se dedicar à filosofia e à história, publicando numerosos artigos no Mercure de France. Tendo sido alvo de um mandado de prisão, refugiou-se na Prússia e mais tarde na Rússia; retornou à França em 1787. ‘Histoire philosofique et politique’ foi publicada simultaneamente pelo mesmo editor em duas impressões, contendo cinco volumes a primeira e dez volumes a segunda. Foi uma das obras que mais ínfluenciou o movimento da Revolução Francesa, tendo o autor utilizado opiniões e, eventualmente, a colaboração de Diderot e Holbach, entre outros contemporâneos. Proibido na França e ai queimado em 1781, este importante trabalho de Raynal teve mais de trinta edições num periodo de vinte anos e foi traduzido para quase todos os idiomas europeus. Segundo Borba de Moraes, ‘esta edição de Genebra é a melhor e mais bela’. Na impressão de dez volumes existentes na Biblioteca da Câmara, a seção referente ao Brasil encontra-se no volume 5.
Obra classificada por Brunet como "peça rara" e por Pierre Athanase Larouse, no Grand Dictionnaire Universel, como um "diário muito precioso".
"Ao lado da obra de Hans Staden e, em menor grau, da de Thevet, o livro de Jean de Léry é das contribuições mais apreciáveis qe se conhecem para o estudo da História do Brasil e seus havitantes ao iniciar-se a colonização europeia", como afirma Rubens Borba de Moraes. Prossegue esclarecendo que a obra de Léry "supera por essas qualidades as de muitos dos seus contemporâneos". Esta edição crítica, realizada or Paul Gaffarel, for "baseada na de 1580, enriquecida com uma preciosa notícia bibliográfica e notas não menos preciosas, mas que apresesntam um certo número de erros no fim de cada um dos dois volumes. É sem dúvida lamentável que Gaffarel não tenha reproduzido as gravuras que acompanham o texto original" conforme observa Raeders.