19 resultados para VRML


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We propose a framework for visual and haptic collaboration in 3D shared virtual spaces. Virtual objects can de declared as shared objects which visual and physical properties are rendered synchronously on each client computer. We introduce virtual tools which are shared objects associated with interactive and haptic devices. We implement the proposed ideas as new pilot versions of BS Collaborate server and BS Contact VRML/X3D viewer. In our collaborative framework, two pipelines-visual and haptic-complement each other to provide a simple and efficient solution to problem requiring collaboration in shared virtual spaces on the Web. We discuss two implementation frameworks based on the strong and thin server concepts.


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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A number of data description languages initially designed as standards for trie WWW are currently being used to implement user interfaces to programs. This is done independently of whether such programs are executed in the same or a different host as trie one running the user interface itself. The advantage of this approach is that it provides a portable, standardized, and easy to use solution for the application programmer, and a familiar behavior for the user, typically well versed in the use of WWW browsers. Among the proposed standard description languages, VRML is a aimed at representing three dimensional scenes including hyperlink capabilities. VRML is already used as an import/export format in many 3-D packages and tools, and has been shown effective in displaying complex objects and scenarios. We propose and describe a Prolog library which allows parsing and checking VRML code, transforming it, and writing it out as VRML again. The library converts such code to an internal representation based on first order terms which can then be arbitrarily manipulated. We also present as an example application the use of this library to implement a novel 3-D visualization for examining and understanding certain aspects of the behavior of CLP(FD) programs.


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[ES] La Portada de los Hierros tiene una configuración de retablo en piedra con una variada iconografía: cornisas, estatuas, escudos… Está formado por tres cuerpos, el central de 35 metros de altura y los dos laterales de 24, la anchura de cada uno es de unos 9 metros. Los cuerpos laterales se distribuyen en altura mediante tres niveles, teniendo el central un cuarto nivel superior que remata en una cruz flanqueada por dos figuras.


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[ES] En lo alto del cerro se encuentra un sistema de cuatro recintos amurallados de piedra en seco que se disponen sobre un espolón rocoso de forma triangular de unos 150 metros de longitud y 100 metros de base.


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[ES] El edificio tiene planta rectangular de unos 30 x 15 metros con un interior con una altura de 10 metros. Cuenta con una torre anexa a los pies y un pórtico de piedra de ocho arcos de posible factura medieval. La antigua cabecera ha quedado como la sacristía actual.


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[ES] Este proyecto tuvo una continuación en 2008, cuando se documentó la muralla interior del castillo. Este trabajo también está disponible en este repositorio. Asimismo, algunos artículos y proyectos fin de carrera hacen referencia a los datos capturados en este proyecto. En concreto, los registros relacionados son los siguientes:


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景观可视化是近30年来逐步发展起来的,特别是计算机软件、硬件技术的发展,使人们对复杂的自然系统进行模拟和可视化成为可能。并且,在环境决策中,公众的参与越来越普遍,积极的公众参与是可持续发展、生态系统管理和21世纪议程发起的基础和先决条件。因此,景观可视化已成为了公众交流和参与环境教育、气候变化、景观规划、林业管理、开发和建设项目的景观影响评价等方面的一种有效手段。 目前林业部门一直采用数字林相图对森林进行表述,但1)数字林相图的平面特性,虽然使用者可以通过等高线来理解森林所在的地形,但必须通过思维的分析转换过程;2) 数字林相图中树种用抽象的符号表示,阅读者要看懂图必须先将树种符号记住或一一对比,不直观;3)数字林相图中在同一小班内难以表现树种空间分布等信息。为了解决数字林相图的这些问题,本论文探索简便快捷的森林景观可视化的方法与应用。 采用三种数据源,即遥感影像数据、地形图数据、林相图数据,将地理信息系统的二次开发技术与VRML(虚拟现实模型语言)相结合,选用集成开发模式,基于.NET平台和ArcGIS Engine开发包,用vb.net语言进行开发,利用景观可视化技术构建并实现了森林景观的可视化。研究结果较直观地再现了该流域的主要景观类型,为流域的景观管理提供了一种全新的,更为直观的管理工具。该工具可以帮助人们进一步理解景观格局及其时间动态,可以对未来景观评价、生态规划提供各种预案,供社会和专家进行不同角度的评价。最后讨论了景观可视化研究中存在的主要问题,提出了一些解决办法,以及进一步的研究方向。


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Propuesta de creación de un espacio reactivo potencial con la particularidad de la estructuración, preparación y desarrollo artístico. Se trata de una instalación con estructura regular en la que se ocultan las obras en ausencia de público con la intención de preservar la exhibición. Estructura virtual que oculta la obra de arte expuestas en ausencia de observador. Mecanismos prácticos de creación de entornos tridimensionales y escenarios. Programación en lenguaje visual basic para accionadores automáticos aleatorios. Sistemas de navegación virtual Quicktime vr.vrml y diseño del espacio de representación artístico interactivo. Objetos, situación y configuraciones. Iluminación. Renderizados. Software informático 3D y tecnología VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Languaje). Proceso investigador directamente ligado a la creación artística y las nuevas tecnologías. metodología cualitativa experimental de representación educativa sobre los sujetos que contemplan los programas. La percepción del arte es variable en el espacio y el tiempo siendo ello una condición que no fija la obra en una ubicación única y perdurable sino que varía en relación con la disposición consciente e inconsciente del sujeto en su entorno. Tratándose de un sistema de representación artístico inédito podrá servir de puerta a nuevas líneas de investigación en el arte activo, multiusuario, reactivo e integral.


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Polygon and point based models dominate virtual reality. These models also affect haptic rendering algorithms, which are often based on collision with polygons. With application to dual point haptic devices for operations like grasping, complex polygon and point based models will make the collision detection procedure slow. This results in the system not able to achieve interactivity for force rendering. To solve this issue, we use mathematical functions to define and implement geometry (curves, surfaces and solid objects), visual appearance (3D colours and geometric textures) and various tangible physical properties (elasticity, friction, viscosity, and force fields). The function definitions are given as analytical formulas (explicit, implicit and parametric), function scripts and procedures. We proposed an algorithm for haptic rendering of virtual scenes including mutually penetrating objects with different sizes and arbitrary location of the observer without a prior knowledge of the scene to be rendered. The algorithm is based on casting multiple haptic rendering rays from the Haptic Interaction Point (HIP), and it builds a stack to keep track on all colliding objects with the HIP. The algorithm uses collision detection based on implicit function representation of the object surfaces. The proposed approach allows us to be flexible when choosing the actual rendering platform, while it can also be easily adopted for dual point haptic collision detection as well as force and torque rendering. The function-defined objects and parts constituting them can be used together with other common definitions of virtual objects such as polygon meshes, point sets, voxel volumes, etc. We implemented an extension of X3D and VRML as well as several standalone application examples to validate the proposed methodology. Experiments show that our concern about fast, accurate rendering as well as compact representation could be fulfilled in various application scenarios and on both single and dual point haptic devices.


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We propose a framework for visual and haptic collaboration in X3D/VRML shared virtual spaces. In this collaborative framework, two pipelines— visual and haptic—complement each other to provide a simple and efficient solution to problem requiring collaboration in shared virtual spaces on the web. We consider shared objects defined as virtual object with their visual and physical properties rendered synchronously on each client computer. We introduce virtual tools which are shared objects associated with interactive and haptic devices. We implemented the proposed ideas as a server-client framework with a dedicated viewer. We discuss two implementation frameworks based on the strong and thin server concepts.


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INTRODUCTION With the advent of Web 2.0, social networking websites like Facebook, MySpace and LinkedIn have become hugely popular. According to (Nilsen, 2009), social networking websites have global1 figures of almost 250 millions unique users among the top five2, with the time people spend on those networks increasing 63% between 2007 and 2008. Facebook alone saw a massive growth of 566% in number of minutes in the same period of time. Furthermore their appeal is clear, they enable users to easily form persistent networks of friends with whom they can interact and share content. Users then use those networks to keep in touch with their current friends and to reconnect with old friends. However, online social network services have rapidly evolved into highly complex systems which contain a large amount of personally salient information derived from large networks of friends. Since that information varies from simple links to music, photos and videos, users not only have to deal with the huge amount of data generated by them and their friends but also with the fact that it‟s composed of many different media forms. Users are presented with increasing challenges, especially as the number of friends on Facebook rises. An example of a problem is when a user performs a simple task like finding a specific friend in a group of 100 or more friends. In that case he would most likely have to go through several pages and make several clicks till he finds the one he is looking for. Another example is a user with more than 100 friends in which his friends make a status update or another action per day, resulting in 10 updates per hour to keep up. That is plausible, especially since the change in direction of Facebook to rival with Twitter, by encouraging users to update their status as they do on Twitter. As a result, to better present the web of information connected to a user the use of better visualizations is essential. The visualizations used nowadays on social networking sites haven‟t gone through major changes during their lifetimes. They have added more functionality and gave more tools to their users, but still the core of their visualization hasn‟t changed. The information is still presented in a flat way in lists/groups of text and images which can‟t show the extra connections pieces of information. Those extra connections can give new meaning and insights to the user, allowing him to more easily see if that content is important to him and the information related to it. However showing extra connections of information but still allowing the user to easily navigate through it and get the needed information with a quick glance is difficult. The use of color coding, clusters and shapes becomes then essential to attain that objective. But taking into consideration the advances in computer hardware in the last decade and the software platforms available today, there is the opportunity to take advantage of 3D. That opportunity comes in because we are at a phase were the hardware and the software available is ready for the use of 3D in the web. With the use of the extra dimension brought by 3D, visualizations can be constructed to show the content and its related information to the user at the same screen and in a clear way. Also it would allow a great deal of interactivity. Another opportunity to create better information‟s visualization presents itself in the form of the open APIs, specifically the ones made available by the social networking sites. Those APIs allow any developers to create their own applications or sites taking advantage of the huge amount of information there is on those networks. Specifically to this case, they open the door for the creation of new social network visualizations. Nevertheless, the third dimension is by itself not enough to create a better interface for a social networking website, there are some challenges to overcome. One of those challenges is to make the user understand what the system is doing during the interaction with the user. Even though that is important in 2D visualizations, it becomes essential in 3D due to the extra dimension. To overcome that challenge it‟s necessary the use of the principles of animations defined by the artists at Walt Disney Studios (Johnston, et al., 1995). By applying those principles in the development of the interface, the actions of the system in response to the user inputs became clear and understandable. Furthermore, a user study needs to be performed so the users‟ main goals and motivations, while navigating the social network, are revealed. Their goals and motivations are important in the construction of an interface that reflects the user expectations for the interface, but also helps in the development of appropriate metaphors. Those metaphors have an important role in the interface, because if correctly chosen they help the user understand the elements of the interface instead of making him memorize it. The last challenge is the use of 3D visualization on the web, since there have been several attempts to bring 3D into it, mainly with the various versions of VRML which were destined to failure due to the hardware limitations at the time. However, in the last couple of years there has been a movement to make the necessary tools to finally allow developers to use 3D in a useful way, using X3D or OpenGL but especially flash. This thesis argues that there is a need for a better social network visualization that shows all the dimensions of the information connected to the user and that allows him to move through it. But there are several characteristics the new visualization has to possess in order for it to present a real gain in usability to Facebook‟s users. The first quality is to have the friends at the core of its design, and the second to make use of the metaphor of circles of friends to separate users in groups taking into consideration the order of friendship. To achieve that several methods have to be used, from the use of 3D to get an extra dimension for presenting relevant information, to the use of direct manipulation to make the interface comprehensible, predictable and controllable. Moreover animation has to be use to make all the action on the screen perceptible to the user. Additionally, with the opportunity given by the 3D enabled hardware, the flash platform, through the use of the flash engine Papervision3D and the Facebook platform, all is in place to make the visualization possible. But even though it‟s all in place, there are challenges to overcome like making the system actions in 3D understandable to the user and creating correct metaphors that would allow the user to understand the information and options available to him. This thesis document is divided in six chapters, with Chapter 2 reviewing the literature relevant to the work described in this thesis. In Chapter 3 the design stage that resulted in the application presented in this thesis is described. In Chapter 4, the development stage, describing the architecture and the components that compose the application. In Chapter 5 the usability test process is explained and the results obtained through it are presented and analyzed. To finish, Chapter 6 presents the conclusions that were arrived in this thesis.