13 resultados para VP28
VP2 8是对虾白斑综合症病毒 (Whitespotsyndromevirus ,WSSV)的一个重要的囊膜蛋白。为了便于研究VP2 8在和宿主细胞相互作用过程中扮演的角色 ,将VP2 8基因克隆到一个原核表达系统 ,对原核表达的VP2 8的特性进行了研究 ,并制备了抗VP2 8的多克隆抗体和单链抗体 ,对原核表达的和天然病毒的VP2 8蛋白免疫原性进行了比较。结果表示 ,原核表达的VP2 8与天然蛋白具有相似的免疫原性。
White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is a major pathogen in shrimp aquaculture. VP28 is one of the most important envelope proteins of WSSV. In this study, a recombinant antibody library, as single-chain fragment variable (scFv) format, displayed on phage was constructed using mRNA from spleen cells of mice immunized with-full-length VP28 expressed in Escherichia coli. After several rounds of panning, six scFv antibodies specifically binding to the epitopes in the N-terminal, middle, and C-terminal regions of VP28, respectively, were isolated from the library. Using these scFv antibodies as tools, the epitopes in VP28 were located on the envelope of the virion by immuno-electron Microscopy, Neutralization assay with these antibodies in vitro suggested that these epitopes may not be the attachment site of WSSV to host cell receptor. This study provides a new way to investigate the structure and function of the envelope proteins of WSSV. (c) 2008 Published by Elsevier Inc.
Tesis ( Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas Especialidad en Sanidad Acuicola) U.A.N.L.
Several oral vaccination studies have been undertaken to evoke a better protection against white spot syndrome virus (WSSV), amajor shrimp pathogen. Formalin-inactivated virus andWSSV envelope protein VP28 were suggested as candidate vaccine components, but their uptake mechanism upon oral delivery was not elucidated. In this study the fate of these components and of live WSSV, orally intubated to black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) was investigated by immunohistochemistry, employing antibodies specific for VP28 and haemocytes. The midgut has been identified as the most prominent site of WSSV uptake and processing. The truncated recombinant VP28 (rec-VP28), formalin-inactivated virus (IVP) and live WSSV follow an identical uptake route suggested as receptor-mediated endocytosis that starts with adherence of luminal antigens at the apical layers of gut epithelium. Processing of internalized antigens is performed in endo-lysosomal compartments leading to formation of supra-nuclear vacuoles. However, the majority of WSSV-antigens escape these compartments and are transported to the inter-cellular space via transcytosis. Accumulation of the transcytosed antigens in the connective tissue initiates aggregation and degranulation of haemocytes. Finally the antigens exiting the midgut seem to reach the haemolymph. The nearly identical uptake pattern of the different WSSV-antigens suggests that receptors on the apical membrane of shrimp enterocytes recognize rec-VP28 efficiently. Hence the truncated VP28 can be considered suitable for oral vaccination, when the digestion in the foregut can be bypassed
Aquaculture, is perceived as having the greatest potential to meet the growing demand for aquatic food. Crustaceans form one of the main value added components in aquaculture and among them, shrimp aquaculture is the predominant one. Industrial shrimp fanning, in combination with poor management in shrimp aquaculture, has quickly led to severe pollution in shrimp ponds, thereby creating a suitable environment for development of bacterial and virus diseases. White spot disease is one of the most deadly diseases that are caused heavy loss in all Penaeid shrimps family. In Iran during 2002 to 2004 in the Kuzestan province and in 2005 in Bushehr province, the most ponds and farms infected with white spot and the entire industry was facing threat of closure. Owing to the impact of WSSV infection to shrimp aquaculture, there is an urgent need to develop suitable strategies to protect cultured shrimps and make aquaculture more sustainable. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the possibility of protecting shrimp against white spot syndrome virus using bioencapsulated Anemia with E. coil containing the recombinant protein VP28, designed. Virus genome was extracted from naturally infected Litopenaeus vannamei in the Choebdch farms and VP28 gene by designed primers was amplified, extracted, purified and cloned in E. coli TGI. Protein expression evaluated and inactivated bacteria containing recombinant protein encapsulated in Artemia nauplii. White shrimp post larvae stage 5 were fed for 5 days with recombinant nauplii and twice on days 7 and 25 after feeding with Artemia nauplii were challenged with white spot virus. The results of the first experiment revealed that cumulative mortality percent in the group receiving the bacteria containing recombinant plasmid (pMal + VP28) was %14.44±1.11 and the relative percent survival %80.30±1.51. In this group the mortality rates in the various repetitions varied from the 13.33% to 16.66% and relative percent survival of 77.27% to 81.81%. in the Non-recombinant plasmid group (pMal) Mean percent mortality was% 33.33±3.84 and the Relative Percent Survival %54.54±5.24 and in the group that received bacteria contained no recombinant plasmid the Mean cumulative mortality percent was%48.88 ± 5.87 and Relative Percent Survival%33.33± 8.01.
Latex beads were sensitized with monoclonal antibodies (MAb) rose against VP28 of WSSV. The optimum concentration of MAb required to sensitize the latex beads was 125 µg/ml. The sensitized latex beads were used to detect WSSV from PCR-positive stomach tissue homogenates obtained from infected shrimp. Stomach tissue homogenates from WSSV-infected shrimp agglutinated the sensitized latex beads within 10 minutes, while uninfected samples did not produce any agglutination, although non-specific agglutinations were observed in some samples. The analytical sensitivity, analytical specificity, diagnostic sensitivity and diagnostic specificity of the (LAT) agglutination test were assessed. The analytical sensitivity of the test was 40 ng of purified WSSV (2 µg/ml). The sensitized latex beads did not agglutinate with normal shrimp tissue or MBV-infected tissue homogenate. The test has a diagnostic sensitivity of 70 and 45%, respectively, compared to single-step and nested PCR. The diagnostic specificity of the test was 82%. This test is a simple and rapid on-farm test which can be used to corroborate clinical signs for the detection of WSSV in grow-out ponds.
White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is a major shrimp pathogen that has a widespread negative affect on shrimp production in Asia and the Americas. It is known that WSSV infects shrimp cells through viral attachment proteins (VAP) that bind with shrimp cell receptors. However, the identity of both WSSV VAP and shrimp cell receptors remains unclear. We used digoxigenin (DIG)labeled shrimp hemocyte and gill cell membranes to bind to WSSV proteins immobilized on nitrocellulose membranes, and 4 putative WSSV VAP (37 kDa, 39 kDa and 2 above 97 kDa) were identified. Mass spectrometric analysis identified the 37 kDa putative VAP as the product of WSSV gene VP281.
对虾病害在世界范围内肆虐,给水产养殖和沿海农村经济造成了重大损失。在水产养殖的实践中快速检测水产动物的病害并及时采取隔离等措施对于控制病害尤为重要,其中关键的环节就是快速检测出病害,并在对虾免疫机制上寻找对虾疾病防治的有效方法。研究表明当对虾等甲壳动物受到外界病原刺激时,极微量的微生物多糖就可以激活proPO系统。激活过程中涉及和产生一系列活性物质,如黑色素、酚氧化酶原激活因子(PPA)、模式识别蛋白(BGBP、PGBP、LGBP、LBP)及其膜上受体和A2巨球蛋白等,它们可通过多种方式参与防御反应,包括提供调理素,促进血细胞吞噬作用,形成结节或包囊以及介导凝集和凝固,产生杀菌物质并且黑色素化。黑色素常常在节肢动物的体表形成黑色斑点,形成的色素沉着对机体起到保护作用。所以,酚氧化酶原激活的级联反应是节肢动物免疫的关键因素。本论文研究开发了以环等温介导技术(LAMP)为基础的检测对虾白斑病毒(WSSV)和鳗弧菌(V. anguillarum)的快速检测方法。并从对虾对病害的免疫机制为切入点,从中国明对虾体内克隆了酚氧化酶原(PrpPO)和丝氨酸蛋白酶FcSP3这两个免疫系统中重要的基因,分析了它们的分子结构特征,组织分布及应答鳗弧菌病原刺激的表达变化模式。 建立的对虾常见病害对虾白班病毒(WSSV)和鳗弧菌(V. anguillarum)的LAMP检测方法,经过实验比对和Blast检索,发现本研究中使用的引物,比已经报导的LAMP方法或者PCR方法具有更宽的检测范围(更低的假阴性)。检测WSSV的LAMP方法使用病毒的VP28基因设计引物,而鳗弧菌的检测方法使用empA基因设计引物。在方法中,首次提出加入UNG酶和dUTP的措施来预防污染,在实际检测中非常有效。LAMP方法与PCR检测方法的灵敏性比较也进行了研究,二者灵敏性相当。 依据中国明对虾血液cDNA文库提供的部分片段信息,结合SMART-RACE技术,克隆了酚氧化酶原(PrpPO)基因,通过序列比对分析发现,PrpPO基因cDNA全长为3040 bp,其中开放阅读框2061 bp,编码686个氨基酸,其中推测的信号肽为12个氨基酸。推测的序列与斑节对虾(P. monodon)同源性为93%,与短钩对虾(P. semisulcatus.)同源性为92%。real time RT-PCR实验结果表明, ProPO在血细胞中的相对表达量最高,肝胰脏中表达量最低。弧菌刺激实验中注射弧菌,刺激了血细胞和淋巴器官中的ProPO mRNA显著增加,说明在血细胞和淋巴器官中存在快速反应的ProPO通路。而ProPO mRNA量在淋巴器官中在时间上早于血液中升至最高,说明该动物在在病原刚开始入侵的时候先有淋巴器官发挥主要的免疫作用,随着时间推移血细胞便变成主要的免疫器官。 根据中国明对虾肝胰脏cDNA文库提供EST信息,经过SMART-RACE克隆了一个丝氨酸蛋白酶FcSP3基因,通过序列比对分析发现,该丝氨酸蛋白酶基因cDNA全长为1622 bp,其中开放阅读框1431 bp,编码477个氨基酸,其中推测的信号肽为22个氨基酸。推测的序列与疟蚊的丝氨酸蛋白酶(A. gambiae)同源性为33%,与丽蝇蛹集金小蜂的酚氧化酶原激活因子(N. vitripennis)同源性为32%,与东北大黑鳃金龟的酚氧化酶原激活因子(H. diomphalia)同源性为34%。淋巴器官中PPAⅡ表达量约为血液中表达量的47560倍,肝胰脏中的FCSP3表达量为血细胞表达量的6226倍。鳗弧菌注射对虾后,淋巴器官中刺激组和对照组FcSP3的mRNA量在刺激后6小时显著降低,但是刺激组的表达量明显高于对照组。刺激组的血细胞与肝胰脏中FcSP3 mRNA的相对表达量增高。而病原刺激后的血液与肝胰脏中的FcSP3 mRNA的增长趋势也在时间上先与ProPO mRNA。这说明FcSP3对ProPO有正调控的作用,但这个调控有一个时间差,并且在不同组织中有不同的调控效率。
This thesis covers various aspects of viral diseases affecting shrimp aquaculture. The research component of this thesis can be divided into four areas. The areas covered are: I) A study to determine the prevalence of WSSV among the crustaceans in the Vembanad estuary, the shrimp aquaculture farms surrounding the estuary, and the sea off Cochin coast, India using two , sets of nested PCR primers. 2) An investigation to compare the sequence of six major structural proteins of WSSV; vp28, vp26, vp 19, vp68, vp281, vp466 from different geographical locations with that of an isolate from India. 3) Simultaneous occurrence of HPV, IHHNV, MBV and WSSV in postlarvae of P. monodon from hatcheries in India was monitored by Polymerase Chain Reaction. 4) A real time PCR procedure was developed for the quantitative analysis of WSSV infection. The viral load of postlarvae from hatcheries in Kerala meant for aquaculture was also determined using the quantitative PCR.
White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) is the most devastating disease affecting shrimp culture around the world. Though, considerable progress has been made in the detection and molecular characterization of WSSV in recent years, information pertaining to immune gene expression in shrimps with respect to WSSV infection remains limited. In this context, the present study was undertaken to understand the differential expression of antimicrobial peptide (AMP) genes in the haemocytes of Penaeus monodon in response to WSSV infection on a time-course basis employing semi-quantitative RT-PCR. The present work analyzes the expression profile of six AMP genes (ALF, crustin-1, crustin-2, crustin-3, penaeidin-3 and penaeidin-5), eight WSSV genes (DNA polymerase, endonuclease, immediate early gene, latency related gene, protein kinase, ribonucleotide reductase, thymidine kinase and VP28) and three control genes (18S rRNA, β-actin and ELF) in P. monodon in response to WSSV challenge. Penaeidins were found to be up-regulated during early hours of infection and crustin-3 during late period of infection. However, ALF was found to be up-regulated early to late period of WSSV infection. The present study suggests that AMPs viz. ALF and crustin-3 play an important role in antiviral defense in shrimps. WSSV gene transcripts were detected post-challenge day 1 itself and increased considerably day 5 onwards. Evaluation of the control genes confirmed ELF as the most reliable control gene followed by 18S rRNA and β-actin for gene expression studies in shrimps. This study indicated the role of AMPs in the protection of shrimps against viral infection and their possible control through the up-regulation of AMPs
White spot syndrome virus (WSSV), the most contagious pathogen of cultured shrimp, causes mass mortality, leading to huge economic loss to the shrimp industry. The lack of effective therapeutic or prophylactic measures has aggravated the situation, necessitating the development of antiviral agents. With this objective, the antiviral activity in the aqueous extract of a mangrove plant Ceriops tagal in Penaeus monodon was evaluated. The Ceriops tagal aqueous extract (CTAE) was non-toxic to shrimps at 50 mg/ml when injected intramuscularly at a dosage of 10 lL/animal (0.5 mg/animal) and showed a protective effect against WSSV at 30 mg/ml when mixed with WSSV suspension at a 1:1 ratio. When the extract was administered along with the diet and the animals were challenged orally, there was a dose-dependent increase in survival, culminating in 100 % survival at a concentration of 500 mg/kg body weight/day. Neither hypertrophied nuclei nor the viral envelope protein VP28 could be demonstrated in surviving shrimps using histology and indirect immunofluorescence histochemistry (IIFH), respectively. To elucidate the mode of action, the temporal expression of WSSV genes and shrimp immune genes, including antimicrobial peptides, was attempted. None of the viral genes were found to be expressed in shrimps that were fed with the extract and challenged or in those that were administered CTAE-exposed WSSV. The overall results suggest that the aqueous extract from C. tagal can protect P. monodon from white spot syndrome virus infection.