927 resultados para VOLUNTARY TURNOVER


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The purpose of this paper is to present a conceptual framework to identify antecedent variables that impact on the quit/stay decisions of high value workers. In this framework, the unfolding model of voluntary turnover is enhanced by consideration of job embeddedness, and affect-driven approaches. The concept of regrettable turnover is introduced to describe acute forms of dysfunction caused when key employees quit. The regret is experienced by managers, and heavily influenced by the criteria used to judge the value of such individuals. Therefore another key aim of this paper is to build on the literature of turnover functionality to propose a more detailed set of criteria reflecting the increasingly uncertain and dynamic environments in which organisations must operate.


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Este estudo investiga se há alguma relação entre o plano de carreira e remuneração adotado pelas empresas e o turnover voluntário. Neste estudo, o plano de carreira e remuneração foi subdividido em três partes: progressão de carreira, avaliação de desempenho e progressão salarial. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada em uma única empresa pública do setor elétrico brasileiro, a Eletrobras, por meio de um survey eletrônico, totalizando a participação de 260 (46,5%) de 559 novos concursados, universo desta pesquisa, ingressantes nesta instituição entre 2002 e 2011, via concurso público. Como contribuição acadêmica, pode-se citar o aprofundamento da compreensão da demissão voluntária segundo a ótica do plano de carreira e remuneração. Nesse sentido, evidenciou-se que o comprometimento do funcionário com a empresa, a credibilidade do plano e a recompensa dada pelo seu desempenho são fatores que impactam significativamente na rotatividade, possuindo uma correlação negativa com a demissão voluntária de -0,51, -0,40 e -0,42 respectivamente. Esses três fatores juntos explicam 31,5% da variabilidade do turnover dentro da Eletrobras.


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Small firms identify retention of staff as a significant problem. Voluntary turnover of talented staff can be costly, especially in small firms where there are few slack resources. However, there is scant research on retention in small firms. We use the concept of Job Embeddedness to understand why small firm employees stay. The concept refers to the totality of forces that embed employees in their jobs and it consists of three dimensions: fit, links, and sacrifice. Seven propositions are outlined comparing the ways fit, links and sacrifice might play out for small and large firm employees. Through testing these propositions small firm owner-managers may have a better understanding of what can be done to retain employees and maintain firm performance.


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Les milieux de travail canadiens présentent des visages diversifiés et en pleine mutation. En raison de facteurs tels que les nouvelles technologies, la mondialisation, l’économie du savoir ou encore l’évolution démographique, la transformation des entreprises canadiennes passe par une main-d’œuvre qualifiée, adaptable et de qualité. Notre recherche s’inscrit dans le cadre des études s’intéressant aux comportements des entreprises en matière d’investissement en capital humain au Canada. Nous avons retenu un cadre théorique qui est constitué principalement de la théorie du capital humain, de celle des ressources internes et de l’approche des coûts et des bénéfices. Pour les fins de notre recherche, nous retenons une approche quantitative longitudinale, en utilisant des données secondaires issues du questionnaire des employeurs de l’Enquête sur le milieu de travail et les employés pour les années 1999 à 2005 inclusivement. La nature longitudinale de l’EMTE permet de corriger pour les biais liés à l’hétérogénéité non observée des firmes et à l’endogénéité possible de la variable de formation. Notre étude se divise globalement en trois articles. Dans les deux premiers cas, les dépenses en formation sont considérées comme une variable explicative de la productivité et du taux de roulement des employés. Dans le troisième cas, les dépenses de formation constituent la variable dépendante à l’étude. Le premier article examine l’effet des investissements en formation sur la productivité des entreprises canadiennes. La littérature scientifique traitant de l’impact de la formation sur la performance des entreprises continue de s’accroître dû aux nouvelles techniques d’estimations, à la disponibilité des données, et à l’intérêt grandissant pour le capital humain. Les résultats partiels des études antérieures montrent la possibilité que les retours des investissements réalisés en formation puissent avoir des effets au-delà de l’année courante. Sur le plan théorique, cette hypothèse a du sens, mais au niveau empirique il semble que les liens formels entre la formation et la productivité des entreprises ne sont pas clairement identifiés. Nos résultats montrent que les investissements en formation réalisés avec trois années de retard engendrent des effets positifs et significatifs sur la productivité à court et à moyen termes. L’interaction entre les différents types d’investissements permet de vérifier l’hypothèse à l’effet que les investissements en capital physique et en capital humain soient complémentaires et se supportent mutuellement. Après avoir procédé à l’estimation de l’effet des dépenses en formation structurée sur la productivité des entreprises, nous nous demandons pour quelles raisons les employeurs demeurent réticents quant aux retours des investissements en formation ? Dans le cadre de cette seconde réflexion, nous nous intéressons à deux dimensions de l’estimation du roulement, à savoir le roulement de nature volontaire et une mesure de l’optimum. Les résultats obtenus quant à l’effet des dépenses en formation structurée par employé sur les taux de roulement volontaire et optimal montrent que la relation est positive dans les deux cas. Cet article vise également à vérifier si différents outils organisationnels associés aux relations industrielles peuvent avoir un effet sur la réduction du taux de roulement volontaire des employés. Nos résultats montrent aussi que la présence syndicale et la perception d’un bon climat de travail traduisent dans un sens, un environnement dans lequel l’employeur et les employés ont des intérêts communs pour la poursuite de mêmes objectifs. Dans le cadre du troisième article, nous examinons certains déterminants des investissements en formation structurée au sein des milieux de travail. Nos résultats montrent qu’une entreprise de grande taille, qui investit davantage en capital physique par employé par rapport à la moyenne, au sein de laquelle un grand pourcentage de travailleurs utilisent un ordinateur, où il y a une proportion élevée de nouvelles embauches et pour laquelle l’employeur introduit un système cohérent de pratiques dépense davantage en formation structurée qu’une entreprise qui ne possède pas ces caractéristiques, toutes choses égales par ailleurs. Ces résultats permettent de discuter également de la complémentarité des facteurs faisant partie d’un cercle vertueux de croissance des entreprises pouvant déterminer les investissements en formation.


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Over the past decade, the independent sales contractor (ISC) has emerged as both an important distribution channel and a management challenge. This study makes two contributions to this evolving field. First, it explores the interrelations of the psychological contract with sales performance, voluntary turnover and organisational advocacy of ISCs, which have hitherto been largely unexplored. Second, it examines differences between high- and low-performing sales contractors on these linkages, due to findings in the literature that a small number of sales contractors often achieve a majority of sales. Based on survey data as well as 7 years of contractor-level data related to sales performance and voluntary turnover (n = 189), results indicate that psychological contract fulfilment and perceived dependency are important determinants of subsequent sales performance, voluntary turnover and organisational advocacy, with significant differences reported between high- and low-performing ISCs. A notable finding pertinent for sales managers responsible for managing ISCs is that high-performing sales contractors are motivated by psychological contract fulfilment and a low perception of dependency, while low-performing sales contractors are more likely to act as advocates for the firm due to perceived dependency, but may concurrently engage in organisational advocacy as a means to leave the firm.


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Integrating the expanding job embeddedness (JE) literature, in this article we advance a multifoci model of JE that is theoretically grounded in conservation of resources (COR) theory. From COR theory, we posit that employees' motivation to acquire and protect resources explains why they become embedded and how they behave once embedded. Our COR-based JE model highlights contextual antecedents that clarify how employees become embedded within different foci. Its multifoci theoretical lens also illustrates how different forms of work-focused embeddedness differentially affect work outcomes and how they interact with nonwork foci to influence those outcomes. Along with directions for further research, we further discuss theoretical and practical implications of our integrative formulation.


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This master thesis aims to identify work-related factors making Belgian nurses consider leaving their job voluntary and to compare the work-related factors across different generations. The purpose of this master thesis has a descriptive nature of research. The research approach chosen is a deductive approach and the research design chosen is a quantitative research design. Cluster sampling in combination with simple random sampling was used as sampling technique. 128 nurses were surveyed from April to May 2016. Nurses who reported to leave the organization due to retirement reasons, temporary employment contract or maternity leave were excluded from the study as this study investigates the voluntary turnover intention. A total of 68 nurses were included in the study which indicates an overall response rate of 53 %. Numerous of the findings in this master thesis are consistent with previous studies on turnover intention of different generations in other western-countries than Belgium. The work-related factor workload was most often reported by Belgian nurses with no intention to leave their job. Belgian nurses with an intention to leave their job indicated most often the work-related factor (non-)financial benefits. The generation-specific findings indicated both similarities and differences between the work-related factors selected. It was observed that Baby Boomers with an intention to leave their job selected most often variables related to the work-related factors (non-)financial benefits, supportive organization and workload. The variable lack of recognition appeared among Baby Boomers with an intention and no intention to leave their job. Surprisingly was the often selected variables lack of direct and/clear feedback on performances and unsupportive supervisor among Baby Boomers with professional turnover intention. Further, it was observed that Generation Xers with an intention to leave their job selected most often variables related to the work-related factors supportive organization, communication, (non-)financial benefits, work content and workload. The variables inadequate opportunity for advancement/professional growth and imbalance work-life appeared among Generation Xers with an intention and no intention to leave their job. Generation Yers with an intention to leave their job selected most frequently variables related to the work-related factors (non-)financial benefits, workload and commitment. The variables inadequate salary and opportunities elsewhere appeared among nurses with an intention and no intention to leave their job. Surprisingly was the often selected variable inadequate salary among Generation Yers with professional turnover intention.


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Using two-year longitudinal data from a large sample of US employees from a service-related organization, the present study investigates the relative effects of three forms of pay-for-performance plans on employees’ job performance (incentive effects) and voluntary turnover (sorting effects). The study differentiates between three forms of pay: merit pay, individual-based bonuses, and long-term incentives. By definition, these PFP plans have different structural elements that distinguish them from each other (i.e., pay plan form) and different characteristics (functionality), such as the degree to which pay and performance are linked and the size of the rewards, which can vary both within and across plan types. Our results provide evidence that merit raises have larger incentive and sorting effects than bonuses and long-term incentives in multi-PFP plan environments where the three PFP plans are operating simultaneously. Only merit pay has both incentive and sorting effects among the three PFP plans. The implications for the PFP-related theory, as well as for the design and implementation of PFP plans, are discussed.


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Literature on comparative capitalism remains divided between approaches founded on stylized case study evidence and descriptions of broad trends, and those that focus on macro data. In contrast, this study explores the relevance of Amable’s approach to understanding differences in employment relations practice, based on firm-level micro data. The article examines employee–employer interdependence (including turnover rates) in different categories of economy as classified by Amable. The findings confirm that exit – whether forced or voluntary – remains more common in market-based economies than in their continental counterparts and that institutionalized employee voice is an important variable in reducing turnover. However, there is as much diversity within the different country categories as between them, and across continental Europe. In Denmark’s case, high turnover is combined with high unionization, showing the effects of a ‘flexicurity’ strategy. While employee voice may be stronger in Scandinavia, interdependence is weaker than in continental Europe.


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Each year high numbers of employees voluntarily terminate their employment with restaurant organizations. The author reports the results of an exploratory determination of the reasons why a group of employees who left during a three-month period did terminate with the organizations. The subjects were examined as a total group and as subgroups identified by position. It was found that 47.8 percent of the time the manager is able to influence the factors which may lead to voluntary separation from the organization.


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Framed by a social exchange perspective, this study address the issue of whether positive employees’ perceptions about human resource management practices influence positive attitudes and behaviour. We hypothesize that human resource management practices (HRMP) have a significant negative effect on intention to voluntary leave the organization and a positive effect on organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB), and that OCB could mediate the relationship between HRMP and turnover intention. A sample of 165 employees from the Portuguese public administration participated in the study. Data was analysed through descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis and hypotheses were tested using single and multiple linear regressions. Results indicate that HRMP is positively associated with OCB, but only internal communication practice is highly valued by Portuguese public employees and successfully predicts OCB. HRMP also show a positive association with turnover intention but only celebration and recognition practices are predictors of turnover intention. Contrary to our hypothesis OCB did not acted as mediator between HRMP and turnover intention. Some suggestions on managerial human resource practices were proposed as well as some main questions raised in the Portuguese public administration context.


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The majority of Australian construction firms are small businesses, with 97% of general construction businesses employing less than 20 employees and 85% employing less than five employees (Lin and Mills, 2001; Lingard and Holmes, 2001). The Australian Bureau of Statistics’ definition of a small to medium enterprise was used for the purpose of this study (McLennan, 2000). This included small business employing less than twenty people and medium business employing less than 200 people. Although small to medium enterprises (SME) make up the major share of construction organisations in Australia, there is a paucity of published research in relation to occupational health and safety (OHS) issues for this group. Typically, SME organisations “are frequently undercapitalized and depend on continuous cash flow for their continued business” (Cole, 2003; 12). Research by Lin and Mills (2001) indicates that these factors influence the smaller operators’ ability and motivation to achieve high levels of OHS compared to larger firms which tend to integrate OHS into their management systems. According to Lin and Mills (2001; 137) small firms “do not feel the need to focus on OHS in their management systems, instead they often believe that the control of risk is the responsibility of employees”. This report documents findings from a qualitative research study that examined SME organisations’ views of a newly developed voluntary code of practice (VCOP), and ways in which they might implement the code in their businesses. The research also explored respondents’ awareness of current safety issues in industry in the context of their personal experiences.


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In Australia, between 1994 and 2000, 50 construction workers were killed each year as a result of their work, the industry fatality rate, at 10.4 per 100,000 persons, is similar to the national road toll fatality rate and the rate of serious injury is 50% higher than the all industries average. This poor performance represents a significant threat to the industry’s social sustainability. Despite the best efforts of regulators and policy makers at both State and Federal levels, the incidence of death, injury and illness in the Australian construction industry has remained intransigently high, prompting an industry-led initiative to improve the occupational health and safety (OHS) performance of the Australian construction industry. The ‘Safer Construction’ project involves the development of an evidence-based Voluntary Code of Practice for OHS in the industry.