987 resultados para VITERI, EUGENIA, 1930-


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Estos escritores publicaron entre 1945-1962, y avanzaron mucho más en algunos planteamientos de los narradores del 30. Habiendo asumido su extracción de clase, se preguntaron respecto de su propia identidad, de la problemática del mestizo, de su rol como escritores, del impacto de la incipiente modernidad que desestructuraba la vida cotidiana en sus pueblos y ciudades. Coinciden pues, en lo temático, con los narradores latinoamericanos del período, quienes en lo estético mantuvieron la tensión entre regionalismo y vanguardias, los ecuatorianos se reafirmaron en un realismo que dio espacio al lirismo, aunque también mirando hacia las vanguardias latinoamericanas desde diferentes ángulos. César Dávila Andrade planteó una estética del horror «suprarreal», Ángel F. Rojas manejó modernamente temas emparentados con el regionalismo, Walter Bellolio sintetizó lo mejor de la vanguardia narrativa y la tradición relatística ecuatorianas, Alfonso Cuesta y Cuesta configuró una estética de las metáforas iluminadoras, y Arturo Montesinos trabajó con la metáfora de la ruptura que trae toda modernidad, por más periférica e incipiente que pueda parecer.


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Los escritores de la década del 50 no constituyen un grupo orgánico ni numeroso. Provienen de Cuenca, Loja y Guayaquil, y publicaron las obras que los relacionan entre 1945 y 1962, aproximadamente. Los nombres más representativos son: César Dávila Andrade, Alfonso Cuesta y Cuesta, Arturo Montesinos Malo, Mary Corylé, Pedro Jorge Vera, Rafael Díaz Ycaza, Eugenia Viteri, Walter Bellolio, Alsino Ramírez, y Alejandro Carrión. Propongo y sustento la inclusión de Ángel F. Rojas en este grupo: su búsqueda estética y su temática amplia dialogan de mejor manera con los narradores del 50 que con los del 30. No cultivan una estética común que los identifique, aunque todos parten de un realismo más abierto que el de los del 30, que da espacio al lirismo, a la exploración de subjetividades que se enfrentan a la re-configuración de los espacios sociales en Quito o Guayaquil (crecidas, excluyentes); o en plan de desentrañar el sentido de la modernidad que trastoca de manera radical sus ciudades pequeñas y sus pueblos (revelando sus contradicciones, sus promesas falsas, fragmentando las subjetividades de los individuos, incluida la del escritor). Se preguntaron, además, sobre el sentido y los alcances de los aprendizajes de la modernidad en la Gran Ciudad, y sobre la modificación del rol del escritor en ese contexto, en este país pequeño. En la búsqueda de formas de narrar estas nuevas realidades, cuatro de ellos aportaron con verdaderas poéticas, plenamente renovadas. Son las obras más representativas del período: las producciones cuentísticas de César Dávila Andrade, Ángel F. Rojas y Walter Bellolio, Arcilla indócil y las novelas El éxodo de Yangana, Los hijos, Segunda vida y El chulla Romero y Flores (esta última no abordada en el presente trabajo por exceder los límites de espacio requeridos).


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Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS


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Este estudo possui o interesse em ampliar as discussões, no campo da história da educação, sobre o uso de cartilhas como dispositivos por meio dos quais se procurou pôs em circulação, no espaço escolar, os ideais higiênicos, cuja aquisição permitiria a construção de uma vida vista como saudável e feliz. As cartilhas analisadas são: Cartilha de Higiene, de 1922, de Antônio de Almeida Júnior, médico e educador, conhecido por ter tido envolvimento no Movimento da Escola Nova; e Cartilha de Higiene, de 1936, de Renato Kehl, médico e defensor da eugenia no Brasil. As obras em questão foram produzidas em um cenário em que proliferaram intervenções oriundas do campo médico, entre outros campos científicos, com vistas à conformação da sociedade brasileira em bases modernas. Pretende-se analisar esses livros, valorizando sua dimensão de objeto cultural, explorando o caráter prescritivo de que se revestem, dirigido às crianças, em vários aspectos de sua vida escolar e doméstica, e ainda as representações produzidas sobre infância, família, escola e saúde.


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Fil: Bordagaray, María Eugenia. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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Fil: Bordagaray, María Eugenia. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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Pensar la construcción histórica del actor político calificado como "comunista", para los servicios de inteligencia policial en la provincia de Buenos Aires, devino en un trabajo que encontró en su fuente principal -archivos DIPBA- un disparador para que aquella narrativa policial se convierta en una página de la historia, dialogando inevitablemente con un contexto que contempló saberes, discursos y leyes represivas desde fines del siglo XIX. Este libro abordalas prácticas que caracterizaron el funcionamiento de la inteligencia de la policía bonaerense, desde sus inicios en la Década Infame, hasta su definitiva institucionalización y jerarquización como labor policial hacia fines de los años cincuenta y principios de los sesenta. La noción de peligrosidad que envolvió al comunismo fue constitutiva y definitoria para la inteligencia policial, siendo la construcción política del "enemigo" una categoría necesaria para legitimar su persecución y aniquilamiento. En este trabajo se privilegiaron aquellas representaciones que atravesaron las narrativas policiales, tanto desde la "doctrina" como desde la elaboración de los informes de inteligencia. Las dimensiones que abarcan estapesquisa se incorporan a partir del estudio de los informes y la producción de "doctrina", articuladas en un entramado represivo que se solidificó enla definición de políticas, la sanción de leyes y prácticas policiales.


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Fil: Bordagaray, María Eugenia. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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El trabajo analiza los antecedentes históricos de la nutrición comunitaria española a través del estudio de los primeros intentos de institucionalización que tuvieron lugar en la Sección de Higiene de la Alimentación y Nutrición de la Escuela Nacional de Sanidad (ENS), limitando la búsqueda al período 1930-1936. Junto a la formación de los profesionales de la salud pública en las materias relacionadas con la nutrición y la alimentación se desarrolló un programa de investigación que contemplaba tres grandes áreas de trabajo. Para poder conocer cuál era la alimentación media habitual de los españoles y orientar las medidas preventivas encaminadas a conseguir una adecuada alimentación se llevaron a cabo estudios y encuestas sobre consumo. Se estudió la composición química de los alimentos españoles, con el objeto de determinar las posibles carencias. Por último, se analizaron los problemas de salud que acarreaba una alimentación deficiente en grupos de riesgo como las personas diabéticas. Los resultados de las investigaciones pusieron de manifiesto que la alimentación media de los españoles, especialmente la de las clases trabajadoras, estaba muy lejos de poder ser considerada equilibrada desde el punto de vista nutricional. Los mayores problemas residían en un déficit de proteínas animales, así como importantes deficiencias en aportes de minerales y vitaminas. El estallido de la guerra civil en julio de 1936 interrumpió el desarrollo del proceso de institucionalización. Sólo en la década de 1960, tras el paréntesis del primer franquismo, se recuperó el interés sanitario por los problemas de la alimentación.


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This work examines the urban modernization of San José, Costa Rica, between 1880 and 1930, using a cultural approach to trace the emergence of the bourgeois city in a small Central American capital, within the context of order and progress. As proposed by Henri Lefebvre, Manuel Castells and Edward Soja, space is given its rightful place as protagonist. The city, subject of this study, is explored as a seat of social power and as the embodiment of a cultural transformation that took shape in that space, a transformation spearheaded by the dominant social group, the Liberal elite. An analysis of the product built environment allows us to understand why the city grew in a determined manner: how the urban space became organized and how its infrastructure and services distributed. Although the emphasis is on the Liberal heyday from 1880-1930, this study also examines the history of the city since its origins in the late colonial period through its consolidation as a capital during the independent era, in order to characterize the nineteenth century colonial city that prevailed up to 1890 s. A diverse array of primary sources including official acts, memoirs, newspaper sources, maps and plans, photographs, and travelogues are used to study the initial phase of San Jose s urban growth. The investigation places the first period of modern urban growth at the turn of the nineteenth century within the prevailing ideological and political context of Positivism and Liberalism. The ideas of the city s elite regarding progress were translated into and reflected in the physical transformation of the city and in the social construction of space. Not only the transformations but also the limits and contradictions of the process of urban change are examined. At the same time, the reorganization of the city s physical space and the beginnings of the ensanche are studied. Hygiene as an engine of urban renovation is explored by studying the period s new public infrastructure (including pipelines, sewer systems, and the use of asphalt pavement) as part of the Saneamiento of San José. The modernization of public space is analyzed through a study of the first parks, boulevards and monuments and the emergence of a new urban culture prominently displayed in these green spaces. Parks and boulevards were new public and secular places of power within the modern city, used by the elite to display and educate the urban population into the new civic and secular traditions. The study goes on to explore the idealized image of the modern city through an analysis of European and North American travelogues and photography. The new esthetic of theatrical-spectacular representation of the modern city constructed a visual guide of how to understand and come to know the city. A partial and selective image of generalized urban change presented only the bourgeois facade and excluded everything that challenged the idea of progress. The enduring patterns of spatial and symbolic exclusion built into Costa Rica s capital city at the dawn of the twentieth century shed important light on the long-term political social and cultural processes that have created the troubled urban landscapes of contemporary Latin America.


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The theme of this doctoral thesis is the Finnish printmaking in the years 1930-1939. During this decade, there were approximately 100 artists making prints in Finland. Indeed, the period was an especially important one for printmaking. Associations for printmakers were founded in Helsinki and Turku, training in the field was launched, and the number of printmaking exhibitions increased considerably. Through their national organisations, Finnish printmakers participated in many exhibitions abroad, interaction with Nordic printmakers being especially intense. Thus, a firm basis for post-war developments was created. However, printmakers' activity- which had continued throughout the 1930s - declined notably after the Winter War broke out in the autumn of 1939. As a result, the period 1930-1939 forms a coherent and distinct unity in Finnish printmaking history. The study consists of two parts: the main text and an appendix in which the production of each printmaking artist active in the 1930s is examined separately. The study also includes a comprehensive list of the prints made in the course of the decade. One of the central themes is the printmakers' relationship to "Finnish nationalist" art and concepts of art in the 1930s. I analyse the various manifestations of this way of thinking in the visual arts of the period. Finnish fine art in the period between the world wars has usually been characterised as conservative, introverted and spiritually isolated from the modern European trends of the time. On the basis of this study, such a view is too simple. Many artists and printmakers adopted a modernistic notion of art that approached the newest in European modernism, including such trends as avant-garde classicism and general European new Objective Realism (Die neue Sachlichkeit). On the other hand, choosing Finnish nationalist motifs did not necessarily mean that the artist was opposed to modernism: modernist artists could still be interested in national themes. The relationship of 1930s printmaking to the world of nationalist ideas is examined in this doctoral thesis from several perspectives. Towards the end of the main text, I examine the issue from the point of view of selected artists. Another feature that emerged during the study and turned out to be surprisingly widespread was the close relationship of many artists to religious, theosophical and pantheistic views. I deal with this issue in greater detail through a few representative printmakers.


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From Steely Nation-State Superman to Conciliator of Economical Global Empire – A Psychohistory of Finnish Police Culture 1930-1997 My study concerns the way police culture has changed within the societal changes in Finnish society between 1930 and 1997. The method of my study was psycho-historical and post-structural analysis. The research was conducted by examining the psycho-historical plateaus traceable within Finnish police culture. I made a social diagnosis of the autopoietic relationship between the power-holders of Finnish society and the police (at various levels of hierarchical organization). According to police researcher John P. Crank, police culture should be understood as the cognitive processes behind the actions of the police. Among these processes are the values, beliefs, rituals, customs and advice which standardize their work and the common sense of policemen. According to Crank, police culture is defined by a mindset which thinks, judges and acts according to its evaluations filtered by its own preliminary comprehension. Police culture consists of all the unsaid assumptions of being a policeman, the organizational structures of police, official policies, unofficial ways of behaviour, forms of arrest, procedures of practice and different kinds of training habits, attitudes towards suspects and citizens, and also possible corruption. Police culture channels its members’ feelings and emotions. Crank says that police culture can be seen in how policemen express their feelings. He advises police researchers to ask themselves how it feels to be a member of the police. Ethos has been described as a communal frame for thought that guides one’s actions. According to sociologist Martti Grönfors, the Finnish mentality of the Protestant ethic is accentuated among Finnish policemen. The concept of ethos expresses very well the self-made mentality as an ethical tension which prevails in police work between communal belonging and individual freedom of choice. However, it is significant that it is a matter of the quality of relationships, and that the relationship is always tied to the context of the cultural history of dealing with one’s anxiety. According to criminologist Clifford Shearing, the values of police culture act as subterranean processes of the maintenance of social power in society. Policemen have been called microcosmic mediators, or street corner politicians. Robert Reiner argues that at the level of self-comprehension, policemen disparage the dimension of politics in their work. Reiner points out that all relationships which hold a dimension of power are political. Police culture has also been called a canteen culture. This idea expresses the day-to-day basis of the mentality of taking care of business which policing produces as a necessity for dealing with everyday hardships. According to police researcher Timo Korander, this figurative expression embodies the nature of police culture as a crew culture which is partly hidden from police chiefs who are at a different level. This multitude of standpoints depicts the diversity of police cultures. According to Reiner, one should not see police culture as one monolithic whole; instead one should assess it as the interplay of individuals negotiating with their environment and societal power networks. The cases analyzed formed different plateaus of study. The first plateau was the so-called ‘Rovaniemi arson’ case in the summer of 1930. The second plateau consisted of the examinations of alleged police assaults towards the Communists during the Finnish Continuation War of 1941 to 1944 and the threats that societal change after the war posed to Finnish Society. The third plateau was thematic. Here I investigated how using force towards police clients has changed culturally from the 1930s to the 1980s. The fourth plateau concerned with the material produced by the Security Police detectives traced the interaction between Soviet KGB agents and Finnish politicians during the long 1970s. The fifth plateau of larger changes in Finnish police culture then occurred during the 1980s as an aftermath of the former decade. The last, sixth plateau of changing relationships between policing and the national logic of action can be seen in the murder of two policemen in the autumn of 1997. My study shows that police culture has transformed from a “stone cold” steely fixed identity towards a more relational identity that tries to solve problems by negotiating with clients instead of using excessive force. However, in this process of change there is a traceable paradox in Finnish policing and police culture. On the one hand, policemen have, at the practical level, constructed their policing identity by protecting their inner self in their organizational role at work against the projections of anger and fear in society. On the other hand, however, they have had to safeguard themselves at the emotional level against the predominance of this same organizational role. Because of this dilemma they must simultaneously construct both a distance from their own role as police officers and the role of the police itself. This makes the task of policing susceptible to the political pressures of society. In an era of globalization, and after the heyday of the welfare state, this can produce heightened challenges for Finnish police culture.


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The aim of this research is to define what kind of characters and images of teachers appear in Finnish school novels describing social changes and educational political reform from the 1930s to the 1990s written by teachers, particularly grammar school teachers. As comparison material, I use school novels written by Swedish school teachers, in which the changes in Swedish society and educational system and their expressions in the characters of teachers of the school novels are studied. The main focus of my study is centred particularly on school novels in which the images of grammar school teachers are described during times of school reform. From these starting points, the main objectives of the study are novels written by Finnish school teachers Anneli Toijala and Sampo Haahtela and Swedish school teacher Hugo Swensson, who was inspired by Haahtela. The research is qualitative multidisciplinary case analysis. The research method is content analysis, and the approach is hermeneutic. The research is divided into eight main chapters. After the introduction I introduce the essential concepts of my research. In the third main chapter I define the research function. In that context, besides the research objectives, I introduce former research on character description in literature, I define the methodological solutions with grounds and present the research material. Both literary research methods and sociological terminology are applied in the research alongside with pedagogical research. The research results show that images of teachers are diverse. At one end of the spectrum these represent immature pictures of teachers withdrawn into the routines of everyday life; at the other, they advance and reflect the reformist teacher. This becomes clearly evident when comparing the teacher "monsters" of the classic authors to the educational optimists at the end of the 20th century. The results show that the images of teachers in school novels are almost without exception coherent, psychologically credible and consistent, and hardly any different from the images of teachers in the Swedish school novels used as comparison material. On the contrary, plenty of similarities are found. The comprehensive school reform, educational political discourse and teachers' feelings are realistically clarified in the school novels that describe the period. Keywords: literature image, school reform, school novel, teacher image, reflection, internal co-operation in school