429 resultados para VICKERS


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O ensaio de dureza, e mais concretamente o ensaio de micro dureza Vickers, é no universo dos ensaios mecânicos um dos mais utilizados quer seja na indústria, no ensino ou na investigação e desenvolvimento de produto no âmbito das ciências dos materiais. Na grande maioria dos casos, a utilização deste ensaio tem como principal aplicação a caracterização ou controlo da qualidade de fabrico de materiais metálicos. Sendo um ensaio de relativa simplicidade de execução, rapidez e com resultados comparáveis e relacionáveis a outras grandezas físicas das propriedades dos materiais. Contudo, e tratando-se de um método de ensaio cuja intervenção humana é importante, na medição da indentação gerada por penetração mecânica através de um sistema ótico, não deixa de exibir algumas debilidades que daí advêm, como sendo o treino dos técnicos e respetivas acuidades visuais, fenómenos de fadiga visual que afetam os resultados ao longo de um turno de trabalho; ora estes fenómenos afetam a repetibilidade e reprodutibilidade dos resultados obtidos no ensaio. O CINFU possui um micro durómetro Vickers, cuja realização dos ensaios depende de um técnico treinado para a execução do mesmo, apresentando todas as debilidades já mencionadas e que o tornou elegível para o estudo e aplicação de uma solução alternativa. Assim, esta dissertação apresenta o desenvolvimento de uma solução alternativa ao método ótico convencional na medição de micro dureza Vickers. Utilizando programação em LabVIEW da National Instruments, juntamente com as ferramentas de visão computacional (NI Vision), o programa começa por solicitar ao técnico a seleção da câmara para aquisição da imagem digital acoplada ao micro durómetro, seleção do método de ensaio (Força de ensaio); posteriormente o programa efetua o tratamento da imagem (aplicação de filtros para eliminação do ruído de fundo da imagem original), segue-se, por indicação do operador, a zona de interesse (ROI) e por sua vez são identificadas automaticamente os vértices da calote e respetivas distâncias das diagonais geradas concluindo, após aceitação das mesmas, com o respetivo cálculo de micro dureza resultante. Para validação dos resultados foram utilizados blocos-padrão de dureza certificada (CRM), cujos resultados foram satisfatórios, tendo-se obtido um elevado nível de exatidão nas medições efetuadas. Por fim, desenvolveu-se uma folha de cálculo em Excel com a determinação da incerteza associada às medições de micro dureza Vickers. Foram então comparados os resultados nas duas metodologias possíveis, pelo método ótico convencional e pela utilização das ferramentas de visão computacional, tendo-se obtido bons resultados com a solução proposta.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the hardness of a dental composite resin submitted to temperature changes before photo-activation with two light-curing unite (LCUs). Five samples (4 mm in diameter and 2 mm in thickness) for each group were made with pre-cure temperatures of 37, 54, and 60A degrees C. The samples were photo-activated with a conventional quartz-tungsten-halogen (QTH) and blue LED LCUs during 40 s. The hardness Vickers test (VHN) was performed on the top and bottom surfaces of the samples. According to the interaction between light-curing unit and different pre-heating temperatures of composite resin, only the light-curing unit provided influences on the mean values of initial Vickers hardness. The light-curing unit based on blue LED showed hardness mean values more homogeneous between the top and bottom surfaces. The hardness mean values were not statistically significant difference for the pre-cure temperature used. According to these results, the pre-heating of the composite resin provide no influence on Vickers hardness mean values, however the blue LED showed a cure more homogeneous than QTH LCU.


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The residual stress distribution that arises in the glass matrix during cooling of a partially crystallized 17.2Na(2)O-32.1CaO-48.1SiO(2)-2.5P(2)O(5) (mol%) bioactive glass-ceramic was measured using the Vickers indentation method proposed by Zeng and Rowcliffe (ZR). The magnitude of the determined residual stress at the crystal/glass boundary was 1/4-1/3 of the values measured using X-ray diffraction (within the crystals) and calculated using Selsing`s model. A correction for the crack geometry factor, assuming a semi-elliptical shape, is proposed and then good agreement between experimental and theoretical values is found. Thus, if the actual crack geometry is taken into account, the indentation technique of ZR can be successfully used. In addition, a numerical model for the calculation of residual stresses that takes into account the hemispherical shape of the crystalline precipitates at a free surface was developed. The result is that near the sample surface, the radial component of the residual stress is increased by 70% in comparison with the residual stress calculated by Selsing`s model.


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Sulfated polysaccharides comprise a complex group of macromolecules with a range of several biological activities, including antiviral activity, anticoagulant, antiproliferative, antiherpética, antitumor, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. These anionic polymers are widely distributed in tissues of vertebrates, invertebrates and algae. Seaweeds are the most abundant sources of sulfated polysaccharides in nature. The green algal sulfated polysaccharides are homo or heteropolysaccharides comprised of galactose, glucose, arabinose and/or glucuronic acid. They are described as anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anti-angiogenic, antitumor compounds. However, there are few studies about elucidation and evaluation of biological/pharmacological effects of sulfated polysaccharides obtained from green algae, for example, there is only one paper reporting the antinociceptive activity of sulfated polysaccharides of these algae. Therefore this study aimed to obtain sulfated polysaccharides of green seaweed Codium isthmocladum and evaluates them as potential antinociceptive agents. Thus, in this study, the total extract of polysaccharides of green alga C. isthmocladum was obtained by proteolytic digestion, followed by fractionation resulting in five fractions (F0.3, F0.5, F0.7, F0.9 and F1.2) by sequential precipitation with acetone. Using the test of abdominal contractions we observed that the fraction F0.9 was the most potent antinociceptive aompound. F0.9 consists mainly of a sulfated heterogalactana. More specific tests showed that Fo.9 effect is dose and time dependent, reaching a maximum at 90 after administration (10 mg / kg of animal). F0.9 is associated with TRPV1 and TRPA1 receptors and inhibits painful sensation in animals. Furthermore, F0.9 inhibits the migration of lymphocytes induced peritonitis test. On the other hand, stimulates the release of NO and TNF-α. These results suggest that F0.9 has the potential to be used as a source of sulfated galactan antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory


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The top faces of float glass samples were exposed to vapors resulting from the decomposition of KNO3 at 565 degrees C for up to 32 h. X-ray dispersive spectra (EDS) show that K+ ions migrate into the glass. The K+ concentration profile was obtained and its diffusion coefficient was calculated by the Boltzmann-Matano technique. The mean diffusion coefficient was approximately 10 X 10(-11) cm(2) s(-1). It was observed that the refractive index and the Vickers hardness decrease with the depth (after the removal of successive layers), and their profiles were thus obtained. These profiles enabled the calculation of the diffusion coefficient of K+ through the Boltzmann-Matano technique, with mean results ranging between 6 x 10(-11) and 30 x 10(-11) cm(2) s(-1). (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Statement of problem. Acrylic resin denture teeth soften upon immersion in water, and the heating generated during microwave sterilization may enhance this process.Purpose. Six brands of acrylic resin denture teeth were investigated with respect to the effect of microwave sterilization and water immersion on Vickers hardness (VHN).Material and Methods. The acrylic resin denture teeth (Dentron [D], Vipi Dent Plus [V], Postaris [P], Biolux [B], Trilux [T], and Artiplus [A]) were embedded in heat-polymerized acrylic resin within polyvinylchloride tubes. For each brand, the occlusal surfaces of 32 identical acrylic resin denture posterior teeth were ground flat with 1500-grit silicon carbide paper and polished on a wet polishing wheel with a slurry of tin oxide. Hardness tests were performed after polishing (control group, C) after polishing followed by 2 cycles of microwave sterilization at 650 W for 6 minutes (MwS group), after polishing followed by 90-day immersion in water (90-day Wim group), and after polishing followed by 90-day storage in water and 2 cycles of microwave sterilization (90-day Wim + MwS group). For each specimen, 8 hardness measurements were made and the mean was calculated. Data were analyzed with a 2-way analysis of variance followed by the Bonferroni procedure to determine any significance between pairs of mean values (alpha=.01).Results: Mircrowave sterilization of specimens significantly decreased (P <.001) the hardness of the acrylic resin denture tooth specimens P (17.8 to 16.6 VHN, V (18.3 to 15.8 VHN), T (17.4 to 15.3 VHN), B (16.8 to 15.7 VHN), and A (17.3 to 15.7 VHN). For all acrylic resin denture teeth, no significant differences in hardness were found between the groups Mws, 90-day Wim, and 90-day Wim + MwS, with the exception of the 90-day Wim + MwS tooth A specimens (14.4 VHN), which demonstrated significant lower mean values (P <.001) than the 90-day Wim (15.8 VHN) and MwS (15.7 VHN) specimens.Conclusions. For specimens immersed in water for 90 days, 2 cycles of microwave sterilization had no effect on the hardness of most of the acrylic resin denture teeth.


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Images and profiles of Vickers impressions produced on as-received float-glass were obtained using atomic force microscopy (AFM). The images show that the impression edges undergo elastic recovery parallel to surface. The profiles made it possible to measure vertical elastic recovery, ev(r). For a 40 g nominal load, maximum penetration depth of indenter was (2.20 ± 0.03) μm, and recovery at the impression center was ev(0) = (0.98 ± 0.03) μm. Vertical elastic recovery was non-uniform along profiles. Permanent impressions produced resulted from glass mass displacement downward, producing an increase in glass density in impression vicinity, which is discussed in terms of changes in O-Si-O and Si-O-Si bond angles and Si-O bond length. Near impression edges, pileup was observed for which a simplified model is proposed taking into account the compaction and stresses near the impressions. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of heat treatments on the Vickers hardness of commercially pure titanium and Ti-6Al-4V cast alloys. Six-millimeter-diameter cylindrical specimens were cast in a Rematitan System. Commercially pure titanium and Ti-6Al-4V alloy specimens were randomly assigned to 3 groups (n=10) that received the following heat treatments: control (no heat treatment); treatment 1 (T1): heating at 750°C for 2 h; and treatment 2 (T2): annealing at 955°C for 1 h and aging at 620°C for 2 h. After heat treatments, the specimens were embedded in acrylic resin and their surface was ground and polished and hardness was measured. Vickers hardness means (VHN) and standard deviations were analyzed statistically by Kruskal-Wallis test at 5% significance level. For commercially pure titanium, Vickers hardness means of group T2 (259.90 VHN) was significantly higher than those of the other groups (control - 200.26 VHN and T1 - 202.23 VHN), which presented similar hardness means to each other (p>0.05). For Ti-6Al-4V alloy, statistically significant differences were observed among the three groups: T2 (369.08 VHN), T1 (351.94 VHN) and control (340.51 VHN) (p<0.05). The results demonstrated different hardness of CP Ti and Ti-6Al-4V when different heat treatments were used. For CP Ti, VHN means of T2 group was remarkably higher than those of control and T1 group, which showed similar VHN means to each other. For Ti-6Al-4V alloy, however, VHN means recorded for each group may be presented as follows: T2>T1>control.


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The aim of the work was to evaluate the influence of the temperature of investment healting on the tensile strength and Vickers hardness of CP Ti and Ti-6Al-4V alloy casting. Were obtained for the tensile strength test dumbbell rods that were invested in the Rematitan Plus investment and casting in the Discovery machine cast. Thirty specimens were obtained, fiftten to the CP Titanium and fifteen to the Ti-6Al-4V alloy, five samples to each an of the three temperatures of investment: 430°C (control group), 480°C and 530°C. The tensile test was measured by means of a universal testing machine, MTS model 810, at a strain of 1.0 mm/min. After the tensile strenght test the specimens were secctioned, embedded and polished to hardness measurements, using a Vickers tester, Micromet 2100. The means values to tensile tests to the temperatures 430°C, 480 and 530: CP Ti (486.1 - 501.16 - 498.14 -mean 495.30 MPa) and Ti-6Al-4V alloy (961.33 - 958.26 - 1005.80 - mean 975.13 MPa) while for the Vickers hardness the values were (198.06, 197.85, 202.58 - mean 199.50) and (352.95, 339.36, 344.76 - mean 345.69), respectively. The values were submitted to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Tukey' s Test that indicate differences significant only between the materials, but not between the temperature, for both the materias. It was conclued that increase of the temperature of investment its not chance the tensile strength and the Vickers hardness of the CP Titanium and Ti-6Al-4V alloy.


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This study evaluated the effect of water-bath and microwave post-polymerization treatments on the flexural strength and Vickers hardness of four autopolymerizing reline resins (Duraliner II-D, Kooliner-K, Tokuso Rebase Fast-TR and Ufi Gel Hard C-UGH) and one heat-polymerized acrylic resin (Lucitone 550-L), processed using two polymerization cycles (short cycle - 90 minutes at 73°C and 100°C for 30 minutes; and long cycle - 9 hours at 71°C). For each material, thirty specimens (64 x 10 x 3.3 mm) were made and divided into 3 groups (n=10). Specimens were tested after: processing (control group); water-bath at 55°C for 10 minutes (reline materials) or 60 minutes (L); and microwave irradiation. Flexural strength tests were performed at a crosshead speed of 5 mm/min using a three-point bending device with a span of 50 mm. The flexural strengths values were calculated in MPa. One fragment of each specimen was submitted to Vickers hardness test. Data were analyzed by 2-way ANOVA followed by Tukey's HSD test (α=0.05). L microwaved specimens (short cycle) exhibited significantly higher flexural strength means than its respective control group (p<0.05). Water-bath promoted a significant increase (p<0.05) in flexural strength of K and L (long cycle). The hardness of the tested materials was not influenced by the post-polymerization treatments. Post-polymerization treatments could be used to improve the flexural strength of some materials tested.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the hardness of a dental composite resin submitted to temperature changes before photo-activation with two light-curing unite (LCUs). Five samples (4 mm in diameter and 2 mm in thickness) for each group were made with pre-cure temperatures of 37, 54, and 60°C. The samples were photo-activated with a conventional quartz-tungsten-halogen (QTH) and blue LED LCUs during 40 s. The hardness Vickers test (VHN) was performed on the top and bottom surfaces of the samples. According to the interaction between light-curing unit and different pre-heating temperatures of composite resin, only the light-curing unit provided influences on the mean values of initial Vickers hardness. The light-curing unit based on blue LED showed hardness mean values more homogeneous between the top and bottom surfaces. The hardness mean values were not statistically significant difference for the pre-cure temperature used. According to these results, the pre-heating of the composite resin provide no influence on Vickers hardness mean values, however the blue LED showed a cure more homogeneous than QTH LCU. © 2009 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.