981 resultados para VHDL AMS
Today, the trend within the electronics industry is for the use of rapid and advanced simulation methodologies in association with synthesis toolsets. This paper presents an approach developed to support mixed-signal circuit design and analysis. The methodology proposed shows a novel approach to the problem of developing behvioural model descriptions of mixed-signal circuit topologies, by construction of a set of subsystems, that supports the automated mapping of MATLAB (R)/SINIULINK (R) models to structural VHDL-AMS descriptions. The tool developed, named (MSSV)-S-2, reads a SIMULINK (R) model file and translates it to a structural VHDL-AMS code. It also creates the file structure required to simulate the translated model in the SystemVision (TM). To validate the methodology and the developed program, the DAC08, AD7524 and AD5450 data converters were studied and initially modelled in MATLAB (R)/SIMULINK (R). The VHDL-AMS code generated automatically by (MSSV)-S-2, (MATLAB (R)/SIMULINK (R) to SystemVision (TM)), was then simulated in the SystemVision (TM). The simulation results show that the proposed approach, which is based on VHDL-AMS descriptions of the original model library elements, allows for the behavioural level simulation of complex mixed-signal circuits.
This paper presents a methodology and a tool for projects involving analogue and digital signals. A sub-systems group was developed to translation a Matlab/Simulink model in the correspondent structural model described in VHDL-AMS. The developed translation tool, named of MS(2)SV, can reads a file containing a Simulink model translating it in the correspondent VHDL-AMS structural code. The tool also creates the directories structure and necessary files to simulate the model translated in System Vision environment. Three models of D/A converters available commercially that use R-2R ladder network were studied. This work considers some of challenges set by the electronic industry for the further development of simulation methodologies and tools in the field of mixed-signal technology. Although the objective of the studies has been the D/A converter, the developed methodology has potentiality to be extended to consider control systems and mechatronic systems.
Today, the trend within the electronics industry is for the use of rapid and advanced simulation methodologies in association with synthesis toolsets. This paper presents an approach developed to support mixed-signal circuit design and analysis. The methodology proposed shows a novel approach to the problem of developing behvioural model descriptions of mixed-signal circuit topologies, by construction of a set of subsystems, that supports the automated mapping of MATLAB®/SIMULINK® models to structural VHDL-AMS descriptions. The tool developed, named MS 2SV, reads a SIMULINK® model file and translates it to a structural VHDL-AMS code. It also creates the file structure required to simulate the translated model in the System Vision™. To validate the methodology and the developed program, the DAC08, AD7524 and AD5450 data converters were studied and initially modelled in MATLAB®/ SIMULINK®. The VHDL-AMS code generated automatically by MS 2SV, (MATLAB®/SIMULINK® to System Vision™), was then simulated in the System Vision™. The simulation results show that the proposed approach, which is based on VHDL-AMS descriptions of the original model library elements, allows for the behavioural level simulation of complex mixed-signal circuits.
This paper presents a distribution feeder simulation using VHDL-AMS, considering the standard IEEE 13 node test feeder admitted as an example. In an electronic spreadsheet all calculations are performed in order to develop the modeling in VHDL-AMS. The simulation results are compared in relation to the results from the well knowing MatLab/Simulink environment, in order to verify the feasibility of the VHDL-AMS modeling for a standard electrical distribution feeder, using the software SystemVision™. This paper aims to present the first major developments for a future Real-Time Digital Simulator applied to Electrical Power Distribution Systems. © 2012 IEEE.
This work proposes a new methodology to verify those analog circuits, providing an automated tools to help the verifiers to have a more truthful result. This work presents the development of new methodology for analog circuits verification. The main goal is to provide a more automated verification process to certify analog circuits functional behavior. The proposed methodology is based on the golden model technique. A verification environment based on this methodology was built and results of a study case based on the validation of an operational amplifier design are offered as a confirmation of its effectiveness. The results had shown that the verification process was more truthful because of the automation provided by the tool developed
This paper presents a tool box developed to read files describing a SIMULINK® model and translates it into a structural VHDL-AMS description. In translation process, all files and directory structures to simulate the translated model on SystemVision™ environment is generate. The tool box named MS2SV was tested by three models of commercially available digital-to-analogue converters. All models use the R2R ladder network to conversion, but the functionality of these three components is different. The methodology of conversion of the model is presents together with sort theory about R-2R ladder network. In the evaluation of the translated models, we used a sine waveform input signal and the waveform generated by D/A conversion process was compared by FFT analysis. The results show the viability of this type of approach. This work considers some of challenges set by the electronic industry for the further development of simulation methodologies and tools in the field of mixed-signal technology. © 2007 IEEE.
This paper considers the importance of using a top-down methodology and suitable CAD tools in the development of electronic circuits. The paper presents an evaluation of the methodology used in a computational tool created to support the synthesis of digital to analog converter models by translating between different tools used in a wide variety of applications. This tool is named MS 2SV and works directly with the following two commercial tools: MATLAB/Simulink and SystemVision. Model translation of an electronic circuit is achieved by translating a mixed-signal block diagram developed in Simulink into a lower level of abstraction in VHDL-AMS and the simulation project support structure in SystemVision. The method validation was performed by analyzing the power spectral of the signal obtained by the discrete Fourier transform of a digital to analog converter simulation model. © 2011 IEEE.
Improvement and evaluation of the MS2SV for mixed systems design described in abstraction high level
This paper presents an important improvement of the MS2SV tool. The MS2SV performs the translation of mixed systems developed in MATLAB / Simulink for a structural or behavioral description in VHDL-AMS. Previously, the MS2SV translated only models of the LIB MS2SV library. This improvement allows designer to create your own library to translation. As case study was used a rudder controller employed in an unmanned aerial vehicle. For comparison with the original model the VHDL-AMS code obtained by the translation was simulated in SystemVision environment. The results proved the efficiency of the tool using the translation improvement proposed in this paper.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Gordon E. Moore, co-fundador de Intel, predijo en una publicación del año 1965 que aproximadamente cada dos años se duplicaría el número de transistores presentes en un circuito integrado, debido a las cada vez mejores tecnologías presentes en el proceso de elaboración. A esta ley se la conoce como Ley de Moore y su cumplimiento se ha podido constatar hasta hoy en día. Gracias a ello, con el paso del tiempo cada vez se presentan en el mercado circuitos integrados más potentes, con mayores prestaciones para realizar tareas cada vez más complejas. Un tipo de circuitos integrados que han podido evolucionar de forma importante por dicho motivo, son los dispositivos de lógica programable, circuitos integrados que permiten implementar sobre ellos las funciones lógicas que desee implementar el usuario. Hasta hace no muchos años, dichos dispositivos eran capaces de implementar circuitos compuestos por unas pocas funciones lógicas, pero gracias al proceso de miniaturización predicho por la Ley de Moore, hoy en día son capaces de implementar circuitos tan complejos como puede ser un microprocesador; dichos dispositivos reciben el nombre de FPGA, siglas de Field Programmable Gate Array. Debido a la mayor capacidad y por lo tanto a diseños más complejos implementados sobre las FPGA, en los últimos años han aparecido herramientas cuyo objetivo es hacer más fácil el proceso de ingeniería dentro de un desarrollo en este tipo de dispositivos, como es la herramienta HDL Coder de la compañía MathWorks, creadores también Matlab y Simulink, unas potentes herramientas usadas ampliamente en diferentes ramas de la ingeniería. El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo evaluar el uso de dicha herramienta para el procesado digital de señales, usando para ello una FPGA Cyclone II de la casa Altera. Para ello, se empezará analizando la herramienta escogida comparándola con herramientas de la misma índole, para a continuación seleccionar una aplicación de procesado digital de señal a implementar. Tras diseñar e implementar la aplicación escogida, se deberá simular en PC para finalmente integrarla en la placa de evaluación seleccionada y comprobar su correcto funcionamiento. Tras analizar los resultados de la aplicación de implementada, concretamente un analizador de la frecuencia fundamental de una señal de audio, se ha comprobado que la herramienta HDL Coder, es adecuada para este tipo de desarrollos, facilitando enormemente los procesos tanto de implementación como de validación gracias al mayor nivel de abstracción que aporta.
With the development of LSI, FPGA/CPLD has been used more and more in the fields of digital signal processing and au-tocontrol and so on. And with the development of the techniques of digital processing, for fitting the system’s function, it should be a higher requirement to speed and used-resource to compute the floating point numbers. The author introduces a high speed adder-subtracter of the 23 bit’s floating point numbers, which is carried out with the parallel arithmetic and the computational speed cou...中文文摘:随着大规模集成电路的不断发展,FPGA/CPLD在数字信号处理、自动控制等方面得到了越来越多的应用。并且伴随着数字化处理技术的不断发展,为满足系统功能的要求,对浮点数运算的速度以及相应占用的资源也就提出了更高的要求。笔者即介绍了以VHDL语言为基础,采用并行算法且计算速度达到33MHz的,对23位标准浮点数实现的高速浮点加减法运算器,并以Cyclone II芯片EP2C20F484为硬件环境,最终进行时序模拟仿真,从而验证该浮点加减法器的正确性和快速特性。