12 resultados para VDP
An important aspect of designing any product is validation. Virtual design process (VDP) is an alternative to hardware prototyping in which analysis of designs can be done without manufacturing physical samples. In recent years, VDP have been generated either for animation or filming applications. This paper proposes a virtual reality design process model on one of the applications when used as a validation tool. This technique is used to generate a complete design guideline and validation tool of product design. To support the design process of a product, a virtual environment and VDP method were developed that supports validation and an initial design cycle performed by a designer. The product model car carrier is used as illustration for which virtual design was generated. The loading and unloading sequence of the model for the prototype was generated using automated reasoning techniques and was completed by interactively animating the product in the virtual environment before complete design was built. By using the VDP process critical issues like loading, unloading, Australian Design rules (ADR) and clearance analysis were done. The process would save time, money in physical sampling and to large extent in complete math generation. Since only schematic models are required, it saves time in math modelling and handling of bigger size assemblies due to complexity of the models. This extension of VDP process for design evaluation is unique and was developed, implemented successfully. In this paper a Toll logistics and J Smith and Sons car carrier which is developed under author’s responsibility has been used to illustrate our approach of generating design validation via VDP.
This article reports the details of a research on novel design in the field of semitrailer sector and discuss design by hazard prevention techniques. The novel design made addresses occupational health and safety (OHS)concerns of fall from heights. The research includes a detailed survey of national data sources to examine the fatalities caused due to fall from heights in car carriers. The study investigates OHS recommendations in Australia for semitrailer sector. Often injuries are caused due to drivers working above the 1.5 meter height for loading, unloading of the cars, moving the decks up, down, strapping the cars, and slipperly. The new design is developed using latest computer aided design and engineeing (CAD, CAE), product data management (PDM), virtual design process (VDP). The new car carrier design excels in reducing the risks of injuries to drivers and new bench mark for OHS standards. The new design has all the decks operated with hydraulics and uses unique ratchet lock mechanism (fool proof design) and loading happens at a safe working height (below 1.5 meter). All the cars are strapped on the safe working height, and then car desks operated hydraulically to transfer them to the required position. This also includes the car on the prime mover, which shuttles across from one deck to other using hydraulic and rack-pinion mechanisms. The novel design car carrier solves the problem of falls from height: next step would be to transfer this technology across other similar effected sectors.
Power has become a key constraint in current nanoscale integrated circuit design due to the increasing demands for mobile computing and a low carbon economy. As an emerging technology, an inexact circuit design offers a promising approach to significantly reduce both dynamic and static power dissipation for error tolerant applications. Although fixed-point arithmetic circuits have been studied in terms of inexact computing, floating-point arithmetic circuits have not been fully considered although require more power. In this paper, the first inexact floating-point adder is designed and applied to high dynamic range (HDR) image processing. Inexact floating-point adders are proposed by approximately designing an exponent subtractor and mantissa adder. Related logic operations including normalization and rounding modules are also considered in terms of inexact computing. Two HDR images are processed using the proposed inexact floating-point adders to show the validity of the inexact design. HDR-VDP is used as a metric to measure the subjective results of the image addition. Significant improvements have been achieved in terms of area, delay and power consumption. Comparison results show that the proposed inexact floating-point adders can improve power consumption and the power-delay product by 29.98% and 39.60%, respectively.
Il existe une nouvelle catégorie de technologie, les vaccins dérivés de plantes («VDPs»), qui englobe des produits qui ont un grand potentiel pour l’amélioration de la santé à l’échelle globale. Bien qu’ils ne soient pas encore disponibles pour le public, le développement des VDPs a progressé de façon telle qu’ils devraient être prêts à être mis en marché et distribués sous peu. Ainsi, c’est le moment idéal pour lancer un débat sur la meilleure façon de protéger cette nouvelle catégorie de technologie. Vu leur nature, les VDPs ne se qualifient pas parfaitement pour aucune forme de protection de propriété intellectuelle. En effet, un VDP est à la fois une variété de plante, une biotechnologie, un médicament et un produit qui vise spécifiquement les besoins de pays en voie de développement. Chacune de ces caractéristiques soulève ses propres problématiques en ce qui a trait à la propriété intellectuelle. C’est pourquoi il appert difficile d’identifier la forme de protection la plus adéquate et appropriée pour les VDPs. Cet article traite de la nature d’un VDP, des différentes catégories dans lesquelles il pourrait être classé, des différents types de systèmes de protection de propriété intellectuelle auxquels il pourrait être éligible ainsi que des problèmes qui pourraient être soulevés par tous ces éléments. Ces discussions visent à mettre l’accent sur le fait que nous avons affaire à une toute nouvelle catégorie d’innovation technologique. L’auteure est donc d’avis qu’une approche proactive est nécessaire pour discuter d’un système de protection de propriété intellectuelle en relation avec les VDPs. En ce moment, c’est l’inventeur qui choisi comment il protègera son invention. Les moyens employés par ce dernier pourraient être subséquemment modifiés ou annulés par une décision judiciaire mais comme plusieurs autres inventeurs d’une même catégorie de technologie auront probablement déjà adopté une stratégie de protection similaire, ce type de mesures judiciaire, très tard dans le processus, pourra avoir des résultats néfastes sur les détenteurs de droits. Le développement de lignes directrices d’entrée de jeu, avec l’aide d’un panel d’experts de préférence, peut contribuer à éviter les situations de confusion qui ont déjà été vécues avec l’application d’autres nouvelles technologies et qui devraient servir de leçon pour l’encadrement des VDPs.
Resultados tratamiento de las fracturas intertrocantéricas en el Hospital Universitario Mayor MEREDÍ
Las fracturas intertrocantericas son una importante causa de la morbimortalidad en los adultos mayores. Requieren la mayoria manejo quirurgico. No se ha logrado definir si es mejor el tratamiento con osteosintesis o artoplastia de cadera. Por esta razon decidimos realizar un estudio identificando los resultados en cada uno de los tratamientos con poblacion colombiana en el Hospital Universitario Mayor Mederi. Metodos: Estudio de serie de casos. Se analizó una cohorte retrospectiva de pacientes mayores de 59 años con fractura intertrocantérica en el Hospital Universitario Mayor Méderi. Resultados: Se reportaron un total de 179 pacientes con diagnóstico de fractura intertrocantérica. De los cuales se realizaron 100 osteosíntesis , 20 reemplazos totales de cadera y 59 hemiartroplastias. La mortalidad fueron 11 pacientes que corresponde al 6.1%, 3 fueron hombres y 8 mujeres, en cuanto al procedimiento realizado a 7 pacientes se les realizo osteosíntesis y a los 4 restantes se les realizo hemiartroplastia. En total 7 infecciones las cuales se presentaron respectivamente en 6 osteosíntesis y 1 hemiartroplastia. Discusión: La mortalidad fue mayor en la osteosíntesis con 7 pacientes que equivale al 63,6 % de la mortalidad total del estudio. Los porcentajes de infección postoperatoria fueron mayores en la osteosíntesis , encontrándose que del total de pacientes intervenidos 3,9% se infectaron y de estos el 85,7 % corresponden a osteosíntesis versus 14,3% de hemiartroplastia. El sangrado postoperatorio fue mayor a 500 cc en un 39% de las osteosíntesis y en un 44% en las hemiartroplastias. Conclusión: el tratamiento de las fracturas intertrocantéricas tuvo menor mortalidad y menor porcentaje de infección cuando los pacientes fueron tratados con hemiartroplastia y reemplazo total de cadera.
The development of more selective and sensitive analytical methods is of great importance in different areas of knowledge, covering, for example, food, biotechnological, environmental and pharmaceutical sectors. The study aimed to employ the technique electroanalytical differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) as an innovative and promising alternative for identification and quantification of organic compounds. The organic compounds were investigated in this study oxalic acid (OA) and folic acid (FA). The electrochemical oxidation of oxalic acid has been extensively studied as a model reaction in the boundary between the organic and inorganic electrochemistry. Since the AF, an essential vitamin for cell multiplication in all tissues, which is essential for DNA synthesis. The AF has been investigated using analytical techniques, liquid chromatography and molecular absorption spectrophotometry. The results obtained during the experimental procedure indicated that the process of electrochemical oxidation of oxalic acid is strongly dependent on the nature of the anode material and the oxidation mechanism, which affects their detection. Efficient removal was observed in Ti/PbO2 anodes, graphite, BDD and Pt 90, 85, 80 and 78% respectively. It was also shown that the DPV employing glassy carbon electrode offers a fast, simple, reliable and economical way to determine the AO during the process of electrochemical oxidation. Furthermore, electroanalytical methods are more expensive than commonly used chromatographic analysis and other instrumental methods involving toxic reagents and higher cost. Compared with the classical method of titration and DPV could be a good fit, confidence intervals and detection limits confirming the applicability of electroanalytical technique for monitoring the degradation of oxalic acid. For the study of AF was investigated the electrocatalytic activity of the carbon paste electrode for identification and quantification in pharmaceutical formulations by applying the DPV. The results obtained during the experimental procedure showed an irreversible oxidation peak at 9.1 V characteristic of FA. The carbon paste sensor showed low detection limit of 5.683×10−8 mol L-1 reducing matrix effects. The spectrophotometric analysis showed lower concentrations of HF compared with those obtained by HPLC and DPV. The levels of AF were obtained according to the methodology proposed by the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia. The electroanalytical method (DPV) proposed is cheaper than GC analysis commonly used by the pharmaceutical industry. The results demonstrated the potential of these electroanalytical techniques for future applications in environmental, chemical and biological sensors
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT
Il contributo di questo lavoro è stata la realizzazione di un motore di layout specializzato per il testo a fronte basato su paradigma dichiarativo chiamato Sider, che permette all'utente di generare automaticamente layout a fronte anche complessi specificando direttamente le regole da utilizzare per l'allineamento, riducendo drasticamente i problemi legati agli approcci tradizionali. La scelta di seguire un approccio dichiarativo, è stata dettata dal fatto che è il paradigma che permette di ottenere il miglior compromesso tra automatizzazione del layout e interazione utente poiché per natura stessa del testo a fronte l'intervento umano non è totalmente eliminabile.
This article gives a short introduction into the notions of density property (DP) and volume density property (VDP). Moreover we develop an effective criterion of verifying whether a given X has VDP. As an application of this method we give a new proof of the basic fact that the product of two Stein manifolds with VDP admits VDP.
Optimisation of real world Variable Data printing (VDP) documents is a dicult problem because the interdependencies between layout functions may drastically reduce the number of invariant blocks that can be factored out for pre-rasterisation. This paper examines how speculative evaluation at an early stage in a document-preparation pipeline, provides a generic and effective method of optimising VDP documents that contain such interdependencies. Speculative evaluation will be at its most effective in speeding up print runs if sets of layout invariances can either be discovered automatically, or designed into the document at an early stage. In either case the expertise of the layout designer needs to be supplemented by expertise in exploiting potential invariances and also in predicting the effects of speculative evaluation on the caches used at various stages in the print production pipeline.
Variable Data Printing (VDP) has brought new flexibility and dynamism to the printed page. Each printed instance of a specific class of document can now have different degrees of customized content within the document template. This flexibility comes at a cost. If every printed page is potentially different from all others it must be rasterized separately, which is a time-consuming process. Technologies such as PPML (Personalized Print Markup Language) attempt to address this problem by dividing the bitmapped page into components that can be cached at the raster level, thereby speeding up the generation of page instances. A large number of documents are stored in Page Description Languages at a higher level of abstraction than the bitmapped page. Much of this content could be reused within a VDP environment provided that separable document components can be identified and extracted. These components then need to be individually rasterisable so that each high-level component can be related to its low-level (bitmap) equivalent. Unfortunately, the unstructured nature of most Page Description Languages makes it difficult to extract content easily. This paper outlines the problems encountered in extracting component-based content from existing page description formats, such as PostScript, PDF and SVG, and how the differences between the formats affects the ease with which content can be extracted. The techniques are illustrated with reference to a tool called COG Extractor, which extracts content from PDF and SVG and prepares it for reuse.