127 resultados para Urologia pediatrica


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Background and Objectives - Sevoflurane is an inhalational anesthetic drug with low blood/gas solubility providing fast anesthesia induction and emergence. Its ability to maintain cardiovascular stability makes it ideal for pediatric anesthesia. The aim of this study was to evaluate hemodynamic stability, consumption of inhalational anesthetics and emergence time in children with and without premedication (midazolam or clonidine) anesthetized with sevoflurane titrated according to BIS monitoring. Methods - Participated in this study 30 patients aged 2 to 12 years, physical status ASA I, undergoing elective surgeries who were divided into 3 groups: G1 - without premedication, G2 - 0.5 mg.kg-1 oral midazolam, G3 - 4 μg.kg-1 oral clonidine 60 minutes before surgery. All patients received 30 μg.kg-1 alfentanil, 3 mg.kg-1 propofol, 0.5 mg.kg-1 atracurium, sevoflurane in different concentrations monitored by BIS (values close to 60) and N2O in a non rebreathing system. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heart rate, expired sevoflurane concentration (EC), sevoflurane consumption (ml.min-1) and emergence time were evaluated. Emergence time was defined as time elapsed between the end of anesthesia and patients' spontaneous movements trying to extubate themselves, crying and opening eyes and mouth. Results - There were no differences among groups as to systolic and diastolic blood pressure, EC, sevoflurane consumption and emergence time. Heart rate was lower in G3 group. Conclusions - Sevoflurane has provided hemodynamic stability. Premedication with clonidine and midazolam did not influence emergence time, inhaled anesthetic consumption or maintenance of anesthesia with sevoflurane. Anesthesia duration has also not influenced emergence time. Hypnosis monitoring was important for balancing anesthetic levels and this might have been responsible for the similarity of emergence times for all studied groups.


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Background: Mastocytosis is a rare disease involving mast cells (MC) and their CD34+ progenitors. According to the WHO consensus classification, cutaneous mastocytosis (CM) is considered a benign disease confined to the skin, preferentially seen in young children with a marked tendency to regress spontaneously. Aim of our study was the long-term assessment of the outcome of solitary (SM) and multiple (MM) mastocytomas in a pediatric population. Materials and methods: From January 1996 to December 2010, 241 pediatric patients with a diagnosis of CM were followed-up at the outpatient division of pediatric dermatology of the University of Bologna. We focused our retrospective evaluation on patients affected by SM or MM. We collected, through the analysis of medical records and with a telephone questionnaire for patients and their families, information on clinical aspects of the disease evolution and on the efficacy of topical steroid therapy. Results: Over the 241 considered patients we recorded: SM or MM in 176 (73%) pts., urticaria pigmentosa in 53 (22%) pts., telangiectasia macularis eruptiva perstans in 9 (4%) pts., diffuse CM in 2 (0,9%) pts. and polymorph CM in 1 (0,4%) pt. On 176 children affected by SM or MM (97 M vs. 79 F), 130 (74%) patients were followed-up with a mean of 56,3 (r. 4-142) months. A satisfactory outcome was recorded in 99 (76%) cases of whom 52 (53%) treated with topic steroids. Mean time to complete regression was 16.4 m. on treated patients vs. 34.7 m. on non treated patients (p=0,001). Conclusions: From our study emerged that resolution of the disease is independent from therapy, but the time to regression and to complete recovery of the coetaneous lesions is faster and favored by the application of topic steroid with an improvement of the quality of life for children and their families.


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La dermoscopia, metodica non invasiva, di pratico utilizzo e a basso costo si è affermata negli ultimi anni come valido strumento per la diagnosi e il follow up delle lesioni cutanee pigmentate e non pigmentate. La presente ricerca è stata incentrata sullo studio dermoscopico dei nevi melanocitici a localizzazione palmo-plantare, acquisiti e congeniti, in età pediatrica: a questo scopo sono state analizzate le immagini dei nevi melanocitici acrali nei pazienti visitati c/o l’ambulatorio di Dermatologia Pediatrica del Policlinico Sant’Orsola Malpighi dal 2004 al 2011 per definire i principali pattern dermoscopici rilevati ed i cambiamenti osservati durante il follow up videodermatoscopico. Nella nostra casistica di immagini dermoscopiche pediatriche abbiamo notato un cambiamento rilevante (inteso come ogni modificazione rilevata tra il pattern demoscopico osservato al baseline e i successivi follow up) nell’88,6% dei pazienti ed in particolare abbiamo osservato come in un’alta percentuale di pazienti (80%), si sia verificato un vero e proprio impallidimento del nevo melanocitico e in un paziente è stata evidenziata totale regressione dopo un periodo di tempo di 36 mesi. E’ stato interessante notare come l’impallidimento della lesione melanocitaria si sia verificata per lo più in sedi sottoposte ad una sollecitazione meccanica cronica, come la pianta del piede e le dita (di mani e piedi), facendoci ipotizzare un ruolo del traumatismo cronico nelle modificazioni che avvengono nelle neoformazioni melanocitarie dei bambini in questa sede.


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Le caratteristiche istologiche, immunologiche e fisiologiche della cute in età pediatrica sono responsabili di quadri dermatologici differenti nel bambino rispetto all’adulto, per cui la dermatologia pediatrica sta acquisendo sempre maggiore importanza come branca specifica nell’ambito sia della dermatologia generale che della pediatria. Il problema cruciale che si incontra nel management delle dermatosi pediatriche è legato alle difficoltà diagnostiche incontrate, che comportano spesso la necessità di eseguire una biopsia cutanea. Mentre gli studi epidemiologici relativi alla frequenza delle patologie dermatologiche pediatriche siano ampiamente riportati in letteratura, i dati e le revisioni relative alla chirurgia pediatrica dermatologica, nell’ambito dei servizi di Dermatologia Pediatrica, sono ridotti. Nell’arco dei tre anni di dottorato, la mia attività è stata finalizzata a valutare la possibilità di organizzare un servizio ambulatoriale per i prelievi bioptici in età pediatrica, con il solo ausilio di anestetici topici e locali. Durante i tre anni di Dottorato di Ricerca sono stati eseguiti 296 prelievi. Le biopsie eseguite sono state suddivise in 3 gruppi: biopsie diagnostiche su patologie dermatologiche (108 pz, 36%), biopsie su neoformazioni cutanee (174 pz, 59 %) e biopsie su lesioni follicolari ( 14 pz, 5%). Di ciascun gruppo sono state valutate le patologie riscontrate, l’età, il sesso, l’impiego di anestetico topico associato ad anestetico locale. In 180 (61%) pazienti dopo la biopsia si è proceduto all’applicazione di punti di sutura. Si sono valutati inoltre i vantaggi e gli svantaggi di tale attività ambulatoriale rispetto ai prelievi eseguiti avvalendosi di una sedazione profonda.


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Background: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a common cause of morbidity and mortality in childhood chronic kidney disease (CKD). Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is known to be one of the earliest events in CVD development. Left ventricular diastolic function (DF) is thought to be also impaired in children with CKD. Tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) provide an accurate measure of DF and is less load dependent than conventional ECHO. Aim: To evaluate the LV mass and the DF in a population of children with CKD. Methods: 37 patients, median age: 10.4 (3.3-19.8); underlying renal disease: hypo/dysplasia (N=28), nephronophthisis (N=4), Alport (N=2), ARPKD (N=3), were analyzed. Thirty-eight percent of the patients were on stage 1-2 of CKD, 38% on stage 3, 16% on stage 4. Three patients were on dialysis. The most frequent factors related to CVD in CKD have been studied. LVH has been defined as a left ventricular mass index (LVMI) more than 35.7 g/h2,7. Results: Twenty-five patients (81%) had a LVH. LVMI and diastolic function index (E’/A’) were significantly related to the glomerular filtration rate (p<0.003 and p<0.004). Moreover the LVMI was correlated with the phosphorus and the hemoglobin level (p<0.0001 and p<0.004). LVH was present since the first stages of CKD (58% of patients were on stages 1-2). Early-diastolic myocardial velocity was reduced in 73% of our patients. We didn’t find any correlation between LVH and systemic hypertension. Conclusion: ECHO evaluation with TDI is suggested also in children prior to dialysis and with a normal blood pressure. If LVH is diagnosed, a periodic follow-up is necessary with the treatment of the modifiable risk factors (hypertension, disturbances of calcium, phosphorus and PTH, anemia ).


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Background Decreased exercise capacity, and reduction in peak oxygen uptake are present in most patients affected by hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) . In addition an abnormal blood pressure response during a maximal exercise test was seen to be associated with high risk for sudden cardiac death in adult patients affected by HCM. Therefore exercise test (CPET) has become an important part of the evaluation of the HCM patients, but data on its role in patients with HCM in the pediatric age are quite limited. Methods and results Between 2004 and 2010, using CPET and echocardiography, we studied 68 children (mean age 13.9 ± 2 years) with HCM. The exercise test was completed by all the patients without adverse complications. The mean value of achieved VO2 max was 31.4 ± 8.3 mL/Kg/min which corresponded to 77.5 ± 16.9 % of predicted range. 51 patients (75%) reached a subnormal value of VO2max. On univariate analysis the achieved VO2 as percentage of predicted and the peak exercise systolic blood pressure (BP) Z score were inversely associated with max left ventricle (LV) wall thickness, with E/Ea ratio, and directly related with Ea and Sa wave velocities No association was found with the LV outflow tract gradient. During a mean follow up of 2.16 ± 1.7 years 9 patients reached the defined clinical end point of death, transplantation, implanted cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) shock, ICD implantation for secondary prevention or myectomy. Patients with peak VO2 < 52% or with peak systolic BP Z score < -5.8 had lower event free survival at follow up. Conclusions Exercise capacity is decreased in patients with HCM in pediatric age and global ventricular function seems being the most important determinant of exercise capacity in these patients. CPET seems to play an important role in prognostic stratification of children affected by HCM.


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INTRODUÇÃO: A alergia ao látex é um importante problema de saúde pública, especialmente em grupos de risco que têm contato frequente com este potente alérgeno. Este estudo estimou a prevalência e os fatores de risco para sensibilização ao látex em pacientes com mielomeningocele (MMC) submetidos a procedimentos cirúrgicos urológicos no HC-FMUSP. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados pacientes com MMC submetidos a pelo menos uma cirurgia urológica, entre 2009 e 2014.Todos foram entrevistados e seus prontuários revisados. Uma amostra de sangue permitiu que a IgE específica ao látex, a K82, e seus recombinantes fossem investigados pelo método lmmunoCAP100 (kUa/L -1). A associação entre a exposição e o desfecho foi avaliada por meio de regressão logística de Poisson, Quiquadrado ou o teste exato de Fischer, para variáveis categóricas. O teste t de Student foi utilizado para comparar variáveis contínuas (nível de significância de 5%). Foram calculados a razão de prevalência (RP) e o intervalo de confiança de 95%. RESULTADOS: Foram identificados Duzentos e doze pacientes (51% do sexo masculino, 20,4 ± 6,4 anos de idade), 68 foram submetidos a pelo menos um procedimento urológico e 51 aceitaram participar (87,9%). Vinte e nove pacientes foram considerados não-sensibilizados (IgE específica para o látex :: a 0,7 kUa/L) e 22 sensibilizados ao látex com IgE > 0,7 kUa/L. Quando comparados os dois grupos, o sensibilizado apresentou um número de procedimentos cirúrgicos maior (11,6 ± 5,9 vs 7,2 ± 5,6) e dentre eles 48,3% apresentaram alguma alergia anterior contra 27,6% no grupo não sensibilizado. A sensibilização ao látex foi independentemente associada com alergia a produtos de látex (p = 0,014) e com o número de cirurgias anteriores (p = 0,032). A alergia ao látex tinha uma razão de prevalência de 2,87 (95% Cl: 1,24 a 6,65) ajustado para o número de cirurgias. Para cada procedimento cirúrgico, ajustado à alergia a produtos que contém látex, aumentou o risco para sensibilização em 4% (PR = 1,04; 95% CI: 1,00-1,09). CONCLUSÕES: A história de alergia ao látex e o número de cirurgias foram fatores de risco independentes para sensibilização ao látex


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Relatório de estagio apresentado para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Enfermagem de Saúde da Criança e do Jovem


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Relatório de estagio apresentado para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Enfermagem de Saúde da Criança e do Jovem


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Paikallisesti levinnyttä (T3-4 M0) ja luustoon levinnyttä (T1-4 M1) eturauhassyöpää sairastaneet potilaat satunnaistettiin kirurgiseen kastraatioon (orkiektomia) tai lääkkeelliseen kastraatioon lihaksensisäisellä polyestradiolifosfaatilla (PEP) annoksella 240 mg/kk. Verrattiin hoitojen kliinistä tehoa sekä sydän- ja verisuonikomplikaatioita (SV-komplikaatioita). Verrattiin myös hoitoa edeltäviä plasman testosteroni (T) ja estradioli (E2) pitoisuuksia T3-4 M0 ja T1-4 M1 potilaiden välillä sekä selvitettiin potilaiden yleistilan vaikutusta näihin hormonitasoihin. Lopuksi luotiin T1-4 M1 potilaille eturauhassyövän aiheuttaman kuoleman ennusteellinen riskiluokittelu kolmeen riskiryhmään käyttämällä hoitoa edeltäviä ennustetekijöitä. Kliinisessä tehossa ei orkiektomian ja PEP-hoidon välillä todettu tilastollisesti merkitsevää eroa. Odotetusti T1-4 M1 potilaiden ennuste oli huonompi kuin T3-4 M0 potilaiden. T1-4 M1 potilailla ei ollut SV-kuolemissa hoitoryhmien välillä tilastollista eroa, mutta ei-tappavia SV-komplikaatioita oli PEP ryhmässä (5.9%) enemmän kuin orkiektomia ryhmässä (2.0%). T3-4 M0 potilailla PEP-hoitoon liittyi tilastollisesti merkitsevä SV-kuolleisuus riski orkiektomiaan verrattuna (p = 0.001). PEP ryhmässä 67% kuolemista oli akuutteja sydäninfarkteja. Tämä PEP hoitoon liittyvä sydäninfarktiriski (mukaan lukien myös ei-tappavat sydäninfarktit) oli merkitsevästi pienempi potilailla, joiden hoitoa edeltävä E2 taso oli vähintään 93 pmol/l (p = 0.022). E2 taso oli merkitsevästi matalampi T1-4 M1 potilailla (74.7 pmol/l) kuin T3-4 M0 potilailla (87.9 pmol/l), mutta vastaavaa eroa ei ollut T tasoissa. Sekä T3-4 M0 että T1-4 M1 potilailla yleistilan lasku osittain selitti yksilöllisen T ja E2 tasojen laskun. Eturauhassyövän aiheuttaman kuoleman riskiryhmäluokittelu (Rg) kolmeen ryhmään luotiin käyttämällä alkalista fosfataasia (AFOS), prostata spesifistä antigeenia (PSA), laskoa (La) ja potilaan ikää. Yksi riskipiste annettiin, jos AFOS > 180 U/l (tällä hetkellä käytössä olevalla menetelmällä AFOS > 83 U/l), PSA > 35 µg/l, La > 80 mm/h ja ikä < 60 vuotta. Lopuksi pisteet laskettiin yhteen. Muodostettiin seuraavat ryhmät: Rg-a (0 -1 riskipistettä), Rg-b (2 riskipistettä) ja Rg-c (3 – 4 riskipistettä). Eturauhassyövän aiheuttama kuoleman riski lisääntyi merkitsevästi siirryttäessä riskiryhmästä seuraavaan (p < 0.001). Rg-luokittelu oli kliinisesti käytännöllinen ja hyvä havaitsemaan huonon ennusteen potilaat.