990 resultados para Urinary system
The sediment from urinary bladder washings from 63 consecutive autopsies was cytologically studied in order to achieve a better understanding of the changes in urothelial cells collected from hospital populations. The observed alterations were correlated with alterations in the urinary system and with therapy preceding death. The specimens obtained were of good quality. In 39.7% of the cases, the sediment contained giant superficial multinucleated cells. Three of nine cases previously subjected to radiation or chemotherapy showed atypical urothelial cells. In three cases with immunosuppression, there was cytologic evidence of subclinical infection by polyomavirus, and virus particles were identified by electron microscopy of the vesical mucosa. The study of the smear background offered additional information: the sediment contained hyaline or hematic or hyaline-cellular casts in 17.4% of the cases, in all of which there were renal tubulopathies when the kidney sections were studied. The method is useful for a good evaluation of the autopsy as well as for training in urinary cytopathology.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
With prenatal detection of hydronephrosis and technological advances in surgical equipment, the management of lower urinary tract obstruction has evolved to include prenatal surgical intervention. Surgical intervention, was based upon the rationale that restoring amniotic fluid to normal levels by shunting fetal urine from the obstructed urinary system to the amniotic space would prevent lung hypoplasia and, thus, improve neonatal survival. Inaddition, relief of the obstruction would also reduce back pressure and reduce injury to the developing nephron, thus improving long-term renal function postnatally. However, this remains investigational, and the vast majority of affected infants are treated soon after birth. We have experience since 1991 with prenatal treatment of megacystis. In 23 cases of 50 detected megacystis with oligohydramnion in male and without other abnormalities a prenatal intervention by bladderpunction and in 12 cases additional vesicoamniotic shunt placement was performed. The prognosis of megacystis with oligohydramnion is stated with a survival rate of 10-30%. In our group 54% (13 children) survived. Also we want present 56 cases of urethral valves with a postnatal transurethral intervention. With a follow up time from 8.6 (3 to 15) years we attend 34 children (60%) with normal renal function, 21% (12) with mild or moderate renal insufficiency and there was a kidney transplantation in 6 cases necessary. With our multidisciplinary presentation we want to discuss the indication, interdisciplinary aspects,risks and the follow up of pre- and postnatal intervention in such cases.
Imprint varies: v. 2-3 published by Parker, son, and Bourn; v. 4 by Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, and Green.
Urinary bladder cancer (UBC) is the second most frequent malignancy of the urinary system and the ninth most common cancer worldwide, affecting individuals over the age of 65. Several investigations have embarked on advancing knowledge of the mechanisms underlying urothelial carcinogenesis, understanding the mechanisms of antineoplastic drugs resistance and discovering new antineoplastic drugs. In vitro and in vivo models are crucial for providing additional insights into the mechanisms of urothelial carcinogenesis. With these models, various molecular pathways involved in urothelial carcinogenesis have been discovered, allowing therapeutic manipulation.
Shielding the organism against harmful effects from the environment is one of the most important tasks of the outer covering of all animals. The epidermis of primarily aquatic organisms and the epithelia of organs which are exposed to water, such as the digestive or the urinary system, possess a film of glycoproteins and mucopolysaccharides, the glycocalyx. This short paper examines the relationship of the mucus cells with the glycocalyx.
As infecções do trato urinário (ITUs) são uma das causas mais comuns de consultas médicas. No ambiente hospitalar estão entre as mais frequentes infecções relacionadas à assistência à saúde (35 a 45%). Nos Estados Unidos da América, resultam em 3.600.000 consultas médicas anuais e mais de 100.000 hospitalizações. No Reino Unido, representam 23% das infecções relacionadas à assistência à saúde. Estudos mostram que a E. coli é a bactéria mais isolada em uroculturas (75% a 80%), tanto em pacientes hospitalizados quanto não hospitalizados. A antibioticoterapia para ITU é comumente iniciada empiricamente, antes da urocultura e do antibiograma, por isso, faz-se necessário conhecer a sensibilidade e resistência dos prováveis agentes etiológicos, deve-se considerar o histórico clínico epidemiológico do paciente. No presente estudo foi realizada a análise da resistência das cepas de E. coli isoladas em 261 uroculturas de pacientes assistidos no serviço ambulatorial e hospitalar do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto (HUPE) e, também, de 81 cepas isoladas em uroculturas de pacientes assistidos no serviço ambulatorial de um Hospital Maternidade do Município do Rio de Janeiro (HMMRJ), no período de maio de 2010 a dezembro de 2010. A susceptibilidade aos antimicrobianos foi determinada pela metodologia de disco difusão por Kirby e Bauer. Foram realizadas triagens fenotípicas para cepas produtoras de ESBL e para cepas produtoras de carbapenemases. Através dos dados contidos nos prontuários dos pacientes com uroculturas positivas para E. coli (≥ 105 ufc/mL), foi realizada a pesquisa clínica epidemiológica para se verificar a ocorrência de fatores de risco diversos, para ITU por E. coli. Observou-se que pacientes do sexo feminino são mais susceptíveis a ITU e o uso de antibiótico até 03 meses antes do episódio infeccioso (p= 0,04746), diabetes (p= 0,01683), trauma recente (p= 0,000238), cirurgia abdominal ou pélvica prévia (p= 0,00221), patologia crônica de bexiga (p= 0,002150), uso de cateter urinário (p=0,0002), insuficiência renal crônica (p= 0,02178), e hospitalização por até 06meses prévios (p= 0,01802) podem ser considerados fatores de risco para ITU por E. coli. Verificou-se que o uso de cateter urinário (p=0,000399), cirurgia abdominal ou pélvica prévia (p=0,004458) e o uso de antimicrobianos prévios ao processo infeccioso (p=0,002625), podem ser considerados fatores de risco importantes, para ITU por E. coli multirresistentes. Os pacientes do sexo masculino, apesar de minoria no estudo, representam a maioria dos pacientes com ITU por E. coli multirresistente. Verificou-se que a classe de antimicrobiano utilizado previamente ao episódio infeccioso, aumenta a chance de ocorrer ITU por E. coli multirresistente, principalmente quando associadas ao uso de cateter urinário e cirurgia abdominal ou pélvica prévia. Os perfis de resistência da cepas isoladas dos pacientes assistidos no serviço ambulatorial e hospitalar do HUPE apresentam semelhanças. Apesar do baixo número de cepas multirresistentes entre as isoladas dos pacientes assistidos no serviço ambulatorial do HMMRJ, essas apresentam perfil de resistência semelhante aos perfis das cepas isoladas dos pacientes assistidos no serviço ambulatorial e hospitalar do HUPE. A partir das evidências, percebe-se que o uso racional de antimicrobianos é muito importante para diminuir a problemática da resistência bacteriana
A invasão de bactérias no trato urinário caracteriza a infecção do sistema urinário. A Escherichia coli é o principal microrganismo associado a esta infecção devido a sua importância em causar ITU, recebeu a denominação de UPEC (Escherichia coli uropatogênica). No presente trabalho pesquisamos em 50 cepas de UPEC, inicialmente isolados de urina de pacientes ambulatoriais com infecções sintomática ou assintomática, a presença de 7 fatores de virulência, através das técnicas de PCR simples e multiplex para verificação dos genes que codificam adesinas P (pap) , fímbria S (sfa), adesina afimbrial (afa), sideroforo (aerobactina- aer), toxinas fator necrotizante citotóxico (cnf) e alfa-hemolisinas (hly), proteína de membrana (traT); ilhas de patogenicidade (virulência) através do marcador PAI. O marcador pCVD432 de EAEC também foi pesquisado nestas amostras. O método difusão em disco foi o utilizado para a determinação dos testes de susceptibilidade aos antimicrobianos. Podemos observar duas faixas etárias de maior incidência de ITU entre as mulheres: 19 a 35 anos, e acima de 50 anos. Sessenta e oito por cento das amostras apresentaram pelo menos um fator de virulência, onde os genes traT (54%) e aer (34%) foram os mais prevalentes. A sequência pCVD432 foi detectado em 6 amostras. No entanto, no ensaio de adesão em células Hep-2, doze amostras não apresentaram aderência (NA 24%). Nas 38 cepas restantes, 24 (48%) apresentaram aderência agregativa (AA). Observamos aderência sem padrão típico (SPT) em 48% das amostras, tendo sido dividido em discreto (SPT-D 22%), moderado (SPT-M 18%) e intenso (SPT-I 8%). Notamos os seguintes perfis de resistência para os antimicrobianos testados: ampicilina (44%), gentamicina (8%), nitrofurantoína (2%), norfloxacino (18%) e sulfametozaxol-trimetoprima (34%).
Two rare trematode species so far reported in the genus Phyllodistomum Braun, 1899, P. pawlovskii (Zmeev, 1936) and P. serrispatula Chin, 1963, were found in the urinary system the yellow catfish Pelteobagrus fulvidraco (Richardson) of Bao'an Lake (prevalence 8 %) and the swamp eel Monopterus albus (Zouiev) of Liangzi Lake (prevalence 6 9/6), respectively, from the Hubei Province, central China. In contrast to the original description, P. pawlovskii showed a considerable morphological variability particularly in the shape, size and topography of testes. A unique morphological feature of P. serrispatula is the presence of many conspicuous lateral outgrowths on the hindbody and, principally based on this character, a new genus Neophyl-lodistomum is erected (type species N. serrispatula (Chin, 1963) comb. n.)) to accommodate this species. Both trematode species are briefly redescribed. P. pawlovskii and N. serrispatula are reported for the first time from the Hubei Province and the former from the Yangtze River drainage system.
The transient receptor potential melastatin 8 (TRPM8) channel has been characterized as a cold and menthol receptor expressed in a subpopulation of sensory neurons but was recently identified in other tissues, including the respiratory tract, urinary system, and vasculature. Thus TRPM8 may play multiple functional roles, likely to be in a tissue- and activation state-dependent manner. We examined the TRPM8 channel presence in large arteries from rats and the functional consequences of their activation. We also aimed to examine whether these channels contribute to control of conscious human skin blood flow. TRPM8 mRNA and protein were detected in rat tail, femoral and mesenteric arteries, and thoracic aorta. This was confirmed in single isolated vascular myocytes by immunocytochemistry. Isometric contraction studies on endothelium-denuded relaxed rat vessels found small contractions on application of the TRPM8-specific agonist menthol (300 microM). However, both menthol and another agonist icilin (50 microM) caused relaxation of vessels precontracted with KCl (60 mM) or the alpha-adrenoceptor agonist phenylephrine (2 microM) and a reduction in sympathetic nerve-mediated contraction. These effects were antagonized by bromoenol lactone treatment, suggesting the involvement of Ca(2+)-independent phospholipase A(2) activation in TRPM8-mediated vasodilatation. In thoracic aorta with intact endothelium, menthol-induced inhibition of KCl-induced contraction was enhanced. This was unaltered by preincubation with either N(omega)-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME; 100 nM), a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, or the ACh receptor antagonist atropine (1 microM). Application of menthol (3% solution, topical application) to skin caused increased blood flow in conscious humans, as measured by laser Doppler fluximetry. Vasodilatation was markedly reduced or abolished by prior application of l-NAME (passive application, 10 mM) or atropine (iontophoretic application, 100 nM, 30 s at 70 microA). We conclude that TRPM8 channels are present in rat artery vascular smooth muscle and on activation cause vasoconstriction or vasodilatation, dependent on previous vasomotor tone. TRPM8 channels may also contribute to human cutaneous vasculature control, likely with the involvement of additional neuronal mechanisms.