990 resultados para Urban equipment


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Le réseau de distribution aérien, ou plus simplement le réseau de poteaux de bois et ses câbles, est encore aujourd’hui omniprésent dans la majorité des villes du Québec. Pour plusieurs, le réseau de poteaux d’utilité publique semble appartenir à une autre époque. Pourtant, les poteaux et câbles ne sont pas près de disparaître, au contraire, ils ne cessent de se transformer. Depuis peu, de plus en plus d’équipements s’ajoutent sur le réseau: boîtiers techniques, nombre de câbles, appareillages au sommet des poteaux, antennes de communication, etc. Bien que les équipements du réseau de distribution aérien soient des éléments produits industriellement, ceux-ci intègrent rarement les services du design industriel au moment de leur conception initiale. Cette recherche étudie le système de distribution aérien sous l’angle de la « pensée design ». L’intention de cette étude est d’analyser les impacts de la présence du réseau aérien en milieux urbains et a pour objectif d’orienter les pratiques de conception de ce type d’équipements. Pour ce faire, dans une optique transdisciplinaire, diverses approches ont été sollicitées dont: l’approche systémique, l’approche paysage et les approches des partenaires des réseaux. Au moyen d’une recherche documentaire et d’observations faites sur le terrain, la recherche vise à dresser un portrait général du réseau de distribution aérien et les défis qui y sont associés. La recherche expose, dans un état des lieux, les résultats issus des questions analytiques de recherche suivantes: de quoi est composé le réseau de distribution aérien, quels sont les intervenants sur le réseau, quelles sont leurs interactions, quels sont les points de vue des différentes catégories d’acteurs en relation avec le réseau, quels sont les impacts reliés à la présence du réseau en milieux urbains et quelle a été son évolution au fil des années. Dans la perspective de l’approche design, chercher à comprendre une problématique de façon plus large permet de s’assurer que l’on répond au bon problème, que l’on considère tous les facteurs en cause visant ainsi à réduire les répercussions négatives sur les contextes de vie actuels et futurs. Les principaux constats de cette recherche démontrent que la composition du réseau de distribution, avant même de considérer les nouveaux usages et l’ajout de nouveaux équipements, présente des lacunes importantes. La gestion entre les divers partenaires du réseau de distribution pose aussi problème. L’ajout de nouveaux équipements sur le réseau, combiné aux multiples équipements apparaissant sur les voies publiques laisse entrevoir l’atteinte d’un niveau de saturation des milieux urbains. Les façons de faire hermétiques et «cristallisées» des partenaires du réseau ne collent pas avec les initiatives et aspirations générales en matière d’aménagement. En étudiant la problématique du réseau de distribution par le biais de la pensée design, l’approche design cherche à déceler, de façon proactive, les opportunités de design qui permettront de mieux gérer l’apparition et l’intégration des nouveaux équipements sur les poteaux. Cette démarche permet d’envisager des solutions qui visent à limiter les répercussions collatérales une fois en contexte et qui, du même coup, adressent des problématiques connexes. Finalement, à la lumière de l’état des lieux, cette recherche propose des critères de conception de futurs réseaux de distribution, élaborés dans l’esprit de l’approche design.


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A utilização subótima do patrimônio público em áreas urbanas é um problema que prejudica o desenvolvimento das cidades e reduz o bem-estar de suas populações. Na primeira parte, o trabalho analisa essa situação como a de um equilíbrio inferior em um modelo de massa crítica com múltiplos equilíbrios. Políticas públicas que atuem tanto sobre o patrimônio quanto sobre a coordenação entre os agentes podem iniciar um processo de recuperação da área, que, eventualmente, atinge o equilíbrio superior com ganhos potenciais para todos. Na segunda parte, esse modelo é aplicado para o centro de São Paulo, que, após a saída de certas atividades, entrou em decadência e assim permanece, apesar de ser uma área extremamente bem-dotada de equipamentos públicos e cuja centralidade é seu principal patrimônio.


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This study reviews the spatial configuration from the road network of an urban compound formed by the cities of Crato, Juazeiro do Norte and Barbalha (the Crajubar - core of the Cariri metropolitan region, in the State of Ceará, Brazil), in order to establish nexus (or relations) between different levels of accessibility and the formation/ transformation and specialization of centralities in local and metropolitan scales. Stemming from the Social Logic of Space theoretical and operational apparatus, the study explores modeling possibilities (with axial lines, segments and lines of continuity) which is then confronted to empirical observations concerning movement flows and land use, within a Geographic Information System database. At different scales of analysis, the results suggest evidences of continuity were found in the permanence of intra-urban centres and sub-centres within each town, whereas evidences of change pointed out to the formation of a new centrality of metropolitan magnitude in the neighbourhood referred to as the Triângulo, in the municipality of Juazeiro, where high levels of topological accessibility coincides with the appearance of new business buildings as well as with the emergence of urban equipment of a scale more adequate to meet a regional demand


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This work aims to understand the spatial organization in the Town of Macau, State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. This approach focus on bringing back the history of the town, the main personages responsible for the construction of this place, denominated "social agents", as well as its social processes and the spatial forms derived from them. As the personages and their practices were identified, it was found out the existence of a driving force for structuring, interlocking, and maintaining the actions carried out by the social agents during the time. Such actions were materialized in the urban space: "the social segregation". The social segregation takes place as a specific geography of domination. The outcome of those owning the best areas" and ways of accessibility in the urban space, varies from the enrichment by property valorization, because of the concentration of public investments of infrastructure, to the comfort of easily reaching all the daily needs related to the displacements in the urban space. In the latter case, such facility has contributed to improve life quality. While one takes advantage of the location in the urban space, others are negatively affected by the same process. This research identified the salina worker as the weakest element of this social structure, occupying the urban periphery of the town of Macau. Such area is characterized by the lack of services and urban equipment in opposition to the center of the town, the locus of elite. This way, it is established the most known segregation pattern: center x periphery, in which the space acts as a mechanism of segregation


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The present research wants to comprehend the small towns process of production situated in the Seridó Potiguar, under a historical perspective. Many were the ways passedthrough and the social agents involved in the organization of this space that is build in the treefold: cattle-breeding/cotton plantation/mining, giving origin to the firstcenters. Through the analysis of demographic, economical and social aspects we elaborate a small towns urban profile, considering the 80 s period until today. Those aspects reveal a town s systems with several characteristics and impossible to be insert in some table of reference. These elements are showed in the concentration of urban equipment in the distribution of economical opportunities and in the social connection that are made in the routine of each place. However, the analysis of production s process and special organization proportinated us an explanation of small towns reality, confirming its importance in the urban system, catching sight that, although the restrict urban functions presented, it confirms its towns character by organizing andadministratingthe life specific community


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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In the city of Sao Paulo, where about 11 million people live, landslides and flooding occur frequently, especially during the summer. These landslides cause the destruction of houses and urban equipment, economic damage, and the loss of lives. The number of areas threatened by landslides has been increasing each year. The objective of this article is to analyze the probability of risk and susceptibility to shallow landslides in the Limoeiro River basin, which is located at the head of the Aricanduva River basin, one of the main hydrographic basins in the city of Sao Paulo. To map areas of risk, we created a cadastral survey form to evaluate landslide risk in the field. Risk was categorized into four levels based on natural and anthropogenic factors: R1 (low risk), R2 (average risk), R3 (high risk), and R4 (very high risk). To analyze susceptibility to shallow landslides, we used the SHALSTAB (Shallow Landsliding Stability) mathematical model and calculated the Distribution Frequency (DF) of the susceptibility classes for the entire basin. Finally, we performed a joint analysis of the average Risk Concentration (RC) and Risk Potential (RP). We mapped 14 risk sectors containing approximately 685 at-risk homes, more than half of which presented a high (R3) or very high (R4) probability of risk to the population. In the susceptibility map, 41% of the area was classified as stable and 20% as unconditionally unstable. Although the latter category accounted a smaller proportion of the total area, it contained a concentration (RC) of 41% of the mapped risk areas with a risk potential (RP) of 12%. We found that the locations of areas predicted to be unstable by the model coincided with the risk areas mapped in the field. This combination of methods can be applied to evaluate the risk of shallow landslides in densely populated areas and can assist public managers in defining areas that are unstable and inappropriate for occupation. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The spectacular advances computer science applied to geographic information systems (GIS) in recent times has favored the emergence of several technological solutions. These developments have given rise to enormous opportunities for digital management of the territory. Among the technological solutions, the most famous Google Maps offers free online mapping dynamic exhaustive of the Maps. In addition to meet the enormous needs of urban indicators geotagged information, we did work on this project “Integration of an urban observatory on Google Maps.” The problem of geolocation in the urban observatory is particularly relevant in the sense that there is currently no data (descriptive and geographical) reliable on the urban sector; we must stick to extrapolate from data old and obsolete. This helps to curb the effectiveness of urban management to make difficult investment programming and to prevent the acquisition of knowledge to make cities engines of growth. The use of a geolocation tool coupled to the data would allow better monitoring of indicators Our project's objective is to develop an interactive map server (WebMapping) which map layer is formed from the resources of the Google Maps servers and match information from the field to produce maps of urban equipment and infrastructure of a city data to the client's request To achieve this goal, we will participate in a study of a GPS location of strategic sites in our core sector (health facilities), on the other hand, using information from the field, we will build a postgresql database that will link the information from the field to map from Google Maps via KML scripts and PHP appropriate. We will limit ourselves in our work to the city of Douala Cameroon with the sectors of health facilities with the possibility of extension to other areas and other cities. Keywords: Geographic Information System (GIS), Thematic Mapping, Web Mapping, data mining, Google API.


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As remoções de favelas são cada vez mais frequentes no contexto brasileiro e mundial. O reassentamento de famílias atingidas por estes processos deve respeitar os preceitos de moradia adequada como um direito que venha agregar qualidade de vida e dignidade às famílias atingidas, pois do contrário podem intensificar vulnerabilidades. A presente pesquisa analisa a adaptação e a satisfação dos moradores de um reassentamento, o Conjunto Rubens Lara, localizado no bairro Jardim Casqueiro na cidade de Cubatão, resultado de um deslocamento involuntário de famílias moradoras de favelas. O conjunto possui características distintas da produção de habitação social comumente praticada, como aspectos de localização, trabalho social e projeto. O método da pesquisa foi baseado em instrumentos que permitissem a visão dos diversos atores do processo, bem como a satisfação do usuário. Para análise dos dados quantitativos foi utilizada estatística descritiva, análise fatorial e a medida de incerteza. Os resultados mostram que o fato de se tratar de uma remoção involuntária não é determinante para a satisfação do morador. Atributos positivos que ofereçam qualidade de vida trazem maior influência na satisfação, mesmo em uma situação de remoção involuntária. A localização do empreendimento foi apontada como um aspecto determinante da satisfação por conta da oferta de serviços públicos, equipamentos urbanos e oportunidades de trabalho. No entanto, questões como o arranjo em condomínio, manutenção e incremento de gastos podem colocar os ganhos do projeto em risco. Quanto à gestão condominial verificou-se que a manutenção tem importante papel nas questões condominiais, pois é influenciada tanto por aspectos de engenharia como administrativos, podendo assim, ser um componente de preocupação no futuro. A satisfação com a manutenção se mostrou como um elemento de influência para a satisfação com a gestão condominial. Por outro lado, a satisfação com o valor da taxa de condomínio está ligada à capacidade de pagamento dos moradores e não pela qualidade dos serviços em si. Foi observada inadimplência menor que as encontradas na bibliografia.


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No Brasil, ações institucionais de preservação de bens imóveis tem foco principal na arquitetura erudita, colocando em segundo plano de importância a arquitetura produzida por indivíduos com formação escassa e empírica. Este trabalho contribui para o reconhecimento da arquitetura popular (vernácula) como patrimônio cultural. Trabalha-se na criação de acervo fotográfico de edificações e equipamentos urbanos produzidos durante o período colonial, nos municípios de Tiradentes, Mariana, Ouro Preto e Diamantina (Minas Gerais). São realizadas visitas in loco para reconhecimento e seleção de objetos a serem fotografados. O registro fotográfico é realizado com câmera digital reflex de objetiva simples, privilegiando-se objetos cuja deterioração permite a observação de materiais e técnicas construtivas. Como resultado parcial da pesquisa, foram produzidas 4.522 imagens, documentando o abandono de edificações residenciais e chafarizes setecentistas e oitocentistas, bem como a descaracterização de exemplares de edificações coloniais populares habitadas, cujas paredes de adobe e pau-a-pique são substituídas por alvenaria de tijolos pelos moradores. Tornam-se necessárias ações para o reconhecimento – no âmbito do Poder Público e das comunidades locais – da relevância histórica da arquitetura popular, entendida como produto articulado e coerente de contribuições das culturas distintas que formaram essa região do Brasil.


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Squares are urban public open spaces whose use combines a number of elements that can provide their vitality, some of which can be enhanced through strategic projects. Given this general framework, the starting question which triggered this thesis: Would the elements that the literature indicate influence the vitality of the squares be perceived by their users? The hypothesis put forward was that users give priority to elements directly involved in the appropriation of space, especially the furniture and existing equipment, levels of shade and security. The focus of empirical research were public squares located in the city of Natal-RN, with the aim to identify elements that contribute to the vitality of the public squares in the city, through the relationship between spatial morphology and environmental awareness. The methodology adopted was a Case Study conducted by multimethod, using the following procedures: morphological analysis based on literature and information at three levels (radius of influence, 500m; immediate surroundings; environment itself); systematic observation (behavioral mapping centred in the location); and semi-structured interviews with users. The results showed that the public spaces more integrated in the urban areas have greater potential for use, however, its effective use depends on the perception of individuals, so that its vitality is mainly due to items identified by users as central to their continued presence in the environment because they directly affect their wellbeing and the image of the location. So some elements, notably furniture and urban equipment, are more easily detected than others, revealing that they are essential to the perception of users, so that their presence, quality and location appeared to have greater impact on use. In addition, the amount of shade and security showed as items that ensure that individuals experience public spaces more often, since the (likely) users are aware of the conservation actions or abandonment that take place on these sites, revealing itself to be potentially involved in the rescue of these spaces. Overall, the general hypothesis is only partially proven because in many situations, the vitality of squares appeared not only to be related to the elements investigated, but also additional aspects - environmental, nature, economic, social and cultural - which should also be studied.