933 resultados para Upper secondary school central examination


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Vocational teachers in Swedish upper secondary schools are a heterogeneous category of teachers, connected to different types of trade. These teachers represent a broad set of trade skills varying in content and character. In their teacher role, they continue to wear the clothes, speak the language, share the culture and remain mentally in their former professions. Still, it is central that they keep up this contact to be able to school the pupils into the environment of the trade in question, but also to help them to understand what skills a profession demands. However, the individual teacher also has to distance himself from the negative elements in the culture of the profession: patterns and habits that, for various reasons, have to be broken or changed. This paper draws attention to the ways in which a group of vocational teachers, who were participants in a project that aimed to train unauthorized vocational teachers, expressed their ambitions to prepare the pupils for a future professional career. When collecting information, we used the degree dissertations they produced and discussed in seminars, and informal dialogues. The result shows that it is important that the instruction location resembles a real working site as far as possible. These places are more or less realistic copies of a garage, a restaurant kitchen, a hairdressing salon, and so on, in order to give the pupils a realistic setting for instruction. However, the fact that these simulated workplaces lack the necessary support functions that exist in a company creates problems, problems which make a lot of extra work for the teachers. Vocational teachers also have to instruct the pupil in the experienced practitioner’s professional skills and working situation, but the pupil herself/himself must learn the job by doing it in practice. Some vocational upper secondary programs lack relevant course literature and the businesses give little support. This also makes extra work for the teachers. Moreover, the distance between the vocational programs and the trainee jobs was experienced as being difficult to overcome. One reason seems to be differences between businesses and differing preconditions between small and big companies’ abilities to take care of these pupils. The upper secondary school vocational programs also play a role in cementing existing gender roles, as well as perpetuating class-related patterns on the labour market.


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Vocational teachers in Swedish upper secondary schools are a heterogeneous category of teachers, connected to different types of trade. These teachers represent a broad set of trade skills varying in content and character. In their teacher role, they continue to wear the clothes, speak the language, share the culture and remain mentally in their former professions. Still, it is central that they keep up this contact to be able to school the pupils into the environment of the trade in question, but also to help them to understand what skills a profession demands. However, the individual teacher also has to distance himself from the negative elements in the culture of the profession: patterns and habits that, for various reasons, have to be broken or changed. This paper draws attention to the ways in which a group of vocational teachers, who were participants in a project that aimed to train unauthorized vocational teachers, expressed their ambitions to prepare the pupils for a future professional career. When collecting information, we used the degree dissertations they produced and discussed in seminars, and informal dialogues. The result shows that it is important that the instruction location resembles a real working site as far as possible. These places are more or less realistic copies of a garage, a restaurant kitchen, a hairdressing salon, and so on, in order to give the pupils a realistic setting for instruction. However, the fact that these simulated workplaces lack the necessary support functions that exist in a company creates problems, problems which make a lot of extra work for the teachers. Vocational teachers also have to instruct the pupil in the experienced practitioner’s professional skills and working situation, but the pupil herself/himself must learn the job by doing it in practice. Some vocational upper secondary programs lack relevant course literature and the businesses give little support. This also makes extra work for the teachers. Moreover, the distance between the vocational programs and the trainee jobs was experienced as being difficult to overcome. One reason seems to be differences between businesses and differing preconditions between small and big companies’ abilities to take care of these pupils. The upper secondary school vocational programs also play a role in cementing existing gender roles, as well as perpetuating class-related patterns on the labour market.


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Tämän pro gradu -lopputyön aiheena on englannin kielen modaalisten apuverbien ns. ydinjoukko: will, would, can, could, shall, should, may, might ja must. Semantiikan kannalta nämä apuverbit ovat erityisen kompleksisia: niiden tulkinnassa on usein huomattavaa monivivahteisuutta, vaikka perinteiset kieliopit antavat ymmärtää niillä olevan kaksi tai kolme toisistaan selkeästi erillään olevaa merkitystä. Ne asettavatkin vieraan kielen oppimisympäristössä erityisiä haasteita. Viimeaikainen kehitys korpuslingvistiikan metodeissa on tuottanut entistä tarkempia kuvauksia siitä, miten modaalisia apuverbejä nykyenglannissa käytetään ja mihin suuntaan niiden kehitys on lyhyenkin ajan sisällä kulkenut. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on ollut verrata näiden uusien tutkimusten tuloksia siihen todellisuuteen, jonka englannin kielen lukiotasoinen oppimateriaali Suomessa opiskelijalle tarjoaa. Lähdin siitä, että opetussuunnitelman vaatima autenttisuus ja kommunikaativisuus kieltenopetuksessa tulisi näkyä tasapuolisena modaalisten apuverbien kohteluna. Alkuperäinen hypoteesini kuitenkin oli, että siinä miten modaalisuus ilmenee autenttisessa ympäristössä ja siinä miten se esitetään oppikirjoissa, on poikkeavuuksia. Lähestymistapani tähän tutkielmaan oli korpuslähtöinen. Valitsin kahdesta lukion kirjasarjasta ne kirjat, joissa modaaliset apuverbit mainittiin eksplisiittisesti. Skannasin jokaisen neljästä eri kirjasta löytyvän (kokonaisen) tekstin ja rakensin näistä aineksista pienen korpuksen. Tästä korpuksesta hain korpusanalyyseihin tarkoitetulla ohjelmalla kaikki lauseet, joissa esiintyi modaalisia apuverbejä. Tämän jälkeen analysoin jokaisen modaalisen apuverbin semanttisesti lauseyhteydessään. Tämän analyysin tuloksena pystyin rakentamaan taulukoita ja vertailemaan tuloksia uusimpien tutkimusten tuloksiin. Tämän tutkielman perusteella poikkeavuuksia on olemassa. Yleisesti ottaen modaalisten apuverbien keskinäinen frekvenssi oli oikean suuntainen: mitään apuverbiä ei ollut käytetty merkittävästi enemmän tai vähemmän kuin mitä viimeaikaisen tutkimuksen valossa olisi suotavaa. Sen sijaan apuverbien semanttisessa jakaumassa oli paikoin suuriakin eroja siinä, mitkä merkitykset oppikirjoissa painottuivat ja mitkä taas nykyenglannissa vaikuttaisivat olevan frekvensseiltään suurempia. Erityisesti can ja must erottuivat joukosta siinä, että oppikirjojen tarjoama kuva niiden käytöstä on päinvastainen kuin mitä voisi odottaa: can-verbin käyttö painottui selvästi tarkoittamaan ’kykyä’ eikä ’mahdollisuutta’, joka nykytutkimuksen valossa on sen pääasiallinen käyttötapa. Toisaalta must tarkoitti aineistossa ylikorostuneesti ’pakkoa’, kun se useimmiten nykyään tarkoittaa yhtä usein ’johtopäätöstä’ kuin ’pakkoa’. Lisäksi ’lupaa’ pyydettiin aineistossa merkillisen harvoin. Tulosten perusteella esitän, että oppikirjojen tekijät yleisellä tasolla luopuisivat kielioppikirjojen luutuneista käsityksistä ja uskaltaisivat altistaa opiskelijat koko modaalisten apuverbien merkityskirjolle.


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This study explores Swedish Natural Science students' conceptions about gender and mathematics. I conducted and compared the results from two questionnaires. The first questionnaire revealed a view of rather traditional feminities and masulinities, a result that did not repeat itself in the second questionnaire. There was a discrepancy between the traits the students ascribed as gender different and the traits they ascribed to themselves.


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The Swedish upper secondary school has made a transition from a school for the elite to be a school for everybody. When almost every youth nowadays chooses to continue studying, for some of them this is not what they want to do most of all. However, as there in practice is no choice, there come up problems and many upper secondary school teachers experience a growing frustration. We will here discuss some aspects of the following questions: -  How do upper secondary schoolteachers handle their working-conditions in a new situation? - What possible consequences do this have on teacher education?


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This investigation attempts to answer the question why more and more parents have chosen the Gymnasium for their children's secondary school education in post‐war West Germany. Based on the theory of subjective expected utility, the crucial mechanisms of parental educational decisions have been emphasized. From this perspective it is assumed that increasing educational motivation coupled with changes in the subjective evaluation of the cost–benefit of education were important conditions for an increasing participation in upper secondary schools. These were, however, in turn, the result of educational expansion. The empirical analyses for three time‐periods in the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s confirm these assumptions to a large degree. Additionally, empirical evidence was found to suggest that in addition to the intentions of parents and the educational career of their children, structural moments of educational expansion and their own inertia played an important role in the pupils' transition from one educational level to the next. Finally, evidence was found that persistent class‐specific educational inequality stems from a constant balance in the relative cost–benefit advantages between social classes as well as from an increasing difference of primary origin effect between social classes in the realization of their educational choice.


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In this MA thesis, test anxiety related to English exams among Finnish upper secondary school students was studied. In addition, the ways students try to cope with test anxiety were investigated. The purpose of the study was to investigate gender differences in test anxiety, the effects of test anxiety on academic performance and relationships between test anxiety, academic performance and coping strategies. Test anxiety and coping strategies were analysed as scores of questionnaire responses. Coping strategies comprised of three categories – task-orientation and preparation, seeking social support and avoidance. Academic performance was analysed as teacher ratings of general performance in English exams. In total 67 subjects were studied. The subjects were Finnish general upper secondary school students. The data were collected by using online questionnaires. This data were mainly quantitative, but also qualitative elements were included. The quantitative data were analysed by using statistical methods. The results showed that females experienced statistically significantly more test anxiety than males. In addition, a statistically significant correlation was found between test anxiety levels and academic performance ratings of the subjects: the higher the test anxiety score, the lower the academic performance rating. A meaningful correlation was found between test anxiety and seeking social support as a coping strategy: a higher test anxiety score was related to using social support as a coping strategy. However, no relationships were found between academic performance and the three coping strategies when quantitative and qualitative data were analysed. Therefore, different coping strategies per se did not seem to be related to academic performance, but instead it was assumed that the effectiveness of coping strategies is dependent on individual differences. In order to obtain more generalisable results and to gain more understanding of test anxiety and coping with it, a larger number of subjects form different areas of Finland and of different ages could be examined in future studies. Moreover, cross-national and cross-cultural studies could provide valuable information. As a practical recommendation for educational purposes, the results of this study indicated that a more individualised approach is needed.


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International research with regard to the intended as well as to the unintended outcomes and effects of high-stakes testing shows that the impact of high-stakes tests has important consequences for the participants involved in the respective educational systems. The purpose of this special issue is to examine the implementation of high-stakes testing in different national school systems and to refer to the effects in view of the concept of Educational Governance. (DIPF/Orig.)


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The author will explore the performance of boys and girls in external examinations in Slovenia at the beginning of upper secondary and tertiary education. These are critical points in students’ educational career at which he/she has to choose a school/university. Since both transitions are managed centrally by appropriate authorities, this is also a question of Educational Governance. Transitions between levels of education should, above all, assure fairness in selection procedures. At the point of transition to upper secondary schools we will explore differences between students’ achievements in various school subjects tested at the national assessment of knowledge (NA), and their school grades by gender. Since only school grades are used as admission criteria to upper secondary schools, this comparison of school grades with external and more objective measure of students’ achievement will show possible bias. In Slovenia admission to tertiary education usually consists of (externally assessed) Matura results and school grades in the last two years of upper secondary school. The author will compare the effects of both most commonly used measures of academic achievement on admission in view of gender differences. Study courses where selection procedure was actually applied will be of specific interest since they can show signs of (un)fairness. Results show signs of bias and build case for better Educational Governance. (DIPF/Orig.)


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There is evidence that students benefit from teachers’ explicit fostering of metacognitive strategy knowledge (MSK). However, there is insufficient understanding about the effect of implicit promotion of MSK in regular school instruction. This study investigates the relationship between perceived characteristics of learning environments (social climate, support, autonomy, self-reflection) and students’ MSK. A representative cohort of students (Nt1 = 1,272/Nt2 = 1,126) in Grades 10 and 11 at schools at the upper secondary education level (ISCED Level 3A) in Switzerland participated in this two-wave longitudinal study. Multilevel analysis showed effects on both the individual and the class level. Students who experienced higher social integration showed a higher extent of MSK at the beginning of the school year than students who experienced less social integration. Perceived autonomy was also positively related to students’ MSK on the individual level. In contrast, the results showed a negative relationship between perceived self-reflection and students’ MSK. On the class level, there was a negative relationship between self-reflection and students’ MSK. Teachers’ support did not correlate with students’ MSK on either the individual or the class level. Implications of these results for education and further studies are discussed. (DIPF/Orig.)


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The aim of the present study was to find out the level of lexical sophistication and the mean length of sentences used in compositions written by Finnish upper secondary school students of English. In addition, the present study investigated the possible relationship between the two abovementioned variables. The study at hand was longitudinal: as data, a set of 50 compositions were collected in 2014 from the same writers both in the first and the final year of upper secondary school, 25 in the first year and 25 in the final year. In the analysis, an internet-based program called VocabProfile was utilized in order to find out the lexical sophistication of the investigated students. To find out the mean length of sentence and the relationship between these two, I used Microsoft Excel. Findings of the present study include a minor decrease in the use of less frequent vocabulary and a slight increase in the use of the two most frequently appearing thousand words of English: both of these changes were 1.99 percentage points. As for the mean length of sentence, it grew by 1.28 words during upper secondary school. As for the relationship between the two variables, no clear correlations could be found. It became, however, relatively clear that the topic of the composition might have an effect on the results. Thus more research is needed to fully see the effect of lexical sophistication and mean length of sentence on one another. In addition, future research would benefit greatly if all investigated students wrote on the same topic.


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The shift from decentralized to centralized A-level examinations (Abitur) was implemented in the German school system as a measure of Educational Governance in the last decade. This reform was mainly introduced with the intention of providing higher comparability of school examinations and student achievement as well as increasing fairness in school examinations. It is not known yet if these ambitious aims and functions of the new centralized examination format have been achieved and if fairer assessment can be guaranteed in terms of providing all students with the same opportunities to pass the examinations by allocating fair tests to different student subpopulations e.g., students of different background or gender. The research presented in this article deals with these questions and focuses on gender differences. It investigates gender-specific fairness of the test items in centralized Abitur examinations as high school exit examinations in Germany. The data are drawn from Abitur examinations in English (as a foreign language). Differential item functioning (DIF) analysis reveals that at least some parts of the examinations indicate gender inequality. (DIPF/Orig.)


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In this paper, we seek to operationalize Amartya Sen's concept of human capability to guide a scholarly investigation of student career choice capability. We begin by outlining factors affecting youth labour markets in Australia; a prosperous country that is affected by a ‘two-speed’ national economy. We then examine recent government initiatives that have been designed to combat youth unemployment and cyclical disadvantage by enhancing the aspirations and career knowledge of secondary school students. We argue that these policy measures are based on four assumptions: first, that career choice capability is a problem of individual agency; second, that the dissemination of career information can empower students to act as ‘consumers’ in an unequal job market; third, that agency is simply a question of will; and finally, that school education and career advice – as a means to freedom in the space of career development – is of equal quality, distribution and value to an increasingly diverse range of upper secondary school students. The paper concludes by outlining a conceptual framework capable of informing an empirical research project that aims to test these assumptions by measuring and comparing differences between groups in the range of freedom to achieve and, therefore, to choose.