959 resultados para Upper Paleolithic
Este trabalho foi apresentado no âmbito de Provas de Agregação na área de Arqueologia. Estas provas académicas, constituídas por 3 fases, são de carácter público. Para cada fase existe um arguente, sendo as fases, respectivamente, a discussão do currículo do candidato, a análise de um relatório de uma disciplina do ensino universitário e uma lição-síntese, seguida de discussão. Esta última prova consiste numa apresentação de uma hora de um tema à escolha e, como parte constituinte das Provas de Agregação, pode ser pensada de duas formas essencialmente opostas: uma de entre as várias lições do programa da disciplina apresentado no relatório acima mencionado, fazendo por isso a descrição de uma qualquer parte do conteúdo desse mesmo programa; ou, pelo contrário, respeitar o título da prova e fazer-se uma verdadeira lição síntese, de carácter inédito.
New carbon and nitrogen stable isotope values for human remains dating to the mid-Upper Paleolithic in Europe indicate significant amounts of aquatic (fish, mollusks, and/or birds) foods in some of their diets. Most of this evidence points to exploitation of inland freshwater aquatic resources in particular. By contrast, European Neandertal collagen carbon and nitrogen stable isotope values do not indicate significant use of inland aquatic foods but instead show that they obtained the majority of their protein from terrestrial herbivores. In agreement with recent zooarcheological analyses, the isotope results indicate shifts toward a more broad-spectrum subsistence economy in inland Europe by the mid-Upper Paleolithic period, probably associated with significant population increases.
Two sites located on the northern Levantine coast, Üçağızlı Cave (Turkey) and Ksar 'Akil (Lebanon) have yielded numerous marine shell beads in association with early Upper Paleolithic stone tools. Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon dates indicate ages between 39,000 and 41,000 radiocarbon years (roughly 41,000–43,000 calendar years) for the oldest ornament-bearing levels in Üçağızlı Cave. Based on stratigraphic evidence, the earliest shell beads from Ksar 'Akil may be even older. These artifacts provide some of the earliest evidence for traditions of personal ornament manufacture by Upper Paleolithic humans in western Asia, comparable in age to similar objects from Eastern Europe and Africa. The new data show that the initial appearance of Upper Paleolithic ornament technologies was essentially simultaneous on three continents. The early appearance and proliferation of ornament technologies appears to have been contingent on variable demographic or social conditions.
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Este trabajo ha sido realizado en el marco del Grupo de Investigación Consolidado GIC 07/21-IT.288.07.
[ES] Partiendo de la caracterización del ciclo gráfico mueble figurativo del Gravetiense peninsular (Morín, Antoliñako koba, El Castillo, Les Mallaetes y El Parpalló), se exploran las relaciones gráficas entre cada una de las piezas y los conjuntos rupestres. Se reflexiona sobre el orden cronológico y la dispersión espacial de las similitudes gráficas en el ámbito de la Península Ibérica. Se concluye que el ciclo gráfico gravetiense se caracteriza por un alto grado de normativismo gráfico, que las comparaciones permiten entender las tendencias gráficas como tradiciones de amplia distribución geográfica y que los datos actuales de índole cronológico no permiten discutir sobre bases concluyentes el desarrollo del ciclo gráfico gravetiense rupestre.
[ES] La cueva de Gatzarria ofrece un rico e interesante relleno del Paleolítico medio y superior. La industria ósea «elaborada» (puntas,puntas en extremo, alisadores y varillas) se halla documentada en los niveles Protoauriñacienses (cjn2 y cjnl), en el Auriñaciense antiguo de cbci-cbf y en el Autiñaciense evolucionado de cb. De todas las categorías atestiguadas que aquí tratamos, el grupo más numeroso e interesante es el de las puntas: junto a una serie de ejemplares sin denominación específica que se repiten en los mencionados niveles, existen algunos tipos ligados específicamente a algunos de ellos; es el caso de las puntas fusiformes en cjn2, de las puntas sublosángicas en cjnl y de las puntas de base hendida en cbci-cbf.
[ES] En algunos de los niveles del Paleolítico superior inicial de la cueva de Gatzarria (Zuberoa, País Vasco) existen documentados una buena serie de colgantes y otras manifestaciones artísticas, tanto en hueso o asta como en piedra. Por relación al registro estratigráfico, hay constancia de ellos en el Protoauriñaciense de Cjn 1, en el Auriñaciense antiguo de Cbci-Cbf y en el Auriñaciense evolucionado de Cb. La muestra más importante, tanto desde el punto de vista de la cantidad de efectivos como de la variabilidad de temas, es la correspondiente al Auriñaciense antiguo; temas que, por otra parte, han sido puestos de manifiesto en un número considerable de estaciones prehistóricas, más o menos circundantes a la cueva de Gatzarria.
Dissertação mest., Arqueologia - Teoria e Métodos, Universidade do Algarve, 2007
Doctorat effectué en cotutelle Pour le département d'histoire de l'Université de Montréal, M.M. Jacques G. Ruelland et Othmar Keel, Pour le laboratoire P.A.C.E.A.– U.M.R. 5199. C.N.R.S., de l'École doctorale des sciences Terre-Mer, directeurs successifs, M. P.-Y. Demars, puis M. Michel Lenoir. Thèse soutenue à Bordeaux le 6 juin 2012.
The Reclau Caves, which form part of the Serinyà Prehistoric Caves Park (Pla de l’Estany, Girona), are shelters formed by waterfall travertines which have been in turn affected by karstification phenomena. Though relatively small, these cavities were big enough to held human occupation. Its evolution has seen the falling of blocks and infilling of terrigenous materials. Thus, the caves were completely filled and had most of their original roofs fallen. The first excavations of these caves were made in the mid 1940s and they continued, albeit with some interruptions, until present times. The caves were occupied by humans since the late Middle Pleistocene until the Holocene. Hence, the main occupation periods can be attributed to the Middle Paleolithic and Upper Paleolithic cultures. Given the existence of these sites, the project of an archeological park was started and its first phase opened to the public in the summer of 1997. The creation of this park has led to the protection of the three main caves of the site (Arbreda, Mollet and Reclau Viver Caves). The caves have also been adapted and singposted to open them to the public. Other facilities of the park include a reception building and an activity area. The caves can be visited in guided tours which include the projection of a film, the visit to the permanent exhibition room, the three main caves and the participation in some prehistoric-related activities
S'ha analitzat el pas del paleolític mitjà al paleolític superior a Catalunya en base a l'estudi dels jaciments de la cova dels Ermitons (Sales de Llierca, Garrotxa) i de les coves del Reclau -Arbreda, Mollet i Reclau Viver-(Serinyà, Pla de l'Estany). En concret s'ha estudiat la cultura material i la fauna dels nivells mosterians tardans (paleolítc mitjà final) de les coves de l'Arbreda i dels Ermitons i dels aurinyacians (paleolític superior inicial) de les coves de l'Arbreda i de Mollet. Igualment s'han analitzat els territoris d'explotació de la cova dels Ermitons i de les coves del Reclau. D'aquesta anàlisi es desprén que els dos jaciments se situen en medis absolutament diferents. S'han analitzat els contextos geològics dels dos llocs, s'ha fet les descripció morfològica de cada un dels dos jaciments, així com l'estratigràfica i sedimentològica de cada cova. S'han datat els nivells mosterians i aurinyacians esmentats pel mètode del Carboni 14 AMS, així com també els aurinyacians de la cova del Reclau Viver. S'acompanyen aquestes dades amb les anàlisis paleoecològiques corresponents que s'han pogut efectuar: palinologia, antracologia, ictiologia, herpetologia, aus, quiròpters, insectívors i rosegadors. Es comparen les datacions obtingudes ambles d'altres jaciments i troballes catalans del mateix període: l'abric Romaní (Capellades, Anoia), la Roca dels Bous (Camarasa, la Noguera) i la mandíbula de Banyoles (Pla de l'Estany). Cim a conclusions s'estableixen les diferències a Catalunya entre el paleolític mitjà (cultura de l'home Neandertal) i el paleolític superior (cultura de l'home anatòmicament modern). En el segon apareix la tècnica de talla laminar, la indústria òssia ben elaborada, l'ornamentació, la decoració, es generalitza la importació del sílex com a matèria primera, es diversifica l'utillatge lític i hi ha una major utilització de les coves. S'interpreta aquest pas dins del context geogràfic franco-ibèric i es conclou que a Catalunya es caracteritza fonamentalment per dos fenòments: el reemplaçament abrupte i la contemporaneïtat. Aquesta abastaria entre 40.000 BP i el 33.000 BP segons cronologia radiocarbònica. Durant aquests temps la influència de la cultura del paleolític superior sobre la del paleolític mitjà seria escassa, encara que identificada per la presencia d'alguns útils de tipus paleolític superior en el tardomosterià de la cova dels Ermitons
Modern studies of prebiotic non digestible carbohydrates continue to expand and demonstrate their colonic and systemic benefits. However, virtually nothing is known of their use among ancient populations. In this paper we discuss evidence for prebiotic use in the archaeological record from select areas of the world. It is suggested that members of our genus Homo would have had sufficient ecological opportunity to include prebiotic-bearing plants in diet as early as ~ 2 million years ago, but that significant dietary intake would not have taken place until the advent of technological advances that characterized the Upper Paleolithic of ~40,000 years ago. Throughout human evolution, hominid populations that diversified their diet to include prebiotic-bearing plants would have had a selective advantage over competitors.
1] We apply a novel computational approach to assess, for the first time, volcanic ash dispersal during the Campanian Ignimbrite (Italy) super-eruption providing insights into eruption dynamics and the impact of this gigantic event. The method uses a 3D time-dependent computational ash dispersion model, a set of wind fields, and more than 100 thickness measurements of the CI tephra deposit. Results reveal that the CI eruption dispersed 250–300 km3 of ash over ∼3.7 million km2. The injection of such a large quantity of ash (and volatiles) into the atmosphere would have caused a volcanic winter during the Heinrich Event 4, the coldest and driest climatic episode of the Last Glacial period. Fluorine-bearing leachate from the volcanic ash and acid rain would have further affected food sources and severely impacted Late Middle-Early Upper Paleolithic groups in Southern and Eastern Europe