988 resultados para Updated Lagrangian
Based on the refined non-conforming element method for geometric nonlinear analysis, a refined nonlinear non-conforming triangular plate element is constructed using the Total Lagrangian (T.L.) and the Updated Lagrangian (U.L.) approach. The refined nonlinear non-conforming triangular plate element is based on the Allman's triangular plane element with drilling degrees of freedom [1] and the refined non-conforming triangular plate element RT9 [2]. The element is used to analyze the geometric nonlinear behavior of plates and the numerical examples show that the refined non-conforming triangular plate element by the T.L. and U.L. approach can give satisfactory results. The computed results obtained from the T.L. and U.L. approach for the same numerical examples are somewhat different and the reasons for the difference of the computed results are given in detail in this paper. © 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
This study was carried out with the aim of modeling in 2D, in plain strain, the movement of a soft cohesive soil around a pile, in order to enable the determination of stresses resulting along the pile, per unit length. The problem in study fits into the large deformations problem and can be due to landslide, be close of depth excavations, to be near of zones where big loads are applied in the soil, etc. In this study is used an constitutive Elasto-Plastic model with the failure criterion of Mohr-Coulomb to model the soil behavior. The analysis is developed considering the soil in undrained conditions. To the modeling is used the finite element program PLAXIS, which use the Updated Lagrangian - Finite Element Method (UL-FEM). In this work, special attention is given to the soil-pile interaction, where is presented with some detail the formulation of the interface elements and some studies for a better understand of his behavior. It is developed a 2-D model that simulates the effect of depth allowing the study of his influence in the stress distribution around the pile. The results obtained give an important base about how behaves the movement of the soil around a pile, about how work the finite element program PLAXIS and how is the stress distribution around the pile. The analysis demonstrate that the soil-structure interaction modeled with the UL-FEM and interface elements is more appropriate to small deformations problems.
In this article, a model for the determination of displacements, strains, and stresses of a submarine pipeline during its construction is presented. Typically, polyethylene outfall pipelines are the ones treated by this model. The process is carried out from an initial floating situation to the final laying position on the seabed. The following control variables are considered in the laying process: the axial load in the pipe, the flooded inner length, and the distance of the control barge from the coast. External loads such as self-weight, dead loads, and forces due to currents and small waves are also taken into account.This paper describes both the conceptual framework for the proposed model and its practical application in a real engineering situation. The authors also consider how the model might be used as a tool to study how sensitive the behavior of the pipeline is to small changes in the values of the control variables. A detailed description of the actions is considered, especially the ones related to the marine environment such as buoyancy, current, and sea waves. The structural behavior of the pipeline is simulated in the framework of a geometrically nonlinear dynamic analysis. The pipeline is assumed to be a two-dimensional Navier_Bernoulli beam. In the nonlinear analysis an updated Lagrangian formulation is used, and special care is taken regarding the numerical aspects of sea bed contact, follower forces due to external water pressures, and dynamic actions. The paper concludes by describing the implementation of the proposed techniques, using the ANSYS computer program with a number of subroutines developed by the authors. This implementation permits simulation of the two-dimensional structural pipe behavior of the whole construction process. A sensitivity analysis of the bending moments, axial forces, and stresses for different values of the control variables is carried out. Using the techniques described, the engineer may optimize the construction steps in the pipe laying process
In this article, a model for the determination of displacements, deformations and tensions of a submarine pipeline during the construction is presented. The process is carried out from an initial floating situation to the final laying position on the seabed. The existence of currents and small waves are also considered. Firstly, this technique, usually applied to polyethylene pipelines, is described in this paper as well as some real world examples, as well as the variables that can be modified to control the behavior of the structure. A detailed description of the actions in this process is considered, specially the ones related to marine environment, as Archimedes force, current and sea waves. The behavior of the pipeline is modeled with a non linear elasto dynamic model where geometric non linearities are taken into account. A 3-D beam model, without cross section deformation effects, is developed. Special care is taken in the numerical analysis, developed within an updated lagrangian formulation framework, with the sea bed contact, the follower forces due to the external water pressures and the dynamic actions. Finally, some subroutines are implemented into ANSYS to simulate the two dimensional case, where the whole construction process is achieved. With this software, a sensibility analysis of the bending moments, axial forces and stresses obtained with different values of the control variables in order to optimize the construction steps. These control variables are, the axial load in the pipe, the inundated inner length and the distance of the control barge from the coast.
O método dos elementos finitos é o método numérico mais difundido na análise de estruturas. Ao longo das últimas décadas foram formulados inúmeros elementos finitos para análise de cascas e placas. As formulações de elementos finitos lidam bem com o campo de deslocamentos, mas geralmente faltam testes que possam validar os resultados obtidos para o campo das tensões. Este trabalho analisa o elemento finito T6-3i, um elemento finito triangular de seis nós proposto dentro de uma formulação geometricamente exata, em relação aos seus resultados de tensões, comparando-os com as teorias analíticas de placas, resultados de tabelas para o cálculo de momentos em placas retangulares e do ANSYSr, um software comercial para análise estrutural, mostrando que o T6-3i pode apresentar resultados insatisfatórios. Na segunda parte deste trabalho, as potencialidades do T6-3i são expandidas, sendo proposta uma formulação dinâmica para análise não linear de cascas. Utiliza-se um modelo Lagrangiano atualizado e a forma fraca é obtida do Teorema dos Trabalhos Virtuais. São feitas simulações numéricas da deformação de domos finos que apresentam vários snap-throughs e snap-backs, incluindo domos com vincos curvos, mostrando a robustez, simplicidade e versatilidade do elemento na sua formulação e na geração das malhas não estruturadas necessárias para as simulações.
With the theme of fracture of finite-strain plates and shells based on a phase-field model of crack regularization, we introduce a new staggered algorithm for elastic and elasto-plastic materials. To account for correct fracture behavior in bending, two independent phase-fields are used, corresponding to the lower and upper faces of the shell. This is shown to provide a realistic behavior in bending-dominated problems, here illustrated in classical beam and plate problems. Finite strain behavior for both elastic and elasto-plastic constitutive laws is made compatible with the phase-field model by use of a consistent updated-Lagrangian algorithm. To guarantee sufficient resolution in the definition of the crack paths, a local remeshing algorithm based on the phase- field values at the lower and upper shell faces is introduced. In this local remeshing algorithm, two stages are used: edge-based element subdivision and node repositioning. Five representative numerical examples are shown, consisting of a bi-clamped beam, two versions of a square plate, the Keesecker pressurized cylinder problem, the Hexcan problem and the Muscat-Fenech and Atkins plate. All problems were successfully solved and the proposed solution was found to be robust and efficient.
A Lagrangian model of photochemistry and mixing is described (CiTTyCAT, stemming from the Cambridge Tropospheric Trajectory model of Chemistry And Transport), which is suitable for transport and chemistry studies throughout the troposphere. Over the last five years, the model has been developed in parallel at several different institutions and here those developments have been incorporated into one "community" model and documented for the first time. The key photochemical developments include a new scheme for biogenic volatile organic compounds and updated emissions schemes. The key physical development is to evolve composition following an ensemble of trajectories within neighbouring air-masses, including a simple scheme for mixing between them via an evolving "background profile", both within the boundary layer and free troposphere. The model runs along trajectories pre-calculated using winds and temperature from meteorological analyses. In addition, boundary layer height and precipitation rates, output from the analysis model, are interpolated to trajectory points and used as inputs to the mixing and wet deposition schemes. The model is most suitable in regimes when the effects of small-scale turbulent mixing are slow relative to advection by the resolved winds so that coherent air-masses form with distinct composition and strong gradients between them. Such air-masses can persist for many days while stretching, folding and thinning. Lagrangian models offer a useful framework for picking apart the processes of air-mass evolution over inter-continental distances, without being hindered by the numerical diffusion inherent to global Eulerian models. The model, including different box and trajectory modes, is described and some output for each of the modes is presented for evaluation. The model is available for download from a Subversion-controlled repository by contacting the corresponding authors.
Two Augmented Lagrangian algorithms for solving KKT systems are introduced. The algorithms differ in the way in which penalty parameters are updated. Possibly infeasible accumulation points are characterized. It is proved that feasible limit points that satisfy the Constant Positive Linear Dependence constraint qualification are KKT solutions. Boundedness of the penalty parameters is proved under suitable assumptions. Numerical experiments are presented.
The boundedness of penalty parameters in an augmented Lagrangian method with constrained subproblems
Augmented Lagrangian methods are effective tools for solving large-scale nonlinear programming problems. At each outer iteration, a minimization subproblem with simple constraints, whose objective function depends on updated Lagrange multipliers and penalty parameters, is approximately solved. When the penalty parameter becomes very large, solving the subproblem becomes difficult; therefore, the effectiveness of this approach is associated with the boundedness of the penalty parameters. In this paper, it is proved that under more natural assumptions than the ones employed until now, penalty parameters are bounded. For proving the new boundedness result, the original algorithm has been slightly modified. Numerical consequences of the modifications are discussed and computational experiments are presented.
Despite a strong increase in research on seamounts and oceanic islands ecology and biogeography, many basic aspects of their biodiversity are still unknown. In the southwestern Atlantic, the Vitória-Trindade Seamount Chain (VTC) extends ca. 1,200 km offshore the Brazilian continental shelf, from the Vitória seamount to the oceanic islands of Trindade and Martin Vaz. For a long time, most of the biological information available regarded its islands. Our study presents and analyzes an extensive database on the VTC fish biodiversity, built on data compiled from literature and recent scientific expeditions that assessed both shallow to mesophotic environments. A total of 273 species were recorded, 211 of which occur on seamounts and 173 at the islands. New records for seamounts or islands include 191 reef fish species and 64 depth range extensions. The structure of fish assemblages was similar between islands and seamounts, not differing in species geographic distribution, trophic composition, or spawning strategies. Main differences were related to endemism, higher at the islands, and to the number of endangered species, higher at the seamounts. Since unregulated fishing activities are common in the region, and mining activities are expected to drastically increase in the near future (carbonates on seamount summits and metals on slopes), this unique biodiversity needs urgent attention and management.
After an ichthyofaunistic survey in several epigean (surface) water bodies of the Serra do Ramalho, southern Bahia, conducted in May 2007, 44 species were recorded; in addition, three non-troglomorphic (normally eyed and pigmented) and two troglomorphic species were recorded only in caves, totaling 49 species of fishes for the area, which represents a little more than one fourth of the total registered in the literature for the entire Rio São Francisco basin. In these caves, which have been studied since 2005, eight non-troglomorphic species were sampled and their presence in both epigean and subterranean habitats, associated to the lack of morphological differences, indicate that they may be either troglophiles (species encompassing individuals able to live and complete their life cycle either in the surface or in the subterranean environment), trogloxenes (individuals regularly found in subterranean habitats, but which must return periodically to the surface in order to complete their life cycle) or even accidental in caves. In addition, two troglomorphic species (with reduced eyes and melanic pigmentation when compared to close epigean relatives), belonging respectively to the genera Rhamdia and Trichomycterus, were recorded exclusively in caves, thus classified as troglobites. Interestingly, no epigean representative of the genus Trichomycterus was collected. The new data are integrated into updated lists of Brazilian troglobitic and troglophilic fishes, based on published data and new records recently confirmed.
This work examines the sources of moisture affecting the semi-arid Brazilian Northeast (NEB) during its pre-rainy and rainy season (JFMAM) through a Lagrangian diagnosis method. The FLEXPART model identifies the humidity contributions to the moisture budget over a region through the continuous computation of changes in the specific humidity along back or forward trajectories up to 10 days period. The numerical experiments were done for the period that spans between 2000 and 2004 and results were aggregated on a monthly basis. Results show that besides a minor local recycling component, the vast majority of moisture reaching NEB area is originated in the south Atlantic basin and that the nearby wet Amazon basin bears almost no impact. Moreover, although the maximum precipitation in the ""Poligono das Secas'' region (PS) occurs in March and the maximum precipitation associated with air parcels emanating from the South Atlantic towards PS is observed along January to March, the highest moisture contribution from this oceanic region occurs slightly later (April). A dynamical analysis suggests that the maximum precipitation observed in the PS sector does not coincide with the maximum moisture supply probably due to the combined effect of the Walker and Hadley cells in inhibiting the rising motions over the region in the months following April.
Traditionally, chronotype classification is based on the Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire (MEQ). It is implicit in the classification that intermediate individuals get intermediate scores to most of the MEQ questions. However, a small group of individuals has a different pattern of answers. In some questions, they answer as ""morning-types"" and in some others they answer as ""evening-types,"" resulting in an intermediate total score. ""Evening-type"" and ""Morning-type"" answers were set as A(1) and A(4), respectively. Intermediate answers were set as A(2) and A(3). The following algorithm was applied: Bimodality Index = (Sigma A(1) x Sigma A(4))(2) - (Sigma A(2) x Sigma A(3))(2). Neither-types that had positive bimodality scores were classified as bimodal. If our hypothesis is validated by objective data, an update of chronotype classification will be required. (Author correspondence: brunojm@ymail.com)
Corresponding to the updated flow pattern map presented in Part I of this study, an updated general flow pattern based flow boiling heat transfer model was developed for CO2 using the Cheng-Ribatski-Wojtan-Thome [L. Cheng, G. Ribatski, L. Wojtan, J.R. Thome, New flow boiling heat transfer model and flow pattern map for carbon dioxide evaporating inside horizontal tubes, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 49 (2006) 4082-4094; L. Cheng, G. Ribatski, L. Wojtan, J.R. Thome, Erratum to: ""New flow boiling heat transfer model and flow pattern map for carbon dioxide evaporating inside tubes"" [Heat Mass Transfer 49 (21-22) (2006) 4082-4094], Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 50 (2007) 391] flow boiling heat transfer model as the starting basis. The flow boiling heat transfer correlation in the dryout region was updated. In addition, a new mist flow heat transfer correlation for CO2 was developed based on the CO2 data and a heat transfer method for bubbly flow was proposed for completeness sake. The updated general flow boiling heat transfer model for CO2 covers all flow regimes and is applicable to a wider range of conditions for horizontal tubes: tube diameters from 0.6 to 10 mm, mass velocities from 50 to 1500 kg/m(2) s, heat fluxes from 1.8 to 46 kW/m(2) and saturation temperatures from -28 to 25 degrees C (reduced pressures from 0.21 to 0.87). The updated general flow boiling heat transfer model was compared to a new experimental database which contains 1124 data points (790 more than that in the previous model [Cheng et al., 2006, 2007]) in this study. Good agreement between the predicted and experimental data was found in general with 71.4% of the entire database and 83.2% of the database without the dryout and mist flow data predicted within +/-30%. However, the predictions for the dryout and mist flow regions were less satisfactory due to the limited number of data points, the higher inaccuracy in such data, scatter in some data sets ranging up to 40%, significant discrepancies from one experimental study to another and the difficulties associated with predicting the inception and completion of dryout around the perimeter of the horizontal tubes. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The applicability of a meshfree approximation method, namely the EFG method, on fully geometrically exact analysis of plates is investigated. Based on a unified nonlinear theory of plates, which allows for arbitrarily large rotations and displacements, a Galerkin approximation via MLS functions is settled. A hybrid method of analysis is proposed, where the solution is obtained by the independent approximation of the generalized internal displacement fields and the generalized boundary tractions. A consistent linearization procedure is performed, resulting in a semi-definite generalized tangent stiffness matrix which, for hyperelastic materials and conservative loadings, is always symmetric (even for configurations far from the generalized equilibrium trajectory). Besides the total Lagrangian formulation, an updated version is also presented, which enables the treatment of rotations beyond the parameterization limit. An extension of the arc-length method that includes the generalized domain displacement fields, the generalized boundary tractions and the load parameter in the constraint equation of the hyper-ellipsis is proposed to solve the resulting nonlinear problem. Extending the hybrid-displacement formulation, a multi-region decomposition is proposed to handle complex geometries. A criterium for the classification of the equilibrium`s stability, based on the Bordered-Hessian matrix analysis, is suggested. Several numerical examples are presented, illustrating the effectiveness of the method. Differently from the standard finite element methods (FEM), the resulting solutions are (arbitrary) smooth generalized displacement and stress fields. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.