943 resultados para Unmanned vehicles
It is known that the techniques under the topic of Soft Computing have a strong capability of learning and cognition, as well as a good tolerance to uncertainty and imprecision. Due to these properties they can be applied successfully to Intelligent Vehicle Systems; ITS is a broad range of technologies and techniques that hold answers to many transportation problems. The unmannedcontrol of the steering wheel of a vehicle is one of the most important challenges facing researchers in this area. This paper presents a method to adjust automatically a fuzzy controller to manage the steering wheel of a mass-produced vehicle; to reach it, information about the car state while a human driver is handling the car is taken and used to adjust, via iterative geneticalgorithms an appropriated fuzzy controller. To evaluate the obtained controllers, it will be considered the performance obtained in the track following task, as well as the smoothness of the driving carried out.
El objetivo principal de esta Tesis es extender la utilización del “Soft- Computing” para el control de vehículos sin piloto utilizando visión. Este trabajo va más allá de los típicos sistemas de control utilizados en entornos altamente controlados, demonstrando la fuerza y versatilidad de la lógica difusa (Fuzzy Logic) para controlar vehículos aéreos y terrestres en un abanico de applicaciones diferentes. Para esta Tesis se ha realizado un gran número de pruebas reales en las cuales los controladores difusos han manejado una plataforma visual “pan-and-tilt”, un helicoptero, un coche comercial y hasta dos tipos de quadrirotores. El uso del método de optimización “Cross-Entropy” ha sido utilizado para mejorar el comportamiento de algunos de los controladores borrosos. Todos los controladores difusos presentados en ésta Tesis han sido implementados utilizando un código desarrollado por el candidato para tal efecto, llamado MOFS (Miguel Olivares’ Fuzzy Software). Diferentes algoritmos visuales han sido utilizados para adquirir la informaci´on visual del entorno, “Cmashift”, descomposición de la homografía y detección de marcas de realidad aumentada, entre otros. Dicha información visual ha sido utilizada como entrada de los controladores difusos para comandar los vehículos en las diferentes applicaciones autonomas. El volante de un vehículo comercial ha sido controlado para realizar pruebas de conducción autónoma en condiciones de tráfico similares a las de una ciudad. El sistema ha llegado a completar con éxito pruebas de más de 6 km sin ninguna interacción humana, mediante el seguimiento de una línea pintada en el suelo. El limitado campo visual del sistema no ha sido impedimento para alcanzar velocidades de hasta 48 km/h y ser guiado autonomamente en curvas de radio reducido. Objetos estáticos y móviles han sido seguidos desde un helicoptero no tripulado, mediante el control de una plataforma visual “pan-and-tilt”. ´Éste mismo helicoptero ha sido controlado completamente para su aterrizaje autonomo, mediante el control del movimiento lateral (roll), horizontal (pitch) y de altitud. El seguimiento de objetos volantes ha sido resulto mediante el control horizontal (pitch) y de orientación (heading) de un quadrirotor. Para tareas de evitación de obstáculos se ha implementado un controlador difuso para el manejo de la orientación (heading) de un quadrirotor. En el campo de la optimización de controladores se ha aportado al estado del arte una extensión del uso del método “Cross-Entropy”. Está Tesis presenta una novedosa implementación de dicho método para la optimización de las ganancias, la posición y medida de los conjuntos de las funciones de pertenecia y el peso de las reglas para mejorar el comportamiento de un controlador difuso. Dichos procesos de optimización se han realizado utilizando “ROS” y “Matlab Simulink” para obtener mejores resultados para la evitación de colisiones con vehículos aéreos no tripulados. Ésta Tesis demuestra que los controladores implementados con lógica difusa son altamente capaces de controlador sistemas sin tener en cuenta el modelo del vehículo a controlador en entornos altamente perturbables con un sensor de bajo coste como es una cámara. El ruido presentes causado por los cambios de iluminación en la adquisición de imágenes y la alta incertidumbre en la detección visual han sido manejados satisfactoriamente por ésta técnica de de “Soft-Computing” para distintas aplicaciones tanto con vehículos aéreos como terrestres.
Negli ultimi anni, complice la rapida evoluzione degli elaboratori e dei sensori, spinta dal mercato smartphone, una tecnologia si sta sviluppando e si sta diffondendo rapidamente. Si tratta di quella relativa agli unmanned vehicles (UV), i veicoli senza pilota, spesso nel linguaggio comune chiamati “droni”. Questi particolari veicoli sono dotati della tecnologia adatta per svolgere in relativa autonomia particolari mansioni, senza la necessità della presenza di un pilota a bordo. In questa Tesi magistrale si descrivono brevemente le diverse categorie di UV e l’attuale livello di autonomia raggiunta nello svolgimento di alcune funzioni, grazie a tecnologie quali i linguaggi ad agenti, di cui si presentano anche alcune significative applicazioni allo stato dell’arte. Per rendere più efficaci eventuali nuove funzionalità, fornendo una metodologia di sviluppo, atta ad aumentare il grado di astrazione, viene proposto un approccio architetturale a tre livelli. In particolare, viene approfondito il secondo livello, presentando l’implementazione di una funzionalità, l’autolocalizzazione spaziale, utile ad un sistema di terzo livello per arricchire la propria conoscenza dell’ambiente, al fine di raggiungere la massima autonomia nel controllo del mezzo. Questa prima esperienza ha consentito di approfondire le necessità in termini di hardware e software, al fine di poter effettuare una scelta mirata per l’ottimizzazione dei risultati ed un eventuale porting on-board, nella prospettiva di svincolare il mezzo da eventuali collegamenti con una stazione di terra, fino ad ora necessaria per eseguire le attività più complesse. Un interessante caso di studio consente di verificare la bontà del modello proposto e i risultati raggiunti nell’autolocalizzazione. In conclusione, si propongono ulteriori sviluppi che potranno fornire gli strumenti necessari alla massima espressione del potenziale che gli UV possiedono.
In the last decade, research on irrigation has mainly been aimed at reducing crop water consumption. In arid and semi-arid environments, in relation to the limited water resources, the use of low quality water in agriculture has also been investigated in order to detect their effects on soil physical properties and on crop production. More recently, even the reduction of energy consumption in agriculture, as well as the effects of external factors, climate change and agricultural policies, have been major research interests. All these objectives have been considered in the papers included in this special issue. However, in the last years, approaches aimed at reducing crop water requirements have significantly changed. Remote sensing with satellites or unmanned vehicles, and vegetation spectral measurements, among others, represent in fact the newest frontier of existing technologies. Knowledge of soil hydraulic properties, often forgotten because of the difficulty of their estimation, can also be considered as a new way to reduce water consumption.
Na Marinha Portuguesa, o emprego de Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUV) tem uma utilização muito limitada, restringe-se unicamente à deteção de minas. Contudo, com a evolução tecnológica e científica, o seu uso poderá estar a um passo de ser usado em outras vertentes cuja aplicabilidade ainda não foi explorada. Nesta linha de pensamento, surgiu o projeto ICARUS (Integrated Components for Assisted Rescue and Unmanned Search operations), que visa o desenvolvimento de veículos não tripulados para a busca e salvamento. O objetivo do mesmo, resume-se ao salvamento de náufragos com o recurso a UUV, promovendo assim uma eficiente gestão dos recursos, objetivo contemplado na diretiva de planeamento de marinha. Assim, com base no projeto desenvolvido nas teses do ano transato pelos ASPOF Maia da Fonseca e Ramos da Palma, pretende-se com a presente dissertação através de um sistema sonar instalado num UUV em modo upward looking, avaliar a viabilidade na deteção de um náufrago à deriva no mar através das suas leituras. Para tal recorre-se à simulação com o náufrago em diferentes posições e em ambientes mais adequados à realidade que é o mar. E, ainda a otimização das características que permitem a identificação do náufrago.
Este trabalho consistiu no projeto e construção de um veleiro autónomo de pequena escala. No início do trabalho, é feito um estudo acerca dos diferentes tipos de veículos autónomos, dando mais enfase aos veleiros. Em seguida, é iniciado o projeto do casco do veleiro, aplicando conceitos básicos de Arquitetura Naval. A forma do casco é desenhada com recurso ao programa DELFT Ship Free, onde são realizados estudos hidrodinâmicos do mesmo. Posteriormente é retratado a construção do casco projetado, com recurso a materiais compósitos e impressão 3D de componentes do veleiro. São ainda descritos os sensores, controladores, atuadores e programação desenvolvida para o veleiro. É também realizado um estudo sumário da estimativa de consumos e autonomia do sistema. No final, encontram-se os resultados obtidos das provas de mar efetuadas ao veleiro.
In this thesis, we state the collision avoidance problem as a vertex covering problem, then we consider a distributed framework in which a team of cooperating Unmanned Vehicles (UVs) aim to solve this optimization problem cooperatively to guarantee collision avoidance between group members. For this purpose, we implement a distributed control scheme based on a robust Set-Theoretic Model Predictive Control ( ST-MPC) strategy, where the problem involves vehicles with independent dynamics but with coupled constraints, to capture required cooperative behavior.
We developed UAVNet, a framework for the autonomous deployment of a flying Wireless Mesh Network using small quadrocopter-based Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). The flying wireless mesh nodes are automatically interconnected to each other and building an IEEE 802.11s wireless mesh network. The implemented UAVNet prototype is able to autonomously interconnect two end systems by setting up an airborne relay, consisting of one or several flying wireless mesh nodes. The developed software includes basic functionality to control the UAVs and to setup, deploy, manage, and monitor a wireless mesh network. Our evaluations have shown that UAVNet can significantly improve network performance.
The application of pesticides and fertilizers in agricultural areas is of crucial importance for crop yields. The use of aircrafts is becoming increasingly common in carrying out this task mainly because of their speed and effectiveness in the spraying operation. However, some factors may reduce the yield, or even cause damage (e.g., crop areas not covered in the spraying process, overlapping spraying of crop areas, applying pesticides on the outer edge of the crop). Weather conditions, such as the intensity and direction of the wind while spraying, add further complexity to the problem of maintaining control. In this paper, we describe an architecture to address the problem of self-adjustment of the UAV routes when spraying chemicals in a crop field. We propose and evaluate an algorithm to adjust the UAV route to changes in wind intensity and direction. The algorithm to adapt the path runs in the UAV and its input is the feedback obtained from the wireless sensor network (WSN) deployed in the crop field. Moreover, we evaluate the impact of the number of communication messages between the UAV and the WSN. The results show that the use of the feedback information from the sensors to make adjustments to the routes could significantly reduce the waste of pesticides and fertilizers.
This article presents a novel system and a control strategy for visual following of a 3D moving object by an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle UAV. The presented strategy is based only on the visual information given by an adaptive tracking method based on the color information, which jointly with the dynamics of a camera fixed to a rotary wind UAV are used to develop an Image-based visual servoing IBVS system. This system is focused on continuously following a 3D moving target object, maintaining it with a fixed distance and centered on the image plane. The algorithm is validated on real flights on outdoors scenarios, showing the robustness of the proposed systems against winds perturbations, illumination and weather changes among others. The obtained results indicate that the proposed algorithms is suitable for complex controls task, such object following and pursuit, flying in formation, as well as their use for indoor navigation
In this paper, an intelligent control approach based on neuro-fuzzy systems performance is presented, with the objective of counteracting the vibrations that affect the low-cost vision platform onboard an unmanned aerial system of rotating nature. A scaled dynamical model of a helicopter is used to simulate vibrations on its fuselage. The impact of these vibrations on the low-cost vision system will be assessed and an intelligent control approach will be derived in order to reduce its detrimental influence. Different trials that consider a neuro-fuzzy approach as a fundamental part of an intelligent semi-active control strategy have been carried out. Satisfactory results have been achieved compared to those obtained by means of vibration reduction passive techniques.
The possibility of implementing fuel cell technology in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) propulsion systems is considered. Potential advantages of the Proton Exchange Membrane or Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEMFC) and Direct Methanol Fuel Cells (DMFC), their fuels (hydrogen and methanol), and their storage systems are revised from technical and environmental standpoints. Some operating commercial applications are described. Main constraints for these kinds of fuel cells are analyzed in order to elucidate the viability of future developments. Since the low power density is the main problem of fuel cells, hybridization with electric batteries, necessary in most cases, is also explored.
This research on odometry based GPS-denied navigation on multirotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles is focused among the interactions between the odometry sensors and the navigation controller. More precisely, we present a controller architecture that allows to specify a speed specified flight envelope where the quality of the odometry measurements is guaranteed. The controller utilizes a simple point mass kinematic model, described by a set of configurable parameters, to generate a complying speed plan. For experimental testing, we have used down-facing camera optical-flow as odometry measurement. This work is a continuation of prior research to outdoors environments using an AR Drone 2.0 vehicle, as it provides reliable optical flow on a wide range of flying conditions and floor textures. Our experiments show that the architecture is realiable for outdoors flight on altitudes lower than 9 m. A prior version of our code was utilized to compete in the International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition IMAV 2012. The code will be released as an open-source ROS stack hosted on GitHub.
Autonomous landing is a challenging and important technology for both military and civilian applications of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). In this paper, we present a novel online adaptive visual tracking algorithm for UAVs to land on an arbitrary field (that can be used as the helipad) autonomously at real-time frame rates of more than twenty frames per second. The integration of low-dimensional subspace representation method, online incremental learning approach and hierarchical tracking strategy allows the autolanding task to overcome the problems generated by the challenging situations such as significant appearance change, variant surrounding illumination, partial helipad occlusion, rapid pose variation, onboard mechanical vibration (no video stabilization), low computational capacity and delayed information communication between UAV and Ground Control Station (GCS). The tracking performance of this presented algorithm is evaluated with aerial images from real autolanding flights using manually- labelled ground truth database. The evaluation results show that this new algorithm is highly robust to track the helipad and accurate enough for closing the vision-based control loop.