841 resultados para Unknown customer


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Electronic word of mouth (eWoM) has been adopted by Internet users as a way of communicating their consumption preferences and experiences. Consumers are able to reach out to others, unknown to them, and have online conversations that can influence their behaviour. Organisations need to understand how to respond to these brand-related conversations conducted via social media. By looking through the lens of social capital, this paper contributes to social media and social capital research by studying the perceptions that 44 social media users have of companies that interact with them online. The users value social networks and support as part of their online relationships. However, several new value categories are identified when compared to previous research. Further research is required to investigate possible segmentation approaches and alternative methodological choices.


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In the Hammersley-Aldous-Diaconis process, infinitely many particles sit in R and at most one particle is allowed at each position. A particle at x, whose nearest neighbor to the right is at y, jumps at rate y - x to a position uniformly distributed in the interval (x, y). The basic coupling between trajectories with different initial configuration induces a process with different classes of particles. We show that the invariant measures for the two-class process can be obtained as follows. First, a stationary M/M/1 queue is constructed as a function of two homogeneous Poisson processes, the arrivals with rate, and the (attempted) services with rate rho > lambda Then put first class particles at the instants of departures (effective services) and second class particles at the instants of unused services. The procedure is generalized for the n-class case by using n - 1 queues in tandem with n - 1 priority types of customers. A multi-line process is introduced; it consists of a coupling (different from Liggett's basic coupling), having as invariant measure the product of Poisson processes. The definition of the multi-line process involves the dual points of the space-time Poisson process used in the graphical construction of the reversed process. The coupled process is a transformation of the multi-line process and its invariant measure is the transformation described above of the product measure.


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Optical microscopy and centrifugation were used to observe the Structural changes during evaporation of a commercial skin lotion of unknown composition. The degree of evaporation was determined from the changed weight of a microscope slide with the emulsion on a defined area and thickness, the evaporation loss versus time being measured by a balance under an infrared lamp. The results revealed not only which parts of the emulsion were most prone to evaporation without chemical analysis, but also gave surprising information as to which kind of structures would appear after extensive evaporation. The importance of these changes for the action of a skin lotion is briefly discussed.


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Optical microscope and centrifugation were used to observe the structure change during evaporation of three different commercial emulsions of unknown composition. The degree of evaporation under an infrared lamp at 70 degrees C was determined from the changed weight of a microscope slide with the emulsion on a defined area and thickness. The results revealed information as to which kind of structure would appear after evaporation.


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This study discusses the use of loyalty programs and Customer perception in, agricultural market. The theoretical review includes relationship marketing, its objectives, dimensions and instruments, and loyalty programs. The method for the empirical part consisted on qualitative research, through a case study conducted at one of the largest crop protection chemical companies in Brazil. The case is representative once this company was pioneer in its segment in adopting the customer relationship management. (CRM) approach to-their clients: It has been a consensus that customer relationship is a tool to amplify the Customer share. This.,is so, due the. increasing competition generated by the entrance of generic products and the retaliation actions adopted by the multinational groups. The case study includes a market overview, a description of the company, its loyalty program, the image of the program from the customer`s perspective, and the main results acquired with the CRM program. The Study also presents some recommendations for-companies that are pursuing strategies to. increase their customer share through loyalty programs.


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In a dynamic atmosphere of competitiveness, customer satisfaction is a key factor in the long term success of a business relationship. From this perspective, the objective of the article was to evaluate the importance of attributes and customer satisfaction with Supermarkets in the Mid-Valley region of the ltajai/SC. Research methodology is characterized as descriptive, of the survey type, with a quantitative, cross section approach. The research instrument used was a questionnaire structured with open and closed questions, according to Lickert`s scale. By means of this, the degree of importance of supermarket attributes and the level of customer satisfaction with them were verified. In regard to the importance of the attributes, cleaning, parking, safety and variety of products are the most important, while the attributes Of purchase through the internet and taste samples are the least significant ones. The results of satisfaction point to the fact that the Supermarkets Big and Angeloni presented a greater degree of satisfaction in relation to the general average in practically all of the attributes, while Bistek presented the smallest degree of satisfaction, only surpassing the average in regard to the attribute of store lighting.


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The molecular prevalence of human parvovirus B19V (B19V) in bone marrow (BM) samples from 120 cases with cytopenias of unknown etiology was compared with that in samples from 45 BM donors (control group 1) and 120 oncohematological patients (control group 2) to determine the role that B19V genotypes may play in unexplained cytopenias. Of the 285 participants, the BM samples of 39 (13.7%) contained B19V DNA (21 with genotype 1, 5 with genotype 2, and 13 with genotype 3). The prevalences of B19V were similar between case and control subjects (15.0% versus 12.7%, respectively). Genotypes 2 and 3 were associated with older age and were detected in similar proportions between case and control group 2 subjects. The results of this study do not support a role for B19V genotype variants in the etiology of unexplained cytopenias.


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Empowering front-line staff to deal with service failures has been proposed as a method of recovering from service breakdown and ensuring greater customer satisfaction. However, no empirical study has investigated consumer responses to empowerment strategies. This research investigates the effect on customer satisfaction and service quality of two employee characteristics: the degree to which the employee is empowered (full, limited, and none), and the employee's communication style (accommodative - informal and personal, and underaccommodative-formal and impersonal). These employee characteristics are studied within the context of service failures. Subjects were shown videotaped service scenarios, and asked to complete satisfaction and service quality ratings. Results revealed that the fully empowered employee produced more customer satisfaction than the other conditions, but only when the service provider used an accommodating style of communication. Fully empowered and nonempowered employees were not judged differently when an underaccommodating style of communication was adopted. (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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Conclusion: Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) was found to be effective in treating fever of unknown origin (FUO) in intensive care unit (ICU) patients with rhinosinusitis, with 62% of patients showing improvement within 5 days of the procedure. Objective: To correlate improvement in FUO with FESS drainage of the paranasal sinuses. Methods: Fifty patients that developed FUO during ICU stay, with CT findings suggestive of rhinosinusitis, and showed no improvement in fever after clinical treatment underwent FESS for drainage of the paranasal sinuses and were evaluated for postoperative improvement of fever. Results: The study sample consisted of 50 patients (74% of whom were male, mean age 48.1 years). The most frequent diagnoses at ICU admission were tetanus, pulmonary disease, and cardiovascular disease. In all, 68% of patients underwent nasogastric or enteral intubation. CT scanning most commonly showed involvement of the sphenoid sinus. In 54% of cases, sinusitis was bilateral and extended throughout the maxillary, ethmoidal, and sphenoidal sinuses. Sinusectomy was performed in all patients, and pathological secretion in the paranasal sinuses was seen in 52% of patients during surgery. Gram-negative bacteria were the most commonly isolated organisms, followed by Gram-positive bacteria and fungi. Improvement of fever was found in 82% of patients after FESS; 38% of these improved within the first 48 h post-procedure, and the remaining 62% within the first 5 postoperative days.


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Emotions play a significant role in the workplace, and considerable attention has been given to the study of employee emotions. Customers also play a central function in organizations, but much less is known about customer emotions. This chapter reviews the growing literature on customer emotions in employee–customer interfaces with a focus on service failure and recovery encounters, where emotions are heightened. It highlights emerging themes and key findings, addresses the measurement, modeling, and management of customer emotions, and identifies future research streams. Attention is given to emotional contagion, relationships between affective and cognitive processes, customer anger, customer rage, and individual differences.


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This study investigates the influence of justice (procedural, interactional and distributive) on measures of customer satisfaction within a hotel setting. Specifically, the study investigates the levels of satisfaction associated with various combinations of procedural, interactional, and distributive justice related service recovery strategies. Using especially designed video vignettes of a hotel service breakdown, respondents rated their levels of satisfaction for the video vignettes that depicted varying levels of. (a) level of concern shown by the service provider, (b) whether policy was adhered to, (c) degree of 'voice' given to the customer, and (d) type of compensation. Between subject MANOVA analyses revealed a number of main effects and interactions. Results clearly show that satisfaction varied significantly depending on the various combinations of recovery measures. In particular, a two-way interaction between adherence to policy and type of compensation was found. Furthermore, it was found that respondents expressed higher satisfaction with the service when a 50% refund was given, and the provider was seen to be adhering to policy, rather than doing a special favor for the customer. In contrast, when a token measure of compensation is given (i.e. giving away a couple of drink vouchers), respondents expressed higher levels of satisfaction if the service provider was doing a special favor rather than merely adhering to company policy. Implications for managers and scholars are discussed. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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Service quality is assessed by customers along the dimensions of staff conduct, credibility, communication, and access to teller services. Credibility and staff conduct emerge as the highest loading first-order factors. This highlights the significance of rectifying mistakes while keeping customers informed, and employing branch staff that are responsive and civilized in their conduct. Discovery of a valid second-order factor, namely, overall customer service quality, underscores the importance of providing quality service across all its dimensions. For example, if the bank fails to rectify mistakes and keep customers informed but excels in all other dimensions, its overall customer service quality can still be rated poorly.