906 resultados para University training paths


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Background: In 2006, the Buttimer report highlighted the paucity of demographic data on those applying for and entering postgraduate medical education and training (PGMET) in Ireland. Today, concerns that there is an "exodus" of graduates of Irish medical schools are at the forefront of national discussion, however, published data on PGMET remains inadequate.

Aims: The objectives of this study were to collate existing data relating to trainees and training programmes at three stages of training and to examine the career plans of junior trainees.

Methods: Data from application forms for training programmes, commencing July 2012, under the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (n = 870), were integrated with data from other existing sources. Candidates entering basic specialist training were surveyed with regard to career plans. Descriptive and comparative analysis was performed in SPSS version 18.

Results: Graduates of Irish medical schools made up over 70 % of appointees. Over 80 % of BST trainees aspired to work as consultants in Ireland, but 92.5 % planned to spend time working abroad (response rate 77 %). Decisions to leave the Irish system were linked to lifestyle, but also to failure to be appointed to higher specialist training. Significant numbers of trainees return to Ireland after a period abroad.

Conclusions: The trainee "exodus" is more complex than is often portrayed. The desire to spend time working outside Ireland must be accounted for in workforce planning and configuration of training programmes. Expansion of HST is a potential solution to reduce the numbers of graduates leaving Ireland post-BST.


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How do university training and subsequent practical experience affect expertise in clinical psychology? To answer this question we developed methods to assess psychological knowledge and the competence to diagnose, construct case conceptualizations, and plan psychotherapeutic treatment: a knowledge test and short case studies in a first study, and a complex, dynamically evolving case study in the second study. In our cross-sectional studies, psychology students, trainees in a certified postgraduate psychotherapist curriculum, and behavior therapists with more than 10 years of experience were tested (100 in total: 20 each of novice, intermediate, and advanced university students, postgraduate trainees, and therapists). Clinical knowledge and competence increased up to the level of trainees but unexpectedly decreased at the level of experienced therapists. We discuss the results against the background of expertise research and the training of clinical psychologists (in Germany). Important factors for the continuing professional development of psychotherapists are proposed.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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El siguiente trabajo se enmarca en la línea de investigación sobre formación docente en Educación Física, desarrollada en el Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche de la Universidad Nacional del Comahue (CRUB-UNCo). Los proyectos que la integran, a partir del incremento sostenido del número de estudiantes que abandonan la carrera durante los dos primeros años, procuran interrogar las prácticas pedagógicas universitarias en ese campo, desentrañar sus modos particulares de producción y analizar su impacto en la constitución de los trayectos formativos de los y las estudiantes. En las indagaciones hallamos indicios de un trabajo docente sistemático para mejorar las condiciones de la enseñanza y del aprendizaje e identificamos dispositivos pedagógicos institucionales y áulicos a modo de andamiaje de las trayectorias estudiantiles y modos de recepción a los y las ingresantes. En esta oportunidad describimos y analizamos uno de estos dispositivos, denominado "registro de lectura", generado en la cátedra Pedagogía del 1º año del Profesorado en Educación Física del mencionado centro universitario. Dicho instrumento forma parte de una serie de prácticas pedagógicas deliberadamente planificadas en relación con el ingreso, la permanencia y el egreso del nivel superior, que pretende habilitar mejores escenarios para el desarrollo de los procesos educativos. El dispositivo, construido a modo de andamiaje de las prácticas lectoras de los y las estudiantes, pretende contribuir a la promoción de trayectorias formativas democráticas y procura dar lugar a nuevas explicaciones en tanto anclajes para la transformación y para la construcción de nuevos conocimientos así como lograr mejores intervenciones pedagógicas


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El siguiente trabajo se enmarca en la línea de investigación sobre formación docente en Educación Física, desarrollada en el Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche de la Universidad Nacional del Comahue (CRUB-UNCo). Los proyectos que la integran, a partir del incremento sostenido del número de estudiantes que abandonan la carrera durante los dos primeros años, procuran interrogar las prácticas pedagógicas universitarias en ese campo, desentrañar sus modos particulares de producción y analizar su impacto en la constitución de los trayectos formativos de los y las estudiantes. En las indagaciones hallamos indicios de un trabajo docente sistemático para mejorar las condiciones de la enseñanza y del aprendizaje e identificamos dispositivos pedagógicos institucionales y áulicos a modo de andamiaje de las trayectorias estudiantiles y modos de recepción a los y las ingresantes. En esta oportunidad describimos y analizamos uno de estos dispositivos, denominado "registro de lectura", generado en la cátedra Pedagogía del 1º año del Profesorado en Educación Física del mencionado centro universitario. Dicho instrumento forma parte de una serie de prácticas pedagógicas deliberadamente planificadas en relación con el ingreso, la permanencia y el egreso del nivel superior, que pretende habilitar mejores escenarios para el desarrollo de los procesos educativos. El dispositivo, construido a modo de andamiaje de las prácticas lectoras de los y las estudiantes, pretende contribuir a la promoción de trayectorias formativas democráticas y procura dar lugar a nuevas explicaciones en tanto anclajes para la transformación y para la construcción de nuevos conocimientos así como lograr mejores intervenciones pedagógicas


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El siguiente trabajo se enmarca en la línea de investigación sobre formación docente en Educación Física, desarrollada en el Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche de la Universidad Nacional del Comahue (CRUB-UNCo). Los proyectos que la integran, a partir del incremento sostenido del número de estudiantes que abandonan la carrera durante los dos primeros años, procuran interrogar las prácticas pedagógicas universitarias en ese campo, desentrañar sus modos particulares de producción y analizar su impacto en la constitución de los trayectos formativos de los y las estudiantes. En las indagaciones hallamos indicios de un trabajo docente sistemático para mejorar las condiciones de la enseñanza y del aprendizaje e identificamos dispositivos pedagógicos institucionales y áulicos a modo de andamiaje de las trayectorias estudiantiles y modos de recepción a los y las ingresantes. En esta oportunidad describimos y analizamos uno de estos dispositivos, denominado "registro de lectura", generado en la cátedra Pedagogía del 1º año del Profesorado en Educación Física del mencionado centro universitario. Dicho instrumento forma parte de una serie de prácticas pedagógicas deliberadamente planificadas en relación con el ingreso, la permanencia y el egreso del nivel superior, que pretende habilitar mejores escenarios para el desarrollo de los procesos educativos. El dispositivo, construido a modo de andamiaje de las prácticas lectoras de los y las estudiantes, pretende contribuir a la promoción de trayectorias formativas democráticas y procura dar lugar a nuevas explicaciones en tanto anclajes para la transformación y para la construcción de nuevos conocimientos así como lograr mejores intervenciones pedagógicas


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Urquhart, C., Durbin, J. & Spink, S. (2004). Training needs analysis of healthcare library staff, undertaken for South Yorkshire Workforce Development Confederation. Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth. Sponsorship: South Yorkshire WDC (NHS)


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Implementation of EHEA, among others, motivates a transforming process in universities and promotes changes in the professor’s tasks. This events, promote changes to which the university professor has to adapt, meaning this to acquire and to develop new competencies to respond correctly to new professional tasks that are demanded. To design training plans in accordance to the new training needs, and to establish referents in accreditation, selection and promotion protocols appear to be necessary to define the new competences profile professors have to face in order to develop their teaching, research and management tasks suitably, and according to their professional settings and professional development stage. A qualitative research was developed to define the emerging competence profile. Quantitative and qualitative methods were mixed as well as different tools (questionnaires, interviews and focus groups) and sources (faculty, experts and students). This article only shows the results obtained from professors (expert and novice) in the 4 research competencies analyzed (design, development and assessment of projects; organization and management of scientific events; development of scientific material; communication and dissemination of scientific knowledges) and the most significant dates of the 30 competency units that compose them. Results show significant differences of self-perception of current competency domain level between novice faculty and expert faculty. These results help us to establish the priority training areas to the faculty according to their professional development stage.


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A evolução da sociedade e da tecnologia sustenta a globalização da sociedade atual e exige aos cidadãos novas literacias. A educação na sociedade do conhecimento é indissociável das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC), tanto como elemento mediador como potenciador das aprendizagens. A Web 2.0, entendida como Web social, potencia o acesso à informação, faculta aos docentes a oportunidade de desenvolver os seus conhecimentos e competências, e oferece oportunidades de construção de situações inovadoras de educação no seu percurso profissional, promovendo condições de aprendizagem ao longo da vida. O presente estudo, formalmente integrado no Programa Doutoral em Multimédia em Educação da Universidade de Aveiro, valoriza o levantamento da perceção da necessidade de envolvimento dos docentes em processos informais de aprendizagem ao longo da vida, na promoção do seu desenvolvimento profissional, salientando o papel das redes sociais neste contexto. Adotou-se como metodologia de investigação o survey, com o objetivo de realizar o levantamento das competências de utilização da Web 2.0 pelos professores do ensino básico e secundário, das escolas do ensino público do concelho de Aveiro, no contexto da aprendizagem informal. Através do survey procurou-se caracterizar o contexto profissional em que estes professores estão inseridos, considerando essencialmente duas dimensões: i) equipamentos e recursos e ii) atitude geral da escola face à integração das TIC nas rotinas profissionais. Centrou-se na obtenção de dados que permitissem a descrição de: i) competências TIC dos professores e a identificação dos seus percursos formativos e necessidades de formação; ii) hábitos e finalidades de utilização das tecnologias digitais em contexto profissional e de desenvolvimento profissional; e, ainda, iii) utilização de redes sociais/comunidades educativas, vantagens e condicionantes identificadas e importância para o desenvolvimento profissional; e, finalmente, iv) levantamento da opinião dos professores acerca das suas perceções de impactes associados à integração da utilização das redes nas suas práticas profissionais, nomeadamente nas práticas educativas. Os dados obtidos foram analisados, numa perspetiva qualitativa e exploratória, em função das frequências relativas de resposta e comparando os diferentes grupos de docentes identificados – professores de escolas básicas e professores de escolas secundárias; professores membros e não membros de redes. Os resultados apontam para uma melhoria das competências dos professores na utilização das TIC, sobretudo ao nível das competências básicas, face a outros estudos anteriores realizados em Portugal, como por exemplo Paiva (2002), Barbosa (2009) e Brito (2010). Uma grande parte dos docentes utiliza redes sociais/comunidades educativas, tendo-se identificado prioritariamente uma utilização de cariz genérico e tendencialmente pouco frequente, em detrimento de uma utilização de redes de cariz mais profissional. Os professores, no geral, e os utilizadores de redes, em particular, reconhecem o potencial educativo destas ferramentas/serviços Web 2.0. As conclusões apontam para a necessidade das escolas assumirem o incentivo e a adoção de estratégias que possam impulsionar o desenvolvimento de competências de utilização das TIC/ferramentas e serviços Web 2.0 que garantam equidade no acesso a redes sociais/comunidades educativas pelos professores. Esta recomendação pretende constituir uma via para as escolas promoverem a criação de redes sociais/comunidades educativas e fomentarem, pela sua utilização, o desenvolvimento de hábitos de trabalho colaborativo e de partilha entre os seus professores, contribuindo desta forma para potenciar as competências dos professores no acompanhamento da evolução tecnológica e no acesso a outras oportunidades de desenvolvimento profissional ao longo da vida. Isto é, “equipar” os professores para melhor poderem enfrentar os desafios do Século XXI para a educação, na preparação dos jovens para a sociedade global do conhecimento.


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A university degree is effectively a prerequisite for entering the archaeological workforce in the UK. Archaeological employers consider that new entrants to the profession are insufficiently skilled, and hold university training to blame. But university archaeology departments do not consider it their responsibility to deliver fully formed archaeological professionals, but rather to provide an education that can then be applied in different workplaces, within and outside archaeology. The number of individuals studying archaeology at university exceeds the total number working in professional practice, with many more new graduates emerging than archaeological jobs advertised annually. Over-supply of practitioners is also a contributing factor to low pay in archaeology. Steps are being made to provide opportunities for vocational training, both within and outside the university system, but archaeological training and education within the universities and subsequently the archaeological labour market may be adversely impacted upon by the introduction of variable top-up student fees.


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This paper reports on a PhD research project being undertaken through the Faculty of Education, Deakin University. Training Packages and the Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF) form part of the ruling relations of VET, but how do they operate in practice? Do they provide frameworks within which training professionals are free to use judgement and respond in innovative ways to local learning and assessment contexts? Do they impose rigid 'guidelines' within which the decision-making authority of practitioners over appropriate practices is displaced by that of auditors, constraining creativity and creating pressures towards conformity? Or does their impact vary, depending on how they are interpreted and who is doing the interpreting? My PhD research explores issues relating to the use of Training Packages in workbased learning. Interview data suggests that, in practice, different training organisations respond very differently to a regulatory framework that aims to achieve national consistency. Some practitioners describe working in a compliance-driven environment, in which their ability to meet the needs of learners is stifled by standardised training and assessment practices imposed by Training Packages and the AQTF. This view is reflected in phrases such as 'you're not allowed to…', and 'you always feel uneasy because you've got AQTF compliance, inspections, auditors'. In contrast, other practitioners talk about having freedom to design learning and assessment programs for their particular target group and context, providing they stay within broad guidelines that guarantee national recognition of qualifications they issue. This view is reflected in comments such as 'it just leaves it open … to be as creative and flexible as you like', and 'It just gives us freedom'. This paper explores the proposition that the impact of these abstract and generalised texts is influenced by local interpretations, and it considers the role that organisational culture plays in determining these interpretations.


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The purpose of this paper is to present the results of two online forums carried out with the participation of 42 students of the Licenciaturas  in Preschool Education, Primary Education and Secondary Education of the University of Costa Rica. The main purpose of the forums was to determine the insights of the participant students about the competencies they have achieved in the field of education research, and which have been the essential tools for them to systematize their own teaching practices. The discussion forums were part of the course FD5091 Métodos de Investigación Educativa [Education Research Methods] of the School of Teacher Education, delivered from March-April 2010.  Of the sample, 60 percent were students of the Preschool teaching program, 35 percent were from the Primary Education teaching program and 5 percent were from the Secondary Education teaching program in the fields of Science, Mathematics and Social Studies. According to the insights and beliefs showed by the participants –both, the future teachers and the profession practitioners–, there are no opportunities for research or systematization of their own teaching mediation, in the current work situation.(1) Translator’s Note: In Costa Rica, the “Licenciatura” is a one-year post-Bachelor study program, usually including thesis. “Primary Education” refers to students from the 1st to 6th grades, and “Secondary Education” refers to students from the 7th to 11th grades.


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Mentoring has been identified as a valuable learning activity for beginners and more experienced personnel across a range of professions. For example, education, nursing, medicine, law, accounting , and public administration are among those professions that have utilised mentoring programs as a way of socialising and developing the skills and competencies of new professionals. The definition of mentoring used in this paper comes from Hansford, Tennent, and Ehrich (2002, 2003) that describes mentoring as a process whereby a more experienced practitioner works with, supports, guides and provides professional development to a less experienced practitioner. Mentoring, then, is often used to develop novice or less experienced professionals at two important phases in their career: (i) during their initial university training; and (ii) after graduation from university. For example, within the field experience components of many university degrees in education, nursing, medicine, social work, and other human service programs, students are assigned workplace mentors who assist them in transferring important skills and knowledge learned at university into practical setting. For concentrated periods of time during their degree, pre-service teachers, pre-service nurses and medical students work in the field alongside a workplace mentor.


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Its mission is to promote Mathematics and Science in Africa and to provide a focal point for Mathematics university training in Africa. It offers scholarships for up to 50 students to come and study for a period of nine months. Of the 50 students, about 15 positions are reserved for females. In the 2006/2007 intake there were over 250 applicants. The students are housed and fed and their return travel from their home town is fully funded. Lecturers also stay at AIMS and share their meals with the students, so that a rapport quickly develops. The students are away from their families and friends for nine months and are absolutely committed to the discipline of Mathematics. When they first arrive, some of them have little ability in English but since all tuition is in English they quickly learn. Some find the transitions difficult but they all support one another and at the end of their time their English skills are very good. The students do a series of subjects that last for about three weeks each, consisting of 30 contact hours, as well as a thesis/project. Each course has a number of assignments associated with it and these get evaluated. AIMS has seven or eight teaching assistants who help with the tutorials, marking, advice, and who are a vital component of AIMS.


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While historically linked with psychoanalysis, countertransference is recognised as an important component of the experience of therapists, regardless of the therapeutic modality. This study considers the implications of this for the training of psychologists. Fifty-five clinical psychology trainees from four university training programmes completed an anonymous questionnaire that collected written reports of countertransference experiences, ratings of confidence in managing these responses, and supervision in this regard. The reports were analysed using a process of thematic analysis. Several themes emerged including a desire to protect or rescue clients, feeling criticised or controlled by clients, feeling helpless, and feeling disengaged. Trainees varied in their reports of awareness of countertransference and the regularity of supervision in this regard. The majority reported a lack of confidence in managing their responses, and all reported interest in learning about countertransference. The implications for reflective practice in postgraduate psychology training are discussed.