992 resultados para Unit price gap


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Consumer awareness and usage of Unit Price (UP) information continues to hold academic interest. Originally designed as a device to enable shoppers to make comparisons between grocery products, it is argued consumers still lack a sufficient understanding of the device. Previous research has tended to focus on product choice, effect of time, and structural changes to price presentation. No studies have tested the effect of UP consumer education on grocery shopping expenditure. Supported by distributed learning theories, this is the first study to condition participants over a twenty week period, to comprehend and employ UP information while shopping. A 3x5 mixed factorial design was employed to collect data from 357 shoppers. A 3 (Control, Massed, Spaced) x 5 (Time Point: Week 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20) mixed factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to analyse the data. Preliminary results revealed that the three groups differed in their average expenditure over the twenty weeks. The Control group remained stable across the five time points. Results indicated that both intensive (Massed) and less intensive (Spaced) exposure to UP information achieved similar results, with both group reducing average expenditure similarly by Week 5. These patterns held for twenty weeks, with conditioned groups reducing their grocery expenditure by over 10%. This research has academic value as a test of applied learning theories. We argue, retailers can attain considerable market advantages as efforts to enhance customers’ knowledge, through consumer education campaigns, can have a positive and strong impact on customer trust and goodwill toward the organisation. Hence, major practical implications for both regulators and retailers exist.


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Using the HS eight-digit product level trade data of EU countries for the period 1988 – 2010, we analyse Intra-industry trade within EU countries as well as with Eastern European countries and with China. We find the Eastern European countries’ rise up the quality ladder, and by contrast the substantially lower prices of China’s exports to EU countries vis-à-vis China’s imports from them. The contrast between EU trade with the Eastern European countries and with China is present even in very recent years.


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In this study, we argue that the conventional intra-industry trade (IIT) index does not address the quality issue directly and propose a methodology to make full use of unit-price gap information to deduce quality differences between simultaneously exported and imported products. By applying this measure to German trade data at the eight-digit level, we study the quality improvement of Chinese export goods in its IIT with Germany. We compare the case of China with those of Eastern European countries, which are also major trading partners of Germany. Our results show that the unit-value difference in IIT between Germany and Eastern European countries is clearly narrowing. However, China's export prices to Germany are much lower than Germany's export prices to China, and this gap has not narrowed over the last 23 years. This is at odds with the common perception that China's product quality has improved, as documented by Rodrik (2006) and Schott (2008). Our results support Xu (2010), which argued that incorporating the quality aspect of the exported goods weakens or even eliminates the evidence of the sophistication of Chinese export goods in Rodrik (2006).


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Our attention, is focused on designing an optimal procurement mechanism which a buyer can use for procuring multiple units of a homogeneous item based on bids submitted by autonomous, rational, and intelligent suppliers. We design elegant optimal procurement mechanisms for two different situations. In the first situation, each supplier specifies the maximum quantity that can be supplied together with a per unit price. For this situation, we design an optimal mechanism S-OPT (Optimal with Simple bids). In the more generalized case, each supplier specifies discounts based on the volume of supply. In this case, we design an optimal mechanism VD-OPT (Optimal with Volume Discount, bids). The VD-OPT mechanism uses the S-OPT mechanism as a building block. The proposed mechanisms minimize the cost to the buyer, satisfying at the same time, (a) Bayesian, incentive compatibility and (b) interim individual rationality.


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In many product categories, unit prices facilitate price comparisons across brands and package sizes; this enables consumers to identify those products that provide the greatest value. However in other product categories, unit prices may be confusing. This is because there are two types of unit pricing, measure-based and usage-based. Measure-based unit prices are what the name implies; price is expressed in cents or dollars per unit of measure (e.g. ounce). Usage-based unit prices, on the other hand, are expressed in terms of cents or dollars per use (e.g., wash load or serving). The results of this study show that in two different product categories (i.e., laundry detergent and dry breakfast cereal), measure-based unit prices reduced consumers’ ability to identify higher value products, but when a usage-based unit price was provided, their ability to identify product value was increased. When provided with both a measure-based and a usage-based unit price, respondents did not perform as well as when they were provided only a usage-based unit price, additional evidence that the measure-based unit price hindered consumers’ comparisons. Finally, the presence of two potential moderators, education about the meaning of the two measures and having to rank order the options in the choice set in terms of value before choosing, did not eliminate these effects.


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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to test the efficacy of disclosing unit pricing and increasing the type size of complex terms and conditions in advertising. This is in line with recommendations made by global telecommunications regulators, including in Australia, to protect consumers in selecting mobile plans.

Design/methodology/approach: The authors employed a 2 (unit price disclosed: no, yes)×3 (type size: nine-, 12- and 15-point terms and conditions) full factorial, between-subjects experimental design using a scenario and fictional advertisements for 24-month mobile phone plans. This was complemented by 24 in-depth interviews with consumers who had recently purchased “real” plans and their assessment of these.

Findings: Extra information in the form of unit pricing has a positive influence on consumers’ value perceptions, but not on perceived confusion or risk. Presenting complex terms and conditions in larger type increases consumers’ perceived confusion and risk, but not perceived value, as consumers have difficulty understanding the complicated information presented.

Research limitations/implications:
This study focused on a single country market for one product type of mobile phones, using a limited range of mobile plans. Practical implications: Public policymakers and providers are advised to pre-test planned changes to advertising’s informational content prior to implementation to identify the efficacy of proposed changes to protect consumers. Consumers may also need to be educated to accurately interpret complex plans.

Originality/value: The study contributes to the domain of informational content in advertising as a form of consumer protection. The effect of unit pricing and larger type for terms and conditions on consumer perceptions has not been examined previously in complex product settings.


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In this paper we discuss the social, economic and institutional aspects of the development of carbon management systems within Australia's tropical savannas. Land-use values in savanna landscapes are changing as a result of changing economic markets, greater recognition of native title, and growing social demands and expectations for tourism, recreation and conservation. In addition, there is increasing interest in developing markets and policy arrangements for greenhouse gas abatement, carbon sequestration and carbon trade in savannas. We argue that for carbon management to lead to national greenhouse outcomes, attention must be paid to social, economic and institutional issues in environmental planning and policy arrangements. From an economic perspective, the financial impact of carbon management on savanna enterprises will depend on appropriate and available policy mechanisms, unit price for carbon, landscape condition, existing management strategies and abatement measurements used. Local social and cultural features of communities and regions may enhance or constrain the implementation of carbon abatement strategies, depending on how they are perceived. In terms of institutional arrangements, policies and plans must support and enable carbon management. We identify three areas that require priority investigation and adjustment: regional planning arrangements, property rights, and rules for accounting at enterprise and regional scales. We conclude that the best potential for managing for carbon will be achieved while managing for range of other natural resource management outcomes, especially where managing for carbon delivers collateral benefits to enterprises.


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Transportation construction is substantially different from other construction fields due to widespread use of unit price bidding and competitive contract awarding. Thus, the potential for change orders has been the main source of unbalanced bidding for contractors, which can be described as substantial increases in work quantity or reasonable changes to the initial design provided by the State Highway Agencies (SHAs). It is important to understand the causes of the change orders as cost related issues are the main reason for contract disputes. We have analyzed a large dataset from a major SHA to identify project related and environmental factors that affect the change order costs. The results of the study can be instrumental in assessing the increased costs associated with change orders and better management measures can be taken to mitigate their effects.


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We propose that disruptive changes pertaining to complex product systems (CoPS) will yield a different set of characteristics than those traditionally observed for commodity products, and seek evidence for this proposition in a case study of the Flash Converting technology, a disruptive CoPS innovation in the copper production industry. Our results show that unlike disruptions in commodity product industries, the incumbent CoPS technology does not overshoot mainstream market performance demand. Also, the disruptive CoPS innovation: (i) is not nurtured in low-end niche markets; (ii) initially satisfies mainstream market performance demand, and; (iii) has higher unit price than the incumbent technology.


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Esta dissertação tem como objeto o estudo da relação estabelecida entre a indústria farmacêutica e a assistência farmacêutica no âmbito do SUS. O objetivo é avaliar como estão sendo feitas as compras de medicamentos para os programas de assistência farmacêutica básica para hipertensão, diabetes e asma e rinite. A captura de dados foi realizada nas Secretarias de Saúde do estado e do município do Rio de Janeiro. Realizou-se comparação dos preços unitários dos medicamentos adquiridos no estado, no município do Rio de Janeiro e no Banco de Preços em Saúde (BPS), no período de janeiro de 2000 a dezembro de 2006. Em alguns momentos foram utilizados dados da Revista ABCFARMA, sobre preços unitários do mercado varejista. A pesquisa tornou possível registrar que o Estado do Rio de Janeiro compra medicamentos a um preço unitário mais alto do que aqueles praticados pela prefeitura e pelo Banco de Preços em Saúde. A hipótese apresentada é que o preço unitário mais alto se deve às inúmeras compras emergenciais realizadas, que estimulam os fornecedores a compensar o risco com preços maiores. Como a maioria dos fornecedores é distribuidora de medicamentos, elas estariam onerando os preços unitários, pois tiveram problemas no passado com o cumprimento da dívida pelo estado. Segundo autoridades estaduais da Secretaria de Estado de Saúde, esta situação indesejável está sendo superada através de uma nova forma de aquisição de medicamentos. A prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro, por outro lado, tem realizado as compras de medicamentos por licitações na modalidade concorrência. Esta forma possibilitou a aquisição de medicamentos a preços inferiores aos outros entes pesquisados. A maioria dos fornecedores da prefeitura é a própria indústria de medicamentos, o que, em princípio, torna o preço mais baixo. Conclui-se, então: que o Estado do Rio de Janeiro passou por crises de desabastecimento ou abastecimento irregular dos programa de assistência farmacêutica básica, o que contribuiu para a elevação dos preços praticados; e que a prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro tem conseguido comprar medicamentos em condições mais favoráveis que o governo de estado.


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Trabalho de projecto de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Formação de Adultos), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2010


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The use or local architecture characteristics is regulated by the spatial planning and building code of Indonesia. Balinese tmditional architecture has existed, coloured the traditional architecture of Indonesia and can be used as Bali's identity that is different from other regions in Indonesia.On the other hand, the cost of such building is high and most of people in urban areas are unable to afford to build in the traditional architecture style, especially in the residential housing sector .. Some of the major components that determine the price of housing units are the price of land, building materials, labour and technology. In developing countries, the first and second components that affect the unit price of the building are building materials representing about 70% and skilled labour respectively (Ural, 1980). Based on this, a good strategy to adopt in order to minimize the price is to manipulate these two components.Based on a literature review and observation, this study will explain which aspects of building material technology can reduce the building cost and how it can maintain the identity of local architecture.The results of the study indicate that the building material can be created to both reduce cost and adopt traditional architecture style as an identity. The materials have some shapes that can be joined easily to facilitate the skill of the worker and yet still be able to adopt the forms of traditional Balinese architecture.


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Essa dissertação analisa as compras de medicamentos registradas no Banco de Preços em Saúde do Ministério da Saúde com o objetivo de avaliar o quão diferentes são os preços pagos pelo setor público e pelo setor privado quando estes adquirem o mesmo bem. Adicionalmente, são testados se a experiência formação de consórcios municipais de saúde afetam os preços pagos pela aquisição de medicamentos por parte de instituições municipais e se as compras originadas em demandas judiciais têm efeito sobre o preço unitário. A análise aponta, respectivamente, para evidências de que as compras públicas são mais caras, que as instituições municipais são mais eficientes e que as compras originadas por demandas judiciais são mais caras.


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Não é de hoje que o país assiste à descoberta de incontáveis casos de desvios de recursos públicos ou mesmo à má gestão de contratos de obra pública que ocasionam, além de grave prejuízo ao Erário, danos à sociedade, muitas vezes desprovida da utilidade que seria proporcionada pelo pactuado. Essas condutas normalmente são ensejadas por projetos de engenharia que podem ser considerados meras peças de ficção, pois não representam o esforço correto para a execução do bem que se deseja construir. A Lei nº 8.666/93 permite a licitação com base em projeto básico, o que, segundo a atual onda de pensamento brasileira, seja da doutrina, dos órgãos de controle, do Poder Legislativo e até mesmo da mídia, é, de fato, um sério problema a ser enfrentado, pois a sua contratação dá margem a aditivos, entendidos como os grandes vilões das obras públicas. Por isso, o Tribunal de Contas da União vem decidindo no sentido de fortemente restringir a possibilidade de alteração contratual e, além disso, tem capitaneado projetos no Congresso Nacional que visam praticamente à extinção da empreitada por preço unitário, espécie contratual na qual o risco do projeto, ainda sem as definições necessárias, acaba por ser assumido pela Administração contratante, responsável pela elaboração, e não pelo seu executor. Contudo, no caso de obras complexas de infraestrutura, deve-se perquirir se essa postura, que pretende acabar com a margem decisória do gestor público quanto à extensão da incompletude do projeto básico - e, portanto, do objeto do contrato -, merece ser repensada, não com vistas a possibilitar os recorrentes danos, mas no caminho de uma melhor programação das ações estatais. Isso porque nessas hipóteses, a busca por todas as informações necessárias para a confecção do projeto a ser ao final executado, no momento da elaboração do edital, ou é muito custosa ou simplesmente não é possível. Assim, seria mais eficiente a contratação integrada, prevista na Lei do Regime Diferenciado de Contratação, na qual o risco do projeto pode se alocado ao contratado. Ocorre que, como existem restrições, nem sempre é viável esse caminho. Nessa ordem de ideias, deve-se encontrar uma solução para que o tradicional contrato de obra pública supere os seus graves problemas de incentivos. A proposta do presente trabalho é a introdução de um procedimento de tomada de decisão transparente, que confira segurança jurídica e amplo conhecimento da sociedade, além de livre acesso aos órgãos de controle, a partir de critérios não apenas jurídicos, mas econômicos e técnicos.


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Nowadays, natural gas is viewed as the solution to the problem of energy supply for Latin America, Europe and North America for the next few decades; Brazil is increasingly becoming dependent upon the Bolivian natural-gas supply - many industries and some entrepreneurs are deciding to construct industrial cogeneration systems and new thermal power-stations burning natural gas because of its low environmental impact and attractive price. However, natural gas is a finite resource: this will cause, in the future, an increase of its unit price. This paper details questions involved in the energy generation and presents solid-waste burning as a possible alternative fuel for the future, especially in the context of cogeneration practice in which the thermal and electric energy are used primarily for the industries located in an industrial district. Two cogeneration schemes are proposed for the burning of municipal solid wastes, associated or not with natural gas, and their technical and economic feasibilities are examined. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.