986 resultados para Uni-Hochhaus


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Bauen und Sprechen sind der Zeit unterworfen. Wenn Zeit über sie hinweggegangen ist, werden sie zu Zeichen. Und die Gegenwart muss sich fragen, wie sie mit diesen Zeichen umgehen will: als Vorboten ihres eigenen Vergehens oder als Feinden ihrer momentanen Befindlichkeit. Bauten, die vorgeben, die Zeiten überdauern und der Ewigkeit nahe sein zu können, sind Verwirklichungen eines utopisch-neuzeitlichen Traumes. Alterslose Perfektion fasziniert, aber sie ist nicht der Inbegriff des Menschlichen. Menschen sind auf das Unfertige ausgelegt, es steht für Vergänglichkeit, aber auch für Heimat und Nähe. Das Vergängliche bewegt mehr als das immer-Gleiche; es kann im Geist neue Projekte erzeugen, neue und andere Bauten, keine Kopien der alten. Doch es muss nicht immer so kommen.


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Large margin learning approaches, such as support vector machines (SVM), have been successfully applied to numerous classification tasks, especially for automatic facial expression recognition. The risk of such approaches however, is their sensitivity to large margin losses due to the influence from noisy training examples and outliers which is a common problem in the area of affective computing (i.e., manual coding at the frame level is tedious so coarse labels are normally assigned). In this paper, we leverage the relaxation of the parallel-hyperplanes constraint and propose the use of modified correlation filters (MCF). The MCF is similar in spirit to SVMs and correlation filters, but with the key difference of optimizing only a single hyperplane. We demonstrate the superiority of MCF over current techniques on a battery of experiments.


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A previous study on the tribological performance of a compression-moulded aramid fibre-phenolic resin composite, containing 30% continuous fibre, showed that this composite provides a reasonable combination of the friction coefficient and wear rate to be used as a friction component, such as a brake shoe. In the present work, the effect of sliding speed on the friction and wear behaviour of this composite has been investigated. The sliding experiments were conducted in a speed range of 0.1-6 m s(-1) at two normal pressure levels of 1.0 and 4.9 MPa. The coefficient of friction was found to be stable over a wide range of sliding speeds and normal pressures. The wear of the composite was found to be insensitive to changes in the speed in the higher speed range. The results have been supplemented with scanning electron micrographs to help understand possible friction and wear mechanisms.


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In this paper, the well-known Adomian Decomposition Method (ADM) is modified to solve the fracture laminated multi-directional problems. The results are compared with the existing analytical/exact or experimental method. The already known existing ADM is modified to improve the accuracy and convergence. Thus, the modified method is named as Modified Adomian Decomposition Method (MADM). The results fromMADM are found to converge very quickly, simple to apply for fracture(singularity) problems and are more accurate compared to experimental and analytical methods. MADM is quite efficient and is practically well-suited for use in these problems. Several examples are given to check the reliability of the present method. In the present paper, the principle of the decomposition method is described, and its advantages form the analyses of fracture of laminated uni-directional composites.


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Detailed steady and unsteady experimental measurements and analysis were performed on a Single stage Transonic Axial Compressor with asymmetric rotor tip clearance for studying the compressor stall phenomena. The installed compressor had asymmetric tip clearance around the rotor casing varying from about 0.65mm to 1.25mm. A calibrated 5-hole aerodynamic probe was traversed radially at exit of rotor and showed the characteristics of increased flow angle at lower mass flow rates for all the speeds. Mach number distribution and boundary layer effects were also clearly captured. Unsteady measurements for velocity were carried out to study the stall cell behavior using a single component calibrated hotwire probe oriented in axial and tangential directions for choke/free flow and near stall conditions. The hotwire probe was traversed radially across the annulus at inlet to the compressor and showed that the velocity fluctuations were dissimilar when probe was aligned axial and tangential to the flow. Averaged velocities across the annulus showed the reduction in velocity as stall was approached. Axial mean flow velocity decreased across the annulus for all the speeds investigated. Tangential velocity at free flow condition was higher at the tip region due to larger radius. At stall condition, the tangential velocity showed decreased velocities at the tip and slightly increased velocities at the hub section indicating that the flow has breakdown at the tip region of the blade and fluid is accelerated below the blockage zone. The averaged turbulent intensity in axial and tangential flow directions increased from free flow to stall condition for all compressor rated speeds. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of the raw signals at stall flow condition showed stall cell and its corresponding frequency of occurrence. The stalling frequency of about half of rotational speed of the rotor along with large tip clearance suggests that modal type stall inception was occurring.


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En el presente trabajo se realiza el diseño de una suspensión trasera regulable para una moto de competición. Se realizan una serie de estudios cinemáticos de diferentes modelos de suspensión (suspensión clásica, y suspensión de bieletas o progresivo) con el fin de comprender el comportamiento del mecanismo en las diferentes situaciones de servicio y definir la relación que existe entre las fuerzas, la geometría y la rigidez. Posteriormente se realiza el diseño de la geometría de un modelo de suspensión de bieletas específico (Uni-Track), el cual cumple con los requisitos establecidos y con una serie de parámetros que garantizan que el comportamiento del mecanismo sea competitivo y que mantenga una relación óptima entre servicio y confort. Se estudian las diferentes alternativas de variaciones geométricas que se pueden dar en el modelo, para diseñar una suspensión regulable. Finalmente se diseña cada elemento que compone la suspensión por el Método de Elementos Finitos y se seleccionan los elementos de unión, así como los procesos de fabricación de aquellas piezas que deban de ser fabricadas en el taller.


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El objeto de este proyecto es el diseño de un sistema de suspensión trasera regulable de una moto de competición. Para su diseño se van a tener en cuenta las especificaciones ofrecidas por la Competición Internacional MotoStudent, competición impulsada por la Fundación Moto Engineering Foundation y TechnoPark Motorland. Además, también se contará con unos parámetros de partida, ya definidos, por el equipo que competirá en dicha competición representando a la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Bilbao (ETSI). La parte que corresponde a este proyecto es el diseño de una de las alternativas presentes de suspensión trasera, la alternativa de suspensión trasera de bieletas llamado Uni-trak.


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar o Currfculo do Curso de Graduação em Nutricionista da UNI-RIO a fim de constatar o nível de integração horizontal e vertical na seleção e organização dos conteúdos do ciclo profissional do referido Curso. Pode ser classificado como 'uma avaliação de contexto do tipo de congruência. Para a verificação dos diferentes tipos de integração foi construído uma Matriz Analítica Este instrumento apresenta a identificação dos campos de atuação do Nutricionista, as atribuições do profissionaJ, os temas integrados e as disciplinas do currículo. A base de análise dos dados foram os planos de curso do ano de 1981, além da grade curricular. Procedimentos e critérios foram elaborados abrangendo dois níveis de integração: multidisciplinar e pluridisciplinar, adotando Jantsch como referencial teórico. Conclui-se que em nível de coerência externa o Currículo está enriquecido em relação ao Mínimo e congruente com a Lei n 5276/67; em nível de coerência interna há integração objetivos/conteúdo; quanto à integração horizontal e vertical / o Curso está integrado apenas no 1 nível; quanto à teoria / prática os campos estão abrangidos, mas os conteúdos defasados do perfil da Matriz. Recomendou-se: a adoção da Matriz Analítica, a revisão de pré e có-requisitos, atividades de estágio mais compatíveis com o perfil profissional proposto e a realização de seminários para aperfeiçoamento do corpo docente na área pedagógica.


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A new optimized structure of an UTC (uni-traveling-carrier) photodiode is developed and epitaxied by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. We fabricated a UTC photodiode of 30 mu m in diameter. Theoretical simulation based on drift-diffusion model was used to analyze the space-charge-screening effect in UTC photodiode primarily in two aspects: the carrier concentrations and the space electric field. The simulation results were generally in agreement with the experimental data.


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Based on appropriate combination of different band-gap InGaAsP, a new edge-coupled two-terminal double heterojunction phototransistor (ECTT-DHPT) was designed and fabricated, which is double heterojunction, free-aluminium, and works under uni-travelling-carrier mode and optically gradual coupling mode. This device is fully compatible with monolithic micro-wave integrated circuits (MMIC) and heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) in material and process. The DC characteristics reveal that the new ECTT-DHPT can perform good optoelectronic mix operation and linear amplification operation by optically biased at two appropriate value respectively. Responsivity of more than 52 A/W and dark current of 70 nA (when V-EC = 1 V) were obtained.


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A new evanescently-coupled uni-traveling-carrier photodiode (EC-UTC PD) based on a multimode diluted waveguide (MDW) structure is fabricated, analysed and characterized. Optical and electrical characteristics of the device are investigated. The excellent characteristics are demonstrated such as a responsivity of 0.36 A/W, a bandwidth of 11.5 GHz and a small-signal 1-dB compression current greater than 18 mA at 10 GHz. The saturation current is significantly improved compared with those of similar evanescently-coupled pin photodiodes. The radio frequency (RF) bandwidth can be further improved by eliminating RF losses induced by the cables, the probe and the bias tee between the photodiode and the spectrum analyzer.


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In this paper, an evanescently coupled uni-traveling carrier photodiodes (EC-UTC-PDs) have been fabricated and investigated, which can benefit from the incorporation of a multimode diluted waveguide of appropriate length with experiment-simulation comparison. A high responsibvity of 0.68 A/W at 1.55-mu m without an anti-reflection coating, -1 dB compression current of more than 19 mA, and a large -1 dB vertical alignment tolerance of 2.2 mu m were achieved.