21 resultados para Unconsciousness


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Dissertation considers the birth of modernist and avant-gardist authorship as a reaction against mass society and massculture. Radical avant-gardism is studied as figurative violence done against the human form. The main argument claims avant-gardist authorship to be an act of masculine autogenesis. This act demands human form to be worked to an elementary state of disarticulateness, then to be reformed to the model of the artist's own psychophysical and idiosyncratic vision and experience. This work is connected to concrete mass, mass of pigment, charcoal, film, or flesh. This mass of the figure is worked to create a likeness in the nervous system of the spectator. The act of violence against the human figure is intended to shock the spectator. This shock is also a state of emotional and perceptional massification. I use theatrical image as heuristic tool and performance analysis, connecting figure and spectator into a larger image, which is constituted by relationships of mimesis, where figure presents the likeness of the spectator and spectator the likeness of the figure. Likeness is considered as both gestural - social mimetic - and sensuous - kinesthetically mimetic. Through this kind of construction one can describe and contextualize the process of violent autogenesis using particular images as case studies. Avant-gardist author is the author of theatrical image, not particular figure, and through act of massification the nervous system of the spectator is also part of this image. This is the most radical form and ideology of avant-gardist and modernist authorship or imagerial will to power. I construct a model of gestural-mimic performer to explicate the nature of violence done for human form in specific works, in Mann's novella Death in Venice, in Schiele's and Artaud's selfportaits, in Francis Bacon's paintings, in Beckett's shortplat NOT I, in Orlan's chirurgical performance Operation Omnipresense, in Cindy Sherman's Film/Stills, in Diamanda Galás's recording Vena Cava and in Hitchcock's Psycho. Masspsychology constructed a phobic picture of human form's plasticity and capability to be constituted by influencies coming both inside and outside - childhood, atavistic organic memories, urban field of nervous impulses, unconsciousness, capitalist (image)market and democratic masspolitics. Violence is then antimimetic and antitheatrical, a paradoxical situation, considering that massmedias and massaudiences created an enormous fascination about possibilities of theatrical and hypnotic influence in artistic elites. The problem was how to use theatrical image without coming as author under influence. In this work one possible answer is provided: by destructing the gestural-mimetic performer, by eliminating representations of mimic body techniques from the performer of human (a painted figure, a photographed figure, a filmed figure or an acted figure, audiovisual or vocal) figure. This work I call the chirurgical operation, which also indicates co-option with medical portraitures or medico-cultural diagnoses of human form. Destruction of the autonomy of the performer was a parallel process to constructing the new mass media audience as passive, plastic, feminine. The process created an image of a new kind of autotelic masculine author-hero, freed from human form in its bourgeois, aristocratic, classical and popular versions.


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Slaughtering of eels should be done not only under animal welfare aspects but as well under consumer protection and economical aspects with respect to technical feasibility. Methods must be practicable for enterprises slaughtering quantities of several kilograms up to several tons per day. Most methods applied up to now in whole Europe were (are) not in accordance with animal welfare mainly due to lacking prescriptions and alternative methods. The great number of experiments carried out within the frame of this project demonstrates the difficulties to combine optimal welfare demands with economical and technical fesibility aspects in one method. Measurements of EEG (electroencephalogram) and ECG (electrocardiogram) have shown that the method laid down in the german legislation does not perfectly stun all eels. This method was improved by applying a „prestun“ with 220 V for 1sec., followed by a 5 min phase at 45 V to prolongue the time of unconsciousness after the stun. Inflating nitrogen gas into the stunning bath additionally causes asphyxia during the stun. By this method 93% of the eels were stunned or even killed. Applying 220 V for bigger batches of eels (~400 kg) will cause big problems with the energy supply. Therefore this method is restricted to batches of 20 - 50 kg. The method laid down in the german legislation probably can be improved. Eels were stunned successfully without water, avoiding the problems of regional differences in the conductivity of the water. Other types of current and other frequencies and a combination of both should be tested as well as alternative electrode geometries also with respect to blood spots which occasionally occurred in the muscles preferably of bigger eels (>800 g). For the time being the method laid down in the german legislation is a reasonable compromise and under animal welfare aspects represents a considerable improvement.


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El presente trabajo de grado pretende la elaboración de una revisión de literatura que abarque estudios previos desde el psicoanálisis sobre la vida y obra de Franz Kafka. Se revisan interpretaciones de obras tan importantes como Carta al Padre, La Metamorfosis, La Condena, El Artista del Hambre, La Madriguera, y otros cuentos cortos. Transversalmente, se tienen en cuenta el análisis e interpretaciones de eventos biográficos de Kafka, tales como su conflictiva relación con su padre, o su oposición y temor al matrimonio, y la relación que estos eventos tienen con su obra y su vida intrapsiquica.


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Introducción: El delirium es un trastorno de conciencia de inicio agudo asociado a confusión o disfunción cognitiva, se puede presentar hasta en 42% de pacientes, de los cuales hasta el 80% ocurren en UCI. El delirium aumenta la estancia hospitalaria, el tiempo de ventilación mecánica y la morbimortalidad. Se pretendió evaluar la prevalencia de periodo de delirium en adultos que ingresaron a la UCI en un hospital de cuarto nivel durante 2012 y los factores asociados a su desarrollo. Metodología Se realizó un estudio transversal con corte analítico, se incluyeron pacientes hospitalizados en UCI médica y UCI quirúrgica. Se aplicó la escala de CAM-ICU y el Examen Mínimo del Estado Mental para evaluar el estado mental. Las asociaciones significativas se ajustaron con análisis multivariado. Resultados: Se incluyeron 110 pacientes, el promedio de estancia fue 5 días; la prevalencia de periodo de delirium fue de 19.9%, la mediana de edad fue 64.5 años. Se encontró una asociación estadísticamente significativa entre el delirium y la alteración cognitiva de base, depresión, administración de anticolinérgicos y sepsis (p< 0,05). Discusión Hasta la fecha este es el primer estudio en la institución. La asociación entre delirium en la UCI y sepsis, uso de anticolinérgicos, y alteración cognitiva de base son consistentes y comparables con factores de riesgo descritos en la literatura mundial.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa é o de descrever as bases teóricas que fundamentam a utilização da atividade em Psiquiatria e na Psicologia Dinâmica como o recurso terapêutico. Damos ênfase as possibilidades que esta utilização apresenta na ampliação da consciência, que consideramos como essencial no processo de intervenção psicoterápica. Em psiquiatria, abordamos a evolução da compreensão do papel da atividade no processo terapêutico e relacionamos tal compreensão às transformações do conceito de doença mental que foram concomitantemente tendo lugar nesta área. Para tanto, descrevemos duas linhas de trabalho especificamente vinculadas à questão da atividade: a Terapia Ocupacional e a Arte terapia. Abordamos, também, as diferentes formas de utilização da atividade como recurso terapêutico na Psicologia Dinâmica. Procuramos identificar em cada uma das teorias estudadas, - na Psicanálise, no Psicodrama, na Gestalt Terapia e na psicologia Analítica - a forma de utilização da atividade, sempre relacionando a à compreensão de ser humano e à compreensão dos objetivos do processo terapêutico por elas explicitados. Concluímos que no estágio atual da utilização da atividade como recurso psicoterápico, não podemos descartar em totalidade nenhuma das contribuições desenvolvidas até o momento, pois se algumas nos oferecem fundamentação sobre as vantagens da atividade enquanto fazer organizador e socializante, outras nos oferecem fundamentação sobre seus efeitos no psiquismo em termos de integração de conteúdos inconscientes à consciência: dos aspectos recalcados, dos papéis introjetados, dos sentimentos e formas de lidar com o mundo (em sua intencional idade), dos aspectos do inconsciente pessoal e do inconsciente coletivo não necessariamente recalcados, mas em forma de potencialidades de ser.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In Frederico Barbosa’s poem “Memoria se”, the memory experience is marked in the body, which means that the memory is not only recorded on the lyrical person unconsciousness, but it is also something that, as an insignia, presents itself and becomes dense as permanence in this lyrical person body. The poet is heir of what may be called “tradition of rigour,” consequently, a discussion of his poetics aspects must consider the inventiveness and the dialogue with other texts, not only those from the canon but also those from the popular repertory that Frederico Barbosa assimilates and recreates.


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In this paper the figure of Alice from the book Alice in Wonderland (1865) by Lewis Carroll will be analyzed from Tim Burton’s sight in the adaptation for the movies (2010), noticing his analysis of a Victorian argument and his emphasis to a construction of a heroine with a characterization in the female pattern at the present time, considering the structures of the unconsciousness that allowed the character to obtain the wisdom, courage and the capacity to decide its own destiny.


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An echinococcal cyst of the heart is a rare cause of acute cardiac tamponade. We report on a 24 year old male from the Kosovo who was brought in an emergency state from a provincial hospital complaining of severe dyspnea, thoracic pain, dizziness, and a short period of unconsciousness. Surgical decompression had to be performed urgently, because the pericardium could not be punctuated due to the position of the hydatid cyst. The differential diagnosis was cardiac tumor or echinococcal cyst. Because of a negative result of a test for anti-echinococcal antibodies (indirect haemagglutination) and no eosinophilia (5%), the diagnosis of hydatid cyst was at first discarded. Later on, the test for anti-echinococcal antibodies became positive and a marked eosinophilia (59%) was manifest. In combination with a typical appearance in the echocardiograph and NMR, the diagnosis of a cardiac hydatid cyst was made. After preoperative treatment with albendazole, the cyst was sterilized with a 20% NaCl solution and the contents evacuated. The therapy with albendazole was continued. When last seen eight months after the first incidence, the patient was well except some degree of dyspnea on exertion. As a differential diagnosis of a cardiac tumor, a hydatid cyst should be taken into account in patients from an area where Echinococcus granulosus is endemic. A negative test on antiechinococcal antibodies and the absence of eosinophilia do not rule out echinococcosis.


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OBJECTIVE To determine a dexmedetomidine concentration, to be added to an alfaxalone-based bath solution, that will enhance the anaesthetic and analgesic effects of alfaxalone; and to compare the quality of anaesthesia and analgesia provided by immersion with either alfaxalone alone or alfaxalone with dexmedetomidine in oriental fire-bellied toads (Bombina orientalis). STUDY DESIGN Pilot study followed by a prospective, randomized, experimental trial. ANIMALS Fourteen oriental fire-bellied toads. METHODS The pilot study aimed to identify a useful dexmedetomidine concentration to be added to an anaesthetic bath containing 20 mg 100 mL(-1) alfaxalone. Thereafter, the toads were assigned to one of two groups, each comprising eight animals, to be administered either alfaxalone (group A) or alfaxalone-dexmedetomidine (group AD). After immersion for 20 minutes, the toads were removed from the anaesthetic bath and the righting, myotactic and nociceptive reflexes, cardiopulmonary variables and von Frey filaments threshold were measured at 5 minute intervals and compared statistically between groups. Side effects and complications were noted and recorded. RESULTS In the pilot study, a dexmedetomidine concentration of 0.3 mg 100 mL(-1) added to the alfaxalone-based solution resulted in surgical anaesthesia. The toads in group AD showed higher von Frey thresholds and lower nociceptive withdrawal reflex scores than those in group A. However, in group AD, surgical anaesthesia was observed in two out of eight toads only, and induction of anaesthesia was achieved in only 50% of the animals, as compared with 100% of the toads in group A. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE The addition of dexmedetomidine to an alfaxalone-based solution for immersion anaesthesia provided some analgesia in oriental fire-bellied toads, but failed to potentiate the level of unconsciousness and appeared to lighten the depth of anaesthesia. This limitation renders the combination unsuitable for anaesthetizing oriental fire-bellied toads for invasive procedures.


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Skunks are becoming increasingly popular as pets. As such, they often undergo a variety of surgical procedures. Two pet skunks undergoing a dermatological examination, including skin biopsy, were anaesthetised with a combination of dexmedetomidine (0.02 mg/kg), butorphanol (0.3 mg/kg), and alfaxalone (4 mg/kg), all administered intramuscularly. Anaesthesia was characterised by rapid onset, absence of detectable side effects and fast recovery after atipamezole administration. Biopsies and toe-pinch did not elicit cardiorespiratory responses, nor did it result in movements or lightening of the anaesthetic depth. Both skunks recovered uneventfully, and showed normal appetite and regular defecation within eight hours following surgery. However, both the animals experienced mild hypothermia at recovery. The dexmedetomidine-alfaxalone-butorphanol combination produced satisfactory anaesthesia in the two skunks, object of this report. This anaesthetic protocol may be used in this species to provide immobility, myorelaxation, unconsciousness and analgesia during skin biopsy or other minor surgical procedures.


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BACKGROUND We investigated the rate of severe hypoglycemic events and confounding factors in patients with type-2-diabetes treated with sulfonylurea (SU) at specialized diabetes centers, documented in the German/Austrian DPV-Wiss-database. METHODS Data from 29,485 SU-treated patients were analyzed (median[IQR] age 70.8[62.2-77.8]yrs, diabetes-duration 8.2[4.3-12.8]yrs). The primary objective was to estimate the event-rate of severe hypoglycemia (requiring external help, causing unconsciousness/coma/convulsion and/or emergency.hospitalization). Secondary objectives included exploration of confounding risk-factors through group-comparison and Poisson-regression. RESULTS Severe hypoglycemic events were reported in 826(2.8%) of all patients during their most recent year of SU-treatment. Of these, n = 531(1.8%) had coma, n = 501(1.7%) were hospitalized at least once. The adjusted event-rate of severe hypoglycemia [95%CI] was 3.9[3.7-4.2] events/100 patient-years (coma: 1.9[1.8-2.1]; hospitalization: 1.6[1.5-1.8]). Adjusted event-rates by diabetes-treatment were 6.7 (SU + insulin), 4.9 (SU + insulin + other OAD), 3.1 (SU + other OAD), and 3.8 (SU only). Patients with ≥1 severe event were older (p < 0.001) and had longer diabetes-duration (p = 0.020) than patients without severe events. Participation in educational diabetes-programs and indirect measures of insulin-resistance (increased BMI, plasma-triglycerides) were associated with fewer events (all p < 0.001). Impaired renal function was common (N = 3,113 eGFR ≤30 mL/min) and associated with an increased rate of severe events (≤30 mL/min: 7.7; 30-60 mL/min: 4.8; >60 mL/min: 3.9). CONCLUSIONS These real-life data showed a rate of severe hypoglycemia of 3.9/100 patient-years in SU-treated patients from specialized diabetes centers. Higher risk was associated with known risk-factors including lack of diabetes-education, older age, and decreased eGFR, but also with lower BMI and lower triglyceride-levels, suggesting that SU-treatment in those patients should be considered with caution. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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I. Hopkins, W. R. Beginnings of the New England society of New York, 1884. Spring, G. A tribute to New England, 1820. Remarks on the charges made by the Rev. Gardiner Spring, D. D., against the religion and morals of the people of Boston and its vicinity, 1821. Romeyn, J. B. The duty and reward of honouring God, 1821. Whelpley, P. M. "The memory of the just is blessed." 1822. Knapp, S. L. Address, 1829. Bacon, L. Address, 1838. Winthrop, R. C. Address, 1839. Hadduck, C. R. The elements of national greatness, 1841. Cheever, G. B. The elements of national greatness, 1842. Choate, R. The age of the Pilgrims the heroic period of our history, 1843. Webster, D. The landing at Plymouth. 1843. Marsh, G. P. Address, 1844. Upham, C. W. The spirit of the day and its lessons, 1846.--II. Hall, J. P. Discourse, 1847. Bushnell, H. The founders, great in their unconsciousness, 1949. Webster, D. The Constitution and the union, 1850. Hillard, G. S. The past and the futur


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06