976 resultados para Ulster plantation, 1609-1611.
The history of Enniskillen with reference to some manors in co. Fermanagh, and other local subjects,
Part of the plates are printed on both sides.
Vol. 3 published by Bowes & Bowes, 1913.
In this work, a microchanneled chirped fiber Bragg grating (MCFBG) is proposed and fabricated through the femtosecond laser-assisted chemical etching. The microchannel (~550 µm) gives access to the external index liquid, thus inducing refractive index (RI) sensitivity to the structure. In the experiment, the transmission bands induced by the reduced effective index in the microchannel region were used to sense the surrounding RI and temperature changes. The experimental results show good agreement with the theoretical analysis. The proposed MCFBG offers enhanced RI sensitivity without degrading the robustness of the device showing good application potential as bio-chemical sensors.
In this work, a microchanneled chirped fiber Bragg grating (MCFBG) is proposed and fabricated through the femtosecond laser-assisted chemical etching. The microchannel (~550 µm) gives access to the external index liquid, thus inducing refractive index (RI) sensitivity to the structure. In the experiment, the transmission bands induced by the reduced effective index in the microchannel region were used to sense the surrounding RI and temperature changes. The experimental results show good agreement with the theoretical analysis. The proposed MCFBG offers enhanced RI sensitivity without degrading the robustness of the device showing good application potential as bio-chemical sensors.
Includes index.
Includes index.
Contient : Pièces concernant les relations diplomatiques de la France avec les Pays-Bas, 1596-1603 (f. 1), et 1608-1609 (f. 141), — et avec Rome, absolution de Henri IV, actes de Clément VIII et de Paul V, etc., 1595-1605 (f. 16) ; Pièces concernant les négociations et traités de Vervins, et ratifications, 1597-1607 ; « Contract de cession et transport faict par le sieur de Bongars... du revenu de la Chartreuse de Strasbourg aux maistre et sénat de ladicte ville... », et pouvoir délivré par Henri IV, 1600 ; Pièces concernant l'archevêché d'Auch, 1597-1601 ; Traité entre Henri IV et les Suisses, 1602 ; Codicille de Henri de Bourbon, duc de Montpensier, au profit des enfants de France, et pièces annexes, 1608 ; Traité entre la France et l'Angleterre, et pièces annexes, 1605-1606 (f. 129), — et autres pièces concernant les relations diplomatiques entre la France et l'Angleterre, 1610 (f. 165) ; Pièces concernant les affaires d'Allemagne, Clèves et Juliers, et les relations diplomatiques entre la France et l'Allemagne, 1608-1610 ; Pièces concernant les relations diplomatiques entre la France et la Savoie, premières négociations du mariage de Chrétienne de France avec Victor-Amédée, prince de Piémont, traités, etc., 1600-1610 ; Pièces concernant la neutralité de la Franche-Comté, 1610-1611 ; Pièces concernant les troubles d'Aix-la-Chapelle, 1611 ; Pièces concernant la Lorraine,la neutralité de la Lorraine et les relations de ce pays avec la France, actes de Charles IX, Henri III, Henri IV, etc., 1571-1596 ; Testament de François, duc d'Anjou, 1584 (f. 319), — suivi de lettres du duc d'Anjou, 1584 (f. 321 v), et de monsieur de Quincé, 1584 (f. 322 v) ; Édit de Nantes, 1598
Contient : I ; Correspondance entre la Cour et Mr de Russy, juillet 1609-août 1611 ; En outre : lettres orig. du président Jeannin (f. 100), — de Maurice de Nassau (f. 121), — et d'Olden Barnevelt (f. 191) ; Copies de pièces diverses ; II ; Correspondance entre la Cour et Mr de Franchemont, secrétaire de l'ambassade de Mr de Russy, août-novembre 1611 ; Lettre orig. de François d'Aerssen ; III ; Dépêches adressées à la Cour par Eustache de Reffuge, sieur de Courcelles, mars-août 1612 ; Lettres orig. d'Aubéry-Dumaurier (f. 222), — et de François d'Aerssen, 1613 (f. 232) ; Copies de pièces diverses ; IV Correspondance entre la Cour et Aubéry-Dumaurier, septembre 1613-octobre 1623
Sello de José Sanchis Sivera
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
We investigated the influence of Pinus afforestation on the structure of leaf-litter ant communities in the southeastern Brazilian Atlantic Forest, studying an old secondary forest and a nearly 30 year-old never managed Pinus elliottii reforested area. A total of 12,826 individual ants distributed among 95 species and 32 genera were obtained from 50 1 m² samples/ habitat. Of these, 60 species were recorded in the pine plantation and 82 in the area of Atlantic forest; almost 50% of the species found in the secondary forest area were also present in the pine plantation. The number of species per sample was significantly higher in the secondary forest than in the pine plantation. Forest-adapted taxa are the most responsible for ant species richness differences between areas, and the pine plantation is richer in species classified as soil or litter omnivorous-dominants. The specialized ant predators registered in the pine plantation, as seven Dacetini, two Basiceros, two Attini and two Discothyrea, belong to widely distributed species. The NMDS (non-metric multidimensional scaling) ordination also suggested strong differences in similarity among samples of the two areas. Furthermore, this analysis indicated higher sample heterogeneity in the secondary forest, with two clusters of species, while in the pine plantation the species belong to a single cluster. We applied the ant mosaic hypothesis to explain the distribution of the leaf-litter fauna and spatial autocorrelation tests among samples. We argue that the results are likely related to differences in quality and distribution of the leaf-litter between the pine plantation and the secondary area.
We examined resource limitations on growth and carbon allocation in a fast-growing, clonal plantation of Eucalyptus grandis x urophylla in Brazil by characterizing responses to annual rainfall, and response to irrigation and fertililization for 2 years. Productivity measures included gross primary production (GPP), total belowground carbon allocation (TBCA), bole growth, and net ecosystem production (NEP). Replicate plots within a single plantation were established at the midpoint of the rotation (end of year 3), with treatments of no additional fertilization or irrigation, heavy fertilization (to remove any nutrient limitation), irrigation (to remove any water limitation), and irrigation plus fertilization. Rainfall was unusually high in the first year (1769mm) of the experiment, and control plots had high rates of GPP (6.64 kg C m(-2) year(-1)), TBCA (2.14 kg C m(-2) year(-1)), and bole growth (1.81 kg C m(-2) year). Irrigation increased each of these rates by 15-17%. The second year of the experiment had average rainfall (1210 mm), and lower rainfall decreased production in control plots by 46% (GPP), 52% (TBCA), and 40% (bole growth). Fertilization treatments had neglible effects. The response to irrigation was much greater in the drier year, with irrigated plots exceeding the production in control plots by 83% (GPP), 239% (TBCA), and 24% (bole growth). Even though the rate of irrigation ensured no water limitation to tree growth, the high rainfall year showed higher production in irrigated plots for both GPP (38% greater than in drier year) and bole growth (23% greater). Varying humidity and supplies of water led to a range in NEP of 0.8-2.7 kg C m(-2) year. This difference between control and irrigated treatments, combined with differences between drier and wetter years, indicated a strong response of these Eucalyptus trees to both water supply and atmospheric humidity during the dry season. The efficiency of converting light energy into fixed carbon ranged from a low of 0.027 mol C to a high of 0.060 mol C per mol of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (APAR), and the efficiency of bolewood production ranged from 0.78 to 1.98 g wood per MJ of APAR. Irrigation increased the efficiency of wood production per unit of water used from 2.55 kg wood m(-3) in the rainfed plot to 3.51 kg m(-3) in irrigated plots. Detailed information on the response of C budgets to environmental conditions and resource supplies will be necessary for accurate predictions of plantation yields across years and landscapes. (V) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.