7 resultados para UT1


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We present an extensive set of photometric and spectroscopic data for SN 2009jf, a nearby Type Ib supernova (SN), spanning from ˜20 d before B-band maximum to 1 yr after maximum. We show that SN 2009jf is a slowly evolving and energetic stripped-envelope SN and is likely from a massive progenitor (25-30 Msun). The large progenitor's mass allows us to explain the complete hydrogen plus helium stripping without invoking the presence of a binary companion. The SN occurred close to a young cluster, in a crowded environment with ongoing star formation. The spectroscopic similarity with the He-poor Type Ic SN 2007gr suggests a common progenitor for some SNe Ib and Ic. The nebular spectra of SN 2009jf are consistent with an asymmetric explosion, with an off-centre dense core. We also find evidence that He-rich Ib SNe have a rise time longer than other stripped-envelope SNe, however confirmation of this result and further observations are needed. This paper is based on observations with several telescopes, including NTT(184.D-1151), VLT-UT1(085.D-0750,386.D-0126), NOT, WHT, TNG, PROMPT, Ekar, Calar Alto and Liverpool Telescope.


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The DTRF2008 is a realization of the International Terrestrial Reference System ITRS. The DTRF2008 consists of station positions and velocities of global distributed observing stations of the space geodetic observation techniques VLBI, SLR, GPS and DORIS. The DTRF2008 was released in May 2010 and includes the observation data of the techniques up to and including 2008. The observation data are processed and submitted by the corresponding international services: IGS (International GNSS Service, http://igscb.jpl.nasa.gov) IVS (International VLBI Service, http://ivscc.gsfc.nasa.gov) ILRS (International Laser Ranging Service, http://ilrs.gsfc.nasa.gov) IDS (International DORIS Service, http://ids-doris.org). The DTRF2008 is an independent ITRS realization, which is computed on the basis of the same input data as the ITRF2008 (IGN, Paris). Both realizations differ with respect to their computation strategies: while the ITRF2008 is based on the combination of solutions, the DTRF2008 is computed by the combination of normal equations. The DTRF2008 comprises the coordinates of 559 GPS-, 106 VLBI-, 122 SLR- and 132 DORIS-stations. The reference epoch is 1.1.2005, 0h UTC. The Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP) - that means the coordinates of the terrestrial and the celestial pole, UT1-UTC and the Length of Day (LOD) - were simultaneously estimated with the station coordinates. The EOP time series cover the period of 1983 to 2008. The station names are the official IERS indications: cdp numbers or 4-character IDs and DOMES numbers (http://itrf.ensg.ign.fr/doc_ITRF/iers_sta_list.txt). The solution is available in different file formats (SINEX and SSC), see below. A detailed description of the solution is given by Seitz M. et al. (2012). The results of a comparison of DTRF2008 and ITRF2008 is given by Seitz M. et al. (2013). More information as well as residual time series of the station positions can be made available by request.


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A suitable knowledge of the orientation and motion of the Earth in space is a common need in various fields. That knowledge has been ever necessary to carry out astronomical observations, but with the advent of the space age, it became essential for making observations of satellites and predicting and determining their orbits, and for observing the Earth from space as well. Given the relevant role it plays in Space Geodesy, Earth rotation is considered as one of the three pillars of Geodesy, the other two being geometry and gravity. Besides, research on Earth rotation has fostered advances in many fields, such as Mathematics, Astronomy and Geophysics, for centuries. One remarkable feature of the problem is in the extreme requirements of accuracy that must be fulfilled in the near future, about a millimetre on the tangent plane to the planet surface, roughly speaking. That challenges all of the theories that have been devised and used to-date; the paper makes a short review of some of the most relevant methods, which can be envisaged as milestones in Earth rotation research, emphasizing the Hamiltonian approach developed by the authors. Some contemporary problems are presented, as well as the main lines of future research prospected by the International Astronomical Union/International Association of Geodesy Joint Working Group on Theory of Earth Rotation, created in 2013.


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The DTRF2014 is a realization of the the fundamental Earth-fixed coordinate system, the International Terrestrial Reference System (ITRS). It has been computed by the Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut der Technischen Universität München (DGFI-TUM). The DTRF2014 consists of station positions and velocities of 1712 globally distributed geodetic observing stations of the observation techniques VLBI, SLR, GNSS and DORIS. Additionally, for the first time, non-tidal atmospheric and hydrological loading is considered in the solution. The DTRF2014 was released in August 2016 and incorporates observation data of the four techniques up 2014. The observation data were processed and submitted by the corresponding technique services: IGS (International GNSS Service, http://igscb.jpl.nasa.gov) IVS (International VLBI Service, http://ivscc.gsfc.nasa.gov) ILRS (International Laser Ranging Service, http://ilrs.gsfc.nasa.gov) IDS (International DORIS Service, http://ids-doris.org). The DTRF2014 is an independent ITRS realization. It is computed on the basis of the same input data as the realizations JTRF2014 (JPL, Pasadena) and ITRF2014 (IGN, Paris). The three realizations of the ITRS differ conceptually. While DTRF2014 and ITRF2014 are based on station positions at a reference epoch and velocities, the JTRF2014 is based on time series of station positions. DTRF2014 and ITRF2014 result from different combination strategies: The ITRF2014 is based on the combination of solutions, the DTRF2014 is computed by the combination of normal equations. The DTRF2014 comprises 3D coordinates and coordinate changes of 1347 GNSS-, 113 VLBI-, 99 SLR- and 153 DORIS-stations. The reference epoch is 1.1.2005, 0h UTC. The Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP) - that means the coordinates of the terrestrial and the celestial pole, UT1-UTC and the Length of Day (LOD) - were simultaneously estimated with the station coordinates. The EOP time series cover the period from 1979.7 to 2015.0. The station names are the official IERS identifiers: CDP numbers or 4-character IDs and DOMES numbers (http://itrf.ensg.ign.fr/doc_ITRF/iers_sta_list.txt). The DTRF2014 solution is available in one comprehensive SINEX file and four technique-specific SINEX files, see below. A detailed description of the solution is given on the website of DGFI-TUM (http://www.dgfi.tum.de/en/science-data-products/dtrf2014/). More information can be made available by request.


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This paper deals with the development and the analysis of asymptotically stable and consistent schemes in the joint quasi-neutral and fluid limits for the collisional Vlasov-Poisson system. In these limits, the classical explicit schemes suffer from time step restrictions due to the small plasma period and Knudsen number. To solve this problem, we propose a new scheme stable for choices of time steps independent from the small scales dynamics and with comparable computational cost with respect to standard explicit schemes. In addition, this scheme reduces automatically to consistent discretizations of the underlying asymptotic systems. In this first work on this subject, we propose a first order in time scheme and we perform a relative linear stability analysis to deal with such problems. The framework we propose permits to extend this approach to high order schemes in the next future. We finally show the capability of the method in dealing with small scales through numerical experiments.