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Electric dipole internal conversion has been experimentally studied for several nuclei in the rare earth region. Anomalies in the conversion process have been interpreted in terms of nuclear structure effects. It was found that all the experimental results could be interpreted in terms of the j ∙ r type of penetration matrix element; the j ∙ ∇ type of penetration matrix element was not important. The ratio λ of the El j ∙ r penetration matrix element to the El gamma-ray matrix element was determined from the experiments to be:

Lu175,396 keV, λ = - 1000 ± 100;

282 keV, λ = 500 ± 100;

144 keV, λ = 500 ± 250;

Hf177, 321 keV λ = - 1400 ± 200;

208 keV λ = - 90 ± 40;

72 keV |λ| ≤ 650;

Gd155, 86 keV λ = - 150 ± 100;

Tm169, 63 keV λ = - 100 ± 100;

W182, 152 keV, λ = - 160 ±80;

67 keV, λ = - 100 ± 100.

Predictions for λ are made using the unified nuclear model.


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Experimental studies of nuclear effects in internal conversion in Ta181 and Lu175 have been performed. Nuclear structure effects (“penetration” effects), in internal conversion are described in general. Calculation of theoretical conversion coefficients are outlined. Comparisons with the theoretical conversion coefficient tables of Rose and Sliv and Band are made. Discrepancies between our results and those of Rose and Sliv are noted. The theoretical conversion coefficients of Sliv and Band are in substantially better agreement with our results than are those of Rose. The ratio of the M1 penetration matrix element to the M1 gamma-ray matrix element, called λ, is equal to + 175 ± 25 for the 482 keV transition in Ta181 . The results for the 343 keV transition in Lu175 indicate that λ may be as large as – 8 ± 5. These transitions are discussed in terms of the unified collective model. Precision L subshell measurements in Tm169 (130keV), W182 (100 keV), and Ta181 (133 keV) show definite systematic deviations from the theoretical conversion coefficients. The possibility of explaining these deviations by penetration effects is investigated and is shown to be excluded. Other explanations of these anomalies are discussed.


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Energy release from radioactive decays contributes significantly to supernova light curves. Previous works, which considered the energy deposited by ?-rays and positrons produced by Ni, Co, Ni, Co, Ti and Sc, have been quite successful in explaining the light curves of both core collapse and thermonuclear supernovae. We point out that Auger and internal conversion electrons, together with the associated X-ray cascade, constitute an additional heat source. When a supernova is transparent to ?-rays, these electrons can contribute significantly to light curves for reasonable nucleosynthetic yields. In particular, the electrons emitted in the decay of Co, which are largely due to internal conversion from a fortuitously low-lying 3/2 state in the daughter Fe, constitute an additional significant energy-deposition channel. We show that when the heating by these electrons is accounted for, a slow-down in the light curve of SN 1998bw is naturally obtained for typical hypernova nucleosynthetic yields. Additionally, we show that for generic Type Ia supernova yields, the Auger electrons emitted in the ground-state to ground-state electron capture decay of Fe exceed the energy released by the Ti decay chain for many years after the explosion. © 2009 RAS.


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The nonadiabatic photochemistry of the guanine molecule (2-amino-6-oxopurine) and some of its tautomers has been studied by means of the high-level theoretical ab initio quantum chemistry methods CASSCF and CASPT2. Accurate computations, based by the first time on minimum energy reaction paths, states minima, transition states, reaction barriers, and conical intersections on the potential energy hypersurfaces of the molecules lead to interpret the photochemistry of guanine and derivatives within a three-state model. As in the other purine DNA nucleobase, adenine, the ultrafast subpicosecond fluorescence decay measured in guanine is attributed to the barrierless character of the path leading from the initially populated (1)(pi pi* L-a) spectroscopic state of the molecule toward the low-lying methanamine-like conical intersection (gs/pi pi* L-a)(CI). On the contrary, other tautomers are shown to have a reaction energy barrier along the main relaxation profile. A second, slower decay is attributed to a path involving switches toward two other states, (1)(pi pi* L-b) and, in particular, (1)(n(o)pi*), ultimately leading to conical intersections with the ground state. A common framework for the ultrafast relaxation of the natural nucleobases is obtained in which the predominant role of a pi pi*-type state is confirmed.


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The proposed role of anthocyanins in protecting plants against excess solar radiation is consistent with the occurrence of ultrafast (525 ps) excited-state proton transfer as the major de-excitation pathway of these molecules. However, because natural anthocyanins absorb mainly in the visible region of the spectra, with only a narrow absorption band in the UV-B region, this highly efficient deactivation mechanism would essentially only protect the plant from visible light. On the other hand, ground-state charge-transfer complexes of anthocyanins with naturally occurring electron-donor co-pigments, such as hydroxylated flavones, flavonoids, and hydroxycinnamic or benzoic acids, do exhibit high UV-B absorptivities that complement that of the anthocyanins. In this work, we report a comparative study of the photophysics of the naturally occurring anthocyanin cyanin, intermolecular cyanincoumaric acid complexes, and an acylated anthocyanin, that is, cyanin with a pendant coumaric ester co-pigment. Both inter- and intramolecular anthocyaninco-pigment complexes are shown to have ultrafast energy dissipation pathways comparable to those of model flavylium cationco-pigment complexes. However, from the standpoint of photoprotection, the results indicate that the covalent attachment of co-pigment molecules to the anthocyanin represents a much more efficient strategy by providing the plant with significant UV-B absorption capacity and at the same time coupling this absorption to efficient energy dissipation pathways (ultrafast internal conversion of the complexed form and fast energy transfer from the excited co-pigment to the anthocyanin followed by adiabatic proton transfer) that avoid net photochemical damage.


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The ultrafast photo-physical properties of DNA are crucial in providing a stable basis for life. Although the DNA bases efficiently absorb ultraviolet (UV) radiation, this energy can be dissipated to the surrounding environment by the rapid conversion of electronic energy to vibrational energy within about a picosecond. The intrinsic nature of this internal conversion process has previously been demonstrated through gas phase experiments on the bases, supported by theoretical calculations. De-excitation rates appear to be accelerated when individual bases are hydrogen bonded to solvent molecules or their complementary Watson-Crick pair. In this paper, the first gas-phase measurements of electronic relaxation in DNA nucleosides following UV excitation are reported. Using a pump-probe ionization scheme, the lifetimes for internal conversion to the ground state following excitation at 267 nm are found to be reduced by around a factor of two for adenosine, cytidine and thymidine compared with the isolated bases. These results are discussed in terms of a recent proposition that a charge transfer state provides an additional internal conversion pathway mediated by proton transfer through a sugar to base hydrogen bond.


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The study of photophysical and photochemical processes crosses the interest of many fields of research in physics, chemistry and biology. In particular, the photophysical and photochemical reactions, after light absorption by a photosynthetic pigment-protein complex, are among the fastest events in biology, taking place on timescales ranging from tens of femtoseconds to a few nanoseconds. Among the experimental approaches developed for this purpose, the advent of ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy has become a powerful and widely used technique.[1,2] Focusing on the process of photosynthesis, it relies upon the efficient absorption and conversion of the radiant energy from the Sun. Chlorophylls and carotenoids are the main players in the process. Photosynthetic pigments are typically arranged in a highly organized fashion to constitute antennas and reaction centers, supramolecular devices where light harvesting and charge separation take place. The very early steps in the photosynthetic process take place after the absorption of a photon by an antenna system, which harvests light and eventually delivers it to the reaction center. In order to compete with internal conversion, intersystem crossing, and fluorescence, which inevitably lead to energy loss, the energy and electron transfer processes that fix the excited-state energy in photosynthesis must be extremely fast. In order to investigate these events, ultrafast techniques down to a sub-100 fs resolution must be used. In this way, energy migration within the system as well as the formation of new chemical species such as charge-separated states can be tracked in real time. This can be achieved by making use of ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy. The basic principles of this notable technique, instrumentation, and some recent applications to photosynthetic systems[3] will be described. Acknowledgements M. Moreno Oliva thanks the MINECO for a “Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación” research contract. References [1] U. Megerle, I. Pugliesi, C. Schriever, C.F. Sailer and E. Riedle, Appl. Phys. B, 96, 215 – 231 (2009). [2] R. Berera, R. van Grondelle and J.T.M. Kennis, Photosynth. Res., 101, 105 – 118 (2009). [3] T. Nikkonen, M. Moreno Oliva, A. Kahnt, M. Muuronen, J. Helaja and D.M. Guldi, Chem. Eur. J., 21, 590 – 600 (2015).


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This letter presents the effective design of a tunable 80 Gbit/s wavelength converter with a simple configuration consisting of a single semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) and an optical bandpass filter (OBPF). Based on both cross-gain and cross-phase modulation in SOA, the polarity-preserved, ultrafast wavelength conversion is achieved by appropriately filtering the blue-chirped spectral component of a probe light. Moreover, the experiments are carried out to investigate into the wavelength tunability and the maximum tuning range of the designed wavelength converter. Our results show that a wide wavelength conversion range of nearly 35 nm is achieved with 21-nm downconversion and 14-nm upconversion, which is substantially limited by the operation wavelength ranges of a tunable OBPF and a tunable continuous-wave laser in our experiment. We also exploited the dynamics characteristics of the wavelength converter with variable input powers and different injection current of SOA. (C) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The photophysics of the 1-nitronaphthalene molecular system, after the absorption transition to the first singlet excited state, is theoretically studied for investigating the ultrafast multiplicity change to the triplet manifold. The consecutive transient absorption spectra experimentally observed in this molecular system are also studied. To identify the electronic states involved in the nonradiative decay, the minimum energy path of the first singlet excited state is obtained using the complete active space self-consistent field//configurational second-order perturbation approach. A near degeneracy region was found between the first singlet and the second triplet excited states with large spin-orbit coupling between them. The intersystem crossing rate was also evaluated. To support the proposed deactivation model the transient absorption spectra observed in the experiments were also considered. For this, computer simulations using sequential quantum mechanic-molecular mechanic methodology was used to consider the solvent effect in the ground and excited states for proper comparison with the experimental results. The absorption transitions from the second triplet excited state in the relaxed geometry permit to describe the transient absorption band experimentally observed around 200 fs after the absorption transition. This indicates that the T-2 electronic state is populated through the intersystem crossing presented here. The two transient absorption bands experimentally observed between 2 and 45 ps after the absorption transition are described here as the T-1 -> T-3 and T-1 -> T-5 transitions, supporting that the intermediate triplet state (T-2) decays by internal conversion to T-1. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4738757]


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The ultraviolet photodissociation of gas-phase N-methylpyridinium ions is studied at room temperature using laser photodissociation mass spectrometry and structurally diagnostic ion-molecule reaction kinetics. The C5H5N-CH3+ (m/z 94), C5H5N-CD3+ (m/z 97), and C5D5N-CH3+(m/z 99) isotopologues are investigated, and it is shown that the N-methylpyridinium ion photodissociates by the loss of methane in the 36 000 - 43 000 cm(-1) (280 - 230 nm) region. The dissociation likely occurs on the ground state surface following internal conversion from the SI state. For each isotopologue, by monitoring the photofragmentation yield as a function of photon wavenumber, a broad vibronically featured band is recorded with origin (0-0) transitions assigned at 38 130, 38 140 and 38 320 cm(-1) for C5H5N-CH3+ C5H5N-CD3+ and C5D5N-CH3+, respectively. With the aid of quantum chemical calculations (CASSCF(6,6)/aug-cc-pVDZ), most of the observed vibronic detail is assigned to two in-plane ring deformation modes. Finally, using ion-molecule reactions, the methane coproduct at m/z 78 is confirmed as a 2-pyridinylium ion.


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The thermal decomposition of sodium azide has been investigated in the temperature range 240–365°C. Three values for the activation energy, 37.0, 59.0 and 14 kcal mol−1 have been obtained depending on the temperature range of study. The mechanism of decomposition seems to involve excited azide ions (through internal conversion) and excitations. The activation energy of 14 kcal mol−1 appears to be associated with the promotion of electron in the presence of sodium metal.


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The photochemistry of aromatic ketones plays a key role in various physicochemical and biological processes, and solvent polarity can be used to tune their triplet state properties. Therefore, a comprehensive analysis of the conformational structure and the solvent polarity induced energy level reordering of the two lowest triplet states of 9,10-phenanthrenequinone (PQ) was carried out using nanosecond-time-resolved absorption (ns-TRA), time-resolved resonance Raman (TR3) spectroscopy, and time dependent-density functional theory (TD-DFT) studies. The ns-TRA of PQ in acetonitrile displays two bands in the visible range, and these two bands decay with similar lifetime at least at longer time scales (mu s). Interestingly, TR3 spectra of these two bands indicate that the kinetics are different at shorter time scales (ns), while at longer time scales they followed the kinetics of ns-TRA spectra. Therefore, we report a real-time observation of the thermal equilibrium between the two lowest triplet excited states of PQ assigned to n pi* and pi pi* of which the pi pi* triplet state is formed first through intersystem crossing. Despite the fact that these two states are energetically close and have a similar conformational structure supported by TD-DFT studies, the slow internal conversion (similar to 2 ns) between the T-2(1(3)n pi*) and T-1(1(3)pi pi*) triplet states indicates a barrier. Insights from the singlet excited states of PQ in protic solvents J. Chem. Phys. 2015, 142, 24305] suggest that the lowest n pi* and pi pi* triplet states should undergo hydrogen bond weakening and strengthening, respectively, relative to the ground state, and these mechanisms are substantiated by TD-DFT calculations. We also hypothesize that the different hydrogen bonding mechanisms exhibited by the two lowest singlet and triplet excited states of PQ could influence its ISC mechanism.


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Energies and relative intensities of gamma transitions in 152Sm, 152Gd, 154Gd, 166Er, and 232U following radioactive decay have been measured with a Ge(Li) spectrometer. A peak fitting program has been developed to determine gamma ray energies and relative intensities with precision sufficient to give a meaningful test of nuclear models. Several previously unobserved gamma rays were placed in the nuclear level schemes. Particular attention has been paid to transitions from the beta and gamma vibrational bands, since the gamma ray branching ratios are sensitive tests of configuration mixing in the nuclear levels. As the reduced branching ratios depend on the multipolarity of the gamma transitions, experiments were performed to measure multipole mixing ratios for transitions from the gamma vibrational band. In 154Gd, angular correlation experiments showed that transitions from the gamma band to the ground state band were predominantly electric quadrupole, in agreement with the rotational model. In 232U, the internal conversion spectrum has been studied with a Si(Li) spectrometer constructed for electron spectroscopy. The strength of electric monopole transitions and the multipolarity of some gamma transitions have been determined from the measured relative electron intensities.

The results of the experiments have been compared with the rotational model and several microscopic models. Relative B(E2) strengths for transitions from the gamma band in 232U and 166Er are in good agreement with a single parameter band mixing model, with values of z2= 0.025(10) and 0.046(2), respectively. Neither the beta nor the gamma band transition strengths in 152Sm and 154Gd can be accounted for by a single parameter theory, nor can agreement be found by considering the large mixing found between the beta and gamma bands. The relative B(E2) strength for transitions from the gamma band to the beta band in 232U is found to be five times greater than the strength to the ground state band, indicating collective transitions with strength approximately 15 single particle units.


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Photodissociation dynamics Of C2H5SH, i-C-3-H7SH and n-C3H7SH at 243.1 nm were investigated using velocity map ion-imaging method. H-atom photolysis products were detected by a (2 + 1) resonance enhanced ionization scheme. Both the angular distribution and translational energy distribution of the H-atom elimination processes were determined from the ion images of the H-atom products. The experimental results indicate that the H-atom eliminations from these molecules are mainly direct and fast dissociation processes from a repulsive potential energy state. And a more statistical dissociation process that likely occurs oil the ground state via internal conversion has also been observed. Dissociation energies of the S-H bonds are also derived from the H-atom product translational energy distributions. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.