Simulation of photoinduced processes in organic chromophores: mapping photochemically relevant states for accurate dynamics

Autoria(s): Aleotti, Flavia <1993>

Garavelli, Marco




The simulation of ultrafast photoinduced processes is a fundamental step towards the understanding of the underlying molecular mechanism and interpretation/prediction of experimental data. Performing a computer simulation of a complex photoinduced process is only possible introducing some approximations but, in order to obtain reliable results, the need to reduce the complexity must balance with the accuracy of the model, which should include all the relevant degrees of freedom and a quantitatively correct description of the electronic states involved in the process. This work presents new computational protocols and strategies for the parameterisation of accurate models for photochemical/photophysical processes based on state-of-the-art multiconfigurational wavefunction-based methods. The required ingredients for a dynamics simulation include potential energy surfaces (PESs) as well as electronic state couplings, which must be mapped across the wide range of geometries visited during the wavepacket/trajectory propagation. The developed procedures allow to obtain solid and extended databases reducing as much as possible the computational cost, thanks to, e.g., specific tuning of the level of theory for different PES regions and/or direct calculation of only the needed components of vectorial quantities (like gradients or nonadiabatic couplings). The presented approaches were applied to three case studies (azobenzene, pyrene, visual rhodopsin), all requiring an accurate parameterisation but for different reasons. The resulting models and simulations allowed to elucidate the mechanism and time scale of the internal conversion, reproducing or even predicting new transient experiments. The general applicability of the developed protocols to systems with different peculiarities and the possibility to parameterise different types of dynamics on an equal footing (classical vs purely quantum) prove that the developed procedures are flexible enough to be tailored for each specific system, and pave the way for exact quantum dynamics with multiple degrees of freedom.





Aleotti, Flavia (2022) Simulation of photoinduced processes in organic chromophores: mapping photochemically relevant states for accurate dynamics, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Chimica <>, 34 Ciclo. DOI 10.48676/unibo/amsdottorato/10184.




Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna




Palavras-Chave #CHIM/02 Chimica fisica

Doctoral Thesis
