995 resultados para Turn capital


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A globalização dos sistemas financeiros, ao longo dos anos, tem estimulado uma crescente necessidade de supervisão bancária nas instituições financeiras. O Comité de Supervisão Bancária de Basileia tem tido um papel crucial nesta área, estabelecendo princípios por via dos seus acordos entre as várias entidades nacionais de regulação e supervisão das maiores economias mundiais. Em 1988, foi criado o Acordo de Basileia (Basileia I) pelo Comité de Supervisão Bancária de forma a harmonizar os padrões de supervisão bancária. Este acordo estabeleceu mínimos de solvabilidade para o sistema bancário internacional no sentido de reforçar a sua solidez e estabilidade. Com o desenvolvimento de novas potências económicas e novas necessidades regulamentares, em Junho de 2004, foi publicado o novo Acordo de Capital – o Basileia II. Este acordo pretendia tornar os requisitos de capital mais sensíveis ao risco, promover a atuação das autoridades de supervisão e a disciplina de mercado (através do seu Pilar II) e encorajar a capacidade de cada instituição mensurar e gerir o seu risco. Em Setembro de 2010, o Acordo de Basileia III, com adoção prevista até 2019, veio reforçar estas medidas com a criação de um quadro regulamentar e de supervisão mais sólido, por parte das instituições de crédito. Surge, assim neste contexto, o Modelo de Avaliação de Risco (MAR) para o sector bancário. Em Portugal, o MAR tem como objetivo avaliar o perfil de risco das instituições de crédito, sujeitas à supervisão do Banco de Portugal, assim como apresentar o perfil de risco e a solidez da situação financeira de cada instituição de crédito. Este trabalho pretende avaliar o surgimento e a caracterização deste modelo e identificar as variáveis a ter em conta nos modelos de avaliação de risco a nível qualitativo e quantitativo.


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O mercado exige cada vez mais o aperfeiçoamento das organizações, inclusive às de pequeno porte, haja visto que as empresas de pequeno porte estão aumentando sua área de atingimento e consequêntemente necessitam de maiores controles gerenciais. No que tange ao controle econômico-financeiro, não basta o administrador apenas prestar atenção nos valores movimentados, mas sim ter cuidado especial em sua base de dados que gera as informações para as decisões, isso recai sobre o sistema de custos na empresa. O sistema de custos é formado pelos princípios e métodos que auxiliarão na formação de preços, que também além do mercado, sofre influência do fluxo de caixa que por sua vez decorre em função do ciclo operacional realizado. Por isso da necessidade do aperfeiçoamento do administrado da empresa de pequeno porte, para poder implementar uma Gestão Financeira eficaz que possua controle sobre todas essas nunces citadas. O presente trablho buscou discernir de forma objetiva a parte teórica e tembém através de um modelo a parte prática dessa integração de informações criando um modelo de Gestão Financeira.


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The purpose of this paper is to analyze the dynamics of national saving-investment relationship in order to determine the degree of capital mobility in 12 Latin American countries. The analytically relevant correlation is the short-term one, defined as that between changes in saving and investment. Of special interest is the speed at which variables return to the long run equilibrium relationship, which is interpreted as being negatively related to the degree of capital mobility. The long run correlation, in turn, captures the coefficient implied by the solvency constraint. We find that heterogeneity and cross-section dependence completely change the estimation of the long run coefficient. Besides we obtain a more precise short run coefficient estimate compared to the existent estimates in the literature. There is evidence of an intermediate degree of capital mobility, and the coefficients are extremely stable over time.


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The agency relationship between managers and shareholders has the potential to influence decision-making in the firm which in turn potentially impacts on firm characteristics such as value and leverage. Prior evidence has demonstrated an association between ownership structure and firm value. This paper extends the literature by examining a further link between ownership structure and capital structure. Using an agency framework, it is argued that the distribution of equity ownership among corporate managers and external blockholders may have a significant relation with leverage. The empirical results provide support for a positive relation between external blockholders and leverage, and non-linear relation between the level of managerial share ownership and leverage. The results also suggest that the relation between external block ownership and leverage varies across the level of managerial share ownership. These results are consistent with active monitoring by blockholders, and the effects of convergence-of-interests and management entrenchment.


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Micro-econometric evidence reveals high private returns to education, most prominently in low-income countries. However, it is disputed to what extent this translates into a macro-economic impact. This paper projects the increase in human capital from higher education in Malawi and uses a dynamic applied general equilibrium model to estimate the resulting macroeconomics impact. This is contingent upon endogenous adjustments, in particular how labour productivity affects competitiveness and if this in turn stimulates exports. Choice among commonly applied labour market assumptions and trade elasticities results in widely different outcomes. Appraisal of such policies should consider not only the impact on human capital stocks, but also adjustments outside the labour market.


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When we ask ourselves about a concrete definition of “Natural Capital” we can find a large and wide range of conceptions, which are attached to it. These can turn out to be confusing and contradictory in some cases. In theory, through books and different studies we know natural resources are composed by all the natural actives originated by the nature itself. Besides, these conform a patrimony for society as them are translated into a path towards economy: The Natural Capital. May not the Natural Capital be an easy conception to put in terms of economy it turns out to be an important capacitor for economy growth in most countries. In any case, we can clearly distinguish two ways as Natural Capital can be seen. One may elaborate a definition about it by reading what others have previously written, those who usually are quite far from the direct use of natural resources. On the other hand it would also be interesting to conform a definition of it by asking people who are constantly in contact with natural resources and consequently contribute to form the Natural Capital.


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Numerous recent reports by non-governmental organisations (NGOs), academics and international organisations have focused on so-called 'climate refugees'. This article examines the turn from a discourse of 'climate refugees', in which organisations perceive migration as a failure of both mitigation and adaptation to climate change, to one of 'climate migration', in which organisations promote migration as a strategy of adaptation. Its focus is the promotion of climate migration management, and it explores the trend of these discourses through two sections. First, it provides an empirical account of the two discourses, emphasising the differentiation between them. It then focuses on the discourse of climate migration, its origins, extent and content, and the associated practices of 'migration management'. The second part argues that the turn to the promotion of 'climate migration' should be understood as a way to manage the insecurity created by climate change. However, international organisations enacts this management within the forms of neoliberal capitalism, including the framework of governance. Therefore, the promotion of 'climate migration' as a strategy of adaptation to climate change is located within the tendencies of neoliberalism and the reconfiguration of southern states' sovereignty through governance.


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ABSTRACT My study seeks to answer the main question: "how does entrepreneurs' social capital positively and negatively affect their resource mobilization efforts, and exploitation of entrepreneurial opportunity?" To answer this question, I develop a model for examining positive and negative effects of social capital on resource accumulation by entrepreneurs, and the subsequent effect of resource accumulation on the exploitation of entrepreneurial opportunity, and utilize data from Africa to ëmpirically test the relationships in this model. Developing nations are a suitable context because: a) They require entrepreneurship for economic development, b) They have received less attention in management and entrepreneurship research, c) Because of inadequately-developed institutions, entrepreneurs from developing nations face major resource mobilization challenges hence they often turn to their social ties for resources, and d) The communalistic and collectivistic nature of most developing nations -encouraging support and sharing of resources- may help us better understand how society's values and structures may contribute and also deduct firm resources. My study reveals that social capital contributes resources to entrepreneurs in developing nations at a cost that takes away resources, and that more resources but lower costs facilitate entrepreneurial opportunity exploitation. For entrepreneurs in developing nations, large networks, greater shared identity, and more trust are beneficial. To increase chances of raising more resources, entrepreneurs from communalistic societies should include network members from outside their communities. Besides providing financial support, policy-makers should develop training programs and advisory services on configuration of entrepreneurs' networks so as to achieve more resources at a low cost. My study insights can help improve entrepreneurs' resource accumulation efforts and the subsequent growth of their firms, leading to the overall economic growth of developing nations.


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Researchers have widely recognised and accepted that firm performance is increasingly related to knowledge-based issues. Two separately developed literature streams, intellectual capital (IC) and knowledge management (KM), have been established as the key discussions related to knowledge-based competitive advantage of the firm. Intellectual capital has provided evidence on the strategic key intangible resources of the firm, which could be deployed to create competitive advantage. Knowledge management, in turn, has focused on the managerial processes and practices which can be used to leverage IC to create competitive advantage. Despite extensive literature on both issues, some notable research gaps remain to be closed. In effect, one major gap within the knowledge management research is the lack of understanding related to its influence on firm performance, while IC researchers have articulated a need to utilise more finegrained conceptual models to better understand the key strategic value-creating resources of the firm. In this dissertation, IC is regarded as the entire intellectual capacity, knowledge and competences of the firm that can be leveraged to achieve sustained competitive advantage. KM practices are defined as organisational and managerial activities that enable the firm to leverage its IC to create value. The objective of this dissertation is to answer the research question: “What is the relationship between intellectual capital, knowledge management practices and firm performance?” Five publications have addressed the research question using different approaches. The first two publications were systematic literature reviews of the extant empirical IC and KM research, which established the current state of understanding regarding the relationship between IC, KM practices and firm performance. Publications III and IV were empirical research articles that assessed the developed conceptual model related to IC, KM practices and firm performance. Finally, Publication V was among the first research papers to merge IC and KM disciplines in order to find out which configurations could yield organisational benefits in terms of innovation and market performance outcomes.


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Cette thèse porte sur le capital social et les mesures prises afin de se préparer aux aléas naturels aux Philippines. L’archipel est régulièrement soumis à de nombreux risques de catastrophe, générant parfois des conséquences désastreuses pour la population et le patrimoine économique du pays. Par ailleurs, ces îles portent un lourd héritage colonial rendant omniprésents les inégalités socioéconomiques, le manque de solidarité et la pauvreté. Le concept du capital social demeure encore très polémique, cependant nous croyons qu'il peut s'avérer utile afin de mieux réfléchir à la façon dont les sociétés humaines interagissent avec les aléas naturels. Nos recherches mettent en avant l’importance des inégalités socioéconomiques, du contexte et de l'échelle géographique dans l’analyse du capital social et de la préparation aux aléas. Elles soulignent d'autre part que la compréhension des dynamiques sociales, telles que la confiance et la participation communautaire, ne peut être atteinte sans une considération des contextes politiques. Nous avons porté une attention particulière à l'examen des contextes et des différentes formes de capital social, et ce, à plusieurs niveaux géographiques (village, municipalité, région, pays). Un nombre croissant d'études montre que l'inégalité économique entraîne des conséquences néfastes sur le capital social. Des recherches récentes ont également commencé à interroger les rapports entre le capital social et les catastrophes dites « naturelles ». Notre thèse établit un lien entre ces deux approches en couplant une analyse générale de la situation des Philippines à une étude approfondie d'une municipalité rurale isolée de la région des Visayas orientales. L'argument central de cette thèse est que l'inégalité économique produit des effets néfastes sur le capital social, entraînant des répercussions négatives sur la prévention des catastrophes « naturelles ». Par le biais de l'analyse de plusieurs échelles géographiques, cette thèse entend montrer comment les inégalités, de par leur impact sur le capital social, contribuent à augmenter les chances de voir les aléas naturels se constituer en désastres. Nous avançons qu'un usage circonspect du concept de capital social, prenant en compte les complexités politiques, historiques, et géographiques du contexte auquel il s'applique, a la capacité d'améliorer la manière dont les gens se préparent collectivement afin d'éviter que les aléas ne se transforment en catastrophes.


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O presente estudo tem como principal objetivo investigar a percepção de Diretores, Coordenadores e demais elementos da equipe administrativa das Unidades Escolares da Rede Oficial do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Capital, quanto às funções do Supervisor Educacional, ligado à Secretaria de Educação e Cultura em nível de macro-sistema, e verificar a possibilidade de levar esta Supervisão a estes estabelecimentos de ensino a exemplo do que é realizado junto às Escolas da Rede Particular neste Município e nos demais Municípios do Estado, sendo que nestes últimos o trabalho já está sendo desenvolvido em todas as Escolas sejam pertencentes à Rede Particular ou á Rede Estadual. Tomaram parte no estudo 428 Diretores e 607 Coordenadores, totalizando 1035 informantes. Os dados foram coletados por meio de questionário. As hipóteses foram testadas e posteriormente analisadas podendo ser observado que Administradores, Coordenadores e demais elementos das equipes tecnico-pedagogicas em sua maioria, desconhecem o trabalho desenvolvido pela Supervisão Educacional. Observando-se, ainda, o que foi levantado e posteriormente testado, os Administradores admitem que haverá resistência, por parte dos Docentes, ao trabalho do Supervisor Educacional. Observando os dados apresentados, comparando-os com o que foi coletado através da literatura, pode ser verificado que, pelo fato de ser pouco conhecido o verdadeiro trabalho desempenhado pela Supervisão Educacional, o aspecto positivo que representa para o desenvolvimento de toda a estrutura educativa fica prejudicado, privando o contexto educacional de auxílio de capital importância. Concluindo, pode-se dizer que se faz necessário um trabalho de esclarecimento junto aos elementos que constituem as equipes tecnico-administrativas e pedagógicas,no sentido de um conhecimento efetivo das funções exercidas pelo Supervisor Educacional, que é, em verdade, mais um elemento técnico dentro da equipe, que pode ser útil à medida que emana do ápice da pirâmide administrativa, percorre os diversos níveis e permite manter o desempenho do sistema dentro de padrões estabelecidos e estimula desempenhos novos, que possibilitem, por sua vez, o estabelecimento de novos padrões.


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This thesis elaborates the creation of value in private equity and in particular analyzes value creation in 3G Capital’s acquisition of Burger King. In this sense, a specific model is applied that composes value creation into several drivers, in order to answer the question of how value creation can be addressed in private equity investments. Although previous research by Achleitner et al. (2010) introduced a specific model that addresses value creation in private equity, the respective model was neither applied to an individual company, nor linked to indirect drivers that explain the dynamics and rationales for the creation of value. In turn this paper applies the quantitative model to an ongoing private equity investment and thereby provides different extensions to turn the model into a better forecasting model for ongoing investments, instead of only analyzing a deal that has already been divested from an ex post perspective. The chosen research approach is a case study about the Burger King buyout that first includes an extensive review about the current status of academic literature, second a quantitative calculation and qualitative interpretation of different direct value drivers, third a qualitative breakdown of indirect drivers, and lastly a recapitulating discussion about value creation and value drivers. Presenting a very successful private equity investment and elaborately demonstrating the dynamics and mechanisms that drive value creation in this case, provides important implications for other private equity firms as well as public firms in order to develop their proprietary approach towards value creation.


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