678 resultados para Turbines hydrauliques


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Ce mémoire présente l’étude numérique d’un emballement de turbine hydraulique axiale à échelle modèle. Cet état transitoire est simulé du point de meilleur rendement jusqu’à l’atteinte de 95% de la vitesse d’emballement. Pour ce faire, une méthodologie numérique est développée à l’aide du logiciel commercial ANSYS CFX en utilisant une approche "Unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes" avec modèle de turbulence k-ε. Cette méthodologie numérique a été validée grâce à des mesures expérimentales de pression acquises en situation d’emballement sur les aubes d’une roue de turbine axiale étudiée au Laboratoire de Machines Hydrauliques de l’Université Laval. La validation des simulations numériques a été réalisée grâce à des comparaisons dans les domaines temporel et fréquentiel entre les pressions mesurées expérimentalement et calculées numériquement. Les analyses fréquentielles en transitoire ont été effectuées à l’aide de transformées en ondelettes afin de représenter l’évolution temporelle du spectre de fréquence. Des analyses qualitatives de phénomènes hydrauliques prenant place dans la turbine sont aussi présentées. Les analyses effectuées ont permis de confirmer le développement d’un tourbillon en précession par rapport à la roue dans l’aspirateur provocant les fluctuations de pression dominantes à des fréquences subsynchrones. La comparaison entre les données expérimentales et numériques a permis de valider une stratégie de simulation transitoire et d’en définir les limites en vue de prochaines simulations d’emballement. Des tests supplémentaires sont suggérés pour améliorer la précision ou le niveau de confiance de la méthode.


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La présente thèse propose une étude expérimentale du décollement dans le diffuseur d’un modèle de turbine hydroélectrique bulbe. Le décollement se produit quand la turbine est opérée à forte charge et il réduit la section effective de récupération du diffuseur. La diminution de la performance du diffuseur à forte charge engendre une baisse brusque de l’efficacité de la turbine et de la puissance extraite. Le modèle réduit de bulbe est fidèle aux machines modernes avec un diffuseur particulièrement divergent. Les performances de la turbine sont mesurées sur une large gamme de points d’opération pour déterminer les conditions les plus intéressantes pour l’étude du décollement et pour étudier la distribution paramétrique de ce phénomène. La pression est mesurée le long de l’aspirateur par des capteurs dynamiques affleurants alors que les champs de vitesse dans la zone de décollement sont mesurés avec une méthode PIV à deux composantes. Les observations à la paroi sont pour leur part faites à l’aide de brins de laine. Pour un débit suffisant, le gradient de pression adverse induit par la géométrie du diffuseur affaiblit suffisamment la couche limite, entraînant ainsi l’éjection de fluide de la paroi le long d’une large enveloppe tridimensionelle. Le décollement instationnaire tridimensionnel se situe dans la même zone du diffuseur indépendamment du point d’opération. L’augmentation du débit provoque à la fois une extension de la zone de décollement et une augmentation de l’occurrence de ses manifestations. La position et la forme du front de décollement fluctue significativement sans périodicité. L’analyse topologique et celle des tourbillons des champs de vitesse instantanés montrent une topologie du front de décollement complexe qui diffère beaucoup d’une réalisation à l’autre. Bien que l’écoulement soit turbulent, les tourbillons associés aux foyers du front sont clairement plus gros et plus intenses que ceux de la turbulence. Cela suggère que le mécanisme d’enroulement menant aux tourbillons du décollement est clairement distinct des mécanismes de la turbulence.


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Ce mémoire présente l’étude expérimentale de l’écoulement d’entrée d’un aspirateur d’une turbine bulbe présentant une chute abrupte de performance. Des mesures par vélocimétrie laser à effet Doppler (LDV) ont été réalisées sur deux axes soit en aval des pales de la roue et en aval du moyeu de la roue. Une particularité de cette étude est la conception d’un montage permettant de mesurer la vitesse axiale proche de la paroi du cône. De plus, une méthode d’estimation de la vitesse radiale moyenne a été développée. Ces mesures ont permis de caractériser l’écoulement primaire et les écoulements secondaires et d’analyser leur évolution entre les deux axes. De plus, l’évolution de ces écoulements est analysée en fonction de la chute de performance de la turbine. Les principales particularités de l’écoulement sont la présence d’une recirculation sous le moyeu, d’une zone contrarotative, des sillages des directrices et des tourbillons de bout de pale.


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Les aspirateurs de turbines hydrauliques jouent un rôle crucial dans l’extraction de l’énergie disponible. Dans ce projet, les écoulements dans l’aspirateur d’une turbine de basse chute ont été simulés à l’aide de différents modèles de turbulence dont le modèle DDES, un hybride LES/RANS, qui permet de résoudre une partie du spectre turbulent. Déterminer des conditions aux limites pour ce modèle à l’entrée de l’aspirateur est un défi. Des profils d’entrée 1D axisymétriques et 2D instationnaires tenant compte des sillages et vortex induits par les aubes de la roue ont notamment été testés. Une fluctuation artificielle a également été imposée, afin d’imiter la turbulence qui existe juste après la roue. Les simulations ont été effectuées pour deux configurations d’aspirateur du projet BulbT. Pour la deuxième, plusieurs comparaisons avec des données expérimentales ont été faites pour deux conditions d’opération, à charge partielle et dans la zone de baisse rapide du rendement après le point de meilleur rendement. Cela a permis d’évaluer l’efficacité et les lacunes de la modélisation turbulente et des conditions limites à travers leurs effets sur les quantités globales et locales. Les résultats ont montrés que les structures tourbillonnaires et sillages sortant de la roue sont adéquatement résolus par les simulations DDES de l’aspirateur, en appliquant les profils instationnaires bidimensionnels et un schéma de faible dissipation pour le terme convectif. En outre, les effets de la turbulence artificielle à l’entrée de l’aspirateur ont été explorés à l’aide de l’estimation de l’intermittence du décollement, de corrélations en deux points, du spectre d’énergie et du concept de structures cohérentes lagrangiennes. Ces analyses ont montré que les détails de la dynamique de l’écoulement et de la séparation sont modifiés, ainsi que les patrons des lignes de transport à divers endroits de l’aspirateur. Cependant, les quantités globales comme le coefficient de récupération de l’aspirateur ne sont pas influencées par ces spécificités locales.


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This paper proposes the use of battery energy storage (BES) system for the grid-connected doubly fed induction generator (DFIG). The BES would help in storing/releasing additional power in case of higher/lower wind speed to maintain constant grid power. The DC link capacitor is replaced with the BES system in a DFIG-based wind turbine to achieve the above-mentioned goal. The control scheme is modified and the co-ordinated tuning of the associated controllers to enhance the damping of the oscillatory modes is presented using bacterial foraging technique. The results from eigenvalue analysis and the time domain simulation studies are presented to elucidate the effectiveness of the BES systems in maintaining the grid stability under normal operation.


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A comprehensive one-dimensional meanline design approach for radial inflow turbines is described in the present work. An original code was developed in Python that takes a novel approach to the automatic selection of feasible machines based on pre-defined performance or geometry characteristics for a given application. It comprises a brute-force search algorithm that traverses the entire search space based on key non-dimensional parameters and rotational speed. In this study, an in-depth analysis and subsequent implementation of relevant loss models as well as selection criteria for radial inflow turbines is addressed. Comparison with previously published designs, as well as other available codes, showed good agreement. Sample (real and theoretical) test cases were trialed and results showed good agreement when compared to other available codes. The presented approach was found to be valid and the model was found to be a useful tool with regards to the preliminary design and performance estimation of radial inflow turbines, enabling its integration with other thermodynamic cycle analysis and three-dimensional blade design codes.


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Optimisation of Organic Rankine Cycle (ORCs) for binary-cycle geothermal applications could play a major role in determining the competitiveness of low to moderate temperature geothermal resources. Part of this optimisation process is matching cycles to a given resource such that power output can be maximised. Two major and largely interrelated components of the cycle are the working fluid and the turbine. Both components need careful consideration: the selection of working fluid and appropriate operating conditions as well as optimisation of the turbine design for those conditions will determine the amount of power that can be extracted from a resource. In this paper, we present the rationale for the use of radial-inflow turbines for ORC applications and the preliminary design of several radial-inflow machines based on a number of promising ORC systems that use five different working fluids: R134a, R143a, R236fa, R245fa and n-Pentane. Preliminary meanline analysis lead to the generation of turbine designs for the various cycles with similar efficiencies (77%) but large differences in dimensions (139–289 mm rotor diameter). The highest performing cycle, based on R134a, was found to produce 33% more net power from a 150 °C resource flowing at 10 kg/s than the lowest performing cycle, based on n-Pentane.


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Optimisation of Organic Rankine Cycles (ORCs) for binary-cycle geothermal applications could play a major role in the competitiveness of low to moderate temperature geothermal resources. Part of this optimisation process is matching cycles to a given resource such that power output can be maximised. Two major and largely interrelated components of the cycle are the working fluid and the turbine. Both components need careful consideration. Due to the temperature differences in geothermal resources a one-size-fits-all approach to surface power infrastructure is not appropriate. Furthermore, the traditional use of steam as a working fluid does not seem practical due to the low temperatures of many resources. A variety of organic fluids with low boiling points may be utilised as ORC working fluids in binary power cycle loops. Due to differences in thermodynamic properties, certain fluids are able to extract more heat from a given resource than others over certain temperature and pressure ranges. This enables the tailoring of power cycle infrastructure to best match the geothermal resource through careful selection of the working fluid and turbine design optimisation to yield the optimum overall cycle performance. This paper presents the rationale for the use of radial-inflow turbines for ORC applications and the preliminary design of several radial-inflow turbines based on a selection of promising ORC cycles using five different high-density working fluids: R134a, R143a, R236fa, R245fa and n-Pentane at sub- or trans-critical conditions. Numerous studies published compare a variety of working fluids for various ORC configurations. However, there is little information specifically pertaining to the design and implementation of ORCs using realistic radial turbine designs in terms of pressure ratios, inlet pressure, rotor size and rotational speed. Preliminary 1D analysis leads to the generation of turbine designs for the various cycles with similar efficiencies (77%) but large differences in dimensions (139289 mm rotor diameter). The highest performing cycle (R134a) was found to produce 33% more net power from a 150°C resource flowing at 10 kg/s than the lowest performing cycle (n-Pentane).


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Design of hydraulic turbines has often to deal with hydraulic instability. It is well-known that Francis and Kaplan types present hydraulic instability in their design power range. Even if modern CFD tools may help to define these dangerous operating conditions and optimize runner design, hydraulic instabilities may fortuitously arise during the turbine life and should be timely detected in order to assure a long-lasting operating life. In a previous paper, the authors have considered the phenomenon of helical vortex rope, which happens at low flow rates when a swirling flow, in the draft tube conical inlet, occupies a large portion of the inlet. In this condition, a strong helical vortex rope appears. The vortex rope causes mechanical effects on the runner, on the whole turbine and on the draft tube, which may eventually produce severe damages on the turbine unit and whose most evident symptoms are vibrations. The authors have already shown that vibration analysis is suitable for detecting vortex rope onset, thanks to an experimental test campaign performed during the commissioning of a 23 MW Kaplan hydraulic turbine unit. In this paper, the authors propose a sophisticated data driven approach to detect vortex rope onset at different power load, based on the analysis of the vibration signals in the order domain and introducing the so-called "residual order spectrogram", i.e. an order-rotation representation of the vibration signal. Some experimental test runs are presented and the possibility to detect instability onset, especially in real-time, is discussed.


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Optimisation is a fundamental step in the turbine design process, especially in the development of non-classical designs of radial-inflow turbines working with high-density fluids in low-temperature Organic Rankine Cycles (ORCs). The present work discusses the simultaneous optimisation of the thermodynamic cycle and the one-dimensional design of radial-inflow turbines. In particular, the work describes the integration between a 1D meanline preliminary design code adapted to real gases and the performance estimation approach for radial-inflow turbines in an established ORC cycle analysis procedure. The optimisation approach is split in two distinct loops; the inner operates on the 1D design based on the parameters received from the outer loop, which optimises the thermodynamic cycle. The method uses parameters including brine flow rate, temperature and working fluid, shifting assumptions such as head and flow coefficients into the optimisation routine. The discussed design and optimisation method is then validated against published benchmark cases. Finally, using the same conditions, the coupled optimisation procedure is extended to the preliminary design of a radial-inflow turbine with R143a as working fluid in realistic geothermal conditions and compared against results from commercially-available software RITAL from Concepts-NREC.


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Any kind of imbalance in the operation of a wind turbine has adverse effect on the downstream torsional components as well as tower structure. It is crucial to detect imbalance at its very inception. The identification of the type of imbalance is also required so that appropriate measures of fault accommodation can be performed in the control system. In particular, it is important to distinguish between mass and aerodynamic imbalance. While the former is gradually caused by a structural anomaly (e.g. ice deposition, moisture accumulation inside blade), the latter is generally associated to a fault in the pitch control system. This paper proposes a technique for the detection and identification of imbalance fault in large scale wind turbines. Unlike most other existing method it requires only the rotor speed signal which is readily available in existing turbines. Signature frequencies have been proposed in this work to identify imbalance type based on their physical phenomenology. The performance of this technique has been evaluated by simulations using an existing benchmark model. The effectiveness of the proposed method has been confirmed by the simulation results.


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This paper considers the dynamic modelling and motion control of a Surface Effect Ship (SES) for safer transfer of personnel and equipment from vessel to-and-from an offshore wind-turbine. Such a vessel is a key enabling factor for operation and maintenance (O&M) of offshore wind-energy infrastructure. The control system designed is referred to as Boarding Control System (BCS). We investigate the performance of this system for a specific wind-farm service vessel–The Wave Craft. A two-modality vessel model is presented to account for the vessel free motion and motion whilst in contact with a wind-turbine. On a SES, the pressurized air cushion carries the majority of the vessel mass. The control problem considered relates to the actuation of the pressure such that wave-induced vessel motions are minimized. This leads to a safer personnel transfer in developed sea-states than what is possible today. Results for the BCS is presented through simulation and model-scale craft testing.


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Hydraulic instabilities represent a critical problem for Francis and Kaplan turbines, reducing their useful life due to increase of fatigue on the components and cavitation phenomena. Whereas an exhaustive list of publications on computational fluid-dynamic models of hydraulic instability is available, the possibility of applying diagnostic techniques based on vibration measurements has not been investigated sufficiently, also because the appropriate sensors seldom equip hydro turbine units. The aim of this study is to fill this knowledge gap and to exploit fully, for this purpose, the potentiality of combining cyclostationary analysis tools, able to describe complex dynamics such as those of fluid-structure interactions, with order tracking procedures, allowing domain transformations and consequently the separation of synchronous and non-synchronous components. This paper will focus on experimental data obtained on a full-scale Kaplan turbine unit, operating in a real power plant, tackling the issues of adapting such diagnostic tools for the analysis of hydraulic instabilities and proposing techniques and methodologies for a highly automated condition monitoring system. © 2015 Elsevier Ltd.


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Imbalance is not only a direct major cause of downtime in wind turbines, but also accelerates the degradation of neighbouring and downstream components (e.g. main bearing, generator). Along with detection, the imbalance quantification is also essential as some residual imbalance always exist even in a healthy turbine. Three different commonly used sensor technologies (vibration, acoustic emission and electrical measurements) are investigated in this work to verify their sensitivity to different imbalance grades. This study is based on data obtained by experimental tests performed on a small scale wind turbine drive train test-rig for different shaft speeds and imbalance levels. According to the analysis results, electrical measurements seem to be the most suitable for tracking the development of imbalance.


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This paper considers the dynamic modelling and motion control of a Surface Effect Ship (SES) for safer transfer of personnel and equipment from vessel to-and-from an offshore wind-turbine. The control system designed is referred to as Boarding Control System (BCS). The performance of this system is investigated for a specific wind-farm service vessel—The Wave Craft. On a SES, the pressurized air cushion supports the majority of the weight of the vessel. The control problem considered relates to the actuation of the pressure such that wave-induced vessel motions are minimized. Results are given through simulation, model- and full-scale experimental testing.