272 resultados para Treillis iceberg
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Despite longstanding and explicit legal frameworks for preventing and responding to sexual harassment, only a small proportion of those sexually harassed use legal avenues of redress to seek justice. In contrast to legal cases which constitute the ‘tip of the iceberg’, this study examines extra-legal strategies — the less visible but more frequent, ‘everyday’, formal and informal organizational practices. We report on a national prevalence survey conducted by the Australian Human Rights Commission which examined how ‘targets’ use formal organizational grievance mechanisms, and/or other informal methods to redress, resist or avoid workplace sexual harassment. The findings revealed that the majority of targets do not formally report it because of fear of retribution or that nothing will be done, but they sometimes use apparently proactive or assertive alternative strategies, such as seeking informal assistance and ‘dealing with the problem themselves’. These responses occur in the context of extra-legal facets of organizational life which affect the extent to which sexual harassment and other unfavorable and discriminatory acts are tolerated.
Poor dietary choices are associated with overweight and obesity and the development of chronic conditions. Over 12 million (~60%) Australians are currently overweight or obese. Accredited Practicing Dietitians (APDs) are the experts in nutrition and diet therapy, equipped to provide services and counselling to assist individuals in making dietary modifications to prevent or manage diet-related conditions. However, no existing research has investigated the proportion or characteristics of the Australian population that may be accessing APDs. Data from 25,906 participants in the 2004/05 National Health Survey (NHS) were analysed using logistic regression to identify the sociodemographic and health characteristics of individuals accessing an APD or Nutritionist. Only 0.4% (n = 105) of the sample reported accessing a Dietitian or Nutritionist, this was half the amount accessing a Naturopath. Diabetes Mellitus, cardiovascular disease and obesity were all significantly associated with having seen a Dietitian, and over 90% of those accessing services had a long-term condition. Of the total sample only 10% of those with a diet-related condition had seen an APD or Nutritionist. Household income and education were not associated with accessing an APD. Exploration around the barriers to referral and accessing services may be warranted to assist in enhancing the profile of APDs among the population and other healthcare professionals. The current number of approximately 5000 registered APDs is unlikely to be able to service the proportion of the population who require dietary intervention; further avenues for prevention, rather than acute treatment, and novel strategies for service provision also need to be explored.
This play comes from a research project about how teachers understand and sustain their work in challenging secondary school classrooms. The research asked “How DO teachers work in these classrooms?” not “How SHOULD they?” In the play you meet three teachers who speak candidly about their principles, priorities and vulnerabilities to a pre-service teacher as they move between classes and staffroom. These are real people, real quotes and real feelings taken from real interview data, not idealised guidelines for ‘best practice’. Rather than templates for practice, the play offers a variety of models, issues and food for thought to discuss in teacher education programs. The project was interested in the moral dynamics of classrooms created under the Council of Australian Governments’ 2009 Compact with Young Australians, a policy move that required students to be ‘earning or learning till 17’ across all Australian states. By removing the unemployment benefit for this age group, and tying school attendance to family welfare entitlements, these policies effectively raised the minimum school-leaving age. The risk in this well-intended policy move is that a lack of suitable job opportunities will keep young people at school longer than they want to be there. The effects of this ‘earning or learning’ policy will impact some communities, schools and classrooms much harder than others. The title uses the metaphor of an iceberg to refer to the complex community-school relations that lie below classroom interactions. The idea of a morality play in the play’s title refers back to a medieval form of popular play that used characters to instruct the audience in virtues and values. In the same way, this play seeks to bring to the surface and embody the different moral principles that can inform teacher’s work. The research involved classroom ethnographies of classes for 16 to 17 years olds in non-academic pathways. Eight different teacher/ class combinations were sampled across 2 high schools, 2 TAFE colleges and I hybrid TAFE/school program in three towns experiencing chronic youth unemployment. Their timetabled lessons were observed across 3 to 4 weeks and the teachers and some students were interviewed in each site. The project was funded by an ARC Discovery Early Career Award, 2012-214.
Resumen: La autora describe una articulación vital entre identidad eclesial e identidad civil, que se expresa en la fundación de una organización civil no confesional. Y reinterpreta la experiencia teniendo en cuenta la situación de transición que se da en las prácticas y sus interpretaciones, tanto en lo social como en lo eclesial.
Introdução: Algumas alterações cutâneas podem ser as primeiras manifestações clínicas de diversas entidades nosológicas com atingimento sistémico. O presente trabalho tem como objectivo rever a semiologia dermatológica relevante no contexto das doenças com envolvimento neurológico na infância. Material e Métodos: Revisão dos artigos indexados à MedLine publicados nos últimos 12 anos e com relevância para o tema. Resultados: Os principais grupos nosológicos relevantes para o tema compreendem as genodermatoses (com destaque para as síndromes neurocutâneas), as alterações da pigmentação, as doenças vasculares, as endócrinas, os défices enzimáticos congénitos e os disrafismos espinhais ocultos. Discussão: O reconhecimento da semiologia cutânea específica é importante pois pode permitir um diagnóstico muito mais precoce.
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
In this paper we study two orthogonal extensions of the classical data mining problem of mining association rules, and show how they naturally interact. The first is the extension from a propositional representation to datalog, and the second is the condensed representation of frequent itemsets by means of Formal Concept Analysis (FCA). We combine the notion of frequent datalog queries with iceberg concept lattices (also called closed itemsets) of FCA and introduce two kinds of iceberg query lattices as condensed representations of frequent datalog queries. We demonstrate that iceberg query lattices provide a natural way to visualize relational association rules in a non-redundant way.
Número monográfico con el título: La LOE una ley de cumplimiento.
Resumen tomado del de la publicación. Monográfico con el título: La cualificación profesional básica: competencias para la inclusión sociolaboral de jóvenes
La evaluación de la labor directiva tomada simplemente como una valoración administrativa y económica, deja fuera a otros aspectos relacionados con las características específicas de la gestión del dirigente educativo. Por ello se propone dedicar más atención a estos aspectos no recogidos en la evaluación y que se denominan 'aspectos de currículum oculto'. Dichos aspectos hacen referencia a capacidades de los directivos de un centro de aprovechar rendijas en la normativa para dar respuesta a necesidades específicas de su proyecto. Esta capacidad debe ser valorada como un aspecto deseable en la dirección. Por otra parte, se señala la necesidad de que las prioridades de la política educativa sean incorporadas en la evaluación de los dirigentes. Finalmente se defiende que la responsabilidad de modificar la evaluación de la dirección de los centros escolares debe recaer sobre la inspección educativa.