995 resultados para Transparent conducting oxides


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There is an increasing demand for renewable energies due to the limited availability of fossil and nuclear fuels and due to growing environmental problems. Photovoltaic (PV) energy conversion has the potential to contribute significantly to the electrical energy generation in the future. Currently, the cost for photovoltaic systems is one of the main obstacles preventing production and application on a large scale. The photovoltaic research is now focused on the development of materials that will allow mass production without compromising on the conversion efficiencies. Among important selection criteria of PV material and in particular for thin films, are a suitable band gap, high absorption coefficient and reproducible deposition processes capable of large-volume and low cost production. The chalcopyrite semiconductor thin films such as Copper indium selenide and Copper indium sulphide are the materials that are being intensively investigated for lowering the cost of solar cells. Conversion efficiencies of 19 % have been reported for laboratory scale solar cell based on CuInSe2 and its alloys. The main objective of this thesis work is to optimise the growth conditions of materials suitable for the fabrication of solar cell, employing cost effective techniques. A typical heterojunction thin film solar cell consists of an absorber layer, buffer layer and transparent conducting contacts. The most appropriate techniques have been used for depositing these different layers, viz; chemical bath deposition for the window layer, flash evaporation and two-stage process for the absorber layer, and RF magnetron sputtering for the transparent conducting layer. Low cost experimental setups were fabricated for selenisation and sulphurisation experiments, and the magnetron gun for the RF sputtering was indigenously fabricated. The films thus grown were characterised using different tools. A powder X-ray diffractometer was used to analyse the crystalline nature of the films. The energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) and scanning electron microscopy i (SEM) were used for evaluating the composition and morphology of the films. Optical properties were investigated using the UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometer by recording the transmission/absorption spectra. The electrical properties were studied using the two probe and four probe electrical measurements. Nature of conductivity of the films was determined by thermoprobe and thermopower measurements. The deposition conditions and the process parameters were optimised based on these characterisations.


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The investigation of physical properties of matter has progressed so much during the last hundred years. Today physics is divided in to a large distinct group of special branches. These branches are distinguished by the particular area studied, method of investigation and so on. An independent and important branch that has developed is the physics ofthin films.Any object in solid or liquid form with one of its dimensions very much smaller than that of the other two may be called a thin film. It is having only one common property, namely, one of their dimensions is very small, though all their physical properties may be different. Thin layers of oil, floating on the surface of water, with their fascinating colours, have attracted men’s curiosity from time immemorial. The earliest application of thin films was the protective coatings in the form of paints. A thin layer of tin has been used from ancient times to protect copper utensils from corrosion. Indium thin films are used in certain applications on account of their good lubricating property. Relay contacts are coated with thin films of rare earth metals in order to prevent burning due to arcing. Hard coatings are also available using diamond like carbon (i-carbon). The basic properties of thin films are of considerable interest because of their potential applications in various fields of science and technology


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Plasma-assisted magnetron sputtering with varying ambient conditions has been utilised to deposit Al-doped ZnO (AZO) transparent conductive thin films directly onto a glass substrate at a low substrate temperature of 400 °C. The effects of hydrogen addition on electrical, optical and structural properties of the deposited AZO films have been investigated using X-ray diffractometry (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Hall effect measurements and UV–vis optical transmission spectroscopy. The results indicate that hydrogen addition has a remarkable effect on the film transparency and conductivity with the greatest effects observed with a hydrogen flux of approximately 3 sccm. It has been demonstrated that the conductivity and the average transmittance in the visible range can increase simultaneously contrary to the effects observed by other authors. In addition, hydrogen incorporation further leads to the absorption edge shifting to a shorter wavelength due to the Burstein–Moss effect. These results are of particular relevance to the development of the next generation of optoelectronic and photovoltaic devices based on highly transparent conducting oxides with controllable electronic and optical properties.


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Materials exhibiting transparency and electrical conductivity simultaneously, transparent conductors, Transparent conducting oxides (TCOs), which have high transparency through the visible spectrum and high electrical conductivity are already being used in numerous applications. Low-emission windows that allow visible light through while reflecting the infrared, this keeps the heat out in summer, or the heat in, in winter. A thin conducting layer on or in between the glass panes achieves this. Low-emission windows use mostly F-doped SnO2. Most of these TCO’s are n type semiconductors and are utilized in a variety of commercial applications, such as flat-panel displays, photovoltaic devices, and electrochromic windows, in which they serve as transparent electrodes. Novel functions may be integrated into the materials since oxides have a variety of elements and crystal structures, providing great potential for realizing a diverse range of active functions. However, the application of TCOs has been restricted to transparent electrodes, notwithstanding the fact that TCOs are n-type semiconductors. The primary reason is the lack of p-type TCOs, because many of the active functions in semiconductors originate from the nature of the pn-junction. In 1997, H. Kawazoe et al.[2] reported CuAlO2 thin films as a first p-type TCO along with a chemical design concept for the exploration of other p-type TCOs.


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Highly conductive and transparent thin films of amorphous zinc indium tin oxide are prepared at room temperature by co-sputtering of zinc 10 oxide and indium tin oxide. Cationic contents in the films are varied by adjusting the power to the sputtering targets. Optical transmission study of 11 films showed an average transmission greater than 85% across the visible region. Maximum conductivity of 6×102 S cm−1 is obtained for Zn/In/ 12 Sn atomic ratio 0.4/0.4/0.2 in the film. Hall mobility strongly depends on carrier concentration and maximum mobility obtained is 18 cm2 V−1 s−1 13 at a carrier concentration of 2.1×1020 cm−3. Optical band gap of films varied from 3.44 eV to 3 eV with the increase of zinc content in the film 14 while the refractive index of the films at 600 nm is about 2.0.


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In the present studies, various copper delafossite materials viz; CuAlO2, CuGaO2, CuFeO2 , CuGa1-xFexO2, CuYO2 and CuCaxY1-xO2 were synthesised by solid state reaction technique. These copper delafossite materials were grown in thin film form by rf magnetron sputtering technique. In general copper delafossites exhibit good optical transparency. The conductivity of the CuYO2 could be improved by Ca doping or by oxygen intercalation by annealing the film in oxygen atmosphere. It has so far been impossible to improve the p-type conductivity of CuGaO2 significantly by doping Mg or Ca on the Ga site. The ptype conductivity is presumed to be due to oxygen doping or Cu Vacancies [6]. Reports in literature show, oxygen intercalation or divalent ion doping on Ga site is not possible for CuGaO2 thin films to improve the p-type conductivity. Sintered powder and crystals of CuFeO2 have been reported as the materials having the highest p-type conductivity [14, 15] among the copper and silver delafossites. However the CuFeO2 films are found to be less transparent in the visible region compared to CuGaO2. Hence in the present work, the solid solution between the CuGaO2 and CuFeO2 was effected by solid state reaction, varying the Fe content. The CuGa1-xFexO2 with Fe content, x=0.5 shows an increase in conductivity by two orders, compared to CuGaO2 but the transparency is only about 50% in the visible region which is less than that of CuGaO2 The synthesis of α−AgGaO2 was carried out by two step process which involves the synthesis of β-AgGaO2 by ion exchange reaction followed by the hydrothermal conversion of the β-AgGaO2 into α-AgGaO2. The trace amount of Ag has been reduced substantially in the two step synthesis compared to the direct hydrothermal synthesis. Thin films of α-AgGaO2 were prepared on silicon and Al2O3 substrates by pulsed laser deposition. These studies indicate the possibility of using this material as p-type material in thin film form for transparent electronics. The room temperature conductivity of α-AgGaO2 was measured as 3.17 x 10-4 Scm-1and the optical band gap was estimated as 4.12 eV. A transparent p-n junction thin film diode on glass substrate was fabricated using p-type α-AgGaO2 and n-ZnO.AgCoO2 thin films with 50% transparency in the visible region were deposited on single crystalline Al2O3 and amorphous silica substrates by RF magnetron sputtering and p type conductivity of AgCoO2 was demonstrated by fabricating transparent p-n junction diode with AgCoO2 as p-side and ZnO: Al as n-side using sputtering. The junction thus obtained was found to be rectifying with a forward to reverse current of about 10 at an applied voltage of 3 V.The present study shows that silver delafossite thin films with p-type conductivity can be used for the fabrication of active devices for transparent electronics applications.


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Semiconductor physics has developed significantly in the field of re- search and industry in the past few decades due to it’s numerous practical applications. One of the relevant fields of current interest in material science is the fundamental aspects and applications of semi- conducting transparent thin films. Transparent conductors show the properties of transparency and conductivity simultaneously. As far as the band structure is concerned, the combination of the these two properties in the same material is contradictory. Generally a trans- parent material is an insulator having completely filled valence and empty conduction bands. Metallic conductivity come out when the Fermi level lies within a band with a large density of states to provide high carrier concentration. Effective transparent conductors must nec- essarily represent a compromise between a better transmission within the visible spectral range and a controlled but useful electrical con- ductivity [1–6]. Generally oxides like In2O3, SnO2, ZnO, CdO etc, show such a combination. These materials without any doping are insulators with optical band gap of about 3 eV. To become a trans- parent conductor, these materials must be degenerately doped to lift the Fermi level up into the conduction band. Degenerate doping pro- vides high mobility of extra carriers and low optical absorption. The increase in conductivity involves an increase in either carrier concen- tration or mobility. Increase in carrier concentration will enhance the absorption in the visible region while increase in mobility has no re- verse effect on optical properties. Therefore the focus of research for new transparent conducting oxide (TCO) materials is on developing materials with higher carrier mobilities.


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The effects of sintering on several properties of FTO and ITO substates used in DSC have been investigated. FTO & ITO substrates were prepared with a range of sizes and aspect ratios - emulated laboratory style test cells through to prototype modules. Time and temperature of the sintering profiles were varied and sheet resistance and flatness measured. Electrical properties of the substrates were then further characterized by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, and module sized devices were assembled and thickness variations over the device area were determined and related to performance.


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Al-doped zinc oxide (AZO) thin films are deposited onto glass substrates using radio-frequency reactive magnetron sputtering and the improvements in their physical properties by post-synthesis thermal treatment are reported. X-ray diffraction spectra show that the structure of films can be controlled by adjusting the annealing temperatures, with the best crystallinity obtained at 400°C under a nitrogen atmosphere. These films exhibit improved quality and better optical transmittance as indicated by the UV-Vis spectra. Furthermore, the sheet resistivity is found to decrease from 1.87 × 10-3 to 5.63 × 10-4Ω⋅cm and the carrier mobility increases from 6.47 to 13.43 cm2 ⋅ V-1 ⋅ s-1 at the optimal annealing temperature. Our results demonstrate a simple yet effective way in controlling the structural, optical and electrical properties of AZO thin films, which is important for solar cell applications.


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A modified method has been developed for the deposition of transparent semiconducting thin films of tin oxide, involving the chemical vapour phase oxidation of tin iodide. These films show sheet resistances greater than 100 Ω/□ and an average optical transmission in the visible range exceeding 80%. The method avoids uncontrolled contamination, resulting in better reproducibility of the films. The films showed direct and indirect transitions and the possibility of an indirect forbidden transition. X-ray diffraction studies reveal that the films are polycrystalline. The low mobility values of the films have been attributed to the grain boundary scattering effect.


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Zinc oxide (ZnO) and indium doped ZnO (IZO) thin films with different indium compositions were grown by pulsed laser deposition technique on corning glass substrate. The effect of indium concentration on the structural, morphological, optical and electrical properties of the film was studied. The films were oriented along c-direction with wurtzite structure and highly transparent with an average transmittance of more than 80% in the visible wavelength region. The energy band gap was found to decrease with increasing indium concentration. High transparency makes the films useful as optical windows while the high band gap values support the idea that the film could be a good candidate for optoelectronic devices. The value of resistivity observed to decrease initially with doping concentration and subsequently increases. IZO with 1% of indium showed the lowest resistivity of 2.41 x 10(-2) Omega cm and large transmittance in the visible wavelength region. Especially 1% IZO thin film was observed to be a suitable transparent conducting oxide material to potentially replace indium tin oxide. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this investigation transparent conducting properties of as-deposited and annealed ZnO:Sn:F films deposited using different spray flux density by changing the solvent volume (10 mL, 20 mL ... 50 mL) of the starting solutions have been studied and reported. The structural analyses of the films indicate that all the films have hexagonal wurtzite structure of ZnO with preferential orientation along (002) plane irrespective of the solvent volume and annealing treatment whereas, the overall crystalline quality of the films is found to be enhanced with the increase in solvent volume as well as with annealing. This observed enhancement is strongly supported by the optical and surface morphological results. From the measurements of electrical parameters, it is seen that, the annealed films exhibit better electrical properties compared to the as-deposited ones. Annealing has caused agglomeration of grains as confirmed by the surface morphological studies. Also, the annealing process has led to an improvement in the optical transparency as well as band gap. It is found from the analyses of the characteristics of the as- deposited and annealed films that the annealed film deposited from starting solution having solvent volume of 50 mL is optimal in all respects, as it possesses all the desirable characteristics including the quality factor (1.60 x 10(-4) (Omega/sq.)(-1)). (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.