999 resultados para Transfusion service
RESUMO: A gestão de ocorrências, sendo um requisito, quer legal, ao nível da regulação, quer normativo, tal como surge na ISO 9001, é um componente crítico para garantir a melhoria contínua um Serviço de Sangue, dado ter como objetivo a satisfação contínua dos requisitos dos dadores e recetores. A gestão eficaz, mas com eficiência, depende, também da eficácia da abordagem para gestão de ocorrência, nomeadamente, através da geração de correções, ações corretivas e ações preventiva eficazes. Esta dissertação discute a relevância, propondo um modelo de abordagem de gestão da qualidade conforme com os requisitos da lei fundamental da regulação de Serviços de Sangue, DL 267/2007, e com a norma global para sistemas de gestão da qualidade, ISO 9001. Esta abordagem usada descreve as várias etapas para a gestão eficaz de ocorrências, desde o seu relato, à sua classificação, tratamento com medição e análise risco associado e verificação da eficácia das ações tomadas. A eficácia do modelo teórico proposto foi verificado através da sua passagem para algoritmo informático num software comercial. Foi evidenciado neste software o cumprimento dos requisitos da abordagem teórica, pelo que a aplicação informática está conforme com os requisitos estabelecidos num procedimento documentado. Foi evidenciado, também, a rastreabilidade dos dados ao longo e toda a metodologia. A utilização de uma ferramenta informática também acrescentou valor ao modelo teórico, dado o acesso a toda a informação ser mais célere e de fácil acesso, quando comparado com o uso em suporte de papel.---------ABSTRACT: The issues management is a law requirement intended for regulation of “Blood Banks” and a quality management global requirement from ISO 9001. It is a critical activity, intended to to ensure continuous improvement on “Blood Bank”. Its goal is the continuous satisfaction of blood donors and transfusion recipients. Effective management and efficiency also depend on the effectiveness of the management of occurrence approach, namely in successful corrections, corrective actions and preventive actions. This paper discusses the relevance and it proposes a model approach to quality management according to the requirements of the fundamental law of regulation of “Blood Bank”, DL 267/2007, and according to the global standard for quality management systems, ISO 9001. This approach describes the various steps for effective management of incidents, such as his account, its classification, measurement and treatment using risk analysis and verification of the effectiveness of actions taken. The efficiency of the proposed theoretical model was verified through its transition to a computer algorithm trading software. It was demonstrated in this software that the requirements of the theoretical approach has been fulfilled by the computer application, which complies with the requirements established in a documented procedure. It was also evident that traceability of data across the methodology. The use of a software tool also added value to the theoretical model due to the access to all information to be faster and more easily accessible, when compared to paper.
Introducción: Uno de los problemas que afrontan los hospitales públicos de Bogotá es la insuficiencia de unidades de glóbulos rojos- UGR “O”; este trabajo pretendió evaluar a través de indicadores, el comportamiento del manejo de inventarios de sangre en un Hospital público de tercer nivel. Método: Estudio descriptivo restrospectivo, a partir de registros de Red Distrital de Sangre, banco de sangre Hemocentro Distrital y del servicio de transfusión del Hospital. La evaluación de gestión del inventario y eliminación se hizo con el universo de UGR; para la obtención de: reserva/transfusión, tiempo/reserva y la transfusión no isogrupo, se utilizó una muestra del universo de pruebas cruzadas completas (6.575), Resultados: El Hospital recibió 4.644 UGR, con 4.719 transfundidas, reflejando inconsistencias en estos datos. La participación de transfusiones por servicio fue: Urgencias 22,6%(n=1072), cirugía 21,6%(n=1025), UCI adulto 19,2%(n=912), medicina interna del 17,6%(n=836), ginecología del 6,8%(n=323). El indice WAPI fue de 0,19%(n=9) UGR incineradas, el tiempo de reserva a 24 horas o menos del 65,7%, mayor de 24 horas y menor de 48 horas el 4,2%, mayor de 48 horas y menor de 72 horas el 0,6% y sin información disponible 29,5%; la reserva transfusión del 73%; la transfusión no Isogrupo correspondió 5,1% (n=18), distribuida: prueba cruzada incompatible 1,7%(n=6), protocolo pediatría/neonatología 2%(n=7); Urgencia vital 1,4%(n=5). Conclusiones: Comparado con otros estudios se encontró buen desempeño de los indicadores Wapi (0.19%) y Reserva/trasfusión (73%). No se evaluó demanda satisfecha y utilización componente UGR por registros inconsistentes; en tiempo/reserva la información es crítica para validar el resultado.
Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB
Starting in 2013, blood donors must be tested at least using: (1) one monoclonal anti-D and one anti-CDE (alternatively full RhCcEe phenotyping), and (2) all RhD negative donors must be tested for RHD exons 5 and 10 plus one further exonic, or intronic RHD specificity, according to the guidelines of the Blood Transfusion Service of the Swiss Red Cross (BTS SRC). In 2012 an adequate stock of RHD screened donors was built. Of all 25,370 RhD negative Swiss donors tested in 2012, 20,015 tested at BTS Berne and 5355 at BTS Zürich, showed 120 (0.47%) RHD positivity. Thirty-seven (0.15%) had to be redefined as RhD positive. Routine molecular RHD screening is reliable, rapid and cost-effective and provides safer RBC units in Switzerland.
In modern society, blood donor motivation and recruitment is a fundamental part of health care delivery. Well defined and documented programmes exist throughout the world but new ideas are always welcome. The situation in the Sudan is different and much remains to be done by way of comparison with elsewhere. This thesis outlines the objectives of a study, how it was supported, sponsored and achieved. It describes briefly the geography of the Sudan, the source of Sudanese economy, climate, culture and historical backgrounds. The problems of existing services in the Sudan are reviewed and a brief account of the demographic characteristics of the Sudanese population is given. Two surveys done in West of Scotland and in the Sudan are described in detail. This work discloses and compares the positive motives that enhances giving of blood and the negative motives that hinders its donation. The comparison is between an Eastern Society with a voluntary motivation not fully activated because of lack of understanding and awareness of the need to give blood voluntarily for strangers and Western Society with a well established voluntary system of donation. An addition to this research was the investigation into the immunity to tetanus and hepatitis in the Sudanese population. An estimate of the percentage of individuals with detectable levels of hepatitis A and B antibodies and tetanus antibodies is included since there is a need to establish a plasmapheresis programme as part of a good Blood Transfusion Service for the procurement of specific immunoglobulin's. This work has revealed major differences between the West of Scotland and the Sudan and suggestions are made for their resolution. The main conclusion and comparison are summarised in Chapter 7. It is hoped that many of the suggestions in this thesis can be introduced in the Sudan at an early date.
Background In 2009 Malawi introduced a new protocol to screen potential blood donors for anaemia, using the WHO Haemoglobin Colour Scale (HCS) for initial screening. Published studies of the accuracy of the HCS to screen potential blood donors show varying levels of accuracy and opinion varies whether this is an appropriate screening test. The aim of the study was to assess the validity of the HCS, as a screening test, by comparison to HemoCue in potential blood donors in Malawi. Study design and Methods This was a blinded prospective study in potential blood donors aged over 18 years, at Malawi Blood Transfusion Service in Blantyre, Malawi. Capillary blood samples were analysed using the HCS and HemoCue, independent of each other. The sensitivity and specificity of correctly identifying ineligible blood donors (Hb≤12g/dL) were calculated. Results From 242 participants 234 (96.7%) were correctly allocated and 8 (3.3%), were wrongly allocated on the basis of the Haemoglobin Colour Scale (HCS) compared to HemoCue, all were subjects that were wrongly accepted as donors when their haemoglobin results were ≤12.0g/dL. This gave a sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 96.7% to detect donor eligibilty. The negative predictive value of the HCS was 100% but the positive predictive value to identify ineligible donors on the basis of anaemia was only 20%. Conclusions Initial screening with the HCS correctly predicts eligibility for blood donation in the majority of potential blood donors at considerable cost saving compared with use of HemoCue as the first line anaemia screening test, however, by this method a small number of anaemic patients were allowed to donate blood.
Aim To determine the distribution of haematological parameters in healthy individuals residing in Blantyre, Malawi. We also examined the effect of sociodemographic and nutritional factors on the haematological variables. Methods We conducted a proof-of-concept cross-sectional study, involving 105 healthy blood donors at Malawi Blood Transfusion Service in Blantyre. Eligible participants were HIV-negative males and females, aged 19 to 35 years, who did not have any evidence of acute or chronic illness, or bloodborne infection. We performed the haematological tests at the Malawi-Liverpool Wellcome Trust laboratory in Blantyre, and the screening tests at Malawi Blood Transfusion Service laboratories. Results Out of 170 consenting healthy volunteers, haematological results were available for 105 participants. The proportions of results which were below the lower limit of the manufacturer’s reference ranges were 35.2% (37/105) for haemoglobin, 15.2% (16/105) for neutrophils, 23.8% (25/105) for eosinophils, and 88.6 % (93/105) for basophils. The proportions of results that were above the upper limit of the manufacturer’s reference ranges were 9.5% (10/105) for platelets and 12.4% (13/105) for monocytes. We also observed that the mean leucocyte and basophil counts were significantly higher in males than females (p = 0.042 and p = 0.015, respectively). There were no statistically significant differences in haematological results observed among different ethnic, age, and body mass index groups. Conclusions Over half of otherwise healthy study participants had at least one abnormal haematological result, using previously established foreign standards. More detailed studies are needed to establish locally relevant normal ranges for different age groups and other demographic characteristics of the Malawian population. This will lead to accurate interpretation of laboratory results.
This article analyzed whether the practices of hearing health care were consistent with the principles of universality, comprehensiveness and equity from the standpoint of professionals. It involved qualitative research conducted at a Medium Complexity Hearing Health Care Center. A social worker, three speech therapists, a physician and a psychologist constituted the study subjects. Interviews were conducted as well as observation registered in a field diary. The thematic analysis technique was used in the analysis of the material. The analysis of interviews resulted in the construction of the following themes: Universality and access to hearing health, Comprehensive Hearing Health Care and Hearing Health and Equity. The study identified issues that interfere with the quality of service and run counter to the principles of Brazilian Unified Health System. The conclusion reached was that a relatively simple investment in training and professional qualification can bring about significant changes in order to promote a more universal, comprehensive and equitable health service.
The aim of this study is to test the feasibility and reproducibility of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) evaluations of the fetal brains in cases of twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS). From May 2011 to June 2012, 24 patients with severe TTTS underwent MRI scans for evaluation of the fetal brains. Datasets were analyzed offline on axial DW images and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps by two radiologists. The subjective evaluation was described as the absence or presence of water diffusion restriction. The objective evaluation was performed by the placement of 20-mm(2) circular regions of interest on the DW image and ADC maps. Subjective interobserver agreement was assessed by the kappa correlation coefficient. Objective intraobserver and interobserver agreements were assessed by proportionate Bland-Altman tests. Seventy-four DW-MRI scans were performed. Sixty of them (81.1%) were considered to be of good quality. Agreement between the radiologists was 100% for the absence or presence of diffusion restriction of water. For both intraobserver and interobserver agreement of ADC measurements, proportionate Bland-Altman tests showed average percentage differences of less than 1.5% and 95% CI of less than 18% for all sites evaluated. Our data demonstrate that DW-MRI evaluation of the fetal brain in TTTS is feasible and reproducible.
Objective To assess the neurodevelopmental functions (cognition, language and motor function) of survivors of twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS). Method Observational cross-sectional study of a total of 67 monochorionic diamniotic twins who underwent fetoscopic laser coagulation (FLC) for treatment of TTTS. The study was conducted at the Center for Investigation in Pediatrics (CIPED), Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Ages ranged from one month and four days to two years four months. Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development Screening Test-III, were used for evaluation. Results Most children reached the competent category and were classified as having appropriate performance. The preterm children scored worse than term infants for gross motor subtest (p = 0.036). Conclusion The majority of children reached the expected development according to their age. Despite the good neurodevelopment, children classified at risk should be monitored for development throughout childhood.
Epidemiologic aspects of traumatic dental injuries (TDI) were evaluated in the permanent dentition in a sample of 847 patients treated at the Dental Urgency Service of the Dental School of the Federal University of Goiás, Brazil, between May 2000 and May 2008. The statistical treatment analyzed data from frequency distribution and chi-square test. The level of significance was set at 5% for all analyses. The results showed a higher incident among males (610; 72.01%) with mean age of 6-10 year-old. Uncomplicated crown fracture (without pulp exposure) (502; 26.95%), avulsion (341; 18.30%) and complicated crown fracture (with pulp exposure) (330; 17.71%) were the most prevalent TDI. The prevalence of trauma throughout the years showed proportionality, being observed a larger number of cases between July and September (249; 29.39%). The most affected teeth were the maxillary central incisors (65.65%), followed by the maxillary left lateral incisors (19.67%). In 311 participants (18.25%), only one tooth was involved, while in most patients (536; 81.75%), TDI occurred in more than one tooth. Significant proportion (82.27%) of traumatized teeth presented completely formed root apex. The main etiologic factors involved in TDI were falls (51.71%), traffic accidents (22.90%) and violence (5.67%). Based on the obtained data, it may be concluded that accurate policies of TDI prevention must be established, capable of stimulating the exposure of appropriate protocols for management of these lesions. The prevalence of TDI in Goiânia subpopulation is compared to the prevalence reported in epidemiological studies in others populations.