931 resultados para Trans-Cultural Engagement
Este artículo pertenece a una sección de la revista dedicada a psicología social. - Resumen tomado parcialmente de la revista
Monográfico con el título: 'Mejorar la escuela: perspectivas didácticas y organizativas'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación
In an era of rapidly changing economic, social and environmental conditions, urban and regional planning education must be resilient, innovative and able to deal with the complex political and socio-economic fabric of post-modern cities. As a consequence, urban and regional planning education plays a fundamental role in educating and forming planning practitioners that will be able to tackle such complexity. However, not many tertiary education institutions provide a trans-cultural engagement opportunity for students, where the need to internationalise planning education has been widely recognised worldwide. The aim of this paper is to communicate the findings of three overseas study trips (Kuala Lumpur-Malaysia, Daejeon-Korea, Istanbul and Gallipoli-Turkey) that students of Queensland University of Technology are taken to where these study trips trailed the provision of an innovative tertiary education experience of teaching regional planning in an international context. The findings of the pedagogic analyses of the study reveal that the exposure of students to different planning processes and practices give them a new outlook on what they knew from their own country and provide them with useful insights on international planning issues and cultural differences and barriers.
Rapid urbanisation of the global population over the last two centuries has inevitably brought with it a number of challenges and opportunities for economic, environmental and social sustainability of regions. This is arguably a result of rapid globalisation and subsequent growth in knowledge and service based economic markets. This paper reviews the introduction of a specialised teaching structure where the concepts of Knowledge Based Urban Development and Knowledge Cities were taught to various students of the discipline of Urban and Regional Planning at the Queensland University of Technology, through their study tour to the city of Taipei, Taiwan. The concepts were conveyed under the name ‘Taipei Metropolis Knowledge Based Regional Planning Studio’ and its methodology reviewed a series of tasks that was considered to provide a stronger level of understanding of how Knowledge Cities and Knowledge Based Urban Development had been formed in some areas of Taiwan. Findings from this international collaborative planning studio indicate that students have gained a greater level of understanding and insight into planning systems and processes in a trans-cultural context. The students have also been exposed to ideas and knowledge that have challenged conventional perspectives and encouraged global awareness.
This is the first empirical study of teacher knowledge and classroom practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education. It describes the construction of a survey instrument to measure non-Indigenous Australian teachers’ knowledge of Indigenous culture and place, frequency of everyday intercultural exchanges, and attempts to integrate Indigenous knowledge into classroom practice. Many teachers reported low levels of knowledge of Indigenous cultures, and limited encounters outside of school. While the cohort expressed dissatisfaction with pre-service training, exposure to pre- and in-service courses in Indigenous education correlated with higher levels of cultural knowledge and cultural engagement. Teachers with higher levels of cultural engagement were more likely to attempt to integrate Indigenous knowledges in curriculum and pedagogy.
Indigenous Australians living in remote areas have little access to the Internet and make little use of it. This article investigates the various dimensions of Internet take-up in remote Indigenous communities in Australia and considers the implications for broadband policy. It focuses specifically on the circumstances and experiences of three remote Indigenous communities in central Australia. Residents in these communities provided significant insight into the social, economic and cultural aspects of communications access and use. This evidence is used to examine the drivers and barriers to home Internet for remote Indigenous communities and to discuss a complex set of issues, including: the dynamics of remote living, economic priorities, cultural engagement with technology, and the characteristics of domestic life in remote Indigenous communities.
Digital Storytelling is a powerful means for enabling communication and social participation. Ordinary people work with expert creative practitioners to create first person narratives for a wide and growing range of purposes, including community building, cultural engagement, brand identification and public communication. A digital story usually combines 15-30 still images and a recorded script of 100-250 words to create an original personal digital story in the form of a 2-3 minute digital video. This form of co-creative media takes advantage of newly accessible technologies but is based in the ancient and universal tradition of storytelling. Digital storytelling is being adopted internationally in a variety of institutional contexts. It was introduced at QUT by Distinguished Professor John Hartley in 2004 when he brought well known UK based digital storytelling expert Daniel Meadows to the Creative Industries Faculty to trainer researchers and Faculty in the technique. Since 2005 Creative Industries Faculty researchers have adapted digital storytelling for use in a variety of research contexts including heritage, youth welfare, health, and international development, in collaboration with a range of external partner organisations. More than 300 digital stories have been produced by QUT researchers, staff and students. These have been presented on the World Wide Web, broadcast on community media, released on DVD and exhibited in various forms. In addition CIF researchers have produced numerous journal articles, conference papers and books reporting the outcomes of research projects utilising digital storytelling in research. As a result of research activity the Creative Industries Faculty is now well positioned as a leading site for teaching and learning in digital storytelling. Faculty research activity in digital storytelling has generated interest in adapting the form for use in undergraduate and postgraduate Creative Industries curriculum and in service teaching, including short courses for external clients.
L’architecture au sens strict, qui renvoie à la construction, n’est pas indépendante des déterminations mentales, des images et des valeurs esthétiques, comme références, amenées par divers champs d’intérêt au problème du sens. Elle est, de par ce fait, un objet d’interprétation. Ce qu’on appelle communément « signification architecturale », est un univers vaste dans lequel sont constellées des constructions hypothétiques. En ce qui nous concerne, il s’agit non seulement de mouler la signification architecturale selon un cadre et des matières spécifiques de référence, mais aussi, de voir de près la relation de cette question avec l’attitude de perception de l’homme. Dans l’étude de la signification architecturale, on ne peut donc se détacher du problème de la perception. Au fond, notre travail montrera leur interaction, les moyens de sa mise en œuvre et ce qui est en jeu selon les pratiques théoriques qui la commandent. En posant la question de l’origine de l’acte de perception, qui n’est ni un simple acte de voir, ni un acte contemplatif, mais une forme d’interaction active avec la forme architecturale ou la forme d’art en général, on trouve dans les écrits de l’historien Christian Norberg-Schulz deux types de travaux, et donc deux types de réponses dont nous pouvons d’emblée souligner le caractère antinomique l’une par rapport à l’autre. C’est qu’il traite, dans le premier livre qu’il a écrit, Intentions in architecture (1962), connu dans sa version française sous le titre Système logique de l’architecture (1974, ci-après SLA), de l’expression architecturale et des modes de vie en société comme un continuum, défendant ainsi une approche culturelle de la question en jeu : la signification architecturale et ses temporalités. SLA désigne et représente un système théorique influencé, à bien des égards, par les travaux de l’épistémologie de Jean Piaget et par les contributions de la sémiotique au développement de l’étude de la signification architecturale. Le second type de réponse sur l’origine de l’acte de perception que formule Norberg-Schulz, basé sur sur les réflexions du philosophe Martin Heidegger, se rapporte à un terrain d’étude qui se situe à la dérive de la revendication du fondement social et culturel du langage architectural. Il lie, plus précisément, l’étude de la signification à l’étude de l’être. Reconnaissant ainsi la primauté, voire la prééminence, d’une recherche ontologique, qui consiste à soutenir les questionnements sur l’être en tant qu’être, il devrait amener avec régularité, à partir de son livre Existence, Space and Architecture (1971), des questions sur le fondement universel et historique de l’expression architecturale. Aux deux mouvements théoriques caractéristiques de ses écrits correspond le mouvement que prend la construction de notre thèse que nous séparons en deux parties. La première partie sera ainsi consacrée à l’étude de SLA avec l’objectif de déceler les ambiguïtés qui entourent le cadre de son élaboration et à montrer les types de legs que son auteur laisse à la théorie architecturale. Notre étude va montrer l’aspect controversé de ce livre, lié aux influences qu’exerce la pragmatique sur l’étude de la signification. Il s’agit dans cette première partie de présenter les modèles théoriques dont il débat et de les mettre en relation avec les différentes échelles qui y sont proposées pour l’étude du langage architectural, notamment avec l’échelle sociale. Celle-ci implique l’étude de la fonctionnalité de l’architecture et des moyens de recherche sur la typologie de la forme architecturale et sur sa schématisation. Notre approche critique de cet ouvrage prend le point de vue de la recherche historique chez Manfredo Tafuri. La seconde partie de notre thèse porte, elle, sur les fondements de l’intérêt chez Norberg-Schulz à partager avec Heidegger la question de l’Être qui contribuent à fonder une forme d’investigation existentielle sur la signification architecturale et du problème de la perception . L’éclairage de ces fondements exige, toutefois, de montrer l’enracinement de la question de l’Être dans l’essence de la pratique herméneutique chez Heidegger, mais aussi chez H. G. Gadamer, dont se réclame aussi directement Norberg-Schulz, et de dévoiler, par conséquent, la primauté établie de l’image comme champ permettant d’instaurer la question de l’Être au sein de la recherche architecturale. Sa recherche conséquente sur des valeurs esthétiques transculturelles a ainsi permis de réduire les échelles d’étude de la signification à l’unique échelle d’étude de l’Être. C’est en empruntant cette direction que Norberg-Schulz constitue, au fond, suivant Heidegger, une approche qui a pour tâche d’aborder l’« habiter » et le « bâtir » à titre de solutions au problème existentiel de l’Être. Notre étude révèle, cependant, une interaction entre la question de l’Être et la critique de la technique moderne par laquelle l’architecture est directement concernée, centrée sur son attrait le plus marquant : la reproductibilité des formes. Entre les écrits de Norberg-Schulz et les analyses spécifiques de Heidegger sur le problème de l’art, il existe un contexte de rupture avec le langage de la théorie qu’il s’agit pour nous de dégager et de ramener aux exigences du travail herméneutique, une approche que nous avons nous-même adoptée. Notre méthode est donc essentiellement qualitative. Elle s’inspire notamment des méthodes d’interprétation, de là aussi notre recours à un corpus constitué des travaux de Gilles Deleuze et de Jacques Derrida ainsi qu’à d’autres travaux associés à ce type d’analyse. Notre recherche demeure cependant attentive à des questions d’ordre épistémologique concernant la relation entre la discipline architecturale et les sciences qui se prêtent à l’étude du langage architectural. Notre thèse propose non seulement une compréhension approfondie des réflexions de Norberg-Schulz, mais aussi une démonstration de l’incompatibilité de la phénoménologie de Heidegger et des sciences du langage, notamment la sémiotique.
Cette thèse entend contribuer à la compréhension du processus de conception architecturale par le biais du concept de tectonique, notion dont l’historicité confirme une certaine diversité de significations, mais qui suscite une réflexion fondamentale sur le rapport entre l’esthétique architecturale et les moyens constructifs. La connaissance technique de la construction, constituée principalement au 18ème siècle, permettra une nouvelle réflexion sur le rapport entre l’esthétique architecturale et les moyens constructifs. Au 19ème siècle, moment de l’apparition du concept de « tectonique » dans le contexte du débat sur la notion de style, l’indéniable contribution de l’architecte et théoricien Gottfried Semper reconnaît la complexité matérielle de l’édifice. La reprise du terme au 20ème siècle par l’historien et théoricien Kenneth Frampton va quant à elle déplacer le sens de la tectonique vers l’idée d’un « potentiel d’expression constructive ». Ces deux auteurs représentent deux grandes approches tectoniques convergeant sur la nécessité, pour toute théorie de l’architecture, d’encourager une réflexion critique de la construction. Cette thèse se développe en deux parties, l’une retraçant l’histoire et les enjeux de la tectonique, l’autre, de nature plus concrète, cherchant à tester l’actualité du concept à travers une série d’analyses tectoniques de projets modernes et contemporains. À la croisée de deux contextes géographiques différents, le Canada et le Brésil, le corpus de projets de concours que nous avons constitué considère la tectonique comme un phénomène transculturel. Nous formulons l’hypothèse d’une « tectonique du projet », c’est-à-dire d’un espace théorique dans lequel les questions relatives au bâtiment s’élaborent dans des « tensions » dialectiques. L’actualité des catégories semperiennes, dans lesquelles les différents « éléments » du bâtiment représentent différentes techniques de construction, est revisitée à partir de l’étude des projets de Patkau Architects (1986) et de MMBB Arquitetos (1990). Une tension entre les expressions symbolique et formelle issues du matériau brut est plus explicite dans l’étude des projets de Ramoisy Tremblay architectes (2002) et de Brasil Arquitetura (2005). La théorie de la transformation de matériau (Stoffwechseltheorie) de Semper est réexaminée parallèlement dans les projets d’Arthur Erickson et Geoffrey Massey (1967) et de Paulo Mendes da Rocha (1969). Dans l’ensemble de tensions tectoniques présentes tout au long de la conception, nous avons retenu plus particulièrement : le contact avec le sol, la recherche d’une homogénéité constructive, ou son opposé, la recherche d’une variété matérielle et, finalement la tension entre la dimension représentationnelle et la dimension technique de l’architecture. La modélisation du concept de tectonique, par un ensemble de tensions auxquelles les concepteurs doivent s’adresser en phase de projet, confirme que des questions en apparence simplement « techniques » concernent en fait tout autant le génie de l’invention que la connaissance historique des idées architecturales.
A globalização e o surgimento dos mercados internacionais têm trazido no bojo de sua evolução o interesse pela compreensão da relação entre a nacionalidade e o comportamento do consumidor ao redor do mundo. Embora a globalização seja um tema em evidência na literatura de marketing (Hadjimarcou, 1998), poucos são os estudos que analisam o comportamento trans -cultural do consumidor em ambientes de varejo na América do Sul. Verifica-se, nesta área, um franco predomínio da produção científica norte-americana, que se restringe a investigar a dinâmica do comportamento do consumidor entre as diversas “nações” existentes nos Estados Unidos (Czinkota e Ronkainen, 2001). Diante do desafio de se compreender a dinâmica existente entre a nacionalidade e o comportamento do consumidor em ambientes de varejo no contexto internacional, elegeu-se como cenário de pesquisa três países que guardam entre si similaridades e distinções marcantes: Brasil, Uruguai e Estados Unidos. Na busca de se colaborar com a consolidação do tema no escopo da área de marketing, este estudo investigou a relação entre a nacionalidade e o comportamento do consumidor nos shopping centers regionais em contextos internacionais. Brasileiros e uruguaios encontram-se imersos num caldo étnico e econômico que se confunde com a própria formação sócio-cultural dos dois países. Os resultados alcançados neste estudo revelam que a proximidade que eiva a relação histórica comum de Brasil e Uruguai manifestam-se valores pessoais e na forma como brasileiros e uruguaios se comportam nos shopping centers. Empregando-se a técnica de modelagem de equações estruturais, revelou-se que a nacionalidade guarda uma relação causal com os valores pessoais e o comportamento do consumidor nos shopping centers regionais dos três países. O modelo estrutural final obteve bons índices de ajustamento, indicando que a nacionalidade exerceu influência indireta sobre comportamento do consumidor nos shopping centers regionais através da mediação dos valores pessoais e atitudes em relação aos atributos daqueles centros de compras. No capítulo de conclusão apresenta-se as implicações dos resultados obtidos, as limitações do estudo e novas possibilidades de pesquisa que surgiram com a realização deste estudo.
Questa tesi di dottorato di ricerca ha come oggetto la nozione di fatto urbano elaborata e presentata da Aldo Rossi nel libro L’architettura della città edito nel 1966. Ne L’architettura della città sono molteplici le definizioni e le forme con cui è enunciata la nozione di fatto urbano. Nel corso della tesi si è indagato come la costruzione nel tempo di questo concetto è stata preceduta da diversi studi giovanili intrapresi dal 1953, poi riorganizzati e sintetizzati a partire dal 1963 in un quaderno manoscritto dal titolo “Manuale di urbanistica”, in diversi appunti e in due quaderni manoscritti. Il lavoro di ricerca ha ricostruito la formulazione della nozione di fatto urbano attraverso gli scritti di Rossi. In questa direzione la rilevazione della partecipazione di Rossi a dibattiti, seminari, riviste, corsi universitari o ricerche accademiche è apparsa di fondamentale importanza, per comprendere la complessità di un lavoro non riconducibile a dei concetti disciplinari, ma alla formazione di una teoria trasmissibile. Il tentativo di comprendere e spiegare la nozione di fatto urbano ha condotto ad esaminare l’accezione con cui Rossi compone L’architettura della città, che egli stesso assimila ad un trattato. L’analisi ha identificato come la composizione del libro non è direttamente riferibile ad un uso classico della stesura editoriale del trattato, la quale ha tra i riferimenti più noti nel passato la promozione di una pratica corretta come nel caso vitruviano o un’impalcatura instauratrice di una nuova categoria come nel caso dell’Alberti. La mancanza di un sistema globale e prescrittivo a differenza dei due libri fondativi e il rimando non immediato alla stesura di un trattato classico è evidente ne L’architettura della città. Tuttavia la possibilità di condurre la ricerca su una serie di documenti inediti ha permesso di rilevare come negli scritti a partire dal 1953, sia maturata una trattazione delle questioni centrali alla nozione di fatto urbano ricca di intuizioni, che aspirano ad un’autonomia, sintetizzate, seppure in modo non sistematico, nella stesura del celebre libro. Si è così cercato di mettere in luce la precisazione nel tempo della nozione di fatto urbano e della sua elaborazione nei molteplici scritti antecedenti la pubblicazione de L’architettura della città, precisando come Rossi, pur costruendo su basi teoriche la nozione di fatto urbano, ne indichi una visione progressiva, ossia un uso operativo sulla città. La ricerca si è proposta come obiettivo di comprendere le radici culturali della nozione di fatto urbano sia tramite un’esplorazione degli interessi di Rossi nel suo percorso formativo sia rispetto alla definizione della struttura materiale del fatto urbano che Rossi individua nelle permanenze e che alimenta nella sua definizione con differenti apporti derivanti da altre discipline. Compito di questa ricerca è stato rileggere criticamente il percorso formativo compiuto da Rossi, a partire dal 1953, sottolinearne gli ambiti innovativi e precisarne i limiti descrittivi che non vedranno mai la determinazione di una nozione esatta, ma piuttosto la strutturazione di una sintesi complessa e ricca di riferimenti ad altri studi. In sintesi la tesi si compone di tre parti: 1. la prima parte, dal titolo “La teoria dei fatti urbani ne L’architettura della città”, analizza il concetto di fatto urbano inserendolo all’interno del più generale contesto teorico contenuto nel libro L’architettura della città. Questo avviene tramite la scomposizione del libro, la concatenazione delle sue argomentazioni e la molteplicità delle fonti esplicitamente citate da Rossi. In questo ambito si precisa la struttura del libro attraverso la rilettura dei riferimenti serviti a Rossi per comporre il suo progetto teorico. Inoltre si ripercorre la sua vita attraverso le varie edizioni, le ristampe, le introduzioni e le illustrazioni. Infine si analizza il ruolo del concetto di fatto urbano nel libro rilevando come sia posto in un rapporto paritetico con il titolo del libro, conseguendone un’accezione di «fatto da osservare» assimilabile all’uso proposto dalla geografia urbana francese dei primi del Novecento. 2. la seconda parte, dal titolo “La formazione della nozione di fatto urbano 1953-66”, è dedicata alla presentazione dell’elaborazione teorica negli scritti di Rossi prima de L’architettura della città, ossia dal 1953 al 1966. Questa parte cerca di descrivere le radici culturali di Rossi, le sue collaborazioni e i suoi interessi ripercorrendo la progressiva definizione della concezione di città nel tempo. Si è analizzato il percorso maturato da Rossi e i documenti scritti fin dagli anni in cui era studente alla Facoltà di Architettura Politecnico di Milano. Emerge un quadro complesso in cui i primi saggi, gli articoli e gli appunti testimoniano una ricerca intellettuale tesa alla costruzione di un sapere sullo sfondo del realismo degli anni Cinquanta. Rossi matura infatti un impegno culturale che lo porta dopo la laurea ad affrontare discorsi più generali sulla città. In particolare la sua importante collaborazione con la rivista Casabella-continuità, con il suo direttore Ernesto Nathan Rogers e tutto il gruppo redazionale segnano il periodo successivo in cui compare l’interesse per la letteratura urbanistica, l’arte, la sociologia, la geografia, l’economia e la filosofia. Seguono poi dal 1963 gli anni di lavoro insieme al gruppo diretto da Carlo Aymonino all’Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia, e in particolare le ricerche sulla tipologia edilizia e la morfologia urbana, che portano Rossi a compiere una sintesi analitica per la fondazione di una teoria della città. Dall’indagine si rileva infatti come gli scritti antecedenti L’architettura della città sviluppano lo studio dei fatti urbani fino ad andare a costituire il nucleo teorico di diversi capitoli del libro. Si racconta così la genesi del libro, la cui scrittura si è svolta nell’arco di due anni, e le aspirazioni che hanno portato quello che era stato concepito come un “manuale d’urbanistica” a divenire quello che Rossi definirà “l’abbozzo di un trattato” per la formulazione di una scienza urbana. 3. la terza parte, dal titolo “La struttura materiale dei fatti urbani: la teoria della permanenza”, indaga monograficamente lo studio della città come un fatto materiale, un manufatto, la cui costruzione è avvenuta nel tempo e del tempo mantiene le tracce. Sul tema della teoria della permanenza è stato importante impostare un confronto con il dibattito vivo negli anni della ricostruzione dopo la guerra intorno ai temi delle preesistenze ambientali nella ricostruzione negli ambienti storici. Sono emersi fin da subito importanti la relazione con Ernesto Nathan Rogers, le discussioni sulle pagine di Casabella-Continuità, la partecipazione ad alcuni dibatti e ricerche. Si è inoltre Rilevato l’uso di diversi termini mutuati dalle tesi filosofiche di alcune personalità come Antonio Banfi e Enzo Paci, poi elaborati dal nucleo redazionale di Casabella-Continuità, di cui faceva parte anche Rossi. Sono così emersi alcuni spostamenti di senso e la formulazione di un vocabolario di termini all’interno della complessa vicenda della cultura architettonica degli anni Cinquanta e Sessanta. 1. Si è poi affrontato questo tema analizzando le forme con cui Rossi presenta la definizione della teoria della permanenza e i contributi desunti da alcuni autori per la costruzione scientifica di una teoria dell’architettura, il cui fine è quello di essere trasmissibile e di offrire strumenti di indagine concreti. Questa ricerca ha permesso di ipotizzare come il lavoro dei geografi francesi della prima metà del XX secolo, e in particolare il contributo più rilevante di Marcel Poëte e di Pierre Lavedan, costituiscono le fonti principali e il campo d’indagine maggiormente esplorato da Rossi per definire la teoria della permanenza e i monumenti. Le permanenze non sono dunque presentate ne L’architettura della città come il “tutto”, ma emergono da un metodo che sceglie di isolare i fatti urbani permanenti, consentendo così di compiere un’ipotesi su “ciò che resta” dopo le trasformazioni continue che operano nella città. Le fonti su cui ho lavorato sono state quelle annunciate da Rossi ne L’architettura della città, e più precisamente i testi nelle edizioni da lui consultate. Anche questo lavoro ha permesso un confronto dei testi che ha fatto emergere ne L’architettura della città l’uso di termini mutuati da linguaggi appartenenti ad altre discipline e quale sia l’uso di concetti estrapolati nella loro interezza. Presupposti metodologici Della formulazione della nozione di fatto urbano si sono indagate l’originalità dell’espressione, le connessioni presunte o contenute negli studi di Rossi sulla città attraverso la raccolta di fonti dirette e indirette che sono andate a formare un notevole corpus di scritti. Le fonti dirette più rilevanti sono state trovare nelle collezioni speciali del Getty Research Institute di Los Angeles in cui sono conservati gli Aldo Rossi Papers, questo archivio comprende materiali inediti dal 1954 al 1988. La natura dei materiali si presenta sotto forma di manoscritti, dattiloscritti, quaderni, documenti ciclostilati, appunti sparsi e una notevole quantità di corrispondenza. Negli Aldo Rossi Papers si trovano anche 32 dei 47 Quaderni Azzurri, le bozze de L’architettura della città e dell’ Autobiografia Scientifica. Per quanto riguarda in particolare L’architettura della città negli Aldo Rossi Papers sono conservati: un quaderno con il titolo “Manuale d’urbanistica, giugno 1963”, chiara prima bozza del libro, degli “Appunti per libro urbanistica estate/inverno 1963”, un quaderno con la copertina rossa datato 20 settembre 1964-8 agosto 1965 e un quaderno con la copertina blu datato 30 agosto 1965-15 dicembre 1965. La possibilità di accedere a questo archivio ha permesso di incrementare la bibliografia relativa agli studi giovanili consentendo di rileggere il percorso culturale in cui Rossi si è formato. E’ così apparsa fondamentale la rivalutazione di alcune questioni relative al realismo socialista che hanno portato a formare un più preciso quadro dei primi scritti di Rossi sullo sfondo di un complesso scenario intellettuale. A questi testi si è affiancata la raccolta delle ricerche universitarie, degli articoli pubblicati su riviste specializzate e degli interventi a dibattiti e seminari. A proposito de L’architettura della città si è raccolta un’ampia letteratura critica riferita sia al testo in specifico che ad una sua collocazione nella storia dell’architettura, mettendo in discussione alcune osservazioni che pongono L’architettura della città come un libro risolutivo e definitivo. Per quanto riguarda il capitolo sulla teoria della permanenza l’analisi è stata svolta a partire dai testi che Rossi stesso indicava ne L’architettura della città rivelando i diversi apporti della letteratura urbanistica francese, e permettendo alla ricerca di precisare le relazioni con alcuni scritti centrali e al contempo colti da Rossi come opportunità per intraprendere l’elaborazione dell’idea di tipo. Per quest’ultima parte si può precisare come Rossi formuli la sua idea di tipo in un contesto culturale dove l’interesse per questo tema era fondamentale. Dunque le fonti che hanno assunto maggior rilievo in quest’ultima fase emergono da un ricco panorama in cui Rossi compie diverse ricerche sia con il gruppo redazionale di Casabella-continuità, sia all’interno della scuola veneziana negli anni Sessanta, ma anche negli studi per l’ILSES e per l’Istituto Nazionale d’Urbanistica. RESEARCH ON THE NOTION OF URBAN ARTIFACT IN THE ARCHITECTURE OF THE CITY BY ALDO ROSSI. Doctoral candidate: Letizia Biondi Tutor: Valter Balducci The present doctoral dissertation deals with the notion of urban artifact that was formulated and presented by Aldo Rossi in his book The Architecture of the City, published in 1966. In The Architecture of the City, the notion of urban artifact is enunciated through a wide range of definitions and forms. In this thesis, a research was done on how the construction of this concept over time was preceded by various studies started in 1953 during the author’s youth, then re-organized and synthesized since 1963 in a manuscript titled “Manual of urban planning” and in two more manuscripts later on. The work of research re-constructed the formulation of the notion of urban artifact through Rossi’s writings. In this sense, the examination of Rossi’s participation in debates, seminars, reviews, university courses or academic researches was of fundamental importance to understand the complexity of a work which is not to be attributed to disciplinary concepts, but to the formulation of a communicable theory. The effort to understand and to explain the notion of urban artifact led to an examination of the meaning used by Rossi to compose The Architecture of the City, which he defines as similar to a treatise. Through this analysis, it emerged that the composition of the book is not directly ascribable to the classical use of editorial writing of a treatise, whose most famous references in the past are the promotion of a correct practice as in the case of Vitruvio’s treatise, or the use of a structure that introduces a new category as in the Alberti case. Contrary to the two founding books, the lack of a global and prescriptive system and the not immediate reference to the writing of a classical treatise are evident in The Architecture of the City. However, the possibility of researching on some unpublished documents allowed to discover that in the writings starting from 1953 the analysis of the questions that are at the core of the notion of urban artifact is rich of intuitions, that aim to autonomy and that would be synthesized, even though not in a systematic way, in his famous book. The attempt was that of highlighting the specification over time of the notion of urban artifact and its elaboration in the various writings preceding the publication of The Architecture of the City. It was also specified that, despite building on theoretical grounds, Rossi indicates a progressive version of the notion of urban artifact, that is a performing use in the city. The present research aims to understand the cultural roots of the notion of urban artifact in two main directions: analyzing, firstly, Rossi’s interests along his formation path and, secondly, the definition of material structure of an urban artifact identified by Rossi in the permanences and enriched by various contributions from other disciplines. The purpose of the present research is to revise the formation path made by Rossi in a critical way, starting by 1953, underlining its innovative aspects and identifying its describing limits, which will never lead to the formulation of an exact notion, but rather to the elaboration of a complex synthesis, enriched by references to other studies. In brief, the thesis is composed of three parts: 1. The first part, titled “The Theory of urban artifacts in The Architecture of the City”, analyzes the concept of urban artifact in the more general theoretical context of the book The Architecture of the City. Such analysis is done by “disassembling” the book, and by linking together the argumentations and the multiplicity of the sources which are explicitly quoted by Rossi. In this context, the book’s structure is defined more precisely through the revision of the references used by Rossi to compose his theoretical project. Moreover, the author’s life is traced back through the various editions, re-printings, introductions and illustrations. Finally, it is specified which role the concept of urban artifact has in the book, pointing out that it is placed in an equal relation with the book’s title; by so doing, the concept of urban artifact gets the new meaning of “fact to be observed”, similar to the use that was suggested by the French urban geography at the beginning of the 20th century. 2. The second part, titled “The formation of the notion of urban artifact 1953-66”, introduces the theoretical elaboration in Rossi’s writings before The Architecture of the City, that is from 1953 to 1966. This part tries to describe Rossi’s cultural roots, his collaborations and his interests, tracing back the progressive definition of his conception of city over time. The analysis focuses on the path followed by Rossi and on the documents that he wrote since the years as a student at the Department of Architecture at the Politecnico in Milan. This leads to a complex scenario of first essays, articles and notes that bear witness to the intellectual research aiming to the construction of a knowledge on the background of the Realism of the 1950s. Rossi develops, in fact, a cultural engagement that leads him after his studies to deal with more general issues about the city. In particular, his important collaboration with the architecture magazine “Casabella-continuità”, with the director Ernesto Nathan Rogers and with the whole redaction staff mark the following period when he starts getting interested in city planning literature, art, sociology, geography, economics and philosophy. Since 1963, Rossi has worked with the group directed by Carlo Aymonino at the “Istituto Universitario di Architettura” (University Institute of Architecture) in Venice, especially researching on building typologies and urban morphology. During these years, Rossi elaborates an analytical synthesis for the formulation of a theory about the city. From the present research, it is evident that the writings preceding The Architecture of the City develop the studies on urban artifacts, which will become theoretical core of different chapters of the book. In conclusion, the genesis of the book is described; written in two years, what was conceived to be an “urban planning manual” became a “treatise draft” for the formulation of an urban science, as Rossi defines it. 3. The third part is titled “The material structure of urban artifacts: the theory of permanence”. This research is made on the study of the city as a material fact, a manufacture, whose construction was made over time, bearing the traces of time. As far as the topic of permanence is concerned, it was also important to draw a comparison with the debate about the issues of environmental pre-existence of re-construction in historical areas, which was very lively during the years of the Reconstruction. Right from the beginning, of fundamental importance were the relationship with Ernesto Nathan Rogers, the discussions on the pages of Casabella-Continuità and the participation to some debates and researches. It is to note that various terms were taken by the philosophical thesis by some personalities such as Antonio Banfi and Enzo Paci, and then re-elaborated by the redaction staff at Casabella-Continuità, which Rossi took part in as well. Through this analysis, it emerged that there were some shifts in meaning and the formulation of a vocabulary of terms within the complex area of the architectonic culture in the 1950s and 1960s. Then, I examined the shapes in which Rossi introduces the definition of the theory of permanence and the references by some authors for the scientific construction of an architecture theory whose aim is being communicable and offering concrete research tools. Such analysis allowed making a hypothesis about the significance for Rossi of the French geographers of the first half of the 20th century: in particular, the work by Marcel Poëte and by Pierre Lavedan is the main source and the research area which Rossi mostly explored to define the theory of permanence and monuments. Therefore, in The Architecture of the City, permanencies are not presented as the “whole”, but they emerge from a method which isolates permanent urban artifacts, in this way allowing making a hypothesis on “what remains” after the continuous transformations made in the city. The sources examined were quoted by Rossi in The Architecture of the City; in particular I analyzed them in the same edition which Rossi referred to. Through such an analysis, it was possible to make a comparison of the texts with one another, which let emerge the use of terms taken by languages belonging to other disciplines in The Architecture of the City and which the use of wholly extrapolated concepts is. Methodological premises As far as the formulation of the notion of urban artifact is concerned, the analysis focuses on the originality of the expression, the connections that are assumed or contained in Rossi’s writings about the city, by collecting direct and indirect sources which formed a significant corpus of writings. The most relevant direct sources were found in the special collections of the Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles, where the “Aldo Rossi Papers” are conserved. This archive contains unpublished material from 1954 to 1988, such as manuscripts, typescripts, notebooks, cyclostyled documents, scraps and notes, and several letters. In the Aldo Rossi Papers there are also 32 out of the 47 Light Blue Notebooks (Quaderni Azzurri), the rough drafts of The Architecture of the City and of the “A Scientific Autobiography”. As regards The Architecture of the City in particular, the Aldo Rossi Papers preserve: a notebook by the title of “Urban planning manual, June, 1963”, which is an explicit first draft of the book; “Notes for urban planning book summer/winter 1963”; a notebook with a red cover dated September 20th, 1964 – August 8th, 1965; and a notebook with a blue cover dated August 30th, 1965 – December 15th, 1965. The possibility of accessing this archive allowed to increase the bibliography related to the youth studies, enabling a revision of the cultural path followed by Rossi’s education. To that end, it was fundamental to re-evaluate some issues linked to the socialist realism which led to a more precise picture of the first writings by Rossi against the background of the intellectual scenario where he formed. In addition to these texts, the collection of university researches, the articles published on specialized reviews and the speeches at debates and seminars were also examined. About The Architecture of the City, a wide-ranging critical literature was collected, related both to the text specifics and to its collocation in the story of architecture, questioning some observations which define The Architecture of the City as a conclusive and definite book. As far as the chapter on the permanence theory is concerned, the analysis started by the texts that Rossi indicated in The Architecture of the City, revealing the different contributions from the French literature on urban planning. This allowed to the present research a more specific definition of the connections to some central writings which, at the same time, were seen by Rossi as an opportunity to start up the elaboration of the idea of type. For this last part, it can be specified that Rossi formulates his idea of type in a cultural context where the interest in this topic was fundamental. Therefore, the sources which played a central role in this final phase emerge from an extensive panorama in which Rossi researched not only with the redaction staff at Casablanca-continuità and within the School of Venice in the 1960s, but also in his studies for the ILSES (Institute of the Region Lombardia for Economics and Social Studies) and for the National Institute of Urban Planning.
Full Text: August 2001 saw the birth of the British Journal of Diabetes & Vascular Disease (Figure 1): an open-access peer review journal.1 Free to publish and free to read. The founding editorial board and publisher (MediNews Diabetes) aimed to deliver a free journal to the diabetes team and vascular professionals with a special interest in diabetes. Despite the shifting sands of time and a change of publisher (SAGE) the journal has remained true to its founding philosophy - publication is on merit, not on ability to pay and free online access remains available worldwide (www.bjdvd.com) plus an extensive – mainly UK - print circulation. Evolution- The journal attracted much attention and was soon receiving good quality experimental and clinical science manuscripts. However it was felt that these articles, especially experimental and pre-clinical studies, were not within the focus of the British Journal of Diabetes & Vascular Disease, thus Diabetes & Vascular Disease Research was conceived –and is now also a SAGE journal and has an impact factor of 2.59. Over the years the organisation of topics has changed, for example the Healthcare management, The diabetes care team and Trans-cultural medicine sections have been absorbed into the Achieving Best Practice and Current Topics sections which better reflect the broader-based content of submitted material. Landmark Studies was a regular highly popular section – but how many truly Landmark Studies are undertaken? Not enough to warrant special attention 6 times a year for 12 years. Interestingly one of the studies reviewed is consistently amongst the top ten of our most read online articles.2 The British Journal of Diabetes & Vascular Disease has also challenged convention with the production of two Jubilee issues.3,4 The celebrations for the golden and diamond jubilees of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II afforded opportunities to reflect on changes in the understanding and treatment of diabetes during her reign. Most of the articles in these issues were written by authors who had first hand experience of the changing face of diabetes and vascular disease care. The increased costs of print and post – both financially and environmentally mean that digital communications are likely to become more popular (assuming that these approaches have a smaller ecological footprint). The British Journal of Diabetes & Vascular Disease is pleased to be able to celebrate its 12th birthday as an original open-access journal, with an ongoing commitment to support authors to publish free of charge whilst providing free reader access. As for what the future holds: tomorrow is another day. References 1.British Journal of Diabetes & Vascular Disease 2001; 1: 1-92. 2.Levy J. Impotence and its medical and psychosocial correlates: results of the Massachusetts Male Aging Study. Br J Diabetes Vasc Dis 2002; 2: 278-80. 3.British Journal of Diabetes & Vascular Disease. (Golden Jubilee Issue) 2002; 2: 415-480. 4.British Journal of Diabetes & Vascular Disease. (Diamond Jubilee Issue) 2012; 12: 266-380.